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        Wow...the Australian ETQW scene sucks balls

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Topic Starter Topic: Re: Wow...the Australian ETQW scene sucks balls

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PostPosted: 11-03-2009 03:56 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

The 'he' you are refering to is my wife. r0sie is no where near a mans name. And you should re read my post.


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PostPosted: 11-03-2009 05:24 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

:question: :question:

I didn't mention names. And yes...IIRC "r0sie" is the one that started the whole mess....pretty much within 5 seconds of me joining a team.

If you're pissed that I called your wife a "he" based on an in-game nic...oh boy. I didn't know she was a she (as it was through text not VoIP) and I didn't know she was using a "proper name" in her nic as most people don't. I don't see how a player's gender is pertinent to what we're talking about anyways.

And I did read your post. Although I tried to make it not personal to any specific player (which is why I didn't name names) and tried to keep it as a general rant, it's obvious you simply don't want to play with me anymore because I complained about a server.

I must admit that this isn't the level of rebuttal I was hoping for. Perhaps I was expecting people to counter the actual facts of my rant, instead of talking about who I called "he" and whether or not I complained at all.


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PostPosted: 11-03-2009 06:27 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Wait. This all makes sense now.

So if I understand this correctly, "Goto", who has posted here (from Goto and Pr0sies) and "r0sie" (the one who challenged my thread when I connected) are the two people who are running the server.

Yesterday, "r0sie" is the one who told me that "it's only 2 or 3 people who spam vote"...probably knowing who they are by name.

So...instead of banning the known trouble-makers (who several people have complained about while ON THE SERVER) they'd rather tell me to get lost.

Goto...I hope you and "r0sie" realize that you aren't helping your own server when you allow idiots to keep coming back and ban those who simply want to play a fair game and end up having to complain about the idiots.


Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
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PostPosted: 11-04-2009 01:26 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

the nepotism is strong


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PostPosted: 11-04-2009 03:04 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


the "idiots" you are talking about rly would care ....if it wasnt pub.
you want a gg's get on a promod server and see how well you go there.
i sure we can have a few of the "idiojews" turn up for you to see how you go. just add me ingame and i can set it up for you if want. and i sure you will get me next time friend


I'm the dude!
I'm the dude!
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PostPosted: 11-04-2009 05:33 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote



GtkRadiant | Q3Map2 | Shader Manual

Last edited by obsidian on 11-06-2009 08:19 AM, edited 1 time in total.


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PostPosted: 11-04-2009 07:14 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Link fail


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PostPosted: 11-04-2009 07:44 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

mattatuide wrote:

the "idiots" you are talking about rly would care ....if it wasnt pub.
you want a gg's get on a promod server and see how well you go there.
i sure we can have a few of the "idiojews" turn up for you to see how you go. just add me ingame and i can set it up for you if want. and i sure you will get me next time friend


Ladies and gentlemen...one of the star idiots I spoke of. Too bad you aren't using your in-game name, Griffo. :olo:

Thanks for dropping by and being as predictable as always.

So...if I'm understanding you correctly, you don't care about "pubs" so you choose to connect to them every single day for hours on end doing nothing but voting to kick those who frag you. Brilliant. :up:

And I'm sure Goto and "r0sie" think it's wonderful you come to their server non-stop and act like a dick. Good on ya and way to go keeping the Aussie ETQW scene going strong by not caring about it. :olo:


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PostPosted: 11-04-2009 09:00 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

you think im griffo that just show that you rly do notice the players on you server dont you.


And yes i do play promod im even in the ga ladder


so is that proof good for you or do you still not belive me?

"And I'm sure Goto and "r0sie" think it's wonderful you come to their server non-stop and act like a d*ck."

they do like it when i play on there server.
and if im a d*ck then your the balls that hang under me making pety noises as you get slaped into someone eles a**hole.


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PostPosted: 11-04-2009 09:56 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Jewsay something?


