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Cool #9
Cool #9
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 12:46 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

plained wrote:
so just gifs, namecalling, no u's, and the "u r incoherent" and back up from chump alliance

I think that's because after 5 pages of opinion-voicing-and-moving-on there isn't much left to say.


Cool #9
Cool #9
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 12:50 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

And all that's mostly due to Memphis and losChunk doing exactly that which they accuses "SJW's" of. They have a strong opinion about something and anyone that doesn't fully agree 100% with them is chucked into the "disagrees 100% and thus is part of the problem" group. I think shaft and Doomer and myself have a much more nuanced and open minded opinion about this whole thing than memph and chunk have.


Truffle Shuffle
Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 12:52 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

TBH I'm just jumping all over what Puff and Shaft have to say, cos it's fucking retarded. If it was relevant I would discuss. But Doomer gave a good discussion. Trans too and ofc you.

. : You knows you knows

Last edited by losCHUNK on 06-09-2016 12:54 PM, edited 1 time in total.


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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 12:53 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote



Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 12:54 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Oh yea, you

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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 12:57 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
A current topic then. The Ghostbusters trailer.

Does it look shit because it has women in it?
Or does it look shit because, ya know, it just looks shit.

Do you believe women will see it, realize it's shit, but still defend it vehemently because it has women in it and it's their genetic responsibility?


Blockheaded Blubberboy
Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 12:58 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

shaft wrote:
Guy who carries around a gun and likes to call people nerds and pansies can't spot an inferiority complex.

And you're still no less of a pansy. :olo:


Truffle Shuffle
Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 12:58 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain Mazda wrote:
Memphis wrote:
A current topic then. The Ghostbusters trailer.

Does it look shit because it has women in it?
Or does it look shit because, ya know, it just looks shit.

Do you believe women will see it, realize it's shit, but still defend it vehemently because it has women in it and it's their genetic responsibility?

Maybe not but 'it's good to see them try' will be a common phrase I believe.

. : You knows you knows


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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 01:39 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Mhm, so there's a group of unreasonable people who use the label of feminism to further their own regressive agenda or justify their ignorance, so you're doing them a favour and calling their extremism the definition of feminism whereas its actual meaning has always been the advocacy of equal rights, you know, that thing that women didn't have not too long ago and in many ways and forms still don't.

Your hostility towards them and lumping them under the umbrella of 'feminism' and denouncing the concept entirely is what gives them fuel. I'm sorry that your mother was horrible to you and all the women in your life are skanks and chavettes, but some of us had women to love and respect so that we could learn the importance of gender equality.

If you don't believe it is harder for women to break into the gaming industry, just remember that Assassin's Creed producer who wanted to promote her new game but all the lifeless misogynist virgins that flood the industry were just begging for pics of her tits:

"It's weird," she says. "I guess I'd never experienced any issues — working in the game industry is great. I think all of the people in the game industry are great that you get to work with. I've never felt ... I guess, yes, there aren't so many women working, or as many as I would like, working at most game studios, but I've always worked with great people. At the end of the first Assassin's Creed, since I was talking about it so much and then it sort of built to this crazy level, it sort of exploded. That was the first time I was really exposed to the uglier side of things."

What seems to most frustrate Raymond about the entire ordeal was how quickly people either dismissed her experience, or didn't bother to check on it before jumping to conclusions.

"That's the thing that was annoying," she says. "People don't care enough to check that you've actually been in the game industry at that point for more than 10 years. You used to be a programmer, you know. That's obviously frustrating because you're like ... anyway. You want to be at least respected for the job that you're actually doing, and it's very frustrating to think that people assume that you're not doing your job by default and don't bother looking into it.

I do agree that there are people like Sarkeesian who troll people into attacking them, then using the negative response to further their own agenda and gain notoriety. She deserves about as much attention from the gaming world as Jack Thompson did.

