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Topic Starter Topic: [Quake 3] D*********s church of the damned + DrDers House H.

Joined: 31 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: 07-31-2009 01:39 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Hello everyone, I am Kaffeewunder, and i am freshmeat. B>

I map since a long time ( started with doom2? dn3d B>), but never realeased anything beside 2 maps for the q3mod arenaworld. so i never released something but did some maps, now i have 10 maps almost finished, i just need some fixes like performance and lightning or other things.But most important is the itemlayout since its right now realtiv random. so i thought i should pull out some beta of the maps fixed with the
obvios issues, so that they can used by others. So i hope u can give me some help and u can have some fun on my maps. since they´re part of a series they are optimized for serious gameplay, or shall be optimized for tdm and duel. B>
Ok the maps seems huge so tdm and ffa will be picked. All textures are from other persons, i only resized and bumped some of the original idtextures, and added to the most a normalmap. :E
Ill hope u have fun and can enjoy somehow the maps.

So here is D********* church of the damned
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OF1XPMJO dm3



XXXC_DM5 DrDers Hospital House inn

This is the second beta,

there have to be added still more details, and this cel shading issnt final, so i´ll hope u can give me here also a little bit help.

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H3YJXDK6 dm5


Thx and Regards,



Insane Quaker
Insane Quaker
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PostPosted: 08-07-2009 06:44 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Hi Kaffee,

These maps look cool. I won't be able to give you solid feedback for a little while b/c I'm going away today, but let me just say this: you'd get a lot more activity if you released your betas individually, even if they are part of a series or map pack.

When I get back I'll try to help you out with the testing part. In the mean time, I would work on splitting this post into two separate threads.

See you then!


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PostPosted: 08-11-2009 12:48 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Hi Pat,

I am very glad to read your post, and as u mentioned i will split the maps up. I am not only glad to read your post i am also eager to read what you think, and also little bit excited! :> So i thank u very much beforehand. Ill hope you enjoyed your trip, or whatever you did! =)



I'm the dude!
I'm the dude!
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PostPosted: 08-11-2009 09:59 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


Missing textures:

At any given area where you can jump though a window or a ledge into the skybox, you are faced with either an invisible wall or a drop into the skybox with no way out. Either clip it off with some railings or other object to prevent the player from falling out, or make it a real void of death that kills the player.

Looks promising, texturing needs some work since you mixed up some of the tech and goth themed textures, it looks a little odd. Swap out the tech themed textures for all gothic and it'll look much better.


This map is excessively dark. I can't see where I'm going.

A number of the windows are walk-through or walk-through in one direction. There is also a nonsolid wall by the LG. You seem to have some lightmap loading issues since I get errors in the console and there are a few surfaces where the lightmap doesn't load and you get the checkered missing texture (courtyard with all the trees). Whatever shader or model you are using for the trees, I'm pretty sure the texture isn't loading for them.

I'm not sure why you modified all the stock id textures the way you did, it looks like you passed everything through some weird Photoshop filter. It looks a little... odd.

GtkRadiant | Q3Map2 | Shader Manual


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PostPosted: 08-23-2009 09:42 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Hello again,

Okay i ll posted this before, but now its missing since i posted it "to late". so here is what i did.
I worked a littlebit on xccc_dm3
- made it a lil bit brighter
- added lvlshot
- i cropped the tech textures
- added the missing textures
- clipped the open areas ( i think i will let it just be as it is, void sucks, i will see)
- switched ra with quad
- switched rl with ra
- addded some models. light
- added some "eyecandy"

you can download here the new pk3. ill hope now its somehow enjoyable. gameplay wise i dont know, is it ok, i think i will remove the 2nd pg near lg and and put the gl there. every idea you´ve can say gameplaywise is welcome =)

Xccc_Dm3 downloadlink :
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=196RMAP2 dm3

I dont know what i will do with DM5, i mean brighten up is clear, but i think the actual texturerset doesnt fit at all, it should be rotten hospital, i could add some models like bet, wheelchairs, monitors etc.pp, but dunno if its still a good idea and if it really look like that. :\ ill have to take their a deeper thought. =)

So and then i have some questions,
i know this question is comming often, but i have problems with -fixaas it doesnt work, with no map i tried, the -fixaas stage is fast and q3map2 tries b and b... but dont write anything :\ i get always the messag aas not initizialed
do i rly need fixaas2.zip? coz i cant get it anywhere. :(
Oh and with xccc_dm3 there is also an issue, if i render the map with a lower _lightmapscalevalue then 0.75 i got a strange effect while loading the map, the lvl shot got black i only see the itemsymbols poppin up while loading, and then i enter the map the console is green, the letter in there are black and the sky also, bitmaps(like the torchflames) wont be drawn, and the hud is black B-E. Also blending textures get a very bright blue. (looks somehow inverted B-E).
Ill hope anyone can guess anything, and its understandable. so have fun with the maps, and ill hope to read something. i wish everyone a nice day.

