
Q3Radiant Map Exporter by Milkshape 3D [DLPUF]
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Author:  a13n [ 03-16-2007 04:00 AM ]
Post subject: 

Here is an in-editor shot.
Have a look at the pillars.
They were located elegantly by making full use of spacing tool.


Author:  rgoer [ 03-16-2007 05:46 AM ]
Post subject: 

you do realize that the .map format and the bsp compile process both have a tendency to behave unpredictably with ridiculously off-the-grid data, right?

Author:  a13n [ 03-16-2007 03:50 PM ]
Post subject: 

They are, at least, on grid 1.
Almost everything goes well though some retouches are required.

I name this method "Dynamic Level Planing Ultra Fast(TM)"
In short D.L.P.U.F(dee el pAf).

Author:  a13n [ 03-17-2007 02:55 PM ]
Post subject: 

If grid 1 is too hard-boiled for you, you can shift to grid 2 by setting larger scale in milkshape, which would result in less unexplainable leaks at the expense of deeper consideration of final scaling of geometry, lightgrid and lightmap.
In that case you have to be more careful to entity placement.

Author:  Kat [ 03-17-2007 04:29 PM ]
Post subject: 

a13n wrote:
If grid 1 is too hard-boiled for you, you can shift to grid 2 by setting larger scale in milkshape, which would result in less unexplainable leaks at the expense of deeper consideration of final scaling of geometry, lightgrid and lightmap.
In that case you have to be more careful to entity placement.
So wait..! You mean you have to fix a shit load of "unexplained" leaks as well as all the other stuff you have to do to get this to work?

Hmmm I wonder what could possibly be causing the compiler to find leaks like that? Could it be that, oh I don't know, your map actually has leaks due to the method you're using!? :icon22:

It's funny but when I build maps I very rarely have *any* leaks never mind "mysterious" ones.

Author:  Scourge [ 03-17-2007 04:49 PM ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like entirely too much work for almost no payoff. I could dig a swimming pool with a gardening spade, but that would be a bit ludicrous wouldn't it?

Author:  a13n [ 03-17-2007 07:29 PM ]
Post subject: 

Actually there were a few leaks in my map(grid 1).
At 1st they seemed to be unexplainable.
But after subtle struggles they turned out to have some kind of law.
I'll list up the 2 reasons once it is surely proved to be the ones.
I need more tests which takes time.

By the way I'll post yet another related method later, which would likely to be more acceptable to everyone.

Author:  Kat [ 03-17-2007 09:05 PM ]
Post subject: 

a13n wrote:
Actually there were a few leaks in my map(grid 1).
At 1st they seemed to be unexplainable.
But after subtle struggles they turned out to have some kind of law...
Yes... build a map correctly and you don't get any. Simple really.

:icon22: :shrug:

Author:  +JuggerNaut+ [ 03-18-2007 03:39 AM ]
Post subject: 

MaxGaMin wrote:
You should be a moderator.

you should gouge your eyes out with a spoon.

Author:  Foo [ 03-18-2007 08:33 AM ]
Post subject: 

I second the motion that the idiot child should be moderator.

For the lulz.

Author:  obsidian [ 03-18-2007 04:47 PM ]
Post subject: 

The only reason why I haven't locked this thread yet is because of the 'lulz'.

Author:  Shallow [ 03-19-2007 05:50 AM ]
Post subject: 

This method is undeniably stupid but I'm worried that we're setting a precedent for thread shitting which could bite us in the ass later.

I'm just waiting for a13n to create an alt and have a conversation with himself like that old Mapcenter thread. Assuming he hasn't already.

Author:  dnky [ 03-19-2007 05:57 AM ]
Post subject: 

I did cross my mind that Max was.

Author:  a13n [ 03-19-2007 05:59 AM ]
Post subject: 

one word:
Judge the new type of gameplay instead of the method itself.
BSP will be released near future.

Author:  pjw [ 03-19-2007 06:09 AM ]
Post subject: 

a13n wrote:
Judge the new type of gameplay instead of the method itself.

So...you make not just one, but two threads about a new method of mapping? Then when people don't agree with you regarding the usefulness of this method, you ask that it not be judged and tell them to wait for a map?

I haven't seen anything at all about gameplay in these threads.

If you don't want people to judge your method, then I see no reason to leave these threads open.

Feel free to make a new thread when you have a map and want people to judge gameplay.

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