
2 questions...
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Author:  Wulfi359 [ 09-24-2005 06:58 AM ]
Post subject:  2 questions...

is it possible to have Q3A run in a window that can be minimized?
and, can you create shortcuts for starting up CPMA for example without starting the game, going to Mods and then picking the mod? :confused:

Author:  Survivor [ 09-24-2005 07:20 AM ]
Post subject: 

Yes both are possible, no i do not how it is done.

Author:  Canis [ 09-24-2005 07:26 AM ]
Post subject: 

You can command-tab out of the game, but Q3 freezes the mouse in windowed mode, so you cant access any menus. It also doenst allow for command-m to minimize the program. Technically it would be possible if these features were enabled, but they arent so I dont see how it could be done.

You can create an applescript that will open the game with the "+set fs_game CPMA" tag (not sure of the exact syntax for the applescript).

Another way is to have some program or some shell script call this command: /Applications/Quake\ 3/Quake3\ G4.app/Contents/MacOS/Quake3\ G4 +set fs_game CPMA. You can have an applescript call it, or you can put it in a shell script, or you can type it in the terminal yourself.

Author:  Canis [ 09-24-2005 07:41 AM ]
Post subject: 

If you have OS X 10.4 then you can do it in automator. Create an automator workflow and add the "run shell script" option to the workflow. Add the command listed above to the text field in the workflow as the only command in the script. Then save the workflow or you can select "save as..." and save it as an application that you can put in your dock.

Author:  Wulfi359 [ 09-24-2005 09:20 AM ]
Post subject: 

thanks Canis. i don't have Tiger, but i'll look into the apple script. i have someone that could help me with it. was never good at that stuff :p

btw, i just did the command + Tab and it hid Q3! nice. it didn't go to a windowed game, just hid it and my mouse worked fine. which is pretty cool. now i can answer incoming ICQs whilst fraggin'. thanks for the tip.

Author:  bork[e] [ 09-24-2005 12:53 PM ]
Post subject: 

Unless it's different than windows, in window mode just bring down the console and click somewhere out of quake's screen... But I guess that can't be done on an apple?

Author:  Canis [ 09-24-2005 02:27 PM ]
Post subject: 

If you're command-tabbed out of the program for too long it may disconnect you from the server. While you're tabbed out it makes you ping 999 to the server, so the server may drop you. I can usually be tabbed out for several minutes at the most before I lose the connection.

Author:  Canis [ 09-24-2005 02:28 PM ]
Post subject: 

bork[e] wrote:
Unless it's different than windows, in window mode just bring down the console and click somewhere out of quake's screen... But I guess that can't be done on an apple?

You can go into window mode, and then command-tab out of the program. However, if you have Q3 in the foreground in any way it freezes the system mouse and gives all mouse input to Q3.

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