But if you treat everyone who brings up feminism or gender equality in the same vein, then you are just as much a problem as the people you're opposing. Or maybe your answer is that women should just stay hidden in developer roles and hire white men to endorse their games for them, much like how they should also avoid getting drunk at parties so they don't get raped.

OAKVILLE, Ont. -- A proposal to create a formal diversity policy at the parent company of Tim Hortons and Burger King aimed at increasing the number of women on its all-male board of directors has been rejected.

Oceanrock Investments Inc. and the Shareholder Association for Research and Education (SHARE) asked the company to write a formal diversity policy and inform shareholders how and when it intends to increase the number of women on its board of directors and in senior management positions.

Before Tim Hortons and Burger King merged and became RBI in late 2014, a quarter of the Tim Hortons board was comprised of women, according to the shareholder proposal. Now RBI's 11-person board of directors is all male.

http://toronto.ctvnews.ca/shareholders- ... -1.2938644


Truffle Shuffle
Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 01:44 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

The first bit, are you blaming us for what feminism is now perceived as ?

It doesn't matter what it was. I have made no bones about how I feel reguarding equality.

We're not saying there aren't problems but assuming you're gonna get raped when your drunk is one of them, for more reasons than 1.

. : You knows you knows


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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 01:55 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Was? It still is because that's the definition of it. Hold on, let me check a dictionary.

Nope, still hasn't changed.

And no, I'm not blaming you (holy shit you're sensitive) but now you're completely anti-feminism because of the extremists that turned gender equality into reversing roles in society. It's over, they won. Go cut off your dick and watch The Notebook on repeat.

Btw, are you Islamophobic because of ISIS? Anti-semitic because of Zionism? Anti-white male because of white supremacists?


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 02:08 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

You know what gay meant 100 years ago ?.

And I said perceived, and you know exactly what I mean otherwise you wouldn't be saying people like us ( people like Me and Memph, thought that would be obvious) are responsible for that. SJWs are, who are part of the feminists.

Gender equality is not feminism when proud feminists call for shit like 50/50 splits in workplace environments (Labour cabinet) and claim success.

What you've done is gave someone an unfair advantage on a level playing field and it could be a man or a women who is the victim. Gender equality applies at both the social and individual level.

. : You knows you knows


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 02:52 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Right, I think that's literally everyone ?

Even got Doomer out of retirement.
Shaft had a relapse.
Puff mightve smoked too much :/

. : You knows you knows


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 02:55 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


. : You knows you knows


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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:00 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
Yes. 'Actual', or 'classic' (or what have you) feminists have openly spoken out against the idiotic, brazenly sexist ideals of the 'third-wave' feminist movement and the insipid, shameless ways in which they persue their goals. Some have actually denounced what is now campus 'feminism' and some are even making regular Sargon-like videos themselves in order to refute them. Radical ideologues trying to force their agenda under the banners of 'feminism' and 'justice' are entirely the problem, because people let them get away with their shit. Especially when they are left to run rampant, all over the mainstream media.

Feminist extremists are the least of my concerns when it comes to mainstream media. They're an absolute zero on the threat scale as far as I'm concerned. People, including you, need to just learn how to ignore them.

Memphis wrote:
This I am unaware of, but shall look into. Your quote however, did not back up claim, but refuted it. She met one toss-pot in 10 years?
If not that, maybe she got trolled after becoming a presence online? In which case, that's not gamers being misogynistic. You questioned this line of reasoning yourself in your first paragraph - and you were right to. Can you clarify why you appear to have switched positions?

No, the general consensus from gamers was that Ubisoft was using a random hot girl to promote their game and in some amazing yet pathetic show of irony, those very same nerds became obsessed with her while holding some kind of hateful vendetta against her. Nobody knew or cared that she was actually a veteran developer and built the entire Assassin's Creed studio from the ground up. She also had some nasty comics drawn up about her that circulated online. Pretty sure the likes of o'dium jacked off to them on a daily basis, not sure though. She couldn't just happen to be a professional female game developer who was excited about the major project that she was directly responsible for. Nope, it's cuz she had tits.

