
Quake 4 Point Release 1.4 News Coming Soon
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Author:  Bugsy [ 12-04-2006 08:24 AM ]
Post subject:  Quake 4 Point Release 1.4 News Coming Soon


This was posted on ESReality by SyncError of id software.

December 3, 2006

Okay, we're nearing the time that news will be coming soon. The 1.4 patch is still being worked on, but we've started creating test builds - so we're finally getting there. However, we haven't "wrapped things up" concerning adding features and bugfixes. We're taking a new approach with the 1.4 patch. Like the 1.3 patch, we're kinda exploring new grounds in how to increase our involvement with the community. The 1.3 patch was the first time that we took direct player feedback to change the fundamental way the game was designed, by altering damages, projectile speeds, player acceleration rates. Essentially while there was work left to do, the process we underwent for 1.3 both vastly improved an existing game as well as created a new avenue of support and participation. With 1.4, things have remained quiet in comparison to the "1.3 wishlists" that he had leading up to 1.3, but that does not mean that the community is neither involved or being targeted. I think everyone will be very pleased (perhaps even surprised).

I'd imagine that you'll be hearing some from me this coming week. There's been something I've been wanting to announce for two weeks, but we've been very busy at our office and so the announcement had to be slightly delayed...

Source [ ESReality ]

Author:  SyncError [ 12-04-2006 10:46 AM ]
Post subject: 

To clarify, I said some news would be coming soon -- not the patch. The patch is still an undeterminal time away.

Author:  kleeks [ 12-04-2006 11:30 AM ]
Post subject: 

well news is good too :) (especially when its going to be about the all new GTV that is been coded :icon25: )

patch, well tbh i think you got alot right with 1.3 - so don't mind waiting while you fine-tune things.

Only one real question - has anything been done to combat the pvs error in 1.4 thats sometimes crashing our q4base publics. Its the only reason i find our servers down nowadays.
I believe the error is known about in the right circles, and indeed q4max have reduced it to a logged error, as opposed to a server stopper.

Author:  Bugsy [ 12-04-2006 01:04 PM ]
Post subject: 

I clarified the thread subject to include news.

I'm pretty anxious to hear what has been worked on myself.
Being that the 1.4 patch hasn't recieved the fanfare 1.3 got before it release, makes me even more curious. :)

Anything that improves Quake 4 will be welcomes news.

Author:  MKJ [ 12-04-2006 01:20 PM ]
Post subject: 

this should be good

Author:  Ganemi [ 12-04-2006 09:39 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Quake 4 Point Release 1.4 News Coming Soon

Bugsy wrote:
(perhaps even surprised).

This, my stinky friends, means hand grenades and a chaingun.

Okay, maybe not.

Author:  GODLIKE [ 12-05-2006 05:26 AM ]
Post subject: 

Probably not.. I think this one is a bugfix update, mostly. But I'm looking forward to it, either way..

Author:  prince1000 [ 12-05-2006 12:22 PM ]
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si_fps 100 seems promising.

Author:  Ganemi [ 12-06-2006 07:12 AM ]
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What? Is that like com_maxfps?

Author:  prince1000 [ 12-06-2006 07:59 AM ]
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Lets say Player A is moving at 1000ups (yes I know that's quite fast) then he will move 8 units of the time with 125 client snapshots sent and stay in the same position for 8ms compared to 16 units at the time and staying in the same position for 16ms with 62.5 snapshots. Player B fires a rail that will hit one of the last 7units on the back edge of Player A's hitbox at time 9ms with 62.5fps with player A at starting point (first packet hasn't been recived yet). If he was sending his position every 8ms then he would have moved 8units, hence the rail would miss. Same example except targeting the forward 7 units of the hitbox and Player A changes direction (assume instant direction switch). With 16ms between packets the rail will hit, while with 8ms between packets it will miss because the direction switch has already been made. Forward direction is assumed to be the direction which the player has velocity at time ms0.

dont know how right this guy is but syncerror eluded that he was heading in the right direction in a prior post.

Author:  TTK-Bandit [ 12-06-2006 01:52 PM ]
Post subject: 

Ganemi wrote:
What? Is that like com_maxfps?

nah com_maxfps would limit the client framerate.
si_fps would be the same as sv_fps on q3, the number of frames per second, a server does.

Author:  prince1000 [ 12-06-2006 04:33 PM ]
Post subject: 

right forgot to mention that. i wonder what that will do to demo size.

Author:  KO [ 12-07-2006 11:46 AM ]
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I've heard it all before! I'm guessing its way too little, way too late.

Author:  I cant spell u [ 12-10-2006 03:27 PM ]
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why haven't they patched the xbox version?