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PostPosted: 11-04-2009 10:12 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

rofl at gonnafistya look at your stats man, barely a 1.00 k/d for a flyer spammer?!? you are frankly one of the worst players to ever hit our servers... bar maybe zanshin

seriously LOL at you complaining in this rando forum because you keep ragequitting over the fact that you get beasted by people who you've just realised arent even trying, skill up or shut up tbh

1v1 promod i will smash you all the way back to africa

p.s. nice work confusing matt with griffo wot?! just shows how clueless you are


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PostPosted: 11-04-2009 10:34 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


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PostPosted: 11-05-2009 01:41 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

So what's this, you guys throw a party and no one invites me??!!! Very poor form gentlemen. Oh well now that I am here let's address some issues. Mr Anal Fissure have you been forgettting your meds again?? whats that? Oh sorry Mr GONNAFISTYA (must be a contortionist as he only seems to fist himself IMHO). Sorry for the long post but this fgt needs to be dealt with for the good of humanity.

Lets start with the downright ridiculous...
Only ONE server with a ping lower than 250 and it's full of idiots

Game Arena runs up to 3 ETQW ranked server in Australia, Goto and Rosie have a Ranked server and ADA have a ranked server there are a couple of other ranked servers that pop up now and then as well as about 1/2 dozen Promod servers. ALL of these servers have pings well below 250ms unless you are using a 56k modem to access the internet. As far as the server being full of idiots well that's not exactly true however with your appearance the ratio has moved slightly closer to full so I guess your almost right there.

Ok Next...

I got kicked and banned for ownage with the Tormentor. The admin simply couldn't beat me in a dogfight (and I kept killing all their turrets) so on 3 separate occasions he kept switching me to his team (which unbalanced the teams so I'd switch back immediately) and then on the 4th time he kicked and temp banned me.

You were kicked because you were relentlessly spawn camping the first fwd spawn on island with the tormentor. Your technique was basically to hang out of AVT range and shoot it until it was disabled then to move in and clean up the nubs at spawn. Now it was clarly a team of nubs, and the real action was going on at the objective, after close to 15mins without the first obj going down I addresses the asshatery of your tactics by switching you to the other team (sort of the way a horse swats at an annoying fly with its tail). However since you are a bit thick you did not take the hint and returned to Strogg and your original behaviour (expert flying mate, just hangin there for minutes on end and all must take real skillzors). WHICH brings us to our next falacy that you were pwning me at dogfights, the only flying object at the first stage of island for the GDF is the bee, surely you are not suggesting that a bee vs tormentor match up is a dogfight? So the asshatery continued and I kicked you. We try to balance with minumal intervention but sometimes there is someone who just does not get it; and that person is you my friend. Spawn camping nubs does not make you a great player, get over it.

I went back on his server an hour later and asked him specifically why he did what he did and he had the lamest excuses I've ever heard. He was on my team so I could use VoIP and thankfully he had VoIP so we could cut through the bullshit fairly quickly. And...to make matters even more ridiculous, he said that my game nic ([Q3W]GONNAFISTYA) "might" be offensive to some players. I laughed in his ear and said it had nothing to do with the game itself...and that "this isn't a church game". Then more excuses and then he finally shut up when I suggested he ban people for T-baggin, which I'm sure lamers also find offensive. :p

Actually I told told you that I found the name offensive but I understand that you can't use your original name of GONNAFRAGYA since our harsh advertising standards in Australia forbid titles for products that do not deliver on their promise (see my original premise on your current name to see why it must have been allowed). I also explained that it was your asshatery spawn camping that got you kicked your name was just a side issue. You're really not good with that whole truth thing are you? Or maybe your memory is just bad. The conversation ended with me telling you to pull you head in and try to move beyond flier spam as your one viable tactic. Others who had been on during the "island" match agreed with my decision. So it was actually you who finally shut up when you realised your nub killing had been uncovered and your excuses of "I was only shooting the deployables" wore thin.

I fully expected to be kicked and banned again but he let the match play out (probably because I was on his team and smashing the other team...so he could finally win a match). At least he wasn't a complete prick when I asked him why he kicked me. :up:

Well lets cut out the bullshit again hey; there are no fliers on Salvage so you were back to being a sub average pain in the arse rather than an outright ass hat and one trick pony. There's no need to kick a sub average player just cause they dont know any better, my work was done for the night.

