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Welfare Recipient
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PostPosted: 04-20-2011 11:59 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

fuck u...


Cool #9
Cool #9
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PostPosted: 04-20-2011 12:05 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Girls, relax, it's just a game.


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PostPosted: 04-21-2011 10:52 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

What it all boils down to:

To what extent do you want a game to mentally challenge you?
Depends on your mood =>

* feeling a bit numb: "dumb" FPS (what Rage will probably be)
* feeling 4 coffee in the morning: "clever" RPG(/FPS) (what Deus Ex: Human Revolution will probably be)

Nice spreadage, get both, all needs satisfied, thank you very much :up:


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 12:08 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

For the haters and the doubters:

When RAGE was announced a few years ago, the common consensus was that it was another big, dumb shooter (but this time with cars); another id Software game where the technology was in the driving seat and the game logic and creativity were riding double-barrelled shotgun.

As more cerebral shooters like BioShock and Deus Ex honed into view, those facts turned into worries. Were the Masters of DOOM being left behind?

The closer we get to release, however, the more RAGE - name aside, perhaps - resembles a grown-up id Software game. It's certainly not just a few ideas thrown at a Megatexture in the hope some will stick.

The single-player is big and brash, of course - a run-and-gun set in the aftermath of a Roland Emmerich special effects tornado - but it also boasts an interesting battlefield economy, various ways to customise your approach to combat and an impressive variety of locations and gameplay styles.

source: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011- ... e-hands-on

It's no Deus Ex, but it's probably going to have a lot more depth than trailers have shown so far.

Oh, and:
"There's even a Guitar Hero-style banjo mini-game called Twitch. "

Win! ;)


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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 01:49 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

various ways to customise your approach to combat

AKA strafe left.... or strafe right! :olo:

haha, but seriously, I hope it is decent. All i'm saying is that trailer video didn't show it to be anything more than the usual derp derp id shooter. Like many have mentioned, it's not strictly a bad thing and often this is what people want, but i'm looking forward to see if it offers anything more.


The Afflicted
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 02:14 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Uh...no. He's complaining about circle strafing and more circle strafing,

No, I'm not. You just took what I said literally and missed the point entirely. Brisk got it spot on.


Unquantifiable Abstract
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 05:19 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

..Rage preview: Doomed downby Jonathan D Deesing on Apr 20th 2011 6:15PM

Despite sporting the enhancements of id Tech 5, Rage seemed to be lagging behind at Bethesda's BFG 2011 media event last week. Its generic, post-apocalyptic wasteland setting has become a familiar one in recent years, but it's the simplistic and overly linear shootfest within that's the most dated element of the game. Nonetheless, the team at id Software seems to be aware that a glossy throwback shooter isn't going to cut it in today's over-saturated FPS market and has challenged itself to set Rage apart.

The most obvious sign of id stepping out of its comfort zone is in the game's multiplayer design. Believe it or not, there's no deathmatch in the classic Doom sense. In its place is a fine-tuned vehicle-based mode, implementing the game's dune buggies. Multiplayer is expected to be a fairly compact experience, with up to six players able to take part in a few gametypes on a sparse offering of five maps. "If you add game variations just to add game variations it confuses people," said one of the designers during the hands-off multiplayer presentation. "People don't know what to play."

Rage (BFG 2011)
The multiplayer ranges from racing around and shooting opponents to more rally point–oriented gametypes that require a delightful amount of strategy. The buggies have a similar look and feel to those in Borderlands. I was disappointed that the only vehicles I saw -- in the presentation and later in my single-player demo -- were equipped with yawn-inspiring machineguns; however, vehicle upgrading will play into the mode, despite id not showing off anything specific at the event.

The flip side to Rage's competitive multiplayer is the cooperative mode, "Legends of the Wasteland," which supports both online and local split-screen play. The co-op is complimentary to the single-player campaign, which is pretty cool from a storyline perspective, even if the two don't actually affect each other. For example, if an NPC in the main game mentions a team going into a town to kill someone, you and a buddy might actually play out that scenario in a co-op mission, in turn providing you with a different perspective on that part of the story. The missions are set up much like those in Modern Warfare 2's "Specs Ops" mode and function as standalone experiences. This lends the mode to quick co-op games but, just like in MW2, you have to complete a mission to unlock the subsequent one.

