
Server Config + Website Monitor (updated for 1.2 patch)
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Author:  Hex [ 11-04-2005 07:18 AM ]
Post subject: 

nasrott wrote:
replaced my default one in the game, modded it with my clans info. Afterwards I get a "cant find maps/+.maps" error in console and when I try to join the server get a map not running error...

Was wondering what I was doing wrong..

Do have a server running now but am using a cfg configured from my home game, wanted the extra lines that he has in his config..

Would also love to know how to set this server up in game panel as a service in W2K3 server and assign an ip, game type basically.ect, the aurgment needed to start this server on it own. Have it running on my desktop now at present kind of a pain...
Thx, Nasrott

I'll bet you have a typo in your config. You're trying to tackle too much at once. copy/paste this rather plain config as your config and see if you can get it running. Then add the lines you want one or a couple at a time while you're testing them.

Start it with quake4ded.exe +exec server.cfg

//basic Q4 server cfg save as server.cfg
si_name "MyServerName"
// si_gametype can be "DM", "Team DM", "Tourney", "CTF", "Arena CTF"
si_gameType "DM"
net_serverDedicated 1
si_maxPlayers 10
// si_minPlayers, game will stay in warmup until at least this many
// players connect. Only valid if si_warmup 1
si_minPlayers 1
// si_warmup perform a match warmup
si_warmup 1
// how many seconds the warmup->game countdown lasts
si_countdown 10
net_serverMaxClientRate 16000
si_mapCycle "mp/q4dm1;mp/q4dm2;mp/q4dm3;mp/q4dm4;mp/q4dm5;mp/q4dm6;mp/q4dm7;mp/q4dm8;"
si_fragLimit 30
si_timeLimit 15
// si_map, the map to start on
si_map mp/q4dm1
set logfile "0"
set net_serverRemoteConsolePassword "rconpass"
set net_serverAllowServerMod "0"
//end basic Q4 server cfg

For running as a service, google for windows start as service. Hope that helps.

Author:  -]Rx[-Harley [ 11-09-2005 07:49 AM ]
Post subject: 

My question is kind of related to rcon, but more specifically the pb admin commands. I have my rconpassword in my config so I connect as admin. Anyways, if I type in a pb command like pb_sv_plist, nothing shows. I've tried the pb_sv_plist with and without rcon in front. I will see in the console something about successful command, but don't see anything.

I do think that the pb commands do work but for some reason, the commands are not echo'ed back. For example, if I initiate pb_sv_badname 20 whatever, a player is definitely kicked after 20 seconds, but if I do a pb_sv_badnamelist, I am not given a list of the names on that list. Anyone have any clues? Am I missing something in my server config? Thanks.

Author:  -]Rx[-Harley [ 11-09-2005 08:08 AM ]
Post subject: 

Ok, I really should do more extensive looking before I post a question because I keep finding the answers myself... anywhoo, I found this on the punkbusted forums posted by an admin:

"turns out it's a pb bug. For some reason it's only pb commands that don't echo back. game cvars, server settings etc are fine."

http://www.punksbusted.com/forums/index ... opic=15588

Author:  Xenolith [ 11-12-2005 06:37 PM ]
Post subject: 

My server is behind a router. What ports need to be forwarded/open for a server to work. I forwarded port 28004 and I can join it just fine. But the server isn't showing up in the game browser. Only 993 servers showed up in my game browser, so no 1000 limit in effect here. {Edit... fixed... port 27650 wasn't being forwarded}

The other thing I want to ask about are the cvars gui_configServerRate and net_serverMaxClientRate. How do these relate? From another site, there is this info about gui_configServerRate.
seta gui_configServerRate "0"
* 0 - 128 kbits
* 1 - 256 kbits
* 2 - 384 kbits
* 3 - 512 kbits
* 4 - 768 kbits
* 5 - LAN speeds
128Kbps : 4 players
256Kbps : 6 players
384Kbps : 10 players
512Kbps : 10 players
768Kbps : 12 players
LAN : 16 players
No real help on net_serverMaxClientRate, so far.


Author:  {uZa}FreakOfNature [ 11-16-2005 09:30 AM ]
Post subject: 

Great config.