If you are so bloody great you should have switched teams when the 10 min mark hit as it was obvious that there was no balance, I'm a patient man but at 15 mins enough was enough so I dealt with the dumbest player first, nubs can't help being silly they are still learning, you should have known better.

Oh and it's also me that has the (now 80) reasons to kick script, which is a bit of an "in joke" in our little community, many kick votes are just guys having fun and are not serious, you do have humour in the north dont you? Hmmm maybe not.



Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
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PostPosted: 11-05-2009 07:35 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

jesus, gky, couldnt you at least tell them to post in the void :/


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PostPosted: 11-05-2009 08:39 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

What, can't handle the traffic? :p

No board is a real board without the occasional drama, so let's just welcome it as such.
And thanks for leading these retards back here, gky :miffed:


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PostPosted: 11-05-2009 09:20 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Uhhh... let me get this straight. GFY doesn't like some of the more retarded aspects of online gaming and starts a rant about it (probably because he had a bad day and face it, online gaming is full of retarded horseshit). In response, all of you took the time out of your day to make a new thread about it in your forum and filled it up with posts and registered a new account on this forum just to respond (with a fucking essay, no less)?

I didn't bother reading all of the above, neither response from GFY or all you new people, but did someone lose their tiara from the drama queen club, because I think I found it up your ass.

GtkRadiant | Q3Map2 | Shader Manual


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PostPosted: 11-05-2009 04:15 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Since your bitch was content to bullshit about us and you were content to lap it up to the point where the shit was coming out of your ears I thought it pertinent to perform the public service of pointing out the lies perpetrated against the Australian ETQW community. If you can't handle the truth that's not my problem. Oh and obsidian I always have time in my day to set straight the record when a bunch of dickheads think they are being clever talking in their little bitch clique about people who are not given the opportunity to present their side of the story.

Plan B please feel free to join up on our server too, you seem to be an expert on retards (probably from personal experience, how's that mirror looking mate) you and GFY could do a double act, you'll need a catchy clan name, like the brain damaged duo or something similar.

It's great to stick up for your mate and all, but not when he's a complete dickhead.

End of the lesson, except to say GFY will not be banned on our server. I look forward to seeing him online.



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PostPosted: 11-05-2009 05:51 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

this whole Q3W clan is full of bads, all active players below 1.0 k/d GFY is their best and he's terrible

1v1 promod kgo


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PostPosted: 11-05-2009 10:41 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain_Pants wrote:
rofl at gonnafistya look at your stats man, barely a 1.00 k/d for a flyer spammer?!? you are frankly one of the worst players to ever hit our servers... bar maybe zanshin

seriously LOL at you complaining in this rando forum because you keep ragequitting over the fact that you get beasted by people who you've just realised arent even trying, skill up or shut up tbh

1v1 promod i will smash you all the way back to africa

lol @ stat flames

High-brow shit right there. What's next? Ping flames? Post count flames? Jesus fuck you wasted time reging to post schoolyard-level "no u"?

And speaking of stats, I've always laughed when people who lost the match say "most accurate" or "most kills". If you lost the match then you lost the match. Bragging rights for stats only count when you win and that's only if you care about them. The only award I ever bragged about in 3 months of playing here in Aus was the time Plan B was there and typed "FISTED" for the award of most objectives completed...for uh...completing all the objectives. If you have any memory at all - and are paying so much attention to the members - you'd already know that I don't brag about stats or post-match awards.

Captain_Pants wrote:

p.s. nice work confusing matt with griffo wot?! just shows how clueless you are

If I confused matt with griffo so be it. He posted the same drivel Griffo posts at least twice every campaign: "1v1 promode, pubs suck and jew comments".

If it's a joke, whatever. But to mistake someone who posts verbatim what Griffo types in games night in night out isn't really to be unexpected, is it?


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PostPosted: 11-05-2009 11:21 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Gotothun wrote:



Hey "r0sie", I already said this has nothing to do with Aussies and that I'm not racists against Aussies (Aussie isn't a race) which you've continued to claim about me. The fact that the servers are located in Australia, the pickings are slim and there's a lot of bored morons playing on them are the points I was making when I created this thread.....3 months ago.

