
Steam Switch related stuff / changed paths in QL?
Page 1 of 1

Author:  AndyW [ 11-01-2015 11:36 AM ]
Post subject:  Steam Switch related stuff / changed paths in QL?

With the Steam switch and an fresh Win7 installation (including all editing tools) i ran into some problems and dont know how to solve it the best way.
Some Textures seems missing and i did an pretty bad "caulk" job in the early blockout. Those textures only show up on stuff thats not visible in-game and should normally be caulked.

EDIT: I found most of the missing textures and replaced them with caulk. But there might be some of those red/black textures on brushes (when i used the clipping tool in early blockout at some time the "use caulk on clipping tool" option was disabled) that are like "face to face"... will those be auto-caulked within the compile process?

EDIT2: :) The Mapobjects (md3´s) are missing or i cant find them... I extracted the whole pak0 and found nothing but textures in the old Mapobjects folder.

I also want to get rid of that "warnings" below but dont know how...

Loading D:\QLMapping\wolfcamql10.3\baseq3\maps\aa22.bsp
Loading D:\QLMapping\wolfcamql10.3\baseq3\maps\aa22.prt
1335 portalclusters
3752 numportals
5611 numfaces
7504 active portals
0 hint portals

--- BasePortalVis (7504) ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1)
7 average number of passages per leaf
25 MB required passage memory

--- CreatePassages (7504) ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1)

--- PassagePortalFlow (7504) ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (25)
creating leaf vis...
Total visible clusters: 362448
Average clusters visible: 271
Writing D:\QLMapping\wolfcamql10.3\baseq3\maps\aa22.bsp
Wrote 3.0 MB (3165940 bytes)
27 seconds elapsed

D:\QLMapping\Q3Map2Build>"D:\QLMapping\GtkRadiant-1.6.4-20131213\q3map2.exe" -fs
_basepath "D:\QLMapping\wolfcamql10.3" -fs_game "baseq3" -light -dark -dirt -pat
chshadows -dirtdepth 32 -dirtscale 3 -gamma 1.2 -samplesize 8 -threads 4 "D:\QLM
4 threads
Q3Map - v1.0r (c) 1999 Id Software Inc.
Q3Map (ydnar) - v2.5.17
GtkRadiant - v1.6.4 Dec 13 2013 17:23:59
We're still here
VFS Init: D:/QLMapping/wolfcamql10.3/baseq3/

