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        Wow...the Australian ETQW scene sucks balls

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PostPosted: 11-07-2009 04:23 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

id say let it go people, but you wont.

all these emotions are giving me wood, though.


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PostPosted: 11-07-2009 06:45 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Seriously folks, this was a rant I did months ago and I'm pretty surprised that it's gotten the whole community in an uproar in the last few days. I honestly have no idea why someone would search for my in-game nic, dig up a months-old thread and link this to the rest of the community.

Rosie...for what it's worth, I'm sorry I caused this shitstorm for your server. That was never my intent as - like I said - this thread was basically a private rant I did when I first moved to Aus...between me and the few people who post here.

Thanks for letting me play on your server and I wish the Aussie community the best.

Last edited by GONNAFISTYA on 11-07-2009 06:49 PM, edited 2 times in total.


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PostPosted: 11-07-2009 06:47 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Rosie wrote:
I am disappointed in you Falco. Very disappointed that this is the first I have heard of this issue with your friend, and disappointed you chose to bring it up in the random forum as opposed to sending a message to Goto or myself. We both consider you a friend and therefore we would welcome your friend with no problem at all. Obviously there was a misunderstanding. If you really wanted you friend to play talk to us about it, not some guy you have known for 5 seconds. Also Fistya I really don't have the time to reply to every single stupid thing you have said. And quite frankly I have been playing ETQW on the Australian servers for almost 1.5 years and Goto, Griffo and Pants etc have been playing for even longer. When you play with the same people everyday theres bound to be some muck around kick votes etc.....its all purely in fun. If i was to ban every single person that decided to try and kick someone, do you have any idea at all how unpopulated our server would actually be? Our server is popular so what you say really doesn't matter to me. Everyday, it is the only Australian server going that is full. Doesn't that tell you something?

Also I frequent the ETQW community forums regularly and I have not seen the thread that you are talking about, nor do i really care. I have seen one friend from a pinger complaining about being kicked. He does not state the shack as being the worst server. He just simply complains of being kicked and we make it quite clear that once the server is full the 300 plus pingers are going to be kicked. We started this server up for fun. We didn't expect everyone to want to join our server and ditch GA but they did. Most times at its peak during the evenings theres a good 10 min wait to join if the server is full? Why don't these people join GA is beyond me. Theres only a tiny minority like yourself that actually complain about the server. Oh and also i didn't make my husband come on here and respond to you, he did that all by himself. He is a big boy ya know. And finally..........I was told by 2 people about this thread the day before you connected to the server so i was simply asking you why you said all the things you said. You then went on to abuse luckless and I after I questioned you. lol at you thinking i was waiting for you to join.....omg omg when is he going to come online i just cannot wait to speak to him.....oh where is he, i really need him online LMAO at you.



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PostPosted: 11-07-2009 07:03 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Rosie wrote:
When you play with the same people everyday theres bound to be some muck around kick votes etc.....its all purely in fun. If i was to ban every single person that decided to try and kick someone, do you have any idea at all how unpopulated our server would actually be?

I can understand that. I guess those things happen but when people new to the community complain about the 'mucking around' perhaps you should stop and take a breath before making the situation worse...which you've clearly done.

Rosie wrote:
Our server is popular so what you say really doesn't matter to me. Everyday, it is the only Australian server going that is full. Doesn't that tell you something?

Yes....it tells me the Aussie community is dying and could use all the help it could get. And if I were you I wouldn't brag that the entire continent of Australia only has one populated server. You seem to not notice that the major reason your server is successful is because it's usually the only one with people on it. Can you not see it from that perspective?

I was thinking of actually creating a server to help grow the community but the attitudes I've seen so far to basic criticism has made me reconsider. I'll probably still do it anyways as most of the player's out here are nice folks and are good players who 9 times out of 10 play the game. I haven't lost sight of the fact that this thread is about the idiots, not the entire community.

Rosie wrote:
And finally..........I was told by 2 people about this thread the day before you connected to the server so i was simply asking you why you said all the things you said. You then went on to abuse luckless and I after I questioned you. lol at you thinking i was waiting for you to join.....omg omg when is he going to come online i just cannot wait to speak to him.....oh where is he, i really need him online LMAO at you.

Abuse luckless? WTF are you talking about? I'm a shitty typist so if I had problems keeping up with the volume of flames thrown my way - and keeping track of who threw them - then that's unfortunate, not abuse. I have no problems with luckless and I honestly think he's one of the better players who plays.

And for the record you weren't simply asking me why I said the things I said. You were flaming me and getting caught up in the moment of...whatever that was....and joining the flaming yourself. As I said...I'm just glad it stopped so I could focus on playing instead of typing.

Like I said...good luck with your server.