I realize I've upset you and I realize I touched a nerve complaining about your server, but to watch you get to the point that you couldn't help yourself in telling every person that connected about this thread and that you created a thread at GameArena telling everyone that I hate Aussies is pretty fucking pathetic. Get a grip.

In contrast, I made this thread here 3 months ago to blow off steam to the whopping 5 people who actually post in Q3W's ETQW forum and haven't spent much time thinking about it since. You found the time to dig it up (or someone sent it to you...which means they dug it up) and then created a thread at GameArena instead of speaking to me here. You let your husband speak on your behalf (when you were the one that confronted me on the server) yet you won't reg here. Whatever. It's not like I'm in any hurry to join a server that you let go to shit.

You ran a server that was over-run with idiots and forgot to put on your Admin hat so I said something about it here...3 months ago and to a relatively small audience. I didn't make a thread on the official ETQW forums complaining about your server nor did I contribute to the existing forum threads on the official ETQW forum where people listed "Goto and Pr0sies" as one of the worst servers. Yes...your server is listed in those threads and I'll let you find those threads for yourself on that forum. Perhaps you'll want to confront the people who posted there and call them racist or Aussie haters? Dunno dontcare.

Go ahead and call me a racist and think I don't like Aussies if it really makes you feel be better. Considering the utter tripe you were sending my way on the server's chat it wouldn't surprise me in the least if it does.


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PostPosted: 11-06-2009 01:08 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Bandwidth_Bandito wrote:

Oh ffs. :olo:

At the very least I'll thank you for the honest feedback (as you're the only one that's done it so far) but you're missing - or forgetting - some things.

I'll break it down as best as I can:

Bandwidth_Bandito wrote:
So what's this, you guys throw a party and no one invites me??!!! Very poor form gentlemen. Oh well now that I am here let's address some issues. Mr Anal Fissure have you been forgettting your meds again?? whats that? Oh sorry Mr GONNAFISTYA (must be a contortionist as he only seems to fist himself IMHO). Sorry for the long post but this fgt needs to be dealt with for the good of humanity.


You go girl! :up:

Bandwidth_Bandito wrote:
Lets start with the downright ridiculous...
Only ONE server with a ping lower than 250 and it's full of idiots

Game Arena runs up to 3 ETQW ranked server in Australia, Goto and Rosie have a Ranked server and ADA have a ranked server there are a couple of other ranked servers that pop up now and then as well as about 1/2 dozen Promod servers. ALL of these servers have pings well below 250ms unless you are using a 56k modem to access the internet. As far as the server being full of idiots well that's not exactly true however with your appearance the ratio has moved slightly closer to full so I guess your almost right there.

Yes, I'm fully aware of the actual number of servers available out here. But I have my in-game filters to hide empty servers. Sorry to say but Goto and Rosie were usually the only place to go most times for a game where people were actually playing. I've seen other servers listed with one player but I don't feel like spending an hour in warmup with 1 or 3 people. If the ADA server had people on it I'd join that one instead of Goto's.

Bandwidth_Bandito wrote:
Ok Next...

I got kicked and banned for ownage with the Tormentor. The admin simply couldn't beat me in a dogfight (and I kept killing all their turrets) so on 3 separate occasions he kept switching me to his team (which unbalanced the teams so I'd switch back immediately) and then on the 4th time he kicked and temp banned me.

You were kicked because you were relentlessly spawn camping the first fwd spawn on island with the tormentor. Your technique was basically to hang out of AVT range and shoot it until it was disabled then to move in and clean up the nubs at spawn. Now it was clarly a team of nubs, and the real action was going on at the objective, after close to 15mins without the first obj going down I addresses the asshatery of your tactics by switching you to the other team (sort of the way a horse swats at an annoying fly with its tail). However since you are a bit thick you did not take the hint and returned to Strogg and your original behaviour (expert flying mate, just hangin there for minutes on end and all must take real skillzors). WHICH brings us to our next falacy that you were pwning me at dogfights, the only flying object at the first stage of island for the GDF is the bee, surely you are not suggesting that a bee vs tormentor match up is a dogfight? So the asshatery continued and I kicked you. We try to balance with minumal intervention but sometimes there is someone who just does not get it; and that person is you my friend. Spawn camping nubs does not make you a great player, get over it.