Of course, the meat of Rage will take place in the single-player campaign, which id describes as "not a short game" by any means. Seeing as how the storied developer created the term deathmatch (!), it's doubly novel in this day and age to see a shooter's multiplayer scaled back to a secondary feature and the focus placed squarely on a really deep single-player experience. But Rage shouldn't be confused for an overly complex, genre-bending FPS.

id has forgone most of the RPG elements found in similar-looking games like Borderlands and Bethesda's own Fallout series. Weapons, gadgets and gear will all be upgradeable to some extent but, as for a character leveling system -- forget about it. While I was initially excited by the prospect of id sticking to its guns (har har) and designing more of a basic FPS, instead of trying to have it all and delivering a complicated mess, I began to have some doubts after playing a bit of the campaign.

"It's an action shooter, not a driving game."
- Jason Kim, sr. producer
The selected levels I played were very linear and seemed to follow the same formula: shoot through some pretty landscapes, buildings, etc, find the boss and dispatch it. This isn't to say this process wasn't entertaining for a few missions, but if this is the format of most of them, I can only imagine the gameplay will get old. The bosses I encountered were nothing more than bullet sponges. I simply circled around them shooting and praying I didn't run out of ammo. While one of them did shoot some blinding goo at me, I didn't find it necessary to come up with a strategy to dodge it and simply just kept firing blindly. Overall, I was unimpressed with the enemy AI. I would often find myself unintentionally sneaking up behind enemies in cover who wouldn't shoot at me (or even turn to look at me, for that matter) even as I stood over them. The AI for the raving ghouls, er "mutants" in the game doesn't perform much better, as all they do is run mindlessly at the player.

I did have fun playing around with some of the gadgets, including the explosive RC car and easily deployable sentry guns. All of them are constructible from miscellaneous parts found lying around the environments. Find enough wheels and gears, and you could create another RC car bomb. Need a lock-picking tool? Keep an eye out for the right bits. These tools are helpful in a fix and blast to use. Even though the RC car can be a bit frustrating to control and is vulnerable to enemy fire, it's still great for surveillance and some wicked funny deaths. The "wingstick," a sort of lethal batarang, is pretty damn fun to use, too, delivering some satisfying kills. Another useful toy is the mechanical spider that crawls aggressively toward enemies, shooting and distracting them, which opens up flanking opportunities for the player.

Most of the weapons I got to use, however, were standard fare. The shotgun, assault rifle and pistol are all what we've come to expect in every FPS since Doom onward. They handled well and sounded great and, of course, killed things, but I'm holding out hope for some more unique weapons in the game. This is, after all, the studio that brought us the BFG 9000.

What did impress me was how slick Rage looks and runs. The entire world is uniquely textured, which means you don't keep seeing the same pile-of-trash asset in every corner of the game. Plus, the refresh rate doesn't struggle from the size or amount of things going on. Even when I had three turrets down, a spider frenzying about and a dozen mutants rushing me, the game performed admirably.

Still, the open-world elements of the gameworld seem limited, and intentionally so -- "exploration is not what defines Rage," explains senior producer Jason Kim. The player visits a city-hub to acquire a mission, and then drives to a location to initiate the (extremely) scripted event. Without an addictive progression system to urge the player onward and into what appeared to be a pretty barren wasteland, this oversimplification of the "open world" shooter seems to be in danger of becoming a series of chores.

Thankfully, there will be a mix of vehicular missions and optional races to give some or even a lot of respite to the straightforward shooting. "You could race in all the races in the wasteland and that would actually take up as much time as it would to move halfway through the campaign," says Kim. But above all, "it's an action shooter, not a driving game," he clarifies. "In part, [the driving] is a means to an end to get from Point A to Point B, but that's not the core of what the game is about."