I'm sure you can agree that none of that would've happened if she was just another white male game dev. And you have to applaud her for not making controversy about it, she ignored the trolls and misogynists alike and continued to conduct herself professionally.

She even called BS on the whole Gamergate nonsense, despite this shit: https://archive.is/YNhun

Source: https://archive.is/nQ0Pt

And just to clarify, I was speaking in regards to gamer culture and how women are treated online, not the industry in general. I don't have an "in" on how women are treated internally in that line of work, although I'm sure there are plenty of stories of harassment when you remember that devs are gamers too and a lot of gamers act like useless pieces of shit.

Memphis wrote:
It's actually (these particular) feminists claiming that any sex with a drunk girl is rape, that's forcing any percieved safety precaution to not get drunk in the first place. It's also feminists peddling skewed rape statistics across education institutions, that is making women think they're going to get raped in the first place. The same with fake threats and reaction baiting that's used to insinuate that any woman will be lambasted by misogyny for simply having the nerve to have a presence online. Go on though...

So if a drunk girl wants to have sex with you, you oblige? K, that's all I needed to know about the type of person you are. I wouldn't even do that to my own girlfriend.

In my spare time I get paid to play for countless hockey teams in the GTA and some of them range from high school and college jocks to dudebros in their 20s, from amateurs to professional junior league players and even NHL talent. Some of the shit they openly discuss in the dressing room when it comes to their intentions at parties towards girls and women is appalling to me. I know some of this can be bravado or braggadocio in front of their fellow dudebros, but I'm inclined to believe some people are just rapey pieces of shit that can't control themselves, especially those that join the jock culture at a young age and are raised by it. And these aren't a bunch of pasty nerds that talk a big game online but piss themselves if they're less than 10 feet from an actual girl. They're 6'2" 200lb meatheads who you don't want to end up on the bad side of. Girls do need to exercise caution and remain aware in the presence of people like that, that's just the sad truth.


Truffle Shuffle
Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:10 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain Mazda wrote:
Memphis wrote:
Yes. 'Actual', or 'classic' (or what have you) feminists have openly spoken out against the idiotic, brazenly sexist ideals of the 'third-wave' feminist movement and the insipid, shameless ways in which they persue their goals. Some have actually denounced what is now campus 'feminism' and some are even making regular Sargon-like videos themselves in order to refute them. Radical ideologues trying to force their agenda under the banners of 'feminism' and 'justice' are entirely the problem, because people let them get away with their shit. Especially when they are left to run rampant, all over the mainstream media.

Feminist extremists are the least of my concerns when it comes to mainstream media. They're an absolute zero on the threat scale as far as I'm concerned. People, including you, need to just learn how to ignore them.

But it's in the real world too, things like the 50/50 split I was referring to in the Labour cabinet. The very fact that this kind of behaviour is permitted by respected groups such as feminism should be troublesome.

Captain Mazda wrote:
So if a drunk girl wants to have sex with you, you oblige? K, that's all I needed to know about the type of person you are. I wouldn't even do that to my own girlfriend.

In my spare time I get paid to play for countless hockey teams in the GTA and some of them range from high school and college jocks to dudebros in their 20s, from amateurs to professional junior league players and even NHL talent. Some of the shit they openly discuss in the dressing room when it comes to their intentions at parties towards girls and women is appalling to me. I know some of this can be bravado or braggadocio in front of their fellow dudebros, but I'm inclined to believe some people are just rapey pieces of shit that can't control themselves, especially those that join the jock culture at a young age and are raised by it. And these aren't a bunch of pasty nerds that talk a big game online but piss themselves if they're less than 10 feet from an actual girl. They're 6'2" 200lb meatheads who you don't want to end up on the bad side of. Girls do need to exercise caution and remain aware in the presence of people like that, that's just the sad truth.

And I have i heard it openly discussed about how drunk you have to be before you can call it rape ?, and you've never been shitfaced and pulled ?. One of the reasons people go to town is to get drunk and fuck and not just the blokes.