There is so much stank in this paragraph it's hilarious.

First off: if you don't want spawn campers, put it in your MOTD. Most admins that don't like it usually do.

Secondly: I'd indeed get rid of the AVT out of range because I didn't want to get shot down from it. That's usually the plan. That didn't stop the rocket soldiers on your team from blowing me out of the sky now did it? The only thing I "moved in to clean up" were the other turrets - after I got rid of the AVT. You'll recall that I never once "moved in to clean up" any of your teammates that made it to the bunker entrance...only the ones that shot rockets at me. You'll also recall that your team killed me at least 10 times so you weren't that helpless now were you? I'll say again what I said to you at the time: I wasn't targeting on-foot players and if you want to stand under and repair a turret while I'm bombing it that's your problem.

FFS man, half your team were engineers and you only put up one AVT when you were all well aware I was flying? That's just bad team communication. As I said to you over VoIP, there are defenses to spawn camps and you could have tried those. But you didn't. As I also said to you over VoIP you could have simply asked me to stop....but you didn't. At least you admitted that to me when I mentioned it the second time I connected (and finally found out why I was kicked) but now here you act all "who me"? Quit acting like a mouth-breather because you seem smarter than that.

Third: You kept switching me to your team (which made the teams 8 GDF and 6 Strogg) which would have done nothing but potentially make a steam roll in the other direction...and doing nothing about the server imbalance. As I said to you over VoIP, the best thing you could have done was a shuffle or asked me to stop. If you have admin rights and can switch me to a new team then you could have easily solved the matter with "Shuffle by XP". But you didn't do that either.

Fourth: Yeah...I guess I am a bit thick when you switch me to your team and WHILE I WAS GDF you didn't bother actually telling me over VoIP or chat WHY you were switching me. You'll recall that I asked over chat 3 fucking times why I was being switched and there was no response from anyone whatsoever...including you. As I told you over VoIP later that evening, if you're going to be an admin then sometimes you'll have to stop playing/completing the objective and put on your admin hat and do something about the server imbalance besides kicking one player. But hey...if a team is getting smashed that's also part of playing this game that I'm quite sure you're well aware of.

Face it man, you got pissed off and kicked/temp banned me because I didn't let you keep your turrets up. You know damned well I didn't do runs against your team's freshly spawned players and you choose to ignore it to get some brownie points when the whole Aussie community is talking about this thread. If you want to know my real feelings about base rapes (and put it into context) read my posts in this thread.

Fifth: regarding the dog fights. lol...I guess you think I was only talking about the Island map and clearly forgot about all the other matches we played prior to that. If it wasn't you in the earlier dog fights so be it as I might have gotten the names mixed up. It doesn't matter all the small reasons I was booted...I was booted so I grouped everything together. Since you seem to have two functioning eyeballs you'll notice I didn't harp on the dog-fights anyways.

Sixth: "We try to balance with minimal intervention but sometimes there is someone who just does not get it; and that person is you my friend." lol...you didn't try to balance at all which was my point, now and when I mentioned it to you on VoIP. And if it's fucking clear that "I don't get it" then why don't you put your admin hat on and tell people either on VoIP or text instead of expecting people to read your mind? Just a suggestion. :up:

Seven: Never once did I ever say that I was a better player than anyone. The whole point of this thread is not about skill or "ownage"...it's about retards that connect to ruin the fun for others because they're bored and already kicked their dog that day.

Bandwidth_Bandito wrote:
I went back on his server an hour later and asked him specifically why he did what he did and he had the lamest excuses I've ever heard. He was on my team so I could use VoIP and thankfully he had VoIP so we could cut through the bullshit fairly quickly. And...to make matters even more ridiculous, he said that my game nic ([Q3W]GONNAFISTYA) "might" be offensive to some players. I laughed in his ear and said it had nothing to do with the game itself...and that "this isn't a church game". Then more excuses and then he finally shut up when I suggested he ban people for T-baggin, which I'm sure lamers also find offensive. :p

Actually I told told you that I found the name offensive but I understand that you can't use your original name of GONNAFRAGYA since our harsh advertising standards in Australia forbid titles for products that do not deliver on their promise (see my original premise on your current name to see why it must have been allowed).

