Cool game moments

Plan B
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Cool game moments

Post by Plan B »

Nerd alert, I know, but I just had the most satisfying game moment yet, and thought I'd share:

I played Strogg constructor on Sewer, and GDF thought they were being clever by planting explosives on the south sewer grate up high by standing on top of eachother, normally out of reach of disarming.
I was so fucking glad to see a technician understand what needed to be done; stand there and let me jump on his shoulders and disarm the explosives.

Anyone else get these moments?
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Re: Cool game moments


One time on the map "Quarry" there were two energy cores inside the ship. I hoped in a Tormentor and raced to the ship. I bailed out, landed inside the ship (while some putz was setting up mines) grabbed the first energy core and ran it to the panel then turned around, grabbed the other energy core and won the game...all before the putz laying mines could react.

Another time I saved a game with like 2 minutes left on the clock when I was standing next to the sewer controls and surrounded by about 4 or 5 enemies trying to hack. I simply dropped two grenades as they were killing me. The first grenade went off and killed everyone (including the hacker) and the second grenade ensured none of them could be revived. It was a good thing because 2 seconds before everyone respawned a medic ran in trying to revive everyone.

I have a bunch of cool moments from flying the Anansi and Tormentor, especially in tight dogfights sliding between trees or mowing down the entire team at their forward spawn.

Or the times I kept the other team from leaving their forward spawn as I sniped them from 300 metres.

Good times.

Unfortunately...there are also too many moments I'd rather forget where I cost my team the game. :mad:

I've learned a long time ago that once a bomb is planted on the objective - and your engineers are trying to disarm it - to not throw grenades at it trying to keep the enemies away.

Or the time I threw a bad violator and wiped out my entire team's defences. :tear:
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Re: Cool game moments


In terms of best moments of "team play" I'd have to say there have only been a few that stick out in my memory:

- One time on Quarry me and another guy were flying the Anansi(s) ? and it was like we were joined at the hip. We twisted and turned around each other during attacks (never really getting too far away) and avoided close, mid-air collisions. We moved as one. We covered each other's asses when we needed to, worked as a team to ambush other pilots in dogfights and wasted anyone who grabbed an energy cell...we were both there in seconds to erase the threat. I think I died twice that whole round and even our teammates were commenting over VoIP about what we were doing. Our engineers were also great in repairing us if we needed it with a pre-arranged landing spot and with the wingman covering the guy getting repaired. It was the most fun and most confident time I've ever had flying in this game.

- Another time was on Island. I was carrying the data disk and I called out an "I need covering fire" order. Five other teammates rallied around me and we methodically took apart their defenses as we moved up the hill. Each one of my teammates would sacrifice himself and put his own body between me and the enemies with a medic right there for a quick revive. Then...when we made it to the dish, three of us waited outside while three scouts went in and cleared the room. Then I went in and transmitted. I was obviously facing the panel to transmit and after I finished and we won I turned around and saw that 3 of my teammates were shoulder to shoulder blocking the door and the other two were right behind me, shoulder to shoulder blocking enemies from shooting at me while I stood at the control panel jacking off. It was a moment I felt I was playing with some really good players who knew the shit. :up:
Plan B
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Re: Cool game moments

Post by Plan B »

GONNAFISTYA wrote:I've learned a long time ago that once a bomb is planted on the objective - and your engineers are trying to disarm it - to not throw grenades at it trying to keep the enemies away.
Hehe, I've been on the receiving end of that quite a few times.
Half a sec left disarming, *boomkersplat*..."sorry".
It's for moments like those that I'm glad I don't use voip.
But I also make those tk mistakes; as a Strogg oppressor I have shield/violator toggled under the same key, and when furiously trying to shield my own planting team bring down the violator on their asses instead.

That flying tagteam style sounds really cool.
It really pays to have good dominating flyers on the team, still have to work on that.
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Re: Cool game moments

Post by obsidian »

Getting tk'ed by GFY multiple times on one roun... oh... wait...

Supply crate drop kills are fun (suicide with one... not so much), dropped an airstrike flare about a foot in front of a sniper... he saw the green smoke wafting in front of him though his scope and I could see the "WTF" reaction before he realized what it was and started to run... too late! Driving the armadillo down hallways and using the turret to take out entire teams when they are trying to run into the corridor. Having my entire team die in the next room before I strafe jump, crouch, revive everyone while the opposite team looks around in confusion. Too much pwnage to mention it all. I miss playing. Be back soon.
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Plan B
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Re: Cool game moments

Post by Plan B »

This game keeps on owning me.

Usually I grow tired of games pretty quickly, but etqw just keeps on keeping me satisfied.
I have never invested so much time in a game as I have in this one.

Area 22. I play gfd engineer. It's a nice, balanced game, but strogg accomplish the first two objectives quite easily (< 5 mins).
Then the usual *get the titan in the entrance and keep it going*-strategy.

Strogg push through, taking out the titan with kamikaze Icari, pushing us back to defend the slipgate controls up close.

Frantic mining ensues, and I actually manage to disarm strogg plants 7 times right up to the final second.

I get kudos after for saving the day, and wonder why not everybody is playing this.
It just doesn't get any better.
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Re: Cool game moments

Post by Hannibal »

It's by far my favorite FPS game by a country mile. The only inherent knock on this game is that it takes patience and time to become a competent asset to your team.

You will die a lot during your first few thousand experience with it...the goal here is to learn the maps and gain basic competence in situational awareness and the primary weapons/tools of each class. This is not easy for many folks...they seek immediate gratification before anything else...when they don't get it, they leave or become FFA cunts.

But once you get this basic and bloody learning phase out of the way, the game and your experience of it change dramatically. It becomes the shining crack rock of video games. You can then spend time learning many more map-based and team-based tactics, and develop a set of specialty skills with the classes you enjoy playing the most.

But first and foremost, you have to learn to die, and then learn from the dying. ETQW is all about Bushido bitches.
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Re: Cool game moments


I have played this game nearly every day for the past year. It's crazy. New tactics, some highly skilled, smart players and some fresh-meat-no0bs to kill keep me coming back.

It's one of the few FPS games I'll play for more than an hour at a time and the only FPS I've played every chance I get.

And to top it off I'm not even close to getting sick of it yet.
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Re: Cool game moments

Post by Fjoggs »

I don't know the excact reason, but I got tired of it after a few hours of play. Didn't fascinate me all that.
ET however, is still one of my favourite games.
Plan B
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Re: Cool game moments

Post by Plan B »

Your loss, dude.
There isn't a better mp-game around at this moment.
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Re: Cool game moments

Post by DooMer »

I didn't like it during my first few hours of play or so. Soon you discover that there hasn't been a mp game this balanced and well designed in long time.
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Re: Cool game moments

Post by obsidian »

Which means you need to play with us more, DooMer. Get shaft and R0N1N to come too. PuFF still plays occasionally.
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Re: Cool game moments

Post by Fjoggs »

Q3 and SC is all I need atm.
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Re: Cool game moments