--- Light ---
Dark lightmap seams enabled
WARNING: Unknown argument "-dirt"
Patch shadow casting enabled
Dirtmapping depth set to 32.0
WARNING: Unknown argument "32"
Dirtmapping scale set to 3.0
WARNING: Unknown argument "3"
Lighting gamma set to 1.200000
Default lightmap sample size set to 8x8 units
entering scripts/shaderlist.txt
entering scripts/ad_content.shader
entering scripts/ad_trim.shader
entering scripts/base_button.shader
entering scripts/base_door.shader
entering scripts/base_floor.shader
entering scripts/base_floor2.shader
entering scripts/base_light.shader
entering scripts/base_object.shader
entering scripts/base_support.shader
entering scripts/base_trim.shader
entering scripts/base_wall.shader
entering scripts/base_wall2.shader
entering scripts/camper.shader
entering scripts/cliffside.shader
entering scripts/common.shader
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "snowsteps"
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
entering scripts/ctf.shader
entering scripts/ctf2.shader
entering scripts/dc_clientpak.shader
entering scripts/gfx.shader
entering scripts/gfx2.shader
entering scripts/gothic_block.shader
entering scripts/gothic_button.shader
entering scripts/gothic_door.shader
entering scripts/gothic_floor.shader
entering scripts/gothic_floor2.shader
entering scripts/gothic_light.shader
entering scripts/gothic_trim.shader
entering scripts/gothic_wall.shader
entering scripts/grunge.shader
entering scripts/industrial.shader
entering scripts/jk_tourney1.shader
entering scripts/liquid.shader
entering scripts/liquid2.shader
entering scripts/liquids.shader
entering scripts/models.shader
entering scripts/models2.shader
entering scripts/models3.shader
entering scripts/organics.shader
entering scripts/pi.shader
entering scripts/proto2.shader
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
entering scripts/se_blockout.shader
entering scripts/se_gothic.shader
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
entering scripts/se_industrial.shader
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
entering scripts/sfx.shader
entering scripts/sfx2.shader
entering scripts/shw.shader
entering scripts/skin.shader
entering scripts/skies.shader
entering scripts/skies2.shader
entering scripts/spider.shader
entering scripts/stone.shader
entering scripts/terrain.shader
entering scripts/tim.shader
entering scripts/tp_gothic.shader
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
entering scripts/q3map.shader
entering scripts/ql.shader
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "snowsteps"
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "snowsteps"
entering scripts/ct_infinity.shader
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
WARNING: Unknown surfaceparm: "woodsteps"
entering scripts/focalpoint.shader
Loading D:\QLMapping\wolfcamql10.3\baseq3\maps\aa22.bsp
Loading D:\QLMapping\wolfcamql10.3\baseq3\maps\aa22.srf
Loading D:\QLMapping\wolfcamql10.3\baseq3\maps\aa22.map
entering D:\QLMapping\wolfcamql10.3\baseq3\maps\aa22.map
--- SetupGrid ---
Grid size = { 64, 64, 128 }
18865 grid points
463 point lights
0 spotlights
1020 diffuse (area) lights
0 sun/sky lights
1404 total lights
79 culled lights
--- TraceGrid ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1)
55 x 49 x 7 = 18865 grid
--- MapRawLightmap ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
296433 luxels
175213 luxels mapped
38372 luxels occluded
1404 total lights
0 culled lights
--- IlluminateRawLightmap ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (25)
296433 luxels illuminated
--- IlluminateVertexes ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
34209 vertexes illuminated
--- StoreSurfaceLightmaps ---
235273 luxels used
262144 luxels stored (89.75 percent efficiency)
976 solid surface lightmaps
996 identical surface lightmaps, using 19519 luxels
0 vertex forced surfaces
0 vertex approximated surfaces
16 BSP lightmaps
16 total lightmaps
295 unique lightmap/shader combinations
Writing D:\QLMapping\wolfcamql10.3\baseq3\maps\aa22.bsp
Wrote 3.9 MB (4103292 bytes)
39 seconds elapsed

D:\QLMapping\Q3Map2Build>"D:\QLMapping\GtkRadiant-1.6.4-20131213\bspc.exe" -bsp2
aas "D:\QLMapping\wolfcamql10.3\baseq3\maps\aa22.bsp" -forcesidesvisible -optimi
ze -threads 4
Opened log bspc.log
BSPC version 2.1h, Aug 24 2013 23:20:03
forcesidesvisible = true
optimize = true
threads = 4
bsp2aas: D:\QLMapping\wolfcamql10.3\baseq3\maps\aa22.bsp to D:\QLMapping\wolfcam
-- Q3_LoadMapFromBSP --
Loading map from D:\QLMapping\wolfcamql10.3\baseq3\maps\aa22.bsp...
20574 triangles
5544 patch tris
creating planar surface planes...
searching visible brush sides...
21327 brush sides
21327 brush sides textured out of 21327
nummapbrushsides = 41454
557 curve brushes
4 threads
-------- Brush CSG ---------
6914 original brushes
5889 output brushes
-------- Brush BSP ---------
5889 brushes
30820 visible faces
0 nonvisible faces
41858 total sides
Win32 multi-threading
4 threads max
depth first bsp building
0 splits
BSP tree created in 23 seconds
------- Prune Nodes --------
78916 pruned nodes
---- Node Portalization ----
53491 nodes portalized
1466 tiny portals
0 KB of portal memory
0 KB of winding memory
------ FloodEntities -------
------- FillOutside --------
11986 solid leaves
4723 leaves filled
10037 inside leaves
10036 areas created
3096 face merges
1076 gravitational subdivisions
82 face merges
5068 areas merged
8536 nodes pruned
6045 areas checked for shared face flipping
11797 face merges
45Warning: MergeWindings: front to back found twice
0 ladder subdivisions
23536 edges melted
6045 areas provided with settings
allocated 7 MB and 996 KB and 104 bytes of AAS memory
6045 areas stored