Quick question before I try it out because so many things appear to be broken currently:

Anyone having troubles adding custom maps into the server map rotations? (Other than the inability for the client to download the maps)

Author:  Hex [ 11-16-2005 11:44 AM ]
Post subject: 

Custom maps work fine.

Author:  kaffeedoktor [ 11-17-2005 03:55 AM ]
Post subject: 

Is g_log working at your server? I tried setting it in serveral ways, but I won't get is activated. Typing "g_log 1" on server console just sais it's deactivated in multiplayer mode.

Right now I've just those very very tiny stats in file "StatisticsLog.txt" which isn't really usable ...

So is there a way to activate logging or has this to be implemented in a mod using sdk?

Author:  Hex [ 11-17-2005 05:45 AM ]
Post subject: 

use in your config:
set logfile "1"
set logFileName "filename.log"

if enable g_log, it creates what looks like a log of a bunch of diagnostic numbers in a map-specific folder.
(snippet of seperate log created when g_log 1)

:400576 25036 0 "60"
:400592 25037 0 "50"
:416224 26014 0 "60"
:416240 26015 0 "50"
#1 player0_damage_taken
#2 player0_damage_damage_grenadeSplash
:419200 26200 2 "50" 1 "50"

So you don't need g_log to get the standard logfile running.

Author:  kaffeedoktor [ 11-17-2005 06:50 AM ]
Post subject: 

I know - perhaps my post wasn't clear:

Using default log output (logfile=1) just writes any server console output to specified logfile. But I wanted to have log output like it was with q3 dedicated server, which means detailed informations about item/weapon pickups, kills, etc. that can be parsed with a statistics tool. That doesn't seem to be enabled in quake 4 by default and can't be enabled, because it's not allowed in multiplayer mode.

The statistics quake 4 provides with com_logMPstats=1 aren't enough for my needs.

I'm currently playing around with sdk - I've created a thread for that here in this forum.


Author:  Hex [ 11-17-2005 07:52 AM ]
Post subject: 

Oh, right. I'd like to see more detailed stats too...

(watching the other thread)

Author:  Fjoggen [ 11-17-2005 07:47 PM ]
Post subject: 

Nice config, but I also find this var useful for my server:
// Consolle settings
seta com_timestampPrints "2" // print time with each console print, 1 = msec, 2 = sec
seta com_uniqueWarnings "1" //activate to allow individual warnings to print only once per level load.
seta net_serverDedicated "1" //1 = text console dedicated server, 2 = graphical dedicated server
seta win_allowMultipleInstances "1" //allow multiple instances running concurrently
seta win_timerUpdate "0" // allows the game to be updated while dragging the window

Author:  niko [ 11-19-2005 12:09 PM ]
Post subject: 

HELP! :)

anybody having a problem with bobs reseting to some strange values on server after map voting?!

i have the server cfg from this topic and i have tried it in vanilla, x-battle and q4max mods,. and i keep geting walkbob, runbob and crouchbob reset to 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4??

anyone have a clue what might be the problem?

i tried erasing quake4config.cfg, or making it read only and addig pm_runbob "0.0" and so on..

Author:  niko [ 11-19-2005 12:24 PM ]
Post subject: 

./quake4-dedicated +set fs_game q4max +set net_ip +set net_port 28005 +exec server.cfg +set logfile 0 + set fs_basepath /usr/local/games/quake4ctf +set fs_savepath /home/quake/.quake4ctf

am.. tnx, but pls read what i've written :)
i just tried making the quake4config.cfg read only 'couse i have this problem and i saw that q4 writes the complete server.cfg in quake4config.cfg in path /home/quake/.quake4ctf BUT without pm_bob, pm_run commands (q4 ignores it)...
so i tried adding pm_bob to cfg and making it readonly thinking that q4 will read from /home/quake/.quake4ctf/quake4config.cfg on map restart since it's not reading the server.cfg file (or maybe just ignoring bob commands on restart)..

i've also tried running the server without +exec server.cfg and manualy added all the commands, spawned the serv. and so on..

now,.. the quake4config is erased, all server.cfgs are erased, i've loaded a default q4 install + q4max mod.. if anyone has any ideas?

has anyone else had the same problem?
did anyone pay attention at all on pm_walkbob, pm_runbob and pm_crouchbob settings after map voting?

tnx in advance! :P

Author:  {uZa}FreakOfNature [ 11-19-2005 04:10 PM ]
Post subject: 

Could someone tell me what this means in the dedicated server config listed at the begining of this thread?

