All the textures are in the baseq3\textures\aemod\ folder, and a scripts\aemod.shader exists and is mentioned in the shaderlist.txt.
1. Compile Only Shaders
Using this shader to add the step sounds to the texture named textures/aemod/pk02_floor_cyl01.tga:
Code: Select all
surfaceparm metalsteps
Question is... would selecting textures/aemod/pk02_floor_cyl01.tga actually add the metal step sound, even though I did not select the shader? IMO, pk02_floor_cyl01:q3map needs selecting, but then I have no proper editor image for it? Anyone had experience with this?
As a hard-fix I could create a proper default lightmapped shader, as the shader manual mentions, but that would be kinda redundant.
2. Lights and Shaders
Creating a light shader is pretty much documented, and I have been using them for a long time. You usually have the light texture image (the light fitting) and the "blend" texture that defines e.g. the areas that are supposed to glow, e.g.
Code: Select all
qer_editorimage textures/aemod/pk02_ceiling02_C.tga
surfaceparm nodlight
surfaceparm nomarks
q3map_lightimage textures/aemod/pk02_ceiling02_I.tga
q3map_backsplash 1 23
q3map_lightsubdivide 64
q3map_surfacelight 300
map textures/aemod/pk02_ceiling02_C.tga
rgbGen identity
map $lightmap
blendfunc filter
tcGen lightmap
map textures/aemod/pk02_ceiling02_I.tga
blendfunc add
rgbGen wave sin 0.93 0.04 0 5
Is that the only way to clean up "redundant images" in Radiant's the texture window?
(I assumed that when a shader has the same name as the texture is uses that the shader will supersede the textures, and indeed that is the case, but with the above naming if at all, only the "_C.tga" (colour) could be superseded, the "_I.tga" (blend) texture would still be shown in the texture window).
All this I seem to have overlooked most of the time, because I don't use shaders that much, or shaders usually have the same name as the texture. Trying to debug my shaders presently made me notice all this though.
Any methodical tips to fix such things appreciated.
Update: solution for 2.... removed the "_C" from all texture names, so that the main texture (colour) matches the shader name. All the blend textures moved into an textures\aemod\blend\ folder. Updated pathing in shader. So now anything that used blend textures no longer shows "junk" textures in Radiant's main window, only valid textures or shaders.