
How can I create round dome, there is one but can't invert i
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Author:  richfromlondon [ 07-18-2016 03:09 PM ]
Post subject:  How can I create round dome, there is one but can't invert i


How can I create a round dome, I can't get it so it is inverted, it isn't too bad the shape, but I can't do inverting for any brush.


howdoicreatedomeceiling.JPG [ 239.4 KB | Viewed 350 times ]

Author:  dONKEY [ 07-18-2016 06:33 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: How can I create round dome, there is one but can't invert i

I assume you simply mean you want to invert the side from which the patch is visible? You select the patch, and press Ctrl and i.
Be aware you can only select a patch from the solid side.

Author:  richfromlondon [ 07-19-2016 06:06 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: How can I create round dome, there is one but can't invert i

How can I remove that center vertice?

I actually just moved it down below the rest of the center floor there.

removecenter.JPG [ 47.75 KB | Viewed 346 times ]

Author:  AndyW [ 07-19-2016 01:00 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: How can I create round dome, there is one but can't invert i

richfromlondon wrote:
How can I remove that center vertice?

you cannot remove it

Author:  richfromlondon [ 07-19-2016 01:10 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: How can I create round dome, there is one but can't invert i

I see.

What is the solution for a rounded floor? If only I could scale it back the first round line from the center vertice.

Author:  sst13 [ 07-19-2016 08:07 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: How can I create round dome, there is one but can't invert i

1. Make a simple cylinder.
2. Hit V and select the lower row of vertices. Selection -> Scale -> X:3 Y:3 Z:1
2. Now select the middle row of vertices. Selection -> Scale -> X:2 Y:2 Z:1

This should produce some kind of pylon shape.

Protip: You can select entire rows/cols of vertices by holding down SHIFT while clicking on them.

Author:  dONKEY [ 07-19-2016 11:40 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: How can I create round dome, there is one but can't invert i

Are you trying to make a concave or convex floor?
Not that it really matters. Bare in mind, patches create issues with bot navigation, so you are going to have to be able to botclip whatever shape you make.
You absolutely can lower the centre control point (those little squares that you can select to drag your mesh, are actually control points, not vertices). The biggest problem is going to be texturing actually. Whatever texture you use is going to be warped. I would suggest you use a texture with very little detail, to hide the issue as much as possible.
I actually do have a solution that I came up with for vaulted ceilings and domes, but it probably a bit too involved.

Author:  richfromlondon [ 07-20-2016 04:49 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: How can I create round dome, there is one but can't invert i

Hmm, the alternative could to create shaped brushes in a circle to surround the first deck circle.

Thank you.

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