
ArenaKit mod
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Author:  Sexualizer [ 01-05-2015 03:56 AM ]
Post subject:  ArenaKit mod

Project Link
This is not really a mod for Q3A, it's for openarena. So far the server side game play is highly configurable with console variables.
There's too many settings to list here, but here are some of the settings for weapons:

Abbreviations for weapon console variables:
    * gt = Gauntlet
    * mg = Machinegun
    * sg = Shotgun
    * gl = Grenade Launcher
    * rl = Rocket Launcher
    * lg = Lightning Gun
    * rg = Railgun
    * pg = Plasma Gun

Console variable templates:
    * wp_??_ammo_disable_spawning: If set, ammo boxes for this weapon will be removed from the map
    * wp_??_ammo_respawn_time: The time, in seconds, to respawn the ammo box for this weapon
    * wp_??_ammo_quantity: How much ammo to add when an ammo box for this weapon is picked up
    * wp_??_burst_count: Number of shots per burst.
    * wp_??_burst_time: Time, in milliseconds, to delay for each burst. Set this to 0 to disable weapon bursts.
    * wp_??_damage: Damage given for each hit by the weapon
    * wp_??_disable_dropping: If set, this weapon will not be dropped by a player who dies
    * wp_??_disable_spawning: If set, the weapon will be removed from the map
    * wp_??_kickback: Multiplier used for pushing back the player who is firing the weapon
    * wp_??_knockback: Multiplier used for pushing back an enemy who gets hit by the weapon
    * wp_??_max_ammo: Maximum ammo the weapon can hold
    * wp_??_reload_time: Time, in milliseconds, before the weapon can fire it's next shot
    * wp_??_respawn_time: The time, in seconds, to respawn the weapon
    * wp_??_starting_ammo: Ammo given for when the weapon is picked up
    * wp_??_team_knockback: Multiplier used for pushing back a team player who gets hit by the weapon

The following weapon settings only apply to projectile weapons:
    * wp_??_acceleration_factor: Multiplier for the projectile velocity due to acceleration
    * wp_??_acceleration_rate: Rate, in milliseconds, of velocity changing by the acceleration factor
    * wp_??_add_vertical_direction: Value to add to the vertical component of the weapon's forward directional vector before firing.
    * wp_??_guided_projectile: If set, projectiles will guide themselves towards enemy players
    * wp_??_min_velocity: If set to a value other than 0, fired projectiles will have a random velocity between wp_??_min_velocity and wp_??_velocity.
    * wp_??_projectile_bounce: Multiplier used for determining the projectile velocity after bouncing off of a surface. If not set, projectile explodes immediately after coming in contact with a surface.
    * wp_??_projectile_count: Number of projectiles to spawn with each shot.
    * wp_??_projectile_gravity: If set, specifies the local gravitational acceleration.
    * wp_??_self_knockback: Multiplier used for pushing back the player who shoots this weapon too close to a surface.
    * wp_??_splash_damage: Maximum damage given from this weapon's explosive area effect
    * wp_??_splash_radius: The radius of explosions caused by this weapon
    * wp_??_spread: Radius for randomizing the projectile directions when fired from the weapon.
    * wp_??_velocity: Velocity of fired projectiles

Author:  Sexualizer [ 01-06-2015 09:53 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: ArenaKit mod

stupid bitbucket made the wiki private.
nobody told me cuz no one cares.
it's fixed now...but it's too late.
Nobody will look at this again.

Author:  vinny [ 01-09-2015 08:22 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: ArenaKit mod

This is great for modding! The tweaking power is strong with this one.

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