Ranked Serves are no more...

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Ranked Serves are no more...


Yeah....so all the ranked servers for this game disappeared overnight last weekend, so no more stats/XP tracking. Hopefully whoever is running those servers switches them over to unranked soon so we can have a few more low-ping servers to play on.

You can still play (and still play against everyone who frequented the ranked servers) but now you're subject to a bit more stupidity going on, with a few well-known not-so-inconspicuous cheaters. The games can still have a high-caliber of gameplay, but it's a bit more hit and miss. :down:
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Re: Ranked Serves are no more...

Post by obsidian »

I thought ranked servers were down a long time ago... or was that just the stats website?
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Re: Ranked Serves are no more...


The stats website was gone quite a while ago, but the actual stats themselves were still being tracked and you could see them in the usual place in the game GUI. I'm guessing that's the actual service that was cut from Splash Damage/Activsion/Whoever was running it.

Regarding the ranked vs unranked, it's no big deal, really. The only difference was the tighter enforcement against occurances of dickheadedness on ranked servers and people tended to moderate themselves more often. That and no fucking bots, but there are still a several unranked servers that are human-only.
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Re: Ranked Serves are no more...

Post by obsidian »

badman wrote:ETQW was being migrated to a new data center earlier today which I'm guessing coincided with the downtime. Things should be working correctly again now though!
I've pinged id regarding the server situation...
Well, they might be trying to fix it right now. Most server masters have temporarily moved servers to unranked until that happens.
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Re: Ranked Serves are no more...


Cheers on the info. :up:
Plan B
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Re: Ranked Serves are no more...

Post by Plan B »

You guys still play? Must have been a year since I last did.
And I stopped caring about stats/XP long before that, because I thought it wasn't registered anymore back then.
But makes you wonder about the sustainability of games these days, though. And why the service was discontinued by Splash Damage/Activsion/whoever was running it. Doesn't seem like that big of a deal to just keep the service up and running.
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Re: Ranked Serves are no more...

Post by obsidian »

If you read the quote above, SD still supports the game. They migrated servers so they broke something... sounds like they're working on a fix though.
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Re: Ranked Serves are no more...

Post by Plan B »

Ah yes, sorry, skimmed right past that.
Maybe time to fire up the old fucker again. Haven't played a MP game as fun and rewarding.
Good thing about it having "matured" is annoying noobs have mostly been weeded out.
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Re: Ranked Serves are no more...


I still play this game at least once a week in the evening and I play at least twice a week at work during lunch break.

This game never gets old...at least for me. :up:
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Re: Ranked Serves are no more...


Good news and bad news:

- Good news: Ranked servers are back.

- Bad news: The only people still playing this are the griefing idiots who played unranked...who've now invaded the ranked servers. Watch them and laugh with glee as they destroy their own team's defences and guffaw with delight as they fire rockets into groups of teammates being helped by medics...because it's hilarious in a team-based game and mainly because there's no voting to kick them. The 2 months downtime of the ranked servers has made all the good players leave and has, unfortunately, killed this game once and for all. :(

Love live ETQW.
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Re: Ranked Serves are no more...

Post by Don Carlos »

A shame :(