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Digital Nausea
Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 12-08-2010 07:41 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

LawL wrote:
Yes you will...

I know. :(


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PostPosted: 12-08-2010 07:45 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Carlos - 7/10

One of those sort of cheap looking but well acted small budget movies about the life of the world's most famous terrorist before Osama. Found it interesting, i didn't know all the world's leftist guerilla (RAF, japanese red army faction, PLA, etc) groups once worked together so closely. It ends at the start of the highly spectacular OPEC raid, leaving room for a part 2, which was a bit bah :(

What i also enjoyed is that they switch language every scene, english here, french there, arabian, spanish, japanese, etc :)

io chiamo pinguini!


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PostPosted: 12-13-2010 08:07 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Devil = 7/10 - A decent suspense/horror flick that could have worked the claustrophobic angle a little better instead of cheaping out with "boo!" moments, but overall it was entertaining.


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PostPosted: 12-14-2010 10:03 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Enter the Void - 10/10, watch it in 1080p if you can find it.

Movie shot from a first person perspective of a junkie in tokyo. Since he dies in the first part of the movie, most of the movie is watching what he sees after he's dead.


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PostPosted: 12-16-2010 03:46 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Inception (again) - 9/10 - made more sense when i could actually hear what they were saying (movie theatre i saw it at first time had a problem with the sound balance :disgust: )


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PostPosted: 12-17-2010 09:35 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Tron Legacy - Not sure/10

I loved it, I really did but I don't know. I really don't know what to score the damn film.

Olivia Wilde is out of this world hot as was Beau Garrett...

Micheal Sheen was excellent in this...reminded me of David Bowie on speed


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PostPosted: 12-17-2010 11:02 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Olivia Wilde is out of this world hot.



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PostPosted: 12-17-2010 01:31 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Shutter Island - 7/10 - not bad. soundtrack was a little overwhelming in places though

that's two dicaprio movies based around imaginary worlds in 24 hours


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Do the chickens have large talons?
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PostPosted: 12-17-2010 03:41 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

seremtan wrote:
Shutter Island - 7/10 - not bad. soundtrack was a little overwhelming in places though

that's two dicaprio movies based around imaginary worlds in 24 hours

When i saw inception in the theater i thought it was really just shutter island 2


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PostPosted: 12-17-2010 03:58 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

The Mummy 2

As expected light entertainment - no big deal 6/10

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PostPosted: 12-17-2010 04:02 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

inception was better

also, the terminology in shutter island was wrong: it's an orbitofrontal leucotomy, not lobotomy, and it doesn't "pull" anything. they just ram a kind of pick up through the roof of your eye sockets (hence the 'orbitofrontal' part) and into the brain, where the resulting lesions in (iirc) the pre-frontal cortex make that part of the brain pretty much useless. however, since it's an absolutely crucial cortical area vis-a-vis a person's whole identity, it turns the leucotomised patient into a drooling zombie


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PostPosted: 12-17-2010 05:07 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I'm surprised they didn't first stick a leech on the icepick before jabbing it into the brain.


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Do the chickens have large talons?
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PostPosted: 12-17-2010 06:56 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Therac-25 wrote:
Enter the Void - 10/10, watch it in 1080p if you can find it.

Movie shot from a first person perspective of a junkie in tokyo. Since he dies in the first part of the movie, most of the movie is watching what he sees after he's dead.

This is why i check this thread. THANK YOUUUUU 10/10/10/10/10 and so on

fuck inception.


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PostPosted: 12-19-2010 09:02 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Tron Legacy = 8/10 - A very entertaining film that's worth going to the theatre to see. The thing I liked most about this movie was that they didn't use the 3D effect as a gimmick. Sure there were a couple of shots of stuff coming right at you but, like Avatar, it was mostly to help the immersion of the film. I thought it was cool that the first part of the movie was only in 2D and didn't make the switch to 3D until he entered "the grid".

Hell...the 3 minute trailer for the next "3D" Pirates Of The Caribbean movie had more "coming right at you" shots in it than the entire Tron movie.


I nose it!
I nose it!
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PostPosted: 12-23-2010 07:17 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Tron Legacy = 8/10 - A very entertaining film that's worth going to the theatre to see. The thing I liked most about this movie was that they didn't use the 3D effect as a gimmick. Sure there were a couple of shots of stuff coming right at you but, like Avatar, it was mostly to help the immersion of the film. I thought it was cool that the first part of the movie was only in 2D and didn't make the switch to 3D until he entered "the grid".

Hell...the 3 minute trailer for the next "3D" Pirates Of The Caribbean movie had more "coming right at you" shots in it than the entire Tron movie.

Rotten tomatoes gave it 48% and I've seen mixed reviews on other forums, from 5 to 7.5 out of 10. Everyone says weak pointless story, but amazing visuals and soundtrack. One person said he could count on one hand the amount of 3D effects. He said he felt robbed since the theatres charge much more for 3D movies. Still, I may go and see it.