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PostPosted: 11-08-2009 01:32 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Clearly this is all getting way out of hand for such a simple disagreement. I am not going to point any fingers I am just going to try to clarify a few things.

1) The attention of this thread was brought to us by other members of our server, speaking for myself I didnt really know what type of site this was. At the time I thought it was some kind of community forum for etqw (one I had never seen) and as such was kinda shocked to see someone blasting the Australian etqw community. Now I am guessing that this site is instead a clan site and not exactly a community site, what you have to say about anyone among your own friends is your own business - although this does prove that pretty much anything said on the internet can/will come back to haunt you.

2) I think most of us were put out because we thought this was a community site and didnt understand why you wouldnt have just let us (the admins) know first if you were having issues. As this (I think) is a clan site then of course its understandable to just want to vent a bit with your friends.

3) I think the game was built around the idea that there was something which could appeal to different gaming tastes. Dont have the reflexs and aim for smg? Grab an rocket/oblit or try playing as a fop/op. Want to fly - fly, want to tank - tank, want to get up close and personal - do it. In this regard I agree with falco, the game is deliberatly varied to allow for different play styles.
However, Australia is one of the few places left with an active comp circuit for etqw (albiet a dying one) in our comp circuit the rules are different, ie no flyers or tanks - limits on heavy guns and nades ect ect. As a result those of us who play comp can of occasion become a bit elitist and tend to rage a bit when people play in a very spammy fashion or constantly objective or stat whore.


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PostPosted: 11-08-2009 01:42 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

cont. browser started to screw up.
Its fairly noticeable that to those of us who play comp what is valued is smg skill and the ability to kill other players. Doing an objective effectively requires clearing it - then its just a simple matter of as pants put it 'pressing f'.
So it is a fact that if you play on Aus servers among some of the comp players and you dont do things which we tend to value (ie shoot well and not rely on spam) you might cop some flack.
As you can likely guess there is a contradiction here, its a pub server, vanila is not promod. Hence some of us who play comp do of occasion get a bit of rage going, I wouldnt take it too seriously. Text is hardly a perfect medium of communication, some of what you percieve to be a horrific insult may only be meant in jest.

4. The kick votes are really just us having fun, yes it can be annoying and when it really gets out of hand we disable voting. Although its a public server its their mainly to cater to those of us who have been around the longest. We wanted a place to play where we could remove pingers and afk players and enjoy ourselves. Hence 'my' (not rosies) comment to you which you seem to have either misread or simply forgotten "we pay for the privilidge of playing with YOU" ie we pay for the server, you are essentially there as our guest. The server does not belong to some company, its paid for by the admins. As such I am sorry to say it but sometimes things will take place which you might not like - we have to balance up a lot of different issues.


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PostPosted: 11-08-2009 01:50 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

5. There is really not much need to carry this on, if you have an issue you are welcome to raise it with us. Feel free to add me to friends list and just send me an IM. If you want to vent to your friends then that is your choice but clearly although this might be a clan forum it is open and people have found it.
People took up issue for the exact reason you likely thought they wouldnt - you didnt name names and instead tried to make a general critisim. In doing so you have perhaps inadvertantly painted everyone with the same brush.

Although you are welcome to not like some of what goes on fact remains that this will cut both ways, if you imply that everyone is terrible then you have to expect that people will respond with what they think of your own abilities. If you complain that some people dont take the game seriously then you also have to expect some people to question why you do take it so seriously if you wont play comp.

The sad part is that Rosie and Goto are both 'really' nice people who do their best to make the server a good place, if you had just let them know you were having problems you would have found that out. Instead this whole episode has ended up plasted all over our community forums (which a lot of the Aus community do read) and what should have been private has become very public.


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PostPosted: 11-08-2009 11:58 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote



Kempston Joy
Kempston Joy
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PostPosted: 11-08-2009 02:44 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

what the fuck is this?


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PostPosted: 11-08-2009 07:55 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Doombrain wrote:
what the fuck is this?

It's about pantyhose or flower print dresses so you'll fit right in.


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PostPosted: 11-08-2009 07:59 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Thanks for the insights, Luckless.

Just to clarify what this site is: it's a leftover remnant of a 10 year old set of forums back from the Quake3Arena days. The official site was killed (or scheduled to be killed) long ago and we sort of took it over and kept it going...er...well DooMer and Turbanator kept it going. We actually went through a site shutdown a few years back and resurrected it. The membership over the years has dwindled and most members basically stick to their specific forum of interest (GD, Level Design, etc)

With regards to this specific forum (ETQW), it's just the few of us who play the game who post here and have kept this forum going...and the traffic hasn't been high here in well over a year. The [Q3W] clan wasn't really a clan, but a bunch of members who posted here and happened to play the game. We've never actually played any official matches as a clan (fuck you obsidian) and most of us rarely play together...if at all. Check the dates on the threads to see how little traffic actually comes here.

