GTKradiant - Tips

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GTKradiant - Tips

Post by AEon »

GTKradiant Tips & Tricks
  • Edited by AEon 2009, v1.3.

Welcome to the Quake3World LEM GTKradiant Tips...
  • Here you will find a list of useful key-shortcut tips for GTKradiant that even after years of usage may have been overlooked or not used enough to actually take advantage of them. Feel free to add your own personal "nifty" GTKradiant usage tips. Other Q3A mapping related tips are also presented.

    Note: TOC Links will *only* skip to posts = main topics, not to the actual sub topics. A limitation of phpBB, alas. (***TODO)

Table of Contents

Practical Shortcut Usage Examples

Selecting More of the Same (AEon)
  • GTKradiant (v1.2.13) can really help when trying to find rarely used textures (e.g. to remove them completely from the map), or light sources with a specific color (e.g. to recolor the lights). You basically just select what you want to find, and then press Shift+A.
    • Textures: Select a texture face then Shift+A, this will select all brushes/patches with that texture on them. Useful to find obscure (hidden in geometry) textures, or simply to check how often and were the texture was used.

      Tip: Select a skybox texture, use Shift+A, then hit the H-key to hide all the sky related brushes for easier editing.
    • Entities: Select an entity - e.g. ammo, weapon, health, armor, trigger brush, playerclip, or light; via Shift+A show all those entities. Useful to quickly check where a certain type of ammo was placed in the map, or to globally work on all lights.

      Note: If the Key/Value fields in the Entities window (N-key) are set to some value, the above will *not* work! Should you have problems with "finding" the other entities of the selected type, clear (delete the chars in) the Key/Value fields.
    • Key/Value: If you are trying to find entities with a specific Key/Value pair, simply open the Entities window (N-key), and select the data pair from the above list, or manually enter them, then hit Shift+A.

      Tip: Select a colored light entity, select its _color Key/Value pair, then click outside the Entities window, and press Shift+A, to select all light entities with exactly that color. *Very* useful when trying to recolor many light sources. Note this also works well for the light intensity.

Quick Clipping (AEon)
  • While holding the Ctrl-key, do a RMB-click (Right Mouse Button) to place the Clipper points without having to Toggle Clipper via X-key.

"Fluid" 2D-Zoom (AEon)
  • While holding the Shift-key, do a RMB-drag (up/down movement) to zoom in/out in the current 2D view. Note: The Mouse-Wheel or the Del and Ins keys will do the same.

Copy vs. Clone in Group Entities (Tabun)
  • It is practical how you can control the duplication of brushes that are part of a group entity (func_group):
    • Use Copy & Paste (Ctrl+C + Ctrl+V) to create a new brushes that form a new entity but with identical properties.
    • Use Clone (Space-key) to create the new brushes that are are also part of the *old* entity.

Find & Remove 0x0x0u³ Brushes (neoplan)
  • To find out if there are 0x0x0u³ (dimensionless) brushes in your map, that for obvious reasons cannot be selected directly, try this:

    Press the I-key (Invert Selection) to then deselect everything by making a frame over the whole brushwork with Shift+LMB. These ghost brushes will stay selected and you can delete them.

    ***AEon: Does not work in the 2D views (the frame dragging) using v1.4. Please double-check this neoplan. Details? Editor version?

Quick Shader Code Look-Up (Bliccer)
  • When you open the Textures window (via T-key) you can then Shift+LMB click any of the white bordered images to open up the shader file's code. This is helpful to quickly look up what the shader actually does.

    Tip: Should this not work for you try to set Edit menu, Preferences, Other, Misc, Use win32 file association....

Define Your Own Editor Shortcuts (obsidian)
  • Radiant has a shortcut file that it reads on startup. For GTKradiant 1.5.0 this is the shortcuts.ini file located in
    • Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\RadiantSettings\1.5.0\\
    There are many unassigned shortcuts. Edit as necessary, set permissions to read only to prevent Radiant from overwriting your changes.