Digital Nausea
Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 12-23-2010 08:52 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

True Grit 9/10

Great movie. Great acting. Bridges does it again with a great performance.


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PostPosted: 12-23-2010 09:00 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

DRuM wrote:
Tron Legacy = 8/10 - A very entertaining film that's worth going to the theatre to see. The thing I liked most about this movie was that they didn't use the 3D effect as a gimmick. Sure there were a couple of shots of stuff coming right at you but, like Avatar, it was mostly to help the immersion of the film. I thought it was cool that the first part of the movie was only in 2D and didn't make the switch to 3D until he entered "the grid".

Hell...the 3 minute trailer for the next "3D" Pirates Of The Caribbean movie had more "coming right at you" shots in it than the entire Tron movie.

Rotten tomatoes gave it 48% and I've seen mixed reviews on other forums, from 5 to 7.5 out of 10. Everyone says weak pointless story, but amazing visuals and soundtrack. One person said he could count on one hand the amount of 3D effects. He said he felt robbed since the theatres charge much more for 3D movies. Still, I may go and see it.

The 3d was used to add to the experience rather than used just to make people go OH SWORD IN MY FACE HOW AWESOMES LULZ!!!

Go see it and savour the awesome of the film.

I still dont know what to score it though :owned:

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PostPosted: 12-23-2010 06:16 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Daybreakers. Crap.


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PostPosted: 12-23-2010 08:10 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

DRuM wrote:
Rotten tomatoes gave it 48% and I've seen mixed reviews on other forums, from 5 to 7.5 out of 10. Everyone says weak pointless story, but amazing visuals and soundtrack. One person said he could count on one hand the amount of 3D effects. He said he felt robbed since the theatres charge much more for 3D movies. Still, I may go and see it.

Rotten tomatoes can give it whatever the hell it wants...those are just other people's opinions. I gave it an 8.

Indeed it is a weak, pointless story as it doesn't try to be anything other than a christmas blockbuster...just like Avatar was. As to that one whiny pussy who felt "robbed" of 3D...lol...what a fag. In fact...there's a disclaimer at the very beginning of the movie that tells you that "some scenes are not 3D but 2D...and please put on your 3D glasses". As to theatres charging "much more" for 3D movies, that's a crock of shit as I paid normal 2D prices ($13.50) to see it...whereas with Avatar I spent $20.

DRuM wrote:
One person said he could count on one hand the amount of 3D effects.

lol...I take it this idiot's idea of "3D effects" is having crap flying at the screen all the time, instead of simply meaning depth within the frame. He must have absolutely loved Resident Evil: Afterlife, as crap flying at the screen is ALL that movie had. With RE:Afterlife I didn't even notice the 3D depth effect as I was too busy ducking the whole movie. :dork:

If the guy really wants to bitch about such minor things I think it's obvious that his opinion on the movie should be ignored for the stupidity that it is.

Seriously DRuM...

Last edited by GONNAFISTYA on 12-23-2010 08:23 PM, edited 1 time in total.


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PostPosted: 12-23-2010 08:14 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Don Carlos wrote:
The 3d was used to add to the experience rather than used just to make people go OH SWORD IN MY FACE HOW AWESOMES LULZ!!!

lol...I take it you saw the same, shitty trailer for the next shitty Pirates Of The Caribbean movie that I did?

Jesus christ that movie's going to suck. And Mazda will, of course, love it.


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PostPosted: 12-23-2010 08:36 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain Mazda wrote:
Daybreakers. Crap.

i saw that when it was in theaters here - agreed, fucking awful.


Digital Nausea
Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 12-23-2010 08:55 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

That's a shame. I always thought the premise for Daybreakers was interesting.


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PostPosted: 12-23-2010 09:11 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

premise was great - sort of gataca/matrix for vampires. and then they gave that premise a shit plot. and then they decided to turn it into a horror movie instead of sci-fi (because it has vampires?). and then in editing they realized it still wasn't a horror movie so they added in cgi bats flashing across the cameras in the cuts between scenes to make people jump. and then they shelved it for over a year hoping to find an empty weekend to drop it with no competition.


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PostPosted: 12-24-2010 02:14 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Tron Legacy - 7 / 10

Pretty damn awesome. Also, Olivia Wilde was hot. Ending kind of sucked though so it lost a point there.


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PostPosted: 12-24-2010 11:36 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Quantum of Solace - 3/10 - soulless, pointless movie; lots of noise, no heart :down:


no homo
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PostPosted: 12-27-2010 04:07 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

DRuM wrote:
Rotten tomatoes gave it 48% and I've seen mixed reviews on other forums, from 5 to 7.5 out of 10. Everyone says weak pointless story, but amazing visuals and soundtrack. One person said he could count on one hand the amount of 3D effects. He said he felt robbed since the theatres charge much more for 3D movies. Still, I may go and see it.

