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        I need help making a .AAS file on Mac.

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Topic Starter Topic: Re: I need help making a .AAS file on Mac.

I'm the dude!
I'm the dude!
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PostPosted: 11-21-2010 09:12 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I know, I have a Mac too, and seeing a stable working setup would be a benefit to me too. I'm just referring to "perhaps razztazzmagoria is just so big and silly" and how there are solutions to your problems that don't involve brute force. Just putting the alternative out there in case you didn't know about it.

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Insane Quaker
Insane Quaker
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PostPosted: 12-01-2010 06:19 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

^misantropia^, have you been making changes? I just compiled the latest tarball and used it to compile my potential submission for the 20 brush competition and it worked really well. The version number looks different, and it seems MUCH faster...but I could just be....drugs

either way, good work, I think

haven't tried razztazzmagoria yet though


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PostPosted: 12-02-2010 04:20 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Yeah, I fixed a few bugs and added a number of optimizations.

razztazzmagoria still doesn't compile on 32 bits systems, though. :/


Insane Quaker
Insane Quaker
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PostPosted: 01-03-2011 08:55 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Certain aspects to my life are kinda starting to fall into place, and once I'm established with a roof over my head, I'll have about half a year to lock myself in a room with C/C++ books and see how much I can contribute. I'm wondering how complicated it'd be to get bots to have paths to hovering entities, so if someone wants to have hovering CTF flags, they don't need to employ cheap bot-clip brush tricks to make the flags "pathable". I'm also curious to see what kind of "thinking" goes on when the bot is actually running around, or how the decision making process works. I wanna see if I can get it to take more things into consideration, or perhaps change how it responds to the player...maybe employ some type of "learning" or prediction code. Also, how's the new family member, Misantropia? Hope all is well.


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PostPosted: 01-03-2011 12:58 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

She's exceedingly well, growing like something that's growing very fast indeed. =)

For the stuff you want to do knowing how to write C alone isn't enough, you will also need a fairly strong background in mathematics. Stuff like depth-first/breadth-first search and A* pathfinding is part of the basic toolkit.

Don't let that discourage you though. Most of it is pretty simple, you can pick it up in a couple of nights.


Insane Quaker
Insane Quaker
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PostPosted: 01-04-2011 06:42 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

That...actually.....is a very welcome challenge, and a very well-timed one. What type of math should I be familiar with before moving into the code itself? Algebra....2? Pre-Calc? Ultra-Calc? Being a philosophy major, I didn't exactly have a TON of math under my belt by the time I graduated college...so any suggestions you have I'll happily investigate.


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PostPosted: 01-04-2011 07:45 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Did your courses include discrete math or was it mostly logic? The latter won't hurt but the former is what most CS stuff boils down to. Algebra and graph theory is what you'll be using most in 3D programming (and the fundamentals like algorithms and data structures, of course).


Insane Quaker
Insane Quaker
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PostPosted: 01-04-2011 08:57 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

It was almost exclusively logic. I was thinking I would reread some logic, then refresh myself on some "algebra 2" type stuff, then work my way up to calc, and finally end up with the algorithms, data structure, graph theory, and the basic math tool kit you mentioned. Only then would I start working into the code. I'm ok putting in the time as long as I'm building a firm foundation for the next thing I need to know how to do.

That's why I figured...logic->math->more math->code->more code (CUDA/OpenCL/OpenGL)

Do you know of any books on discrete math I should look into or is it the kind of thing I can more or less wiki/google around for?


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PostPosted: 01-04-2011 11:50 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

You don't need to do first one, then the other. In my experience the best way to learn is to screw around until you hit a wall, then start looking up resources about the problem at hand.

But if you want a really excellent introduction to both discrete math and programming, work your way through MIT's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (free e-book). I have to warn you that it's heavy going at times but well worth it.


Insane Quaker
Insane Quaker
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PostPosted: 03-28-2011 09:28 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I'm running into a new error with the OSX version of bspc

I've tried depth/breadth first bsp building and it hits about 28501 splits and says "ERROR : Tried parent"

I've tried throwing nocsg, forcesidesvisible, nobrushmerge, it errors at the same point each time.

What does Tried parent mean?


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PostPosted: 03-28-2011 12:52 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Good question. It means that there are two overlapping AAS nodes, something that shouldn't be possible. Sounds like data corruption. Can you send over the map? What do `bspc -v` and `file bspc` say?


Insane Quaker
Insane Quaker
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PostPosted: 03-28-2011 02:34 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

"unknown parameter -v" :)


"bspc-osx: Mach-O executable i386"

the complete console output is as follows:

BSPC version 2.1h, Nov 9 2010 22:28:31
bsp2aas: /Applications/quake3/baseq3/maps/corefault.bsp to /Applications/quake3/baseq3/maps/corefault.aas
-- Q3_LoadMapFromBSP --
Loading map from /Applications/quake3/baseq3/maps/corefault.bsp...
20288 triangles
17064 patch tris
creating planar surface planes...
searching visible brush sides...
27801 brush sides
1517 brush sides textured out of 27801
Entity 0, Brush 28: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 30: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 30: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 30: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 34: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 36: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 36: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 38: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 40: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 2242: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 2244: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 2246: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 2246: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 2248: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 2372: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 2374: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 6024: duplicate plane
nummapbrushsides = 53896
1836 curve brushes
1 threads
-------- Brush CSG ---------
12314 original brushes
8881 output brushes
-------- Brush BSP ---------
8881 brushes
38943 visible faces
0 nonvisible faces
79810 total sides
pthread multi-threading
1 threads max
depth first bsp building
96791ERROR: Tried parent
Closed log bspc.log


Cool #9
Cool #9
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PostPosted: 03-28-2011 11:12 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

If you want to do programming stuff on software like BSPC then trust me, knowing C syntax is the least of your worries.


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PostPosted: 03-28-2011 11:33 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

just get a pc aye? heh im helping!


Insane Quaker
Insane Quaker
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PostPosted: 03-29-2011 05:54 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YEAH..yeah....yeah....point taken, just sayin' I've never seen "tried parent" before. It's kinda funny to think my maps are dumb enough that it just...keeps breaking different parts of the compile process.

Plus I'll be building all this stuff in 64-bit linux (openSuse unless convinces me to use something else) soon, I seem to recall bspc worked better in that environment.

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