    ***AEon: One might want to mention that this file also exists for the older versions of GTKradiant.

Finding Uncaulked Detail Brush Faces More Easily (AEon)
  • When texturing many detail brushes, e.g. creating rocks or other detail work - even if you start off with caulked brushes, and you think you only textured the visible faces - you may still be missing (i.e. those accidentally textured via Clipper tool or accidentally selecting the whole brush when texturing) uncaulked brush faces... since the compiler does not remove such faces, you will see them in-game. Bad!

    One way to remove those uncaulked detail brushes is to simply select them, caulk the complete brush to then re-texture only the visible faces. Works well enough, unless you did a lot of texture alignment.

    Tip: Turn on the View menu, Filter, Caulk by pressing Alt+6. This will hide all the caulk brush faces, leaving only those uncaulked textures. It should then be relatively easy to caulk those as well.

Convenient Shortcuts

The Middle Mouse Button ($NulL, AEon):
  • 2D View:
    • MMB
      Rotate the camera to point towards mouse location.
    • Ctrl+MMB
      Place the camera at the mouse's location. Very useful to quickly navigate large maps.
    • Ctrl+Alt+MMB
      Define the location of the Z-"Marker" Icon in XY-view. To help orientation the Z-Window shows the floor, ceiling and other brushes - the brush layers in color - at the location of the Z-Icon, this helps with brush placement.
  • 3D View:
    • MMB
      Grab pointed at texture, and replace/cover any selected brush face(s), selected brush(es) or selected patch(es) with it.
    • Ctrl+MMB
      Apply selected (current) texture to a complete brush.
    • Shift+MMB
      Apply selected texture to a single brush face - Maintaining the face's previous scale and rotation settings.
      ***AEon: Does not work for v1.2.13 or v1.4, Q3R only?
    • Ctrl+Shift+MMB
      Apply selected texture to a single brush face - Copying the texture projection from the selected texture.
      Also used to Select a texture on brush face!
    Note: Some of these don't work in newer versions of Radiant, unfortunately.
    ***AEon: $NulL your key shortcuts don't work the way you describe them for me.

Texture Alignment / Manipulation Keys (AEon, Pat Howard):
  • Select a texture face via Ctrl+Shift+LMB in Camera view, then use:
    • Shift+Cursor
      Shift texture.
    • Shift+PgUp/PgDn
      Rotate texture.
    • Ctrl+N
      Natural texture alignment for patches.
    • Ctrl+Shift+N
      Cycle Cap Texture to properly align textures on (patch) caps.
    • Shift+B
      Fit texture.
    • Ctrl+Cursor
      Scale texture.

Patch Mesh Shortcuts (Pat Howard):
  • Select a patch mesh via Shift+LMB, then use:
    • V-key
      Show Vertices.
    • B-key
      Bend patch.
    • Shift+P
      Create simpl patch mesh using the dimenstions of the currently selected brush.
    • Shift+S
      Patch Properties window.
    • Ctrl+G
      Snap highlit (blue) vertices to grid.
    • Ctrl+I
      Invert patch, e.g. texture *inside* of cylinder.
    • Ctrl+N
      Natural texture alignment for patches.
    • Ctrl+Shift+N
      Cycle Cap Texture to properly align textures on (patch) caps.
    • Ctrl+T
      Thicken window.

Miscellaneous Editor Shortcuts (Pat Howard):
  • Other useful shortcuts:
    • Alt+Cursor
      Nudge selected entities by currently set amount of grid units.
    • 1-key to 9-key
      Set the current grid size from 1u to 256u, default 8u.
    • [ -key / ] -key
      Down/up grid size by factor of 2.
    • Ctrl+Alt+LMB
      Select func_group.
    • H-key / Shift+H
      Temporarily Hide/Unhide currently selected entities. For a complete list of filter keys see the View menu, Filter.
    • Ctrl-Alt-E
      Select one brush of a func_group, then use the shortcut to select all the brushes of that group (v1.5 only; phantazm11). Use Ctrl-Alt-LMB to select a complete group in the older editor versions.
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by Tabun »

Dunno if it's nifty, but I like how you can control how to duplicate brushes of an entity:
- use copy + paste: the new brushes form a new, identical, entity
- use spacebar: the new brushes are part of the old entity
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by neoplan »