Author:  neh [ 12-18-2006 12:18 PM ]
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my vote is add proper hardware thread support (as much as is possible inside the d3 engine architecture I guess) -

was terryfying how little extra fps dual core gave me :(

Author:  AnthonyJ [ 12-18-2006 12:54 PM ]
Post subject: 

neh wrote:
was terryfying how little extra fps dual core gave me :(

I assume you set r_useSMP 1?

Are you gfx card bound, or cpu bound? (ie, whats your specs, and what settings are you using)

Author:  GODLIKE [ 12-18-2006 09:16 PM ]
Post subject: 

I get a great boost with r_useSMP 1, myself. (So long as the lagometer is off.)

I'll take any improvement in Quake 4 sound that I can get.. I still occasionally get missing sounds, although s_useDeferredSettings "0" fixed up delayed sounds on my PC.

Wonder if this news will hit before I have to leave for x-mas vac?

Author:  Glockg [ 12-19-2006 10:18 PM ]
Post subject: 

Why new point release only 2 people play q4 muiltiplayer.

Author:  KO [ 12-20-2006 07:58 AM ]
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Glockg wrote:
Why new point release only 2 people play q4 muiltiplayer.

because 3 is company

Author:  Tormentius [ 12-20-2006 10:26 AM ]
Post subject: 

Glockg wrote:
Why new point release only 2 people play q4 muiltiplayer.

Why do you even bother posting here? Are you that bitter that the game didn't turn out just the way you wanted it to? If you don't like it then don't play it and quit whining about it on a Q4 forum ffs.

Author:  GODLIKE [ 12-20-2006 03:18 PM ]
Post subject: 

Some people exist to bitch, oozing negativity wherever they go. The Internet gives these people somewhere that they could all contact each other at the same time, creating swirling cesspools of negativity on the web. Try not to get any in your brain.


Author:  iluvquake4 [ 12-28-2006 02:18 AM ]
Post subject: 

Quake 3's sv_fps created a lot of confusion because clients are required to match equivalent in /snaps. The problem is most players didn't know to adjust snaps so they would join a server that uses sv_fps 30 using snaps 20 and experience horrible lag. The only way to fix it was to force people to use a snaps 30 + using PB cvar kicks.

If you do something like that, please make sure the client auto-adjusts to the server's settings (client should match any settings the server uses to reduce lag) or a lot of confusion will be the result.

Thank you. :icon31:

Author:  dzjepp [ 01-06-2007 01:24 PM ]
Post subject: 

Is there an command equivalent of sv_fps for q4?

Author:  hemostick [ 01-07-2007 05:43 AM ]
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net_serversnapshotdelay - interval between snaps, not the number of snaps per seconds. You'll do the math easily, though :)

Author:  neh [ 01-07-2007 09:31 AM ]
Post subject: 

AnthonyJ wrote:
neh wrote:
was terryfying how little extra fps dual core gave me :(

I assume you set r_useSMP 1?

Are you gfx card bound, or cpu bound? (ie, whats your specs, and what settings are you using)

ffs - no and no - core 2 duo 2.4gig and 7900gts - plus 2 gig sli matchedddr2 ram - but cheers for asking - used usesmp setting and left everything same settings and basically gave me bugger all improvement

Author:  AnthonyJ [ 01-07-2007 10:40 AM ]
Post subject: 

I dont suppose you have the lagometer displayed, do you?

Author:  iluvquake4 [ 02-06-2007 01:38 AM ]
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1.3 made game go from sluggish and somewhat boring to very fast and enjoyable. Hope 1.4 does more of the same. :icon25:

Author:  dzjepp [ 02-06-2007 01:14 PM ]
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Yeah fight. I bet you 'luvedquake4' from the initial release :p

Author:  iluvquake4 [ 02-06-2007 01:21 PM ]
Post subject: 

Every game has growing pains. At least id Software is still working on it for fans of the series. At this point, they could simply stop doing anything for the game like most developers do.. :icon31:

Author:  dzjepp [ 02-06-2007 02:23 PM ]
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True dat... it's suprising they actually are supporting it the way they are given the mp game was largely a flop (in player numbers)

Author:  iluvquake4 [ 02-06-2007 02:46 PM ]
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I've been running servers for quite awhile. For arena style games like Quake, UT, JA, JK2, etc., MP bots are a must to attract players, otherwise most servers will sit there empty. Most players won't sit around in a map waiting for others to join. Bots provide practice and make it seem like a server is busy via game browsers, which motivates players to join it. You'll notice in Quake 4 a bunch of empty servers and a few that are super busy. It's due to that pattern.

Author:  maz0r [ 02-07-2007 04:16 PM ]
Post subject: 

The 1.4 Beta is out \o/

Full Changelog

FTP & HTTP Download + torrent (from id software)

- http://www.ampedesports.com/files/1840

Most Important Changes:
- Q4TV
- Railgun dmg lowered to 90, starting ammo is 5
- Cylindrical Hitboxes (8 sided)
- customable si_fps
- Sound problems fixed and some improvements
- improved netcode

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