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PostPosted: 11-23-2021 05:42 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
Your story says the national guard is being brought in to help out in nursing homes.

Another article explains shortages....

"Unlike Minnesota's worst surge in fall 2020, hospital beds aren't the issue this time -- 1,381 people are hospitalized, compared with a peak of nearly 1,900 last fall -- it's a lack of hospital staff.

Maybe you should source your material a bit,

I did. Lack of hospital staff = overwhelmed hospital. :dork:

It's literally in the title of the article: Minnesota Calls Up National Guard as Covid-19 Overwhelms Hospitals :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork:

YourGrandpa wrote:
instead of looking for the first piece of confirmation bias you can find.

:dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork:


Blockheaded Blubberboy
Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 11-23-2021 07:46 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

People are leaving due to mandates and bias regulations. You can't impose vaccinations on people that don't want them and then complain because you don't have the staff when they leave. What kind of fucktardary do you subscribe to? You are literally blaming a problem on a problem you've created.


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PostPosted: 11-23-2021 08:03 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Mandates are making all the nurses in Minnesota quit? Are you kidding me? I guess I'll have to take you word for it since you didn't sight your source. :rolleyes:


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 11-23-2021 10:02 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
Again, the unvaccinated are a temporary problem along with many vaccinate during a seasonal outbreak. Mandates and the associated medical procedure are a PERMANENT problem that won't go away. So not only will you always have covid, you will always have a government that you have given the power to make personal heath choices for you.

Maybe the unvaccinated are a temporary problem, but it's an acute problem with enormous implications. Problems of this magnitude can only be solved by taking measures that have far reaching consequences. Sure, we need to stay alert that the government doesn't overreach, but currently, the opposite is actually happening here. The government doesn't do enough. Hospitals are struggling here to keep up. And yes, there are some things that require long term solutions, but right now we need to act to prevent our healthcare system from getting fully clogged up.

One of the most heard complaints here is that our government acts too late and not strongly enough. The government is trying real hard not to upset anti-vaxxers and is really, really reluctant to impose measures that only affect unvaccinated people. There isn't a single restriction or mandate or law or whatever here that forces people to get vaccinated. Employers cannot demand employees be vaccinated. The gov't is relictantly moving into the direction of a "2G" model (only allow people who were vaxxed or had COVID the past 6 months to enter) QR codes, but that's very limited. Bars and restaurants can even choose to stick to the 3G model (also allow people with negative tests to enter).

You seem to forget, Gramps, that not every country works like the US of A, and what may be true for Australia is not true for The Netherlands. One thing that really problamizes this situation is that most anti-vaxxers base themselves on misinformation or a misunderstanding of how things work. Most of their arguments can be shown to be factually incorrect. But yet,.it's them who act like the rest of the world is crazy. It's incredibly politically incorrect to say, but anti-vaxxers mostly have it just wrong, but they (a small minority) keep the rest of the population hostage.


Kempston Joy
Kempston Joy
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PostPosted: 11-23-2021 11:35 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
Hey, thanks for your incredibly uninformed assumptions and comments. You never fail to bring the stupid.


Don’t pull that shit with me, Brian.

You’re wrong and I guess no amount of hard fact is going to change your mind. You’ve already gone down the “a report on the internet proves etc etc” multiple times. There’s no talking to people like you. Mazdas right, you need rounding up and fucking shooting :olo:


The fuct one!
The fuct one!
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PostPosted: 11-24-2021 05:42 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Doombrain wrote:
What dont these weapons understand about the load on health systems?

The very first point they argue is it “wOn’t stoP you gettiING a CoViD vIrUs”.

I don’t think I’ve seen any paper or article over the two years that have EVER said you’re safe from contracting it after getting vaccinated. Jesus fucking Christ I swear to black Jesus we’d be better off in a two tier society for 10 years while the trumpers all fuck off.

