
I got spawn fragged =\
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Author:  Runningman [ 06-14-2006 09:44 PM ]
Post subject:  I got spawn fragged =\

i searched and couldnt find anything, but i thought this was a known fact/fix in quake games?

q4riot.com server, insta. which i am now banned from like the last 3 q4 servers i joined.

i said "i thought spawn frags arent supposed to happen"

yknow how things go from there im sure :)

Author:  Azer [ 06-15-2006 01:12 AM ]
Post subject: 

Uhmm....why did you think spawn frags weren't supposed to happen? Especially on a instagib server, spawnfragging is essential to winning the game.

Author:  KO [ 06-15-2006 02:51 AM ]
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he means when a player spawns at your position and kills you instantly by spawning inside you.. ye it happens.

Author:  TTK-Bandit [ 06-15-2006 03:08 AM ]
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sure it happens, what else should happen ?
you want to merge with the player you spawn into ?

Author:  rgoer [ 06-15-2006 07:28 AM ]
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The spawn code in q4 does everything it can to prevent telefragging via spawn overlap... however, it can still happen under extreme circumstances.

Author:  Runningman [ 06-15-2006 08:42 AM ]
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ok just to further clarify, it wasnt like i spawned, then someone spawned ontop of me, i see this everyday in mass q3ctf.

it was, im "dancing" around trying to shoot someone on a killing spree and i got spawn fragged or "telefragged" randomly.
Note: not one teleport in the map.

"last 5 seconds for the 2v2 world championship worth 200 THOUSAND dollars and its tied and and WTF?? and the win goes toooooo the spawn frag...."

~ itll only take one special person from the community to make this an amazing game......

Author:  hemostick [ 06-15-2006 09:12 AM ]
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If you're not touching the floor while standing on a spawn spot you'll be telefragged, something along those lines.

Author:  GODLIKE [ 06-15-2006 10:31 AM ]
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This hasn't happened to me since Q2, but: Who gets the frag? is that a "killed by world"? or the spawning-in player?

Author:  dzjepp [ 06-15-2006 12:29 PM ]
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"Tried to invade x-players space" as it's usually called, the frag is awarded to the player that lives the encounter.

Author:  dzjepp [ 06-15-2006 12:31 PM ]
Post subject: 

Runningman wrote:
ok just to further clarify, it wasnt like i spawned, then someone spawned ontop of me, i see this everyday in mass q3ctf.

it was, im "dancing" around trying to shoot someone on a killing spree and i got spawn fragged or "telefragged" randomly.
Note: not one teleport in the map.

"last 5 seconds for the 2v2 world championship worth 200 THOUSAND dollars and its tied and and WTF?? and the win goes toooooo the spawn frag...."

~ itll only take one special person from the community to make this an amazing game......

I'm not sure if the spawn code in q4 is random or not (vq3, spawns are placed manually on the map by mappers). There's a good chance you where simply standing on a spot that a player happened to spawn into. On small games, like 2-4 people, this will be very rare, I don't think I've seen it happen even, but on 10+ player games, it happens more often.

Author:  dzjepp [ 06-15-2006 12:35 PM ]
Post subject: 

Actually in small games (like 4 people) it never happens, in q3 or whatnot, because if you are standing close to a spawn point, or on a spawnpoint, the game will detect this and send the next player to a spawn that is (usually) farthest away from a current player. Obviously when you throw more players into the mix it gets more complicated, and there's a higher chance of spawnfrags.

I've always wondered why spawnpoints weren't random to begin with in fps games, was that something that was just difficult to implement?

But of course, when you have these random points, it makes it more difficult to give players advantegous spawn points I suppose, you don't want to have the unlucky situation of a random spawn putting you in a location right by the player that just killed you, which in random spawns I'd reckon there would be a high occurence of this happening.

Author:  Runningman [ 06-15-2006 06:27 PM ]
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hemostick wrote:
If you're not touching the floor while standing on a spawn spot you'll be telefragged, something along those lines.

was definately on the floor too hemo and there were about 7-9 of us in a pretty large map.

if anyone has anymore questions or possibilities about it please ask so the problem can be fixed.

dzjepp: i knew all this already. and "Tried to invade x-players space" only is said from a telefrag not a spawn frag because spawn frags dont happen in q3. i play 10v10 ctf everday and its never happened once.

Author:  Runningman [ 06-16-2006 06:26 AM ]
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oh ya this was in DM not CTF...

Author:  MKJ [ 06-21-2006 01:32 AM ]
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Runningman wrote:

dzjepp: i knew all this already. and "Tried to invade x-players space" only is said from a telefrag not a spawn frag because spawn frags dont happen in q3. i play 10v10 ctf everday and its never happened once.

actually it can happen in q3. i was playing q3dm17 with 4 other peeps and a few bots a few weeks ago and the game started with spawnfrags (it tried to spawn everyone at the same time, and the amount of players was higher than the amount of spawnpoints).

Author:  Deji [ 06-21-2006 02:50 AM ]
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dzjepp wrote:
Actually in small games (like 4 people) it never happens, in q3 or whatnot, because if you are standing close to a spawn point, or on a spawnpoint, the game will detect this and send the next player to a spawn that is (usually) farthest away from a current player. Obviously when you throw more players into the mix it gets more complicated, and there's a higher chance of spawnfrags.

Wrong. I personally have made a spawnfrag like that in a 2v2 TDM game on pro-q3dm6. It's even in a video (Quake Hysteria 2 if you want to check it out on own-age).

Oh, and btw, the Q3 spawnpoint logic isn't farthest away from any player, it's one of the spawnpoints farthest from the spot you were killed. So you could rail someone on the other end of the map and he'll spawn right next to you. This situation is especially prominent on pro-q3dm6, kill someone at the rail while being under the bridge and then spam a quick rocket at the plasma spawn, good chances are that he will spawn there.

Author:  DooMer [ 06-21-2006 09:27 AM ]
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q4 spawn logic is farthest away from killer. It should be better off than q3's system, but none are perfect.

Author:  Runningman [ 06-24-2006 11:00 PM ]
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Deji wrote:
Wrong. I personally have made a spawnfrag like that in a 2v2 TDM game on pro-q3dm6. It's even in a video (Quake Hysteria 2 if you want to check it out on own-age).

ya i just saw it in Claw & Order. (cpma vid)

MKJ wrote:
actually it can happen in q3. i was playing q3dm17 with 4 other peeps and a few bots a few weeks ago and the game started with spawnfrags (it tried to spawn everyone at the same time, and the amount of players was higher than the amount of spawnpoints).


Author:  FragaGeddon [ 06-25-2006 07:13 AM ]
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DooMer wrote:
q4 spawn logic is farthest away from killer. It should be better off than q3's system, but none are perfect.

Well anything is better than COD spawning.

Author:  MKJ [ 07-02-2006 03:49 AM ]
Post subject: 

Runningman wrote:


:dork: ? i just stated you were incorrect in your statement. its relevancy is irrelevant, at most :p

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