I left out the middle bit, you and memph can carry on with that.

. : You knows you knows

Last edited by losCHUNK on 06-09-2016 03:11 PM, edited 1 time in total.


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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:11 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

losCHUNK wrote:
Ahh ye olde guilty until proven innocent. Just liek this kid

Jay Cheshire was cleared of rape in June. Allegations made against the 17-year old were withdrawn by the complainant just weeks after being filed, resulting in the investigation being closed. Yet, two weeks after the teenager was acquitted of the charge - and with his adult life still ahead of him - Jay was discovered hanging from a tree in his local park.

But even when innocent, he's still a part of that 99% :olo: . Fuck him right ?, she drank a lot and he thought she said yes >?

Since you didn't link an article, all I have to go by is your quote, but based on what I read, I will say this much. He wasn't proven innocent; the allegations were withdrawn. There is a difference, and it could be due to any number of reasons. Maybe she was lying and felt guilty, so she dropped the complaint. Maybe she was confused about the sex being consensual and changed her mind a few times. Maybe she was raped and just decided that being dragged through the court process wasn't worth the added trauma. Maybe he hanged himself out of guilt for what he did, or maybe he hanged himself because he figured a false rape accusation would haunt him for the rest of his life. Whatever it may be, we can only guess. But it doesn't mean he's innocent since guilt and innocence is proven in a court of law, not of public opinion.

YourGrandpa wrote:
I'm satisfied with voicing my opinion and moving on.


Truffle Shuffle
Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:12 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Your missing the point dude, the popular story that both Shaft and Puff alluded too is that everyone accused of rape was a rapist, those were the figures they were using (they didn't even use criminal accusations, that figure stands at 15k). The 100k comes from the independant, about 3 yrs ago ?, I can dig it up but its only 85k vs 100k (that's prolly not the source either, just where I found it to fact check when I made the posT). Even now you think that either one of those figures is accurate.

Without even looking into the reasons behind it, that kid was guilty in the eyes of Shaft and Puff. That quote I posted, I knew nothing about the kid but that wasn't the point, as you said we could only guess.

. : You knows you knows

Last edited by losCHUNK on 06-09-2016 03:19 PM, edited 1 time in total.


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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:19 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

The real question is when was the last time these guys had any interaction or relationship with a woman? I'm sensing much rejection on their path to lonely male keyboard warriors.


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:24 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

shaft wrote:
The real question is when was the last time these guys had any interaction or relationship with a woman? I'm sensing much rejection on thier path to lonely male keyboard warriors.

Do handjobs off your ex count ?

. : You knows you knows


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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:26 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I've been married 14 years and have two daughters.

Both of you avoided answering so I guess I nailed it.


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:26 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I would tell you what she was trying to say but it was all garbled, prolly why I was confused with her relationship status.

BTW if you want a real answer it was today, a few hrs ago ?. Not that anyone cares, just like your marriage.

. : You knows you knows

Last edited by losCHUNK on 06-09-2016 03:30 PM, edited 1 time in total.


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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:29 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Dont worry guys, these two learned everything they need to know about women from YouTube.


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:30 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Says the guy who strapped a ring to the first tank he could find

. : You knows you knows


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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:32 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

losCHUNK wrote:
BTW if you want a real answer it was today, a few hrs ago ?

Good to see you still call mummy once in a while.


Truffle Shuffle
Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:33 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I thought I'd be courteous seeing as you had asked.

. : You knows you knows


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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:38 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
Still honestly sounds like 'the internet' and not 'gamers', tbh. That's not to say it's right. But neither is it to blame 'gamers', many of which are women remember. Yes there are some offensive twats out there. Nevertheless, censoring the internet, is not the answer.

I agree.

Memphis wrote:
I can. Unless the guy was unfortunate enough to have something about him that trolls felt worthy of latching onto. For instance, if he had an offensive shirt on. :smirk:

She does sound like a grounded individual worthy of respct, indeed. It's a terrible thing that she was a victim of online abuse. However, I am not going to apologise for it.

