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Author:  NCG_Mike [ 01-10-2006 06:52 AM ]
Post subject:  MWSF IRC feed

You can get an IRC feed at irc://irc.arstechnica.com:6667 in the #mwsf channel and the #macintosh channel.

Author:  Canis [ 01-10-2006 10:15 AM ]
Post subject: 

Intel Macs Released. Its an iMac G5 with a Dual core intel processor...apparently 2-3x faster than current G5s.

Author:  NCG_Mike [ 01-10-2006 10:27 AM ]
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Yeah, I told you they were fast!

Author:  Canis [ 01-10-2006 10:29 AM ]
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Well, apparently each core is faster, but I'm not sure if that scales with clock speed yet. They havent released the specs for them yet, though apparently they are running with ATI X1600 GPUs.

Author:  Canis [ 01-10-2006 10:30 AM ]
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Ahhh!!!! Powerbooks!!!!!! :D

Author:  Canis [ 01-10-2006 10:31 AM ]
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MacBook Pro!!! Dual core intel processor!!!! :D Wahoo!!

Author:  Canis [ 01-10-2006 10:33 AM ]
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So its goodbye "PowerBook"? I'm kinda disappointed with the loss of that name. Despite the processor, they should have stuck with that name. It rocks.

Author:  NCG_Mike [ 01-10-2006 03:19 PM ]
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The new name is pathetic, IMO. PowerBook didn't relate to PowerPC in my mind.

MacBook sounds like something people wipe their feet on.

Author:  NCG_Mike [ 01-10-2006 03:26 PM ]
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Note the lack of update on the Flemish web site due to the lazy fucker Belgians not "feeling" like they can be bothered to update their web site. It must interfere with their coffee break or chatting to their mates.


And they wonder why they have huge unemployment in Antwerp...

I should call to ask about the new iMac G5. I bet they've never heard of it.

/rant off

Edit: Ignore me. I shouldn't use the keyboard after so many beers.

Author:  Canis [ 01-10-2006 04:35 PM ]
Post subject: 

I dont get what your rant is about...that screenshot looks updated to me.

I agree about the name. I thought PowerBook was a solid name that was here to last. Steve's excuse that Apple has left "power" was rather odd to me, because I'd expect they'd want to maintain power symbols and phrases that pertain to their computers. I hope they never get rid of "PowerMac", thought I could see them doing something like "ProMac" or some such alteration.

Author:  ajerara [ 01-10-2006 10:42 PM ]
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Saw it all today at Macworld, the Intel comps are really fast. The MacBook totally toasts the old G4 notebooks. They said it's up to 4x faster, I believe it. 667 mhz system bus, dual core 2 gig Yonah processor. It felt pretty cool to the touch. Not very heavy, either. An Apple employee I talked to said that they will replace all models of their computers with Intel macs this year. I'm glad they finally got their powerbook line up to speed with the rest of the world. They said they've improved the display quality as well, 67% brighter than the old one. They're updating the 17" model next. Pretty sweet.

Author:  Canis [ 01-10-2006 10:47 PM ]
Post subject: 

I'm thinking they'll update the mini and ibooks next, with the PowerMacs being the last thing to make the transition. I'm willing to bet Apple wants to ensure all the pro applications are properly supported before they make the leap to cuttin off pro consumers from fast solutions on their computers.

Author:  +JuggerNaut+ [ 01-11-2006 12:49 AM ]
Post subject: 

did you notice during the ipod segment during the keynote that there was no verbal or visual mention of the Shuffle at all? i'm thinking they're revamping it and coming out with an all new Shuffle VERY soon.

Author:  Canis [ 01-11-2006 09:48 AM ]
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Possibly. I've not heard much about the shuffle's success except for it does have some conflict with consumer interest in the nano.

Author:  NCG_Mike [ 01-11-2006 12:58 PM ]
Post subject: 

Canis wrote:
I'm thinking they'll update the mini and ibooks next, with the PowerMacs being the last thing to make the transition. I'm willing to bet Apple wants to ensure all the pro applications are properly supported before they make the leap to cuttin off pro consumers from fast solutions on their computers.

Notice that all the current (2) Intel based Macs have remote controls.

Guess what? When the Mini arrives it'll have a remote too and... it'll plug into a TV (DVI -> HDMI).

The current Mini will plug into TVs with DVI connections. I've seen it done to a LCD. I'm still using the old S-Video -> SCART myself on my tube.

Author:  S@M [ 01-13-2006 02:23 PM ]
Post subject: 

are these all 64bit? with 32bit support?

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