
Oildepot - final release
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Author:  codey- [ 03-09-2005 03:28 PM ]
Post subject:  Oildepot - final release

Hi all!

As the Q3A map editor GtkRadiant came out last spring in working order for Mac OSX I decided to give map making a try and "Oildepot" is the result. I finished it about a week after this place went belly up so I hope it's OK I show it now.

It's for the Q3A mod Urban Terror and you can get it at the european site Act of War

or at the US site UT-Mapdepot

The map will open in base Q3 but has some display bugs then in the doors of the buildings. (Urban Terror has rotating doors missing in Q3.) To fully play it you need Urban Terror 3.7 which also can be found at those sites.

I also want to take the chance and thank rgoer for the skybox seams bug fix! I used his sky sphere model from the Mars map which I found in this forum FAQ.

Here are some sample screenshots. Click on pics for bigger.

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Author:  StormShadow [ 03-09-2005 06:09 PM ]
Post subject: 

a bit of both id assume...

looks awesome! I dont have urban terror anymore, but ill dl it just to run around and look at the scenery :) GJ man, it looks awesome.

Author:  obsidian [ 03-09-2005 06:14 PM ]
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Nice work! I remember seeing some of the earlier screenshots you were working on at Splash Damage.

Author:  dzjepp [ 03-09-2005 06:54 PM ]
Post subject: 

Woa... that as a first time mapper? Quite impressive! :)

Author:  redfella [ 03-10-2005 08:53 AM ]
Post subject: 

Codey has mapped for rtcw for years.

Author:  voodoochopstiks [ 03-10-2005 04:04 PM ]
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Looks cool from the screenshots, but the surrounding cliffs look rather cheap.

Author:  dzjepp [ 03-10-2005 06:50 PM ]
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Hmmm well I assumed when he said 'give map making a try' that he was new. :)

Author:  codey- [ 03-11-2005 07:18 AM ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for all positive response!

Kaziganthe wrote:
Is all of that brushwork or models?

It's a mix but mostly brushwork - for instance the chairs, keyboards and mouse are models but the G5, screen and iMac and other furniture are brushes. I've did none of the models but used either Urban Terror's included ones or things from the net. The major part of them is Lt1's stuff from Black Rayne Studios He currently does all modelling for Urban Terror.

redfella wrote:
Codey has mapped for rtcw for years.

That's 'Codey' with a capital C, another guy - I'm 'codey' aka codemadeflesh :icon25: And this is my first map for the Q3 engine - long ago I did a couple of maps for Bungie's mac only fps game 'Marathon Infinity'.

voodoochopstiks wrote:
Looks cool from the screenshots, but the surrounding cliffs look rather cheap.

Sorry, the screenies are from a nearly finished version - I broke up the clifftextures in the final release version. I'd would have loved to use the terrainblending tricks in later q3map2 versions but those are not available on mac (yet).


Author:  redfella [ 03-11-2005 08:46 AM ]
Post subject: 

codey- wrote:
That's 'Codey' with a capital C, another guy - I'm 'codey' aka codemadeflesh :icon25: And this is my first map for the Q3 engine

oh, haha, silly meh. That's wierd though, because your style looks very similar to his rtcw maps.

Author:  Scourge [ 03-11-2005 11:52 AM ]
Post subject: 

It looks like home to me. :) I'll install UT again and have a look.

Author:  Torchy [ 03-11-2005 04:10 PM ]
Post subject: 

looking very good. if your still in the polishing stage you may want to check some of the photos on this website
the Chemical and Process Industries page has some good reference

Author:  Psyche911 [ 03-12-2005 12:50 AM ]
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I've played this map a little bit. I must say it's a lot of fun. Unfortunately, not many servers host it.

I should talk to Hottlipz about running it on 6thfloor. It reallly is an excellent map, codey.

Although, I guess I haven't played it enough, I never realized there were any buildings you could go into. :icon19:

Author:  codey- [ 03-20-2005 01:43 AM ]
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Torchy wrote:
looking very good. if your still in the polishing stage you may want to check some of the photos on this website

The map was released in november. Thanks for the links anyway. Some good stuff there.
Before I began working on the map I did a whole day of photo researching in a real oildepot here in Stockholm, got some 250+ photos - both for texture use and detail reference. Even got questioned by a security guard who wanted to know what I was doing. Luckily his kid plays Counterstrike so the guard got my explanation of what I was up to or I could have ended up in the slammer on suspicion of terrorist preparations.
Which in a way I was :D

Psyche911; it should be available on 6thFloor although not in rotation. When Oswald started with Urban Radio again at the end of november it was featured and I played it on 6thFloor with a whopping 190 ping :icon32:


Author:  voodoochopstiks [ 03-20-2005 04:28 AM ]
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