
Quake4World Forums
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Author:  shiznit [ 10-16-2005 06:23 PM ]
Post subject:  Quake4World Forums

Come visit us at the Quake4World forums.


Author:  Foo [ 10-16-2005 06:26 PM ]
Post subject: 

Is this a hint? :olo:

Author:  shiznit [ 10-16-2005 06:46 PM ]
Post subject: 

A hint? More like an old joke.

Author:  Guest [ 10-16-2005 07:00 PM ]
Post subject: 

Foo wrote:
Is this a hint? :olo:

are u gonna make a real forum there?

Author:  Foo [ 10-16-2005 08:04 PM ]
Post subject: 

The hassle of forking from these forums doesn't seem worth it. So long as there's a pro-active approach to transitioning into Quake 4 from the admins here, I don't think it'll be warranted.

It might be fun though, so who knows.

Author:  Guest [ 10-16-2005 08:18 PM ]
Post subject: 

So how about contributing ur domain to Q3W in order to make a Q4W of the same style? I guess u wouldn't have to pay for phpBB and hosting then.

Author:  Foo [ 10-16-2005 08:46 PM ]
Post subject: 

There are a number of complications:
1. IGN host Q3W and their intentions it seems are to scale it back as much as possible, whenever possible. Hence adding Q4 to the mix is likely to be met with hostility. Namely since they already own and operate planetquake.
2. I'm comitted to developing a decent wiki to document a game's entire life-cycle. This domain plus the imminent release of Q4 provides a unique opportunity to do this. The option of moving to this hosting and setting up the wiki here is shaky ground, to say the least. Partly because of reason #1 above, partly because I wouldn't have the SQL access I need, and partly due to lack of interest in the neccesary areas.
3. I honestly don't feel much would be done with the domain if I simply signed it over to the admins here. The best case scenario from that side of the pond seems to be setting up the domain to point straight to these forums, and that's it. Sadly, I don't agree and think the only chance this place has of ever picking back up again is if it's accompanied by a successful site on the front end.

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