The narrative backdrop, too, seems just as nonessential. Replace "nuclear apocalypse" with "asteroid strike," and you can easily fill in the missing pieces of the story by borrowing from another game plot. Select people were placed into stasis underground in anticipation of an imminent disaster (sound familiar?), and your character emerges from a damaged Vault -- oops! -- "Ark," only to face the harsh wastelands. He soon encounters small factions of survivors and the technologically superior Enclave, er, "Authority," which pesters any Ark-dweller with persistent dropship attacks.

Of course, a great-playing game can easily overcome a generic setting, but Rage seems to be lacking the creative risks necessary to achieve the standards of greatness in today's competitive market. id Tech 5 is mighty impressive, sure, but I'm still waiting for Rage to "wow" me


Timed Out
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 05:27 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Haha jesus christ, this game sounds like it's going to be dull as fuck.


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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 05:34 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

"If you add game variations just to add game variations it confuses people," said one of the designers during the hands-off multiplayer presentation. "People don't know what to play."

Very true for Assassin's Creed Brotherhood online, but I think Rage's setting would've been perfect for Halo-type multiplayer combat. I think id dropped the ball on this one.

Bring on Doom 4 :up:


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 05:41 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain Mazda wrote:
Bring on Doom 4 :up:

I dunno why so many people are so excited about Doom 4. We know nothing about it except that it's using id Tech 5. If Doom 3 is anything to go by, then for most people there should be no reason to be excited about Doom 4 at all...? :shrug:


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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 05:43 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

1) It's Doom
2) It might be a Doom 2 remake
3) :drool:


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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 07:45 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Oh look, that preview pretty much regurgitated everything I said in this thread. Great article :up:


The Afflicted
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 07:48 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

My favourite part of the article was the bit that confirmed everyone's fears almost to the letter.


Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 09:15 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

lol yep. Except Q3W is one step ahead of these fools...


god xor reason
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 11:04 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

So what you're saying is, you want all your games to pretend to be RPGs, but you don't want to play an actual RPG because those are for fucking nerds?

The action FPS market is dominated by 8 hour military campaigns and scripted AI teammates where all the combat takes place hiding like a little girl behind cover. I'm excited for a return to the old run-and-gun with nothing getting between me and the action. I think what is interesting about all these previews and opinions is that people keep saying "yea, I'm sure it will be fun and look amazing but it doesn't have XYZ". I think if a game can avoid having the cliche XYZ and still be entertaining, it did something right.


The Afflicted
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 11:40 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Hmm, what about the run-and-gun cliche that completely contradicts everything you just posted?

You're saying it'll be fun because it's dispensing with modern cliches and replacing the entire game with the biggest one of all.


The Afflicted
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 11:43 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I like that there's a hard core of stubborn people who're pretending how refreshing and nouveaux it is to just have a game where you don't have to think, as if all current FPS games require a masters in neuroscience to play.


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 12:52 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Yeahso wrote:
I like that there's a hard core of stubborn people who're pretending how refreshing and nouveaux it is to just have a game where you don't have to think, as if all current FPS games require a masters in neuroscience to play.

You're so stuck up in your self-righteousness, aren't you?
It's not refreshing or "nouveaux", it's just that the "run-and-gun" type of gameplay didn't suddenly just become obsolete because games with more complex gameplay exist. If you're bored with that kind of thing, fine, but it doesn't mean Rage will be a bad game. Judge it on it's own merits and don't compare it to Deus Ex, because they are aiming at completely different experiences.


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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 01:19 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I like that there's a hard core of stubborn people who're saying they want something new, but as long as it follows a winning formula and offers something additional. They want their games to progress beyond that which has been done before, as long as it has the same features as games they're most fond of. They don't want a game with vehicles, because Halo already did it. Open worlds? GTA did it. Set in a wasteland? Fallout did it. Hallways and interiors? Done to death. Outdoors? Boring! Pressing "Use" to interact with objects in the world? Please. They don't want a game with shotguns, because Doom already did it..even before Deus Ex had them. They want games with weapon mods, like Mass Effect, but they don't want it to have been done before in any game...like Deus Ex...because it's not fresh. They don't want games with circle strafe because it's been done to death, but since circle strafe is a fundamental movement mechanic/tactic, they'll say that people are missing the point, that it has something to do with "substance" that you'll find in Deus Ex or another game of a completely different genre and completely different feature set from the action game that they're complaining about. And by golly they'll feel vindicated if some guy named Jonathan D Deesing has the same complaints about it! It has to be fresh!