"//pk4 files without an addon.conf in their root will not work"

What exactly does that mean?

Author:  {uZa}FreakOfNature [ 11-19-2005 04:22 PM ]
Post subject: 

Wow. If that's the case, NONE of the custom maps I've downloaded so far have that file in the pk4. Very odd.

Author:  {uZa}FreakOfNature [ 11-19-2005 05:19 PM ]
Post subject: 

I sure hope so. What a mess.

Thanks a ton for your help bro.

Author:  {uZa}FreakOfNature [ 11-20-2005 04:39 PM ]
Post subject: 

OK, so I thougt I would give it a shot to just have the game point to a url for them to download the maps. That doesn't appear to work either unless I'm screwing something up here. This is what I have, any ideas?:

seta net_clientDownload "1" //pk4 download policy 0=none 1=send to DL location 2=present client with available files
seta net_serverDlBaseURL "http://www.uzaclan.net/downloads.shtml" //base URL to files (example included)
// seta net_serverDlTable "q4base/myq4map01.pk4;q4base/myq4map02.pk4" //list of available pak files (examples included)

Author:  {uZa}FreakOfNature [ 11-20-2005 05:17 PM ]
Post subject: 

Whew! I FINALLY got it after allot of trial and error. Here's what I ended up with FYI:

// this functionality not yet working or missing details
seta net_serverDownload "1" //0=Server doesn't provide dls 1=DL requests forward to URL via si_serverURL 2=provide # of dls for files server is running.
seta net_clientDownload "1" //pk4 download policy 0=none 1=send to DL location 2=present client with available files
seta net_serverDlBaseURL "http://www.uzaclan.net/downloads.shtml" //base URL to files (example included)
// seta net_serverDlTable "q4base/bliptourney1.pk4" //list of available pak files (examples included)
seta si_serverURL "http://www.uzaclan.net/downloads.shtml"

Swing by our server and let me know what you think! I'm currently running 10 custom maps that I verified are in playable form.

The servers on a VERY fast connection in Dallas, TX

Author:  mowfax [ 11-22-2005 02:27 AM ]
Post subject: 

What's the right command in server.cfg to remove powerups?
I saw this on some servers, even on some which didn't have mods loaded. So it must be possible.
Someone got a clue? Thx :)

Author:  Hex [ 02-26-2006 05:53 PM ]
Post subject: 

voteflags has changed. Its not g_voteflags anymore, its si_voteflags

si_allowvoting is still good

condump below:

"si_voteFlags" is:"2" default:"0"
vote flags. bit mask of votes not allowed on this server
bit 0 (+1) restart now
bit 1 (+2) min players
bit 2 (+4) auto balance teams
bit 3 (+8) shuffle teams
bit 4 (+16) kick player
bit 5 (+32) change map
bit 6 (+64) change gametype
bit 7 (+128) time limit
bit 8 (+256) tourney limit
bit 9 (+512) capture limit
bit 10 (+1024) frag limit

(I tested a 0, 2, and a 34 and it worked as advertised. Have to servermaprestart to effect the change.)

Author:  Hex [ 02-26-2006 06:07 PM ]
Post subject: 

The following cmds from the first post appear to be gone
win_allowMultipleInstances (this is a linux ded server I'm checking on)
win_timerupdate (again, linux)

This new one found
number of private slots currently in use

si_privateplayers is also there.. not sure which to use,,, testing to follow

Author:  {uZa}FreakOfNature [ 02-26-2006 07:17 PM ]
Post subject: 

whoa whoa whoa! Private slots?! Can someone point me to more info about how to set this up on a Q4 server?

