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Just another Earthling
Just another Earthling
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PostPosted: 01-26-2023 12:48 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Happy Birthday Denz (60) yesterday & Happy Birthday Κracus (46)

Best wishes to you both :D

Physicist of Q3W


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PostPosted: 01-26-2023 04:45 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Thank you guys. I saw you on Discord and I thought I better check out the forums too.
60 don't seem any different. It was just another day at work.
I hope all is well with you!



Just another Earthling
Just another Earthling
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PostPosted: 01-26-2023 11:01 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Hey Denz , no worries. Seems most now say 60 is the new 40 :)

Even though I an knocking 67 in April :D I keep saying I feel like a 40 year old, I just got to catch one :olo: :olo:

Physicist of Q3W


Cool #9
Cool #9
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PostPosted: 01-27-2023 12:44 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Congratulations both of you!


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PostPosted: 01-27-2023 01:04 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote



Lead Pipe Mafia
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PostPosted: 01-27-2023 05:32 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I'm not sure I like this getting old stuff.


Cool #9
Cool #9
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PostPosted: 01-27-2023 06:55 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Κracus wrote:
I'm not sure I like this getting old stuff.

Not to hijack this thread with ramblings about "old" age, but this year I'm going to turn 40 and I'm seriously experiencing restlessness and discomfort with that fact. Maybe it's because the whole world pretty much stood still for the better part of the past three years due to COVID, but I'm feeling like time is just passing by and going without notice. When you're in your twenties you can party hard and be all irresponsible in your life. You can be quirky and odd, wear clothes that firmly put you in whatever expressive sub-culture and be ignorant and dumb in general and no one bats an eye because it's all chalked up to innocent youth and figuring out who you are. When you arrive in your thirties, it's like some responsibilities are bestowed upon you but there's still time for treading off the beaten path. But as you approach your forties and cross into that, it's like, yeah, the party is over, you're expected to be a responsible human being now.

From that point on, whatever you do that's not obviously functional or done for practical reasons suddenly needs to be explained. Especially if it's changing things about yourself. Change the way you dress, how you wear your hair, if you grow or remove facial hair, anything and it isn't met with a fond appreciation of creativity anymore, it's met with the question "why?". Dye your hair blue and people think you're a childish moron. This might sound judgmental, but I have this weird feeling that people around their 40s are turning bland. Bland and boring. Everyone looks and acts the same. Burdened with responsibilities. Am I going to get the kids to soccer practice in time? What to cook for dinner tonight? I need to fold the laundry. It's kind of Plato-esque, but it's like there's this template idea of the perfectly comfortable and practical human being and everyone is sort of slowly converging towards that. People don't express their own unique interest anymore. There's no more devotion and intense passion for anything expressive. I can't even tell if you prefer death metal or ABBA anymore.

I realize I'm describing myself just as well here. And that's my biggest fear: turning into a shapeless, formless, expressionless blob of genericness. The spot in life where I am right now probably pushes myself towards this genericness. I have three kids to take care of, a (nearly full-time) job, bills to pay, yadda yadda. Don't get me wrong, I do lots of things in life I enjoy, but sometimes I long back for the times when I could just go and fuck off doing hilarious stupid shit without any real consequence. Sometimes I literally dream of just putting some clean clothes in a backpack, hopping on my motorcycle and just ride away to be gone for weeks on end. I don't not enjoy the things I do in life, I just feel slightly sorrowful for how much of the world (my world, at least) seems to expect blandness, greyness and uninterestingness from people. I try and break away from this generic blandness if I can, but it feels like swimming upstream. The social pressure pushes back.

I guess this is what a midlife crisis is about :shrug:


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PostPosted: 01-27-2023 08:29 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

bland and boring is another way of saying avoiding drama which as you get older becomes something you should be tired of dealing with.

The fading passion though, that's the real thing for me that I find annoying to deal with. In 99 when I decided I'd get good at quake I literally spent countless hours till the wee hours of the night playing the game and honing my skills and that kind of drive just does not exist in me anymore.

I learned to play guitar recently and aside from praciticing maybe 10 minutes at a time, once or twice a week, is about all the drive I have to learning it even though I really do enjoy playing. I'm told I'm quite good for someone who's only been playing a year with little practice but I just feel like I could be so much better if I had a drive to learn and the same thing applies to work. They want me to get all these certifications constantly and I cannot be bothered anymore, I just want to clock in, do my job and clock out, it's not fun. Thank god for chatGPT making my life easier though lol.

I feel you about jumping on the bike and just going off though. Although I still play around trading bitcoin I took a long step back from that as it just wasn't working but if I could master that, that's exactly what I'd do. Hit the road, trade bitcoin on my stops to fund my trip elsewhere but I guess if it were easy everyone would be doing it.

My eyesight is starting to go too, I have trouble seeing as well as I used to and I'm used to having extremely good vision so that's a bummer. I need to get in shape before I hit 50 though, I cannot be this out of shape the rest of my life or it'll be a short one.

On the plus side though, no drama, I do indeed do what I want these days and don't feel other pressures I had in my younger days. I think what might be bothering me though is working for someone else, I think I'd rather just be doing my own thing for myself at this point.


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PostPosted: 01-27-2023 08:29 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Happy birthday Denz & Kracus, and you've got tomorrow to recover!

The physical side of getting old sucks, but in my head, I'm still in my twenties :D


Lead Pipe Mafia
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PostPosted: 01-27-2023 08:31 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Yeah same honestly and tonight is gonna be banger. Huge lan party like the old days is happening plus some jams with some musician friends of mine and lots of liquor, beer and weed. I should be properly hung over tomorrow morning.


The fuct one!
The fuct one!
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PostPosted: 02-01-2023 10:25 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Mat Linnett wrote:
Happy birthday Denz & Kracus, and you've got tomorrow to recover!

The physical side of getting old sucks, but in my head, I'm still in my twenties :D


Happy birthday, folks!


Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
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PostPosted: 02-02-2023 03:15 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

hbd cunts

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