Regards, Kaffee


Insane Quaker
Insane Quaker
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PostPosted: 09-16-2009 07:04 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Hey dude,

Sorry I forgot to get back to you for so long. I was waiting for you to split up the threads into individual maps and didn't even realize you had dropped Hospital from this one.

I still can't really give you much info though. I tried playing today but the map is still way too dark on my laptop and I can't up the gamma on this computer for some reason. There areas by the sky are nicely lit, but walking around in the shadows almost makes me feel as if it's night time. I'd try to make the whole map's lighting a little more like the skybox areas. Keep the shadows - just don't make kind of grey and musty rather than pitch black. From the screenshots it looks like you're screen is way too bright to reasonably test any kind of lighting. Turn your /r_gamma down when mapping.

Let me know if you still need help getting -fixaas to work. I recently had to use this feature in one of my own maps so I can probably find where you're going wrong. (It can be a little tricky sometimes.)



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PostPosted: 09-19-2009 07:50 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


well Pat i am glad u didnt forget it at all. well its a kind of obvious to wait, coz i allready said i will open a new thread! =)
I also wanted to post some screens after uploading the map and writing the reply. but unfortunatly i got tight involved to my work so i couldnt do it. so now i have allready a new version. i suppose i post this screenshot, with some detailed pics of the map, so you can maybe tell me how dark/bright it seems. if its fine i will upload the first public beta.

and i also changed some smaller things.

-replaced 2 textures
-changed yellowarmor-teleporter
-worked on lightning
-added sounds
-changed item layout
-rendered with higher gamma value
-added some "models"
-added music
-polished the ambient
-fixed texture aligment

here is a "small screenshot" :


i raised the gammavalue . but i am concerned it gets unnatural bright. so if u think its ok, i will upload this version, else i will make it a again brighter.

So everyone can tell me what hes thinkin.

well i couldnt solve the -fixaas problem, i followed the q3wpost-instructions and socs instructions both ways didnt work.
i know it seems that in newer versions of q3map2 -fixaas is disabled but still works. but even when i fake a broken.aas file with a map which had allready a functionally aas it didnt work :\ i am quite tired i will look back in a few hours, but now i have to rest B-E i ll hope everyone can follow. bye




Insane Quaker
Insane Quaker
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PostPosted: 09-23-2009 04:40 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Sorry it's been so long between replies for me. I've been busy on my latest map which is now in beta.

As far as I can see the lighting looks a lot better - much more natural. The lighting in the QUAD screen shot looks just right. You said you raised the gamma, do you mean in Q3A, with the /r gamma command, or in the actual map compile process? If your just raising your gamma in the game that will have no effect on how other people see the map. You should have your /r_gamma set to it's default value of 1 when you're lighting the map so you can see what the map looks like under normal settings.

As for the -fixaas, don't worry, I couldn't get it for a while either. I eventually contacted Sock about it and he helped me through it, so I'm gonna pay it forward here and get this working with you. The best way to start is to make sure you have the latest versions of q3map2 and bspc.exe. Even if you do have these, replace them with the following links anyway just so you know you haven't messed them up in any way. (This was actually my problem, my q3map2 has corrupted files for some reason.)

Q3MAP2 - http://www.divshare.com/direct/8614604-812.zip

Place the contents of this .zip in a folder called q3map2 (or something) and put it in your Quake III Arena folder.

BSPC - http://www.divshare.com/direct/8614603-5b7.zip

I put this in my quake iii arena\q3map2 folder as well but you should also find wherever your old bspc.exe is located and replace that too.

Next, you're going to want to automate the lengthy fixaas process with a batch file. Below is the batch file I use with comments. Please let me know if you need me to clarify anything.

@REM is the equivalent of a comment in batch file syntax. Put an @ sign before
@REM anything you don't want to see printed in the cmd prompt.

@REM First do a find/replace for all the file paths. If you are using Windows XP
@REM you'll just have to replace "realmap" with whatever the name of your real map
@REM is, and "botmap" with whatever the name of your bot map is. If you're using
@REM Vista or something else, you'll have to change the whole file path because
@REM they won't be the same.