Well neither am I. Gamers don't speak for me and I don't want to be associated with them, much like most women don't want to be associated with feminist extremism.

I was raised to treat women and men alike with respect. I'll hold the door open for anyone and I respect people's right for personal space.

And just for shits and giggles:

Do I believe women deserve equal treatment and respect same as men? Yes.

Do I believe women should be given special rights and an advantage over men? No.

Do I believe efforts should be made to increase women's interest or participation in industries and professions typically dominated by men? Yes.

Do I believe that some people are lazy pieces of shit and want everything delivered to them on a platter? Yes—but this is a problem that exists in both genders.

(these work for the minority argument too)

And for the record, I've played on co-ed teams. One team I was on last year had 3 female players, including one that represented Canada in international tournaments. She was also a great skater and had a decent shot, until she got crunched on the boards by a dude twice her size. Her shoulder hasn't been the same since. Did she complain, claim abuse, or try to get the guy kicked out? Nope, she signed up to play with men and it was an unfortunate incident. To me it looked like the guy got pissed that a girl was skating circles around his team but there was never any supplementary discipline applied. Just goes to show Memph, the real world is different from the sensationalist click-bait you've been immersing yourself in ;)

Now I'm gonna go cook an awesome meal for my girlfriend because feminism made me feel guilty about liking tits.


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:40 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I;m starting to believe that I can make him cum when I whistle.

Cheers for engaging tho Maz :up:

. : You knows you knows


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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:42 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Thanks dickweed, suckle my balls and have a nice day :up:


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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:43 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

These two have been single their entire lives. :(


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:45 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

shaft wrote:
These two have been single their entire lives. :(

Dude let it go, buy some sudocream and apply to the burnt areas.

Youre like this autistic kid that just won't stop :olo:

. : You knows you knows

Last edited by losCHUNK on 06-09-2016 03:47 PM, edited 2 times in total.


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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:52 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

losCHUNK wrote:
Your missing the point dude, the popular story that both Shaft and Puff alluded too is that everyone accused of rape was a rapist, those were the figures they were using (they didn't even use criminal accusations, that figure stands at 15k). The 100k comes from the independant, about 3 yrs ago ?, I can dig it up but its only 85k vs 100k (that's prolly not the source either, just where I found it to fact check when I made the posT). Even now you think that either one of those figures is accurate.

Without even looking into the reasons behind it, that kid was guilty in the eyes of Shaft and Puff. That quote I posted, I knew nothing about the kid but that wasn't the point, as you said we could only guess.

Ok, so your post was an effort to refute a claim that all rape accusations are true? If that's the case, then your post still failed, because it didn't show an example of a rape accusation being proven as false. Not that there aren't examples of false rape accusations out there. But shaft and Puff aren't idiots, I'm pretty sure they weren't making the claim you think they were...

YourGrandpa wrote:
I'm satisfied with voicing my opinion and moving on.


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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:53 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
Burnt? Fucker's still on fire, ducking and covering. ROLL MAN, ROOOOOLL!

haha you two make a great couple. Maybe move in together and start a support group for rejected males?


Truffle Shuffle
Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:53 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


losCHUNK wrote:
I hate mentioning it because In that 99% there are no doubt some genuine victims, the numbers are cloudy too when you actually look into it but it is still an insanely biased number. It's why I said I'd like more research done into it.

But from my point of view it's a biased system. The one that went to court - this assault was meant to have taken place on George street bridge in the middle of the day (Memph / Donny would know how laughable that is), but my mate was still dragged through a court case where his future was left in a Jurys hands.

Then to be told that he can't get his justice is fucked up.

That should explain that I am NOT saying that they're all innocent, but Shaft and Puff ARE saying they were all guilty, which is the rhetoric.

. : You knows you knows


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PostPosted: 06-09-2016 03:56 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
Also: Not having kids, makes you sexist?


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