Author:  Hex [ 02-26-2006 07:28 PM ]
Post subject: 

Right here in Quake4\Docs\readme_update_11beta.htm

Variables for private clients have been implemented. All of these options must be set from the console or in config scripts:

si_privatePlayers: This is the number of private player slots reserved on the server. It subtracts from si_maxPlayers, so a server with si_maxPlayers 16 and 4 private player slots will only allow 12 public players to connect.

g_privatePassword: This is the server-side password setting.
privatePassword: This is the client password used to access a server's private player slots. This must be set from the console.

Author:  {uZa}FreakOfNature [ 02-26-2006 08:50 PM ]
Post subject: 

Yea, I'm an idiot. I found that RIGHT after I posted the message. I've been waiting for that so I don't know how I missed it when I read the read me. :(

Author:  Jagou [ 03-02-2006 08:25 AM ]
Post subject: 

Hey fellas,

I run a little website, http://www.fracturezone.com, it's a local area gaming community. We have a BF2 server and I'm runnning a little Q4 server box, in home, on my comcast gold.

I had been trying to get autodownload to work for a while, with little success...couldn't figure out why for a while. Finally got it.

I thought you guys might like to know and maybe you could shed further light on the subject. I am by no means an "expert" but I muddle around enough to be somewhat dangerous...

The way that the autodownload is configured, as it's seen above....

seta si_serverURL "http://files.quake4world.com/" //webpage containing files
seta net_serverDlBaseURL "http://q4files.escapedturkey.net/quake4/pk4s/" //base URL to pk4 repository
seta net_serverDlTable "q4base/myq4map01.pk4;q4base/myq4map02.pk4" //installed baseq4 pk4 addons

Will only work for me if I create a "q4base" folder on my webserver to download from, for whatever reason it seems to retain the path.

To reiterate, I have the actual map files in a folder named "q4base". It's a subfolder of quake4maps, that is a subdirectory of my website URL. I was unable to get autodownload to work without creating the q4base folder.

Hope this helps.


Author:  CashMoney [ 03-03-2006 06:50 AM ]
Post subject: 

Jagou, thanks for that, was wondering what I'd done wrong :)

Figured while I'm posting, I'd post on how I do autodownloads for the 2 servers I co-admin.

Since both servers are running from the same machine, I've created a third config purely for autodownloads ... called autodownload.cfg. I then call this config from my server configs by adding the line exec autodownload.cfg to those server configs.

This means I can add pk4 files to the website, edit one config (the autodownload.cfg) and make those files available to any servers I choose to run. Handy if you have multiple servers and/or multiple server configs in use at any time.

Anyway, the contents of the autodownload.cfg is -

// Q 4   A U T O D O W N L O A D   L O C A T I O N S //

// in the case of new configs/servers add the line -
// exec autodownload.cfg
// to the server downloads configuration file
// you will know this config has been run as the below will appear when you run the server

// E C H O

echo "======================="
echo "== AutoDownloads Set =="
echo "======================="

// S E T T I N G S

set net_serverDownload   "2"   // 0 -off, 1 -forward client to si_serverURL, 2 -provide download via DlBaseURL
set si_serverURL    "http://my.website.org/quake4/"   // URL for pk4 downloads
set net_serverDlBaseURL   "http://my.website.org/quake4/"   // base URL for downloads

// A V A I L A B L E   F I L E S
set net_serverDlTable   "q4base/map1.pk4;q4base/map2.pk4;modname/modfiles1.pk4"

// Use the serverDlTable to list the available files from the DlBaseURL for all servers
// e.g. set net_serverDlTable   "q4base/map1.pk4;q4base/map2.pk4;modname/modfiles1.pk4"
// remember to use the exact name of the pk4 files, not the name of the map
// e.g. the map q4dade1 should be listed by it's pk4 name; map-q4dade1.pk4 not q4dade1.pk4
// maps should reside in q4base on both the game server and a q4base folder at the download location


Author:  dainbramage [ 03-07-2006 08:13 AM ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for keeping this updated rid, much appreciated!

Author:  Jagou [ 03-08-2006 01:01 PM ]
Post subject: 

browse over the first post in this thread and noting what I need to revise?