Oh Snap!

Bandwidth_Bandito wrote:
I also explained that it was your asshatery spawn camping that got you kicked your name was just a side issue. You're really not good with that whole truth thing are you? Or maybe your memory is just bad. The conversation ended with me telling you to pull you head in and try to move beyond flier spam as your one viable tactic. Others who had been on during the "island" match agreed with my decision. So it was actually you who finally shut up when you realised your nub killing had been uncovered and your excuses of "I was only shooting the deployables" wore thin.

Dude it's your server and you can run it the way you like, but your comment about my name being offensive was fucking retarded and you know it. It seemed to me - mostly from the tone of your voice - that you were making up excuses. I called you on it and I did indeed laugh at it.

I fly because that's the best way for me to be effective for my team. Sue me.

And the conversation did NOT end the way you say it did, it ended with me listening to your comments (and admittedly tuning you out because I was in a firefight) and and I finally said,"Ok...whatever...I'll just play." which is exactly what I did.

lol "nub killing". Your team wasn't entirely nubs and you fucking know it. And again..if one of the teams is full of nubs and hasn't completed the first objective in 15 minutes then it's up to you to be an admin and shuffle the teams any way you see fit.

Bandwidth_Bandito wrote:
I fully expected to be kicked and banned again but he let the match play out (probably because I was on his team and smashing the other team...so he could finally win a match). At least he wasn't a complete prick when I asked him why he kicked me. :up:

Well lets cut out the bullshit again hey; there are no fliers on Salvage so you were back to being a sub average pain in the arse rather than an outright ass hat and one trick pony. There's no need to kick a sub average player just cause they dont know any better, my work was done for the night.

lol. You seem to forget the whole conversation started when you bitched about what was going on and it was only after that when I chimed in and said,"Yeah...the admins aren't doing their job because I got kicked earlier...etc". You'll recall that your next comment to me over VoIP was,"Yeah...I'm the one that kicked you" and you'll recall that I asked why you kicked me. You'll also recall that I was fair and let you state your case and didn't interrupt you. But that's all water under the bridge. Like I said, you weren't a dick about it except the "your name is offensive"....that was just retarded.

As to me being a "sub-average player" you can think whatever the hell makes you sleep at night. And I'll repeat myself...this thread is not about skill or any of that shit, it's about players who connect to a server and deliberately punk it by either hampering their team's vehicles/setup or fucking about on the hills or voting to kick players for the sheer joy of it. Get that fact through your thick skull.

Bandwidth_Bandito wrote:
If you are so bloody great you should have switched teams when the 10 min mark hit as it was obvious that there was no balance, I'm a patient man but at 15 mins enough was enough so I dealt with the dumbest player first, nubs can't help being silly they are still learning, you should have known better.

You're the admin and I'm just a guy who connects to play once or twice a week. If it's "obvious there was no balance" then that's your responsibility as an admin to do something about it, not mine. And you know damned well that I switch teams when I notice they're fucked...as I'm sure everyone else who plays on the Aussie servers has noticed (hi guys). You probably also noticed that I'll switch to a class that is needed if someone hasn't taken it. In short, I try to do the best for my team no matter who's on it....even Griffo. :olo:

Hell...even r0sie should remember that after she and a few others were flaming me on the server the other day that ignored all that I revived them and played the best I could as they were my teammates at the time. I didn't have to revive anyone - or even switch to medic - but I just thought perhaps I'd help the team if I did.

Bandwidth_Bandito wrote:
Oh and it's also me that has the (now 80) reasons to kick script, which is a bit of an "in joke" in our little community, many kick votes are just guys having fun and are not serious, you do have humour in the north dont you? Hmmm maybe not.