But hey, innovation isn't the be all and end all for them.


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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 03:51 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


GFY still assuming theres a black/white scenario where a game is either completely innovative or just a rehash.

That's not what it's about at all. It's about making a fun, enjoyable game, that understands the features that made other games fun, while also putting a unique twist on it, to seperate it from the rest. In fact, you said as much in your first two sentences, before you had a sarcastic meltdown.

I don't want id to make another Deus Ex. I just want them to step outside their safety zone and try something different rather than keep regurgitating the same game every time. That final quote from the preview pretty much explains exactly how I feel:

Of course, a great-playing game can easily overcome a generic setting, but Rage seems to be lacking the creative risks necessary to achieve the standards of greatness in today's competitive market. id Tech 5 is mighty impressive, sure, but I'm still waiting for Rage to "wow" me.

In other words, it looks like it'll be a typical id shooter (which isn't a bad thing) but the additional driving sections and wasteland setting isn't going to be enough to justify the £30 purchasing in, when I can just play any of the other games from their back catalogue instead and essentially get the same experience.


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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 03:54 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

how many times you gonna say the same thing?


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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 03:59 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

bitWISE wrote:
So what you're saying is, you want all your games to pretend to be RPGs, but you don't want to play an actual RPG because those are for fucking nerds?

Eh, who said that? Mirrors Edge isn't an RPG, but it managed to be a smart, effective FPS that wasn't at all like an id-style shooter. How would you even define an "actual RPG" anyway? Totally ambiguous and nonsensical statement.

I don't care about genres anyway. If a game is good, it's good. It just so happens that for me, the best kind of games tend to crossover between genres, borrowing the best features of both.


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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 04:01 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

"Rage"...a fitting title for the reaction it seems to get from obsessive gamers.


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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 04:04 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

fKd wrote:
how many times you gonna say the same thing?

Yeah, i'm starting to sound like a stuck record, though I blame GFY for twisting words and misinterprating everything we've said in here.

I'll leave this thread with the same sentiments as when I first posted in it: I ain't buying this shit unless it stop being a dull-looking, generic pile of crap. Moving on!


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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 04:54 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I am not twisting words.

You don't seem to realize that I have no horse in this race whatsoever, and I have done nothing beyond making fun of the petty complaints about the game that you and others have made and in particular I'm making fun of the mental gymnastics you guys have been using to justify your opinions when others point out the fucked up logic in your arguments. If your reasons made sense, didn't contradict themselves or didn't seem petty, I wouldn't be mocking you. I am also making fun of people doing the same thing in the Portal 2 thread. And I'm not twisting words there, either.

brisk wrote:
...it looks like it'll be a typical id shooter (which isn't a bad thing)

Really? Then why spend so much time and effort saying that it is?

As a developer, reading the 7 pages of this mindless shit reminds me that there are alot of fickle gamers out there and no matter what we make or offer in terms of features that someone, somewhere will come up with dumb excuses to bash it. You are openly admitting that Rage offers much more than a typical id Software game, yet still cling to your childish approach/excuses to bash it anyways. After several posts of "I want something new" you then comment that innovation isn't really the point, and that somehow I don't get your point.

No shit, Sherlock.

Yes...we get that Rage doesn't interest you as much as other games.


Digital Nausea
Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 05:52 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I like that there's a hard core of stubborn people who're saying they want something new, but as long as it follows a winning formula and offers something additional. They want their games to progress beyond that which has been done before, as long as it has the same features as games they're most fond of. They don't want a game with vehicles, because Halo already did it. Open worlds? GTA did it. Set in a wasteland? Fallout did it. Hallways and interiors? Done to death. Outdoors? Boring! Pressing "Use" to interact with objects in the world? Please. They don't want a game with shotguns, because Doom already did it..even before Deus Ex had them. They want games with weapon mods, like Mass Effect, but they don't want it to have been done before in any game...like Deus Ex...because it's not fresh. They don't want games with circle strafe because it's been done to death, but since circle strafe is a fundamental movement mechanic/tactic, they'll say that people are missing the point, that it has something to do with "substance" that you'll find in Deus Ex or another game of a completely different genre and completely different feature set from the action game that they're complaining about. And by golly they'll feel vindicated if some guy named Jonathan D Deesing has the same complaints about it! It has to be fresh!