@REM So the DEL part just gets rid of all the old versions of your realmap and
@REM botmap before you start compiling. fixaas seems to have problems just over-
@REM writing things.

DEL "C:\Program Files\Quake iii arena\baseq3\maps\realmap.aas"
DEL "C:\Program Files\Quake iii arena\baseq3\maps\realmap.bak"
DEL "C:\Program Files\Quake iii arena\baseq3\maps\realmap.bsp"
DEL "C:\Program Files\Quake iii arena\baseq3\maps\realmap.prt"
DEL "C:\Program Files\Quake iii arena\baseq3\maps\realmap.srf"
DEL "C:\Program Files\Quake iii arena\baseq3\maps\botmap.bak"
DEL "C:\Program Files\Quake iii arena\baseq3\maps\botmap.bsp"
DEL "C:\Program Files\Quake iii arena\baseq3\maps\botmap.prt"
DEL "C:\Program Files\Quake iii arena\baseq3\maps\botmap.srf"

@REM This part sets the paths to your game folder, q3map2 folder, etc., so you
@REM don't have to keep typing them in.

set Q3_PATH="C:\Program Files\Quake iii arena"
set COMP_PATH="C:\Program Files\Quake iii arena\q3map2\q3map2.exe"
set BOT_PATH="C:\Program Files\Quake iii arena\q3map2\bspc.exe"
set MAP_PATH="C:\Program Files\Quake iii arena\baseq3\maps\realmap.map"
set GEN_OPTIONS=-fs_basepath %Q3_PATH%

@REM We begin our compile by doing a quick BSP of the real map.


@REM Then we set the map path to our bot map so we can compile for it.

set MAP_PATH="C:\Program Files\Quake iii arena\baseq3\maps\botmap.map"

@REM Do a bsp of the bot map so we can make the AAS.


@REM Create an AAS of the bot map with BSPC. -forcesidesvisible is necessary be-
@REM cause we used the -meta tag in our BSP.

%BOT_PATH% -forcesidesvisible -bsp2aas %MAP_PATH%

@REM Rename the botmap.ass to realmap.aas so we can join the two later with fixaas.

ren "C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena\baseq3\maps\botmap.aas" realmap.aas

@REM Set map path back to the real map for fixaas.

set MAP_PATH="C:\Program Files\Quake iii arena\baseq3\maps\realmap.map"

@REM You should now have a realmap.map and a realmap.aas (which is actually just
@REM your botmap.aas renamed).

@REM We now run fixaas on the real map so the .aas we renamed will work with it.
@REM Then compile the BSP however you want the final version of the map to look.
@REM This is just a -meta for quick testing.


@REM This runs an optimize on the AAS. The reason you have to do this is a really
@REM weird one. It's necessary because the date modified on the .aas has to be
@REM more recent than the one on the real map - please don't ask why, I have no
@REM clue  : ).

%BOT_PATH% -optimize -reach %MAP_PATH%

@REM Freeze the cmd prompt so you can go back and look for error msgs if this
@REM didn't work. You can add this anywhere if you want to pause the process at
@REM any point and check what's going on.


If you put q3map2 and bspc.exe in the right places, this should work. I suggest making your real map and bot map small identical box maps while your just testing if the process works. The compiles will be faster, but more importantly, some people have mentioned the possibility of fixaas breaking if the two are too different.

Miscellaneous notes:

- AAS is only paying attention to the surfaces, so you want stuff like botdonotenter in the bot .map file, but you want entities like weapons, bot roams, and anything else that happens in realtime in the real .map file.

- You can fix lots of quirky bot behaviors with fixaas. I might put up a little guide for some of the different ways you can trick bots into playing better by making your bot map slightly different than your real one, but most of it is common sense. Quick example: Ever see a bot try to drop down off a ledge? The walk up to it super cautious, crouch, and then slowly inch their way off the ledge. So why not take note of these ledges and extend them out a little further in the bot map than they actually are in the real map? This way bots naturally walk right off before they even begin to worry.

Let me know how you do,


Joined: 31 Jul 2009
Posts: 15
PostPosted: 09-26-2009 02:38 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


first of all, thank you very much pat, your a great help, and the hints very usefull! Ofc i let the rendering done with a higher gammavalue. =) and done some other tweaks fixes, i will open a new threat in some minutes with a public beta.
now i think its really "bright"! so we will see soon. =)

and again pat, your map really look awesome, you have a great eye for details and the use of them. the itemplacment seems to be a little bit to much, but you have very nice ideas like this jumpad witha curve, rly nice =) and the map looks like maps should look like anno 2009. =)

thx and regars again,


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