I'm not privy to your "in-jokes" but I did find them hilarious nonetheless. And I stand by my statement that your list underscores some retarded goings on in the small Aussie ETQW community...namely the kicking of players. As you've already stated, there are no0bs playing this game who probably just bought the thing from the bargain bin and are learning. Is this the ETQW community that they're going to be introduced to? You do realize lots of new players to the Aussie ETQW scene - like me - judge this game's quality on the 1 or 2 public servers available with people playing on them? You do realize that if the Aussie ETQW scene tanks it's because of the stupid "in-jokes" and retarded bullshit? It's quite obvious some of you are bored but there's no reason to trash what's already there.

Whatever...it's your community (getting smaller and smaller) and you guys represent it.

Look man, you and I have spoken on VoIP a few times and you seem like a reasonable guy. You know that I'm not one of the regular cock-ends when I'm playing on your server and that I help no0bs, switch teams when they're imbalanced and generally try to keep a clean game. Yes I'll go ahead and admit that I bitched one time about your server in this thread after being kicked from your server (with no explanation until AFTER I reconnected) and never mentioned your server again. Why you'd come here to "join the party" when this thread isn't about the ADA server at all is anyone's guess. The only reason I can think of is that you feel loyalty to Goto and r0sie and want to defend them, which I can understand. But why you'd join the party at all is what I can't understand considering I only come to your server to play a fair game, which I'm sure you're well aware of.

[edit] shit spelling

Last edited by GONNAFISTYA on 11-06-2009 02:48 AM, edited 4 times in total.


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PostPosted: 11-06-2009 01:11 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

MKJ wrote:
jesus, gky, couldnt you at least tell them to post in the void :/


I honestly didn't expect this.

Move it to the void if you want but Plan B has a point. :clownboat:

And no...I didn't expect retards to come here, just the admins to explain what's happening on their server.


Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
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PostPosted: 11-06-2009 01:22 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

i'm gonna let this stay



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PostPosted: 11-06-2009 01:31 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

fuck u...


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PostPosted: 11-06-2009 01:45 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain_Pants wrote:
this whole Q3W clan is full of bads, all active players below 1.0 k/d GFY is their best and he's terrible

1v1 promod kgo

Oh hey...another stat flame. :olo:


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PostPosted: 11-06-2009 02:44 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

lots of drama.

this reminds me the time doomer and i reinstalled q4 and doomer got us banned from the only ctf server left on the planet by calling the woman admin a cunt. we apologized and were let back in only to vote kicked her off the server later that night. man she was pissed. good times. /uninstalled.


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PostPosted: 11-06-2009 05:12 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

hey GFY i think its funny that you actually care about objectives




Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
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PostPosted: 11-06-2009 05:31 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

it does take skill to actually get there and with teammates covering you, im sure

anyways. some drama is ok but please keep this about the actual game and not about giving eacother sexual related adjectives.


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PostPosted: 11-06-2009 05:36 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

no, it takes *their* skill to cover you. you just press F, because you are too bad to do anything else.


Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
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PostPosted: 11-06-2009 05:37 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

well ok fair point

I dont think he was caring about pressing F tho, he was caring about getting the objectives done -as a team-.


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PostPosted: 11-06-2009 08:58 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

It takes skill to eliminate the people guarding the objective or sneak in behind enemy lines to the objective and take it without them realizing. It's not just about sitting there pressing F, which is a massive simplification of what it takes to win the game.

Besides, I think GFY's point is that the objectives are what wins the game. You can rank up the kills all you want, but without taking or defending the objective, you still lose the match.

On stats: The kind of people who really care about their stats are the kind of people who stack the teams because they don't want to lose or join the weaker team for fear that their oh-so-precious stats might take a dent.

The NA servers have fallen apart because it essentially became a game of generals vs. noobs, which was tiresome to play on when I was one of the only people to join the noob team and help them out. But that gets boring really quickly which is a contributing reason why I haven't played in the last 6 months or so.

So if you're looking at my (and other people's) stats and thinking, "lol... noob, less than 1.0 k/d ratio", so be it. But I'm satisfied in knowing that I've turned the tide against the dominating team and helped the noob team win a game against impossible odds even if I had to die a dozen times in the process.

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PostPosted: 11-06-2009 05:41 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

It's just a numbers game to them.