AAS created in 46 seconds
loading collision map...
CM_LoadMap( D:\QLMapping\wolfcamql10.3\baseq3\maps\aa22.bsp, 0 )
70 weapon jump areas
calculating reachability...
please wait while storing reachability...
found a trigger_push with velocity 37.523323 0.000000 562.849915
found a trigger_push with velocity -34.683594 0.000000 811.911316
found a trigger_push with velocity 0.000000 0.000000 771.492065
found a trigger_push with velocity 0.000000 0.000000 571.314270
found a trigger_push with velocity 0.000000 0.000000 593.295837
found a trigger_push with velocity 591.141235 15.556349 452.548370
calculating clusters...
0 forced portal areas
27 possible portal areas
25 removed portal areas
3 portals created
8 clusters created
cluster 1 has 1671 reachability areas
cluster 2 has 2 reachability areas
cluster 3 has 4 reachability areas
cluster 4 has 3 reachability areas
cluster 5 has 3 reachability areas
cluster 6 has 4 reachability areas
cluster 7 has 2 reachability areas
1689 total reachability areas
8392098 AAS memory/CPU usage (the lower the better)
AAS data optimized.
writing D:\QLMapping\wolfcamql10.3\baseq3\maps\aa22.aas
numvertexes = 0
numplanes = 7392
numedges = 1
edgeindexsize = 0
numfaces = 1
faceindexsize = 0
numareas = 6046
numareasettings = 6046
reachabilitysize = 8231
numnodes = 19286
numportals = 3
portalindexsize = 4
numclusters = 8
5210 walk
0 crouch
132 barrier jump
624 jump
0 ladder
1610 walk off ledge
186 swim
0 water jump
0 teleport
0 elevator
372 rocket jump
0 bfg jump
0 grapple hook
0 double jump
0 ramp jump
0 strafe jump
96 jump pad
0 func bob
freed 7 MB and 996 KB and 104 bytes of AAS memory
BSPC run time is 67 seconds
Closed log bspc.log

Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .

Is this stuff affecting performance in-game or can i ignore it and sleep well tonight?
Somehow i dont want to caulk and retexture the complete map... but if its just the only way :question:

Author:  AndyW [ 11-04-2015 05:03 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam Switch related stuff / changed paths in QL?

In stock ql maps the mapobjects show up... I cannot find the paths or get it to work ATM... Hmm
Heelp :)

EDIT: I copy the missing md3 files over and was able to select it in radiant, but when i deselect the teleporter via ESC it removes from the map... I think they removed the mapobjects! If this is for real than its a shame

Author:  Gustavo6046 [ 11-06-2015 10:17 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam Switch related stuff / changed paths in QL?

Or ESC isn't deselect.

Author:  obsidian [ 11-06-2015 01:25 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam Switch related stuff / changed paths in QL?

.md3 files for mapobjects are compiled into the map, they are not distributed with the game.

The gamepack included with GtkRadiant should have some select models. If not, you may need to manually copy them from the Q3 gamepack.

Author:  Gustavo6046 [ 11-06-2015 02:37 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam Switch related stuff / changed paths in QL?

There is no reason to argue against obsidian. He is the "hardest block in Minecraft".

Author:  MKJ [ 11-15-2015 03:00 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam Switch related stuff / changed paths in QL?

