
real q4 multiplayer sysreq
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Author:  boow [ 12-06-2006 08:18 PM ]
Post subject:  real q4 multiplayer sysreq

I exceed the sys req but the multiplayer gets laggy like crazy even playing 640 x 480 lowest settings. more than 4 or five poeple on screen at once kills my fps even with fps configs at upsetchaps.

amd 3200+
768 megs ram
geforce 7600gs

single player is fine.

Author:  Ganemi [ 12-07-2006 04:52 AM ]
Post subject: 

aMD 3800+
Geforce 7900GT

Multiplayer lags alot when there are 10 players on screen shooting rockets at each other, but other than that MP works fine with a large crowd.

Also, I can run SP on high settings with 60 FPS so much of the time. My fps only dips if the displacement mapping thing is on or ultra is on.

Author:  AnthonyJ [ 12-07-2006 05:54 AM ]
Post subject: 

Make sure you use q4max, and if you want some extra fps make sure you've got r_vertexlight 1.

If you want to gain a few more fps in q4max, then g_simpleitems 1 ; ui_showgun 0 will help, but most of your FPS will come from r_vertexlight.

Author:  dzjepp [ 12-07-2006 07:02 PM ]
Post subject: 

is it true that fps is tied to your lag online? so when you have a big ping you will have less fps. pretty horrible if you ask me :<

Author:  MKJ [ 12-08-2006 07:15 AM ]
Post subject: 

turn off item shadows, that helps a lot

you can also turn off playershadows ut I prefer to keep those on in case someone flies over me

Author:  NortaL [ 01-12-2007 02:20 AM ]
Post subject: 

I played Quake 4 on this machine:
Sempron (Athlon) 2200+
Radeon 9550 128MB 128bit
At first i could not manage to make it run, but then i got the newest ati video driver and it worked. Well with such weak machine I had to set r_mode 3 but it was not a big problem :) Later i added more RAM and now it runs very good, having 63 fps constantly (still i doubt if it will reach 100/125 fps in 1.4 :icon32: )

My friends played on
Radeon 9200
Radeon 9250 (64MB 64bit afaik)

I suppose, even weaker hardware can be used to play Quake 4 =)

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