But hey, innovation isn't the be all and end all for them.

Back to the car analogy. Yes, maybe you've drove a car with powered windows, leather seats, cup holders, gps, and auto parallel park. Been there done that. But would you want to go back to driving the Model-T? Or drive the 2011 model with all the bells and whistles and maybe even a new feature or two?


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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 06:25 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

xer0s wrote:
Back to the car analogy. Yes, maybe you've drove a car with powered windows, leather seats, cup holders, gps, and auto parallel park. Been there done that. But would you want to go back to driving the Model-T? Or drive the 2011 model with all the bells and whistles and maybe even a new feature or two?

No but you'd certainly take a good look at any new car designed by the same team that designed such a classic.

The problem with that, in this case, is that the team just doesn't exist any more. A team is just a collection of individuals, and the individuals responsible for making the classic id games aren't part of the team anymore. id are trading purely on brand capital right now, and have been doing so for over a decade (IMO), since that's the last time they made a game of any significant note.

Take note of the key members of id software that were responsible for various aspects of the success of their games:

Paul Jacquays - Pretty key in the online success of Quake 3, especially in growing the big level design community.
John Romero - Arguably responsible for the run-and-gun mindless shooter style that defines id games. Left id after Quake 1 release.
Sandy Peterson - That tech/gothic style that's unique to id? Mostly Sandy's doing. Left id software midway through Quake 2 development.
Tom Hall - Responsible for ids fast-paced gameplay style alongside Romero. Went on to develop Rise Of The Triads and you can see the elements of gameplay that he consistently applied to both DooM and ROTT.
American McGee - Left after Quake 2, and a lot of id's characteristic SP level design style left with him.
John Carmack - Still there. Still responsible for ids engine technology. Pretty much all that's left in terms of ids key capabilities.

Note that this is a case of the Triggers Broom paradox (imo more of a fallacy)


The Afflicted
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 09:30 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Eraser wrote:
Yeahso wrote:
I like that there's a hard core of stubborn people who're pretending how refreshing and nouveaux it is to just have a game where you don't have to think, as if all current FPS games require a masters in neuroscience to play.

You're so stuck up in your self-righteousness, aren't you?
It's not refreshing or "nouveaux", it's just that the "run-and-gun" type of gameplay didn't suddenly just become obsolete because games with more complex gameplay exist. If you're bored with that kind of thing, fine, but it doesn't mean Rage will be a bad game. Judge it on it's own merits and don't compare it to Deus Ex, because they are aiming at completely different experiences.

Hmm, I don't really think you understand what self-righteousness means. Also, in the article they're saying that it's a bad game, as in, it's been established by someone that's played it.


The Afflicted
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 09:33 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I like that there's a hard core of stubborn people who're saying they want something new, but as long as it follows a winning formula and offers something additional. They want their games to progress beyond that which has been done before, as long as it has the same features as games they're most fond of. They don't want a game with vehicles, because Halo already did it. Open worlds? GTA did it. Set in a wasteland? Fallout did it. Hallways and interiors? Done to death. Outdoors? Boring! Pressing "Use" to interact with objects in the world? Please. They don't want a game with shotguns, because Doom already did it..even before Deus Ex had them. They want games with weapon mods, like Mass Effect, but they don't want it to have been done before in any game...like Deus Ex...because it's not fresh. They don't want games with circle strafe because it's been done to death, but since circle strafe is a fundamental movement mechanic/tactic, they'll say that people are missing the point, that it has something to do with "substance" that you'll find in Deus Ex or another game of a completely different genre and completely different feature set from the action game that they're complaining about. And by golly they'll feel vindicated if some guy named Jonathan D Deesing has the same complaints about it! It has to be fresh!

But hey, innovation isn't the be all and end all for them.

Raging over Rage.


The Afflicted
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 09:53 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I am not twisting words.