That's racist.

Author:  Gustavo6046 [ 11-15-2015 08:26 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam Switch related stuff / changed paths in QL?

What is racist?

Author:  seremtan [ 11-22-2015 02:56 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam Switch related stuff / changed paths in QL?

Gustavo6046 wrote:
He is the "hardest block in Minecraft".

pretty sure that's bedrock

pretty sure though

Author:  AndyW [ 11-27-2015 05:36 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam Switch related stuff / changed paths in QL?

Just FYI:
Since the last Update everything is fine...
All files are where they belong now.

obsidian wrote:
If not, you may need to manually copy them from the Q3 gamepack.

I was afraid to do that caused by the "Copyright-Stuff"... One time Syncerror told me to NOT use QL assets in Q3 :/
So i wont use Q3 assets in QL if theyre not included to QL´s *.PAKs

Author:  obsidian [ 11-27-2015 04:55 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam Switch related stuff / changed paths in QL?

Agreed. Though there are some models that are in both games.

Author:  AndyW [ 01-20-2016 12:03 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam Switch related stuff / changed paths in QL?

Okay i have an new problem that i solved 50%
I want to use the "steam01" and "steam02" shaders from the newest pak0.pk3 in Quake Live (from map "Fallout Bunker" Files located in textures/proto2)
When i apply the texture in Radiant i always get that Black/red "shader not found" texture -but ingame after compile it works!
After checking the "shader" and the "image-files" i noticed that:
qer_editorimage textures/proto2/steam_01_img.tga
cull disable
deformVertexes autoSprite2
surfaceparm trans
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm pointlight
deformVertexes wave 50 sin 0 3 0 .3
deformVertexes move .3 .1 0 sin 0 .5 0 0.2
map textures/proto2/steam01.tga
tcmod scroll 0 0.3
blendfunc blend
rgbGen wave sin 1 .05 0 .75
map textures/proto2/steam01.tga
tcmod scroll 0 0.4
blendfunc blend
rgbGen wave sin 0.4 .1 0 .5

qer_editorimage textures/proto2/steam02_img.tga
cull disable
deformVertexes autoSprite2
surfaceparm trans
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm pointlight
deformVertexes wave 50 sin 0 3 0 .3
deformVertexes move .3 .1 0 sin 0 .5 0 0.2
map textures/proto2/steam02.tga
tcmod scroll 0 0.3
blendfunc blend
rgbGen wave sin 1 .05 0 .75
map textures/proto2/steam02.tga
tcmod scroll 0 0.4
blendfunc blend
rgbGen wave sin 0.4 .1 0 .5

qer_editorimage textures/proto2/steam_01_img.tga
cull none
deformvertexes autosprite2
surfaceparm trans
surfaceparm nolightmap
deformvertexes wave 50 sin 0 4 0 .3
deformvertexes move .3 .1 0 sin 0 .5 0 0.2
map textures/spog_dc/steam_add.tga
tcmod scroll 0 0.3
blendfunc add
rgbgen vertex

qer_editorimage textures/proto2/steam_01_img.tga
qer_trans 0.50
cull disable
surfaceparm trans
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm nomarks
deformVertexes wave 50 sin 0 3 0 .2

I have only steam01* and steam02* .PNG in folder /proto2/ No TGA!!

Im really confused, did i missed something or is this just an Steam-Switch related issue that hopefully will be fixed with the next GTKR update?
I want to use that shader cause i think it really looks great!

Author:  KittenIgnition [ 01-21-2016 06:41 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam Switch related stuff / changed paths in QL?

Steam_01_IMG.tga was not and will not be released, as it is an editor-only image. Simply change the qer_editorimage path to something that does exist, or create a new image with that name. The red and black error means the image was not found, but the shader was.

Author:  AndyW [ 01-21-2016 07:00 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam Switch related stuff / changed paths in QL?

Oh thats nice, thank you very much! :)

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