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PostPosted: 11-06-2009 11:14 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain_Pants wrote:
hey GFY i think its funny that you actually care about objectives

I think it's funny that you don't care about the game and yet still play it all the time. I guess ETQW is your only social outlet.

It's not that I really really really care about objectives or stats or any of that shit...I just want to play a decent match because I feel this game kicks ass. I play this game maybe once a week, if that. It's the only multiplayer game I play online because I think it's the best. I usually spend my time playing other games or developing them. You're obviously an idiot and a troll. If you want your tiny little community to ultimately be reduced to you and your 6 friends so you can vote to kick each other and laugh, that's your problem. I've got plenty of other servers I can connect to when I want to play and I don't have to contribute to the Aussie community. I really don't lose sleep over it.

In the fleeting time I have to play this game I don't want to join a match with a bunch of people jerking off and playing jokes on each other because they're bored....I just want to play the game. I'm not a pro-player and I'm not interested in joining competitive matches because I don't have the time to commit to them and I play other games. (oooh...I can't wait for you to say "and because you suck"...that'll just break my heart). Besides, on weekends I'd rather go to the beach instead of voting to kick people for jollies.

TBH...because of the BS I've seen in the Aussie community (and because there's usually only 1 pub server with people on it) I've sometimes decided to simply play ETQW with bots instead of listen to you idiots wanking away your day.


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PostPosted: 11-07-2009 09:34 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I have to agree with Fistya on this. You say play on another server but..what server? The only other server that has a chance of someone being on it is the ada server and i would join that if it was populated all the time.

I think the turning point for me was i had convinced a friend to buy quake wars at last and we we're in goto's and rosie's server, ya know just fiddling around when suddenly my friend gets kicked for no particular reason apart from that the admin had never seen him around before. He got no warning at all and im like "errr ok why was my friend kicked" and apparently its because there have been hackers around in the community so the best way to keep the peace is to kick everyone who you have never heard of before. I was even asked to confirm if it was my friend after i had just told the admin that it was my friend and the admin certainly knew me. It's just like well damn why did i even tell him to get it if all hes gonna get is suspicion/ kicked from the only server available.

As for Fistya doing the objective's.... good for him if he finds it fun then all power to him. I like being a tank whore all power to me and luckless likes to play inf all the time good for him. It's all part of the game.

I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed.


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PostPosted: 11-07-2009 04:04 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I am disappointed in you Falco. Very disappointed that this is the first I have heard of this issue with your friend, and disappointed you chose to bring it up in the random forum as opposed to sending a message to Goto or myself. We both consider you a friend and therefore we would welcome your friend with no problem at all. Obviously there was a misunderstanding. If you really wanted you friend to play talk to us about it, not some guy you have known for 5 seconds. Also Fistya I really don't have the time to reply to every single stupid thing you have said. And quite frankly I have been playing ETQW on the Australian servers for almost 1.5 years and Goto, Griffo and Pants etc have been playing for even longer. When you play with the same people everyday theres bound to be some muck around kick votes etc.....its all purely in fun. If i was to ban every single person that decided to try and kick someone, do you have any idea at all how unpopulated our server would actually be? Our server is popular so what you say really doesn't matter to me. Everyday, it is the only Australian server going that is full. Doesn't that tell you something?

Also I frequent the ETQW community forums regularly and I have not seen the thread that you are talking about, nor do i really care. I have seen one friend from a pinger complaining about being kicked. He does not state the shack as being the worst server. He just simply complains of being kicked and we make it quite clear that once the server is full the 300 plus pingers are going to be kicked. We started this server up for fun. We didn't expect everyone to want to join our server and ditch GA but they did. Most times at its peak during the evenings theres a good 10 min wait to join if the server is full? Why don't these people join GA is beyond me. Theres only a tiny minority like yourself that actually complain about the server. Oh and also i didn't make my husband come on here and respond to you, he did that all by himself. He is a big boy ya know. And finally..........I was told by 2 people about this thread the day before you connected to the server so i was simply asking you why you said all the things you said. You then went on to abuse luckless and I after I questioned you. lol at you thinking i was waiting for you to join.....omg omg when is he going to come online i just cannot wait to speak to him.....oh where is he, i really need him online LMAO at you.

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