
iPod nano complainers can hush it...
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Author:  +JuggerNaut+ [ 11-16-2005 07:58 PM ]
Post subject: 

well, you posted a pic that made you own yourself. good job.

Author:  Massive Quasars [ 11-16-2005 07:58 PM ]
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Canis wrote:
You could walk around change the song others are listening to...that would be childishly fun.

It would indeed.

Author:  Canis [ 11-16-2005 07:59 PM ]
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Your fickle point is still on your mind?

Author:  Canis [ 11-16-2005 08:00 PM ]
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Massive Quasars wrote:
Canis wrote:
You could walk around change the song others are listening to...that would be childishly fun.

It would indeed.

I used to really want one of those TV remote watches so I could turn on the TV in school or change the channel of my neighbor's TV. :D

Author:  Nightshade [ 11-16-2005 08:15 PM ]
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Canis wrote:
I never understood the shuffle, but seeing the mini made it that much more desireable. The shuffle is a cool keychain I guess, but I think the screen is what makes the ipod so cool.

Price + relatively small mp3 collection. That's what made it perfect for me, but I do find myself wanting a Nano or even a new iPod Video.

Author:  YourGrandpa [ 11-16-2005 08:37 PM ]
Post subject: 

Where do you guys find the time to fuss with U/L ing, D/L ing, converting WAV to MP3, ect., ect. Then actually listen to hours and hours of music. Do you all walk/commute to work, or is the local radio in your area that bad?

Just curious. I can't seem to find a practical purpose for an ipod.

Drive to work: Turn on car radio
Drive home: Turn on car raido
At Work: Internet Radio or No Radio at all
At Home: Turn on Radio, TV or Computer.

Maybe it's because I've got satellite radio or the fact I don't listen to much music anymore that I haven't got an ipod. I don't know. I think they're cool and all. But I don't think I'd want to waste the time archiving my music.

Author:  Zyte [ 11-16-2005 11:27 PM ]
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My iPod G5 already has some minor scratches on the screen and body, but i can hardly see em, let alone when the backlight is on. I can imagine it would irritate some people, but come on, its still an mp3 player, it meant to be used and it doesnt have to last centuries.. i dont get people who buy those belkin carrying cases.. just dont put in in your pocket next to your keys or other hard materials like ur cock.

but i guess my scratches are way less then those on the nano soft screens, although i dont know how those looked, but my screen is very watchable :)

Author:  Canis [ 11-16-2005 11:49 PM ]
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Yeah, as long as its working, its fine. I understand folks get down when their brand new player gets scratched, but its really up to them to take care of it. Its not apple's fault someone puts the player in with their keys and they end up with a scratch on the thing. The thing is portable, not bulletproof. Apple doesnt sell it as "scratchless" or "unbreakable". Heck, they dont even mention the durability.

Author:  +JuggerNaut+ [ 11-17-2005 12:34 AM ]
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:dork: lots of people have said that they DON'T put them in their pockets with keys, change, or anything that would scratch it, but yet they claim to have scratched easily. again, with the assumptions.

Author:  Canis [ 11-17-2005 02:01 AM ]
Post subject: 

Juggy, quit trying to prove something to me. I and many others just dont believe these people who claim the ipod nano just got scratched. Yeah, it got gouged with nothing in your pocket. A fucking miracle happened. I dont believe that one bit. The fools had it pressed against something hard, and the thing got scratched. Tough shit. Next time they'll be more careful.

Author:  o'dium [ 11-17-2005 02:14 AM ]
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MY PSP sometimes scratches itself when its not in use, its THAT bad at attracting scratches :dork:

My ipod isn't scratched at all, perfect. In fact its still in the box, in the shop. :dork:

Author:  mjrpes [ 11-17-2005 04:24 AM ]
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Canis wrote:
Juggy, quit trying to prove something to me. I and many others just dont believe these people who claim the ipod nano just got scratched. Yeah, it got gouged with nothing in your pocket. A fucking miracle happened. I dont believe that one bit. The fools had it pressed against something hard, and the thing got scratched. Tough shit. Next time they'll be more careful.

I know first hand you can scratch the thing even by taking good care of it. That's what I tried during the first week. When I put it in my pocket I made sure nothing would abrase against it, like car keys. After a couple days there were scratches on it. After a week it had enough scratches on it that I said 'fuck it' I'm not going to worry about it anymore. Now, after two months, it's not a big deal to me.

As for people getting upset over the scratches, I can understand that. Especially if people fall in love with the commercials and ads and feel that an iPod isn't just a consumer device, it's a piece of modern art. Apple has brought that onto itself.

Author:  Dave [ 11-17-2005 04:56 AM ]
Post subject: 

Jesus God. i'm moving this to somewhere more appropriate.