I'd heard the same reviews and was skeptical of going to see it, but did so anyway because I loved the original as a kid. It was awesome, plot was more than enough for what it was and fitting as a sequel, great action and pacing, stylish as all hell, great acting, music and sound effects. The 3D isn't gimmicky at all and there were a few shots at the end where I was visually quite blown away. I rewatched the original the day before I went to see it which definitely added to the experience - there is a lot of stuff you won't notice/understand/appreciate if the original isn't fresh in your mind. Go see it, seriously.

Thick, solid and tight in all the right places.


Bück Dich
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PostPosted: 12-27-2010 04:10 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote



what a disappointment. Adrien Brody seems to be quite a good actor but he keeps starring in extremely sub par films. I had high hopes for splice because it's by the guy that did Cube and the effects looked good. Trouble was that the characters kept making really stupid decisions which made no real sense. When it got to the bit where Brody starts having sex with Dren I was just :|



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PostPosted: 12-28-2010 09:23 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Tron Legacy = 8/10 - A very entertaining film that's worth going to the theatre to see. The thing I liked most about this movie was that they didn't use the 3D effect as a gimmick. Sure there were a couple of shots of stuff coming right at you but, like Avatar, it was mostly to help the immersion of the film. I thought it was cool that the first part of the movie was only in 2D and didn't make the switch to 3D until he entered "the grid".

Hell...the 3 minute trailer for the next "3D" Pirates Of The Caribbean movie had more "coming right at you" shots in it than the entire Tron movie.

Ok I saw it in 3d but not iMax, my thoughts after watching it were 7.5 or 8 out of 10. But the longer I'm separated from the visual and audio impact of the film, the more I'm just disappointed. First, I think the 3d gimmick is shit, it's just shit and makes things less immersive, a bunch of 2-d cutouts. Outside of that, the visuals and soundtrack were top notch, just brilliant. Outside of those two things though, you have a retarded plot with more holes than the pope protected child molesters. And he protected a lot of child molesters. So, it's just better that you don't think about the plot much at all, because there are no answers anywhere to the questions you'd have about it. Next, the acting is a mixed bag of 6/10 and 8/10 scenes. Some of them, like Flynn's earlier scenes, are just laugh out loud corny. The final and biggest problem I had with Tron is that the characters are so 2d and undeveloped. In the board-room scene at the start, it was laughable how 2d they seem to be making characters in 3d movies these days. My girlfriend commented "Are they really board members or fashion designers?". The most interesting characters are the ones with the least dialogue because they're not ruined by the ham-fisted writing. There's just no effort to flesh out characters and it's a pity, because the world they create on screen has so much personality you want to see them do more with it.

Bottom line: The world could have a lot of depth to it if they wanted to make it a great movie, it could have been Matrix good, but it seemed like nobody could be fucked to make it good when it could just be passable and get people's money.

I love quake!


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PostPosted: 12-28-2010 10:07 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Fighter 7/10
the story was told well, problem is the story isn't all that interesting.


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PostPosted: 12-28-2010 11:41 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


M. Night Shyamalan, please refrain from involving yourself with movies.
Apparently you've shot your entire load with The Sixth Sense, and now you'd be more useful being "Steve" at an outsourced Indian callcenter.

Last Exorcism

Expected good horror in the vein of The Exorcist.
Got slow, boring fare with zero scares.


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PostPosted: 12-28-2010 12:03 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Plan B wrote:
Last Exorcism

Expected good horror in the vein of The Exorcist.
Got slow, boring fare with zero scares.

And the worst ending I've seen since Cage's version of the Wicker Man. The Last Exorcism would have been bad, but at least tolerable, if I'd turned it off 10 minutes or so before the end but it just became a shit show after that.


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PostPosted: 12-29-2010 07:41 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

i speded some newer blurays over the break

a team
grown ups

yea they ate upalot o my time now once again i am reminded why i only mostly like older movies

it is about time!


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PostPosted: 12-29-2010 12:06 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Scott Pilgrim vs The World - 9/10

I fucking loved this film. It appealed to every geek fibre in my body and Ramona was hot as fuck, despite the steampunk goggles. Much win!

Fuck the haters


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PostPosted: 12-29-2010 04:09 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

The A Team
The Z Film


I nose it!
I nose it!
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PostPosted: 12-29-2010 05:15 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

LawL wrote:
DRuM wrote:
Rotten tomatoes gave it 48% and I've seen mixed reviews on other forums, from 5 to 7.5 out of 10. Everyone says weak pointless story, but amazing visuals and soundtrack. One person said he could count on one hand the amount of 3D effects. He said he felt robbed since the theatres charge much more for 3D movies. Still, I may go and see it.

I'd heard the same reviews and was skeptical of going to see it, but did so anyway because I loved the original as a kid. It was awesome, plot was more than enough for what it was and fitting as a sequel, great action and pacing, stylish as all hell, great acting, music and sound effects. The 3D isn't gimmicky at all and there were a few shots at the end where I was visually quite blown away. I rewatched the original the day before I went to see it which definitely added to the experience - there is a lot of stuff you won't notice/understand/appreciate if the original isn't fresh in your mind. Go see it, seriously.

Ok done, I'm gonna go see it with my nephew this week or next week.

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