So - in truth - this isn't a ETQW clan forum, but with the massively reduced traffic pretty much acts like one.

And to give you some history on the overall Q3W site....most of the people (myself included) who used to post here regularly (back in the heydays) in the Level Editing/Game Programming forums have actually gone on to work in the industry. Several of the old members (who got their start here) worked at Splash Damage and created ETQW. Hell...my old roommate from 10 years ago was one of the Leads on ETQW. And no...I haven't mentioned this shitstorm to them as it isn't really important and have no intention to.

I'm preemptively telling you all this in case anyone checks out the rest of the site and finds out it's not a clan forum.

So...in a nutshell, this is a fairly private site, the ETQW devs don't visit this site anymore (let alone post in this particular forum) and probably aren't aware in the slightest about this thread as they've moved on years ago. These days they also don't hang around the official ETQW forums as much as they used to as they're busy with Splash Damage's new project. So if you were worried about "bad PR for the Aussie community" you can relax..at least as it pertains to me and this thread. I hope this is nearing an end. The reason I didn't reg and post at the GameArena forum was because I didn't want to keep this mess going.

Your comment about postings on the internet biting you in the ass is true and it appears the GameArena forums get much more traffic than this one. So take that as simply a hint as to who is contributing to bad PR when you look at the intent of this thread versus the one on GameArena.

Good luck and have fun.

I basically stay here or GD to flame Doombrain and Mazda as well as bashing the United States to piss off yanks.

Last edited by GONNAFISTYA on 11-09-2009 03:58 AM, edited 2 times in total.


I'm the dude!
I'm the dude!
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PostPosted: 11-08-2009 08:56 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Just some further details on that...

Technically, we're still the official community site of Quake 3 Arena with some oversight from id Software (they reacquired the domain from IGN during the latest migration) and they own the site as an IP. The link inside the Quake 3 game still points to us. There are people who work at id Software who used to visit us (not so much anymore), and people who were first members here are now hired and working at id. Most of the members here are remnants of this 10-year-old game and over the years we've become set in our ways and have come to know one another rather well. We talk about pretty much everything here but less and less about Quake 3.

We are not a clan per se, but we are all old-school gamers, most of us playing FPS games since the original Wolfenstein and some of us even remember playing Pong. We may not be the best ETQW players in the world, but I'm confident that even the worst of us can hold our own on the public servers. We don't have enough active ETQW players to hold an official match. Aye, quite a number of our members work at Splash Damage, Digibob, LloydM to name a couple. ydnar worked on Wolf:ET. They joined Splash Damage when SD wasn't yet a company, but just a mod team working on (IIRC) Quake 3 Fortress. Other members here work at Raven, and a number of other studios. Some of us sit on our asses all day and are too scared to apply for that game dev job even though we think we can be quite qualified. :paranoid:

(Oh, and fuck you too, GFY)

GtkRadiant | Q3Map2 | Shader Manual


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PostPosted: 11-08-2009 10:07 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

obsidian wrote:
Some of us sit on our asses all day and are too scared to apply for that game dev job even though we think we can be quite qualified. :paranoid:

The offer for you to send me your shit and see what I can do still stands, mofo.


I'm the dude!
I'm the dude!
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PostPosted: 11-09-2009 07:34 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I know, I'm scared (but actually not willing to relocate at this time).

GtkRadiant | Q3Map2 | Shader Manual


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PostPosted: 11-09-2009 11:05 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Wow, Aussies really are a bunch of fucking morons.



Kempston Joy
Kempston Joy
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PostPosted: 11-09-2009 02:45 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

strong tears



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PostPosted: 11-14-2009 11:37 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote



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PostPosted: 11-15-2009 09:52 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

anal fissure :olo:


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PostPosted: 01-27-2010 02:48 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Doombrain wrote:
strong tears


That's not an aussie he's coming from Australa, don'cha see?


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PostPosted: 02-20-2010 07:15 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

As usual I missed all the drama *sigh*

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PostPosted: 02-20-2010 07:38 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


You're like 3 months too late old man.


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PostPosted: 02-20-2010 08:20 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


You're like 3 months too late old man.

Story of my life *lol*.

Member: NAD&BTA
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Say ello to my l'il frien'
Say ello to my l'il frien'
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PostPosted: 09-20-2010 12:49 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

holy fuck, am i ever glad i found this goldmine!


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PostPosted: 01-15-2011 09:34 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

:olo: i should check this part of the forum more often, strong lols

io chiamo pinguini!

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