Author:  +JuggerNaut+ [ 11-17-2005 09:03 AM ]
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Dave wrote:
Jesus God. i'm moving this to somewhere more appropriate.


Author:  Tormentius [ 11-17-2005 09:55 AM ]
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YourGrandpa wrote:

Just curious. I can't seem to find a practical purpose for an ipod.

Some of us don't like sitting and listening to endless commentary and ads on the radio. MP3 players (and especially iPods) are simple to manage and provide portable entertainment for listening to music you actually want to hear.

Author:  +JuggerNaut+ [ 11-17-2005 10:30 AM ]
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Tormentius wrote:
YourGrandpa wrote:

Just curious. I can't seem to find a practical purpose for an ipod.

Some of us don't like sitting and listening to endless commentary and ads on the radio. MP3 players (and especially iPods) are simple to manage and provide portable entertainment for listening to music you actually want to hear.

on top of that: having 30GB or more of your music/audiobook/podcast collection with you at all times is great. in the office, the car, mobile, at home, it connectivity is almost endless.

Author:  G-News [ 11-18-2005 07:35 AM ]
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"To know me is to love me." That's what the box of my iPod said in fluorescent letters that are only revealed under UV light.

Author:  Canis [ 11-18-2005 10:03 AM ]
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G-News wrote:
"To know me is to love me." That's what the box of my iPod said in fluorescent letters that are only revealed under UV light.


Author:  G-News [ 11-19-2005 01:50 AM ]
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I was just trying to say that, once you have an iPod, you're going to love it.

Author:  S@M [ 11-20-2005 04:20 PM ]
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I got a black nano a few weeks ago, also bought a silicone cover at the same time. The nano goes in my bag, or in my pocket or desk drawer at work - it has no scratches or cracks, and its excellent for long flights, or short bus trips etc. Wireless would be sexy, but tbh so would an am/fm radio transmitter - thats what I want in the next version, more than anything else. Second on my wishlist would be for ALL ipod products to be able to receive photos from the digital camera - currently only one version can which is a bummer.

edit, and I agree with G - but in a non sexual kind of way :p
edit 2 - try a black light to look at the box :icon28:

Author:  +JuggerNaut+ [ 11-20-2005 05:22 PM ]
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S@M wrote:
and its excellent for long flights, or short bus trips etc.


Author:  S@M [ 11-20-2005 06:11 PM ]
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I dont get u, but at the same time, I dont give one.

Author:  Dave [ 11-21-2005 12:51 AM ]
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+JuggerNaut+ wrote:
Dave wrote:
Jesus God. i'm moving this to somewhere more appropriate.


it's like watching tennis

Author:  S@M [ 11-21-2005 01:22 AM ]
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Federer lost!!! I know he was carrying an ankle injury, and not in top form, but still, pretty nice scalp to have on your playing list,

*low volley return*

Author:  G-News [ 11-21-2005 04:32 AM ]
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I guess he won often enough in the past:) He can afford to lose one match every 5 years or so:)

Author:  NCG_Mike [ 11-21-2005 04:36 PM ]
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Just to chip my two cents in... I have an iPod Mini I bought as a toy and it's not as nice as a flash device a mate of mine has from Philips (he works for them in Eindhoven). His device plays WMA (dunno if it'll handle DRM) and it has a nice blue LCD display.

He got it as a freebie from the project team who he's connected to. It's just a shame it came with Music Match :-p

Author:  NCG_Mike [ 11-21-2005 04:44 PM ]
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G-News wrote:
I guess he won often enough in the past:) He can afford to lose one match every 5 years or so:)

About time you guys lost something! I dunno... beating Turkey :icon26:

Just hope FC Thun lose :paranoid: "Up the Arse(nal)!" :p

I can't believe it's been held in a place called, "Wankdorf". That's open to abuse!

Author:  G-News [ 11-22-2005 02:31 AM ]
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Wankdorf is just a quarter in Bern. However, I don't know what the etymological root of "wank" is, really. I'm pretty damn sure it's got nothing to do with self-stimulation, though.

Author:  +JuggerNaut+ [ 11-22-2005 10:36 AM ]
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S@M wrote:
I dont get u, but at the same time, I dont give one.

cuz ya didn't.

Author:  S@M [ 12-15-2005 06:43 PM ]
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weeel, I dropped my nano on the footpath yesterday, it landed on its back, no scratches, no cracks and all systems are still go - slightly relieved about that - more robust than I thought it would be, but I dont plan on dropping it again.

Author:  CrapAfraG [ 12-28-2005 08:44 AM ]
Post subject:  iPod nano rules

Yeah, the whole thing does scratch easy, but who cares? it beats any other mp3 player of its kind - definitely worth getting. Oh yeah, get a case 4 it, there are some real great ones about.

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