Maybe a note at the bottom about the map files needing to be in a folder named "q4base" for autodownload to work ?

See my post earlier in this same thread for explanation.

*edit, and yes, thanks for the info. It has indeed been very helpful.


Author:  Jagou [ 03-20-2006 05:39 PM ]
Post subject: 

Anybody know how to get chat to echo in a dedicated server window ?


Author:  Jagou [ 03-28-2006 11:53 AM ]
Post subject: 


How do I get "in game" chat to echo into the server console ? Is that possible ?


Author:  DooMer [ 03-30-2006 10:17 AM ]
Post subject: 

No clue. doesn't sound possible.

Author:  DooMer [ 03-30-2006 10:23 AM ]
Post subject: 

You can enable auto downloading of mods by putting modname/modpakfile.pk4 along with the maps in the download table. Make sure you add all of the mod's pk4's. Be sure to put the mod name in place of q4base.

Example from the q3w servers config. This will enable users to auto download q4max:
seta net_serverDlBaseURL "http://www.quake3world.com/files/quake4server/"
seta net_serverDlTable "q4base/map_l4dm1.pk4;q4max/q4max073.pk4;q4max/q4max073l.pk4;q4max/q4max073w.pk4"

The directory structure on the file server should have the same looking directory structure as your quake4 directory. So the files should be in the mod name's folder on the download server, on the same directory level of the q4base directory.

Author:  iluvquake4 [ 05-27-2006 11:51 AM ]
Post subject: 

net_serverDlTable "*"

[12:32] <escapedturkey> q4files config generator needs cleaning up
[12:32] <escapedturkey> i.e. you should be able to click say q4max and it will highlight all the mod related files imo
[12:33] <AnthonyJ> maybe, although I recommend everyone to use * anyway
[12:33] <escapedturkey> what's * do?
[12:34] <AnthonyJ> matches any file requested, so whatever the server is running will be dl'd if required
[12:34] <AnthonyJ> means the server admin doesnt need to worry about getting the right list of files, it just does it automatically
[12:34] <escapedturkey> wow!
[12:34] <escapedturkey> how do you set that?
[12:35] <AnthonyJ> (q4max actually treates an empty string as * too)
[12:35] <AnthonyJ> set net_serverdltable "*"
[12:35] <escapedturkey> so it just simply searches?
[12:35] <escapedturkey> it will search for a q4max folder etc?
[12:35] <AnthonyJ> yea
[12:35] <escapedturkey> nice
[12:35] <escapedturkey> I wonder if foo is aware of this
[12:36] <AnthonyJ> the server sends to the client all the files it needs, and the client sends a request for the urls of any files it doesnt have. If its set to * it just adds it onto the dl without checking its in the dltable, assuming that all files should be
[12:37] <AnthonyJ> it didnt work in 1.1 beta, and so didnt work in q4max 0.73 or the first 1.1 release of xbattle, but all mods should support this now
[12:37] <escapedturkey> works with base as well?
[12:37] <AnthonyJ> yea
[12:37] <AnthonyJ> 1.1 final and later
[12:38] <escapedturkey> so basically with *
[12:38] <escapedturkey> as a server admin a person can just dump files in, change map cycle
[12:38] <escapedturkey> and voila ?
[12:38] <AnthonyJ> yup
[12:38] <AnthonyJ> with q4max we default net_serverdltable to *, net_serverdownload to 2, and net_serverbaseurl (or whatever) to q4files.escapedturkey.....
[12:39] <escapedturkey> mind if I share this portion of the convo with my customers? and quake3world people? =)
[12:39] <AnthonyJ> so with q4max they litterally have nothing to do
[12:39] <AnthonyJ> yea, sure
[12:39] <escapedturkey> awesome thanks =)

Author:  dansh [ 02-07-2012 05:56 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Server Config + Website Monitor (updated for 1.2 patch)

Please give a working link to download the browser/monitor q3mon. Need it q3mon, and not q4mon.

Thanks in advance.

Author:  ^misantropia^ [ 02-07-2012 12:52 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Server Config + Website Monitor (updated for 1.2 patch)

Good work, resurrecting a nearly six year old thread... in the wrong forum to boot.

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