:olo: :olo: :olo:


The fuct one!
The fuct one!
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PostPosted: 11-24-2021 05:50 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
People are leaving due to mandates and bias regulations. You can't impose vaccinations on people that don't want them and then complain because you don't have the staff when they leave. What kind of fucktardary do you subscribe to? You are literally blaming a problem on a problem you've created.

This makes absolutely no sense! Almost every child in America attending a public school is REQUIRED to be immunized. How is this seen as anything more than another vaccine requirement on the existing list? Do you feel we need to remove all vaccine requirements?


Digital Nausea
Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 11-24-2021 06:16 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Well, Gramps got what he wanted. He threw the bait, set the hook, and now you’re all arguing with a square-top water head…


The fuct one!
The fuct one!
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PostPosted: 11-24-2021 06:17 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


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PostPosted: 11-24-2021 07:13 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I found gwamps :olo:



Cool #9
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PostPosted: 11-24-2021 08:15 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Credit where credit's due: I'm surprised he got the than/then thing right


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PostPosted: 11-24-2021 08:36 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I think we can chalk that up to a statistical anomaly, like the perimeter of gwamps' cranium.


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PostPosted: 11-24-2021 09:50 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Scietists :olo:


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 11-24-2021 10:16 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

So it's official, I've got the 'vid.
Last week my eldest two kids got tested positive so we were already quarantined. I got a fever Monday and got tested yesterday, which came back positive today.

So yeah, GrandPa is entirely right. Vaccines don't help at all :olo:


Kempston Joy
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PostPosted: 11-24-2021 10:29 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Lol. U ok tho?


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 11-24-2021 10:50 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I feel like shit but it's like a regular flu so far. Fever, hot flashes, cold shivers, runny nose, headache, that sort of thing. There's a bit of coughing involved but I've had worse coughs. Just hoping it won't get worse.

My kids barely have any symptoms. My son had a fever for a day and my daughter complained about a headache a day later. That's about it.


Kempston Joy
Kempston Joy
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PostPosted: 11-24-2021 11:31 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Good luck dude.


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PostPosted: 11-24-2021 11:50 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

that sucks :( "regular flu" isn't exactly fun either

i'm off to get my booster on friday


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 11-26-2021 05:49 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

thoughts and prayers Jerry <3


Just another Earthling
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PostPosted: 11-26-2021 06:06 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Doombrain wrote:
Good luck dude.


Physicist of Q3W


Blockheaded Blubberboy
Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 11-28-2021 02:22 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Eraser wrote:
So it's official, I've got the 'vid.
Last week my eldest two kids got tested positive so we were already quarantined. I got a fever Monday and got tested yesterday, which came back positive today.

So yeah, GrandPa is entirely right. Vaccines don't help at all :olo:

I didn't say vaccines don't help, stupid. I said they aren't going to prevent you from getting Covid... Imagine that, I'm right again.

Mandates, masks, lockdowns and social distancing aren't going to save you. You will get it. Most will easily survive with or without vaccines. Others will die.

Neither options justifies sacrificing freedoms to authoritarian governments.

Have you all got your Omicron variant vaccine? :tard:


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PostPosted: 11-28-2021 03:00 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
Mandates, masks, lockdowns and social distancing aren't going to save you. You will get it. Most will easily survive with or without vaccines. Others will die.

Neither options justifies sacrificing freedoms to authoritarian governments.

Like I said before, people who get the vaccine experience less severe symptoms and are less likely to be hospitalized or die from Covid-19. That, and taking other steps to prevent spread, relieves a large strain on the health care system over time, since spikes in cases are less frequent or severe. Fewer people will die as a result. Fewer people will become permanently disabled with long-term Covid symptoms (and as a result won't require government assistance). But you just don't like the smell of your own breath, so you cry about wearing a mask instead of giving a fuck about your fellow neighbor.

YourGrandpa wrote:
Have you all got your Omicron variant vaccine? :tard:

No, but when they offer it, I'll take it. Just like I take a flu shot every October. :tard:


Blockheaded Blubberboy
Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 11-28-2021 03:27 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

If you think mandating health is an ethical practice, why aren't you raging against diabetics and obese people that aren't making the correct dietary or medication choices? I'll tell you why. Because your concern for the general health of society is bull shit. You are only considering with your selfish insecurities.