You don't seem to realize that I have no horse in this race whatsoever, and I have done nothing beyond making fun of the petty complaints about the game that you and others have made and in particular I'm making fun of the mental gymnastics you guys have been using to justify your opinions when others point out the fucked up logic in your arguments. If your reasons made sense, didn't contradict themselves or didn't seem petty, I wouldn't be mocking you. I am also making fun of people doing the same thing in the Portal 2 thread. And I'm not twisting words there, either.

brisk wrote:
...it looks like it'll be a typical id shooter (which isn't a bad thing)

Really? Then why spend so much time and effort saying that it is?

As a developer, reading the 7 pages of this mindless shit reminds me that there are alot of fickle gamers out there and no matter what we make or offer in terms of features that someone, somewhere will come up with dumb excuses to bash it. You are openly admitting that Rage offers much more than a typical id Software game, yet still cling to your childish approach/excuses to bash it anyways. After several posts of "I want something new" you then comment that innovation isn't really the point, and that somehow I don't get your point.

No shit, Sherlock.

Yes...we get that Rage doesn't interest you as much as other games.

I am only judging you on this thread, but you seem like a massive dick.


Madman Philosophy
Madman Philosophy
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PostPosted: 04-22-2011 10:42 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Shut up! He's a great guy... and his cock is 2/3 of an inch bigger than mine! Douchewaffle!

"How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?" Asked of a Scottish driving instructor in 1995.


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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 04:07 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Yeahso wrote:

Raging over Rage.

Yeahso wrote:

I am only judging you on this thread, but you seem like a massive dick.

I'm quite aware that your ego wouldh't allow you to let this go. You've done the classic move of running out of breathing room in your arguments to simply calling me an angry dick.

If it allows you to masturbate with a clearer head, it's perfectly fine for you to assume that I'm angry about all this as my motivation to point out your retarded logic.


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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 04:13 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

xer0s wrote:
Back to the car analogy. Yes, maybe you've drove a car with powered windows, leather seats, cup holders, gps, and auto parallel park. Been there done that. But would you want to go back to driving the Model-T? Or drive the 2011 model with all the bells and whistles and maybe even a new feature or two?


I guess you haven't noticed that Rage is the 2011 model with "more" bells and whistles and maybe a new feature or two?

BTW...I took your advice and saw that movie "Hall Pass". It sucked.


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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 04:28 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I'm quite aware that your ego wouldh't allow you to let this go. You've done the classic move of running out of breathing room in your arguments to simply calling me an angry dick.

Funny, that's exactly how i'd describe your first reply to me :olo:

You even admitted it yourself :olo:

I know...I'm just being a prick.

What exactly is your point in this thread? You're moaning at us, calling us retards for "not getting it" and saying our logic is fucked up. I think i've explained my viewpoint on it quite clearly here and so has Yeahso. You go from saying consumers should bitch and moan to publishers to force industry change and then proceed to call us "spoilt brats" when we do. The fact that what we said is pretty much word-for-word regurgitated in that Joystiq preview means that our impressions of the trailer and the current state of id as a game developer isn't completely wide of the mark. He has actually played the game too, so his opinion carries a little more weight.

And yeah, I have no idea why i'm wasting time and energy writing in a thread about a game I have no intention to buy, but it's a discussion forum for video games, which by it's very nature is a complete waste of time anyway. Just because this is a Quake forum, it doesn't mean that id should be exempt from criticism. Just read any site that published the recent Dead City trailer and you'll see countless other people saying exactly the same thing.

But hey, I guess we're all retards aren't we?


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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 04:39 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I think you answered your own question addressed to me.

I admitted to being a prick because it's hilarious to poke fun at people who want a red one, no a green one, no a red one, no a green one. Ok I'll take blue, no red, no green. That is why I mentioned focus groups and how they don't seem to know what they want.

To your point about me saying that "consumers should bitch and moan to publishers to force industry change" I am in compete agreement. However, you have been inconsistent and petty in your complaints and are instead complaining for the sake of complaining, so how should publishers take your criticisms and apply them? I am in compete suppport of a coherant argument, but you have not offered one.

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