Should they mandate the flu shot too? I'm sure your need to be told what to do might influence your answer.


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PostPosted: 11-28-2021 06:42 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I'm not raging against obese people for the same reason your stupid seat belt analogy doesn't hold any water: fat people can't make other people fat.

Vaccine mandates are nothing new, the first school mandates in the States were implemented in the 1850s. They have been successfully defended in the Supreme Court multiple times. Or should we allow smallpox to just run its course? I guess we have to because authoritarianism! :dork:


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PostPosted: 11-28-2021 06:50 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Ironically gwamps is only alive because vaccine mandates prevented his dumbass parents from dying of polio.


Just another Earthling
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PostPosted: 11-28-2021 07:53 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-21/ ... /100637600

About 2:40 into the video or roughly 4 pages down under Mr. Gunner's picture.

How you see any more than assistance here leaves me speechless!

Physicist of Q3W


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 11-28-2021 10:24 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Transient wrote:
I'm not raging against obese people for the same reason your stupid seat belt analogy doesn't hold any water: fat people can't make other people fat.

Also, fat people and diabetics aren't clogging up our healthcare.

We're not cancelling plannable non-acute care because of fat people. We're not telling grandma she can't get a new hip right now because of fat people. We're not telling cancer patients they have to delay their treatment because of fat people.

No, we do that because of unvaccinated people who catch COVID and end up in hospital.


Kempston Joy
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PostPosted: 11-29-2021 04:34 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

He's dancing around the health system load issue like he knows limiting FREDUMS is the right thing to do, but he just can't bring himself to say it cuz punisher t-shirt.


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 11-29-2021 05:21 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


What's also a fallacy is that people go "more IC beds" as an alternative to the measures we have now. Trouble is, measures that lead to reduced and less varied contact moments in the population do help. If you take that away, any number of additional IC beds will fill up... *snaps fingers* ...just like that.

In that sense, if you allow more IC beds to fill up you'll be ringing the alarm bell at a later stage which means you're allowing more people to die. As counter-intuitive as it is, having more IC beds means more deaths rather than less.


The fuct one!
The fuct one!
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PostPosted: 11-29-2021 05:52 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
If you think mandating health is an ethical practice, why aren't you raging against diabetics and obese people that aren't making the correct dietary or medication choices? I'll tell you why. Because your concern for the general health of society is bull shit. You are only considering with your selfish insecurities.

Should they mandate the flu shot too? I'm sure your need to be told what to do might influence your answer.

http://www.floridahealth.gov/programs-a ... index.html

STFU. :olo:


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PostPosted: 12-01-2021 03:22 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Scheduled my booster shot for 12/8! :up:


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PostPosted: 12-02-2021 12:58 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

but why wait until august? :p


Just another Earthling
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PostPosted: 12-03-2021 12:17 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Near 3 weeks pass...

Worldwide Corona Virus Cases:

3 Nov 248,149,548

17 Nov 255,141,123

4 Dec 264,913,473

Total deaths
• World 5,255,341
• USA 806,918
• Brazil 615,225
• India 470,115
• Mexico 294,715


Physicist of Q3W


Kempston Joy
Kempston Joy
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PostPosted: 12-04-2021 10:39 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

anyone would think its a pandemic or something


Welfare Recipient
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PostPosted: 12-04-2021 12:52 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Lol Gramps thinks he's knows what's going on in health care... That's hilarious... Also everything he has said about what's going in hospitals is completely wrong... Especially about ppl leaving becuz of mandates...

Employee shortages started way before mandates and even before covid. Shortages are starting to work themselves out...A bunch of the scared pussy snowflakes that resist getting vaccines talk a big game but when the deadlines come... They get the shots... Fucking conservative snowflake fucktards... :olo: ...

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