Thats a good topic!
- To find out if there are 0x0x0 brushes click " i " and then deslect everything by making a frame over the whole brushwork wirth " shift + LMB ". These ghost brushes will stay selected and you can delete them.
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by $NulL »

The original q3r manual had a huge list of shortcuts, although many didn't even work in q3r never mind gtk. But its here if you want to read it: ... c475185912

The middle mouse button functions are my favorite:

2D View:
MMB: Rotate the camera to look towards the mouse.
CTRL-MMB: Place the camera at the mouse's location.

3D View:
MMB: Select the texture your pointing too.
CTRL-MMB: Apply selected texture to a brush.
SHIFT-MMB: Apply selected texture to a single brush face (Maintaining the face's previous scale and rotation settings)
CTRL-SHIFT-MMB: Apply selected texture to a single brush face (Copying the texture projection from the selected texture)

(Some of these don't work in newer versions of radiant, unfortunately)

Edit: Wording and conformate colouring in :)
Last edited by $NulL on Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by AEon »

Neat tips... especially the camera shortcuts... I know they exist but never looked them up, again (been 3.5 years)... I'll go through all the tips, put them in one conform layout, and place them in the top post (with credit).

Something we might want to mention are the shortcuts that let you align texture via keyboard directly. E.g. select a texture face:
  • Shift+Cursor: Shift texture.
  • Shift+PgUp/PgDn: Rotate texture.
  • Ctrl+N: Natural texture alignment for patches.
  • Ctrl+Shift+N: Cycle Cap Texture to properly align textures on (patch) caps.

Note: If you use a "trick" every day, then it *is* definately useful... and maybe we don't know about this yet. Or it's a clever application of a "known" function. So post it! :ninja:
Pat Howard
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by Pat Howard »

Yeah, AEon, I was gonna post those. They are my favorite. You forgot a few though (see below). I recently found the Help>Shortcuts List and I've been trying to learn them all. Here are some...

More Texture Manipulate Shortcuts:
  • SHIFT+B = Fit.
Patch Mesh Shortcuts:
  • V = Show vertices.
  • B = Bend.
  • SHIFT+P = Create simple patch mesh.
  • SHIFT+S = Patch Properties window.
  • CTRL+G = Snap vertices to grid.
  • CTRL+I = Invert
  • CTRL+N = Naturalize texture.
  • CTRL+T = Thicken window.
  • SHIFT+CTRL+N = Cycle cap texture.
Nudge Shortcuts:
  • ALT+UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT = Nudge by given grid size.
Hide Shortcuts:
  • Complete list can be found in View>Filter
Misc. Editor Shortcuts:
  • NUMBERS 1 - 9 = Adjust grid size.
  • [ = Down one grid size.
  • ] = Up one grid size.
  • CTRL+TAB = Change view.
  • CTRL+ALT = Select func_group.

I'm sure I forgot a few, but that's just a quick list. Hope it helps some people. Make use of your shortcuts!!!
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by AEon »

Bend... I have never used it on patches - ever ... aha. Shift+B (fit)... had been wondering if there is a key for that... very useful!
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by phantazm11 »

Great topic. A lot of things I never realized before.

Here is one for selecting all the brushes in a func_group in GTKradiant 1.5:

Select one of the brushes of the group and hit CTRL-ALT-E and it will automagically select all other brushes within the func_group.
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by Bliccer »

phantazm11 wrote:Great topic. A lot of things I never realized before.

Here is one for selecting all the brushes in a func_group in GTKradiant 1.5:

Select one of the brushes of the group and hit CTRL-ALT-E and it will automagically select all other brushes within the func_group.
In 1.4 it was ctrl+alt+lmb

One more hint: If you open the texture manager and then Shift + left click a white bordered image you open the shader file. It's nice if you have tons of shaders in your scripts folder and want to know which one the texture is related to.
Or if you forgot your shader name :D
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by AEon »

Bliccer wrote:One more hint: If you open the texture manager and then Shift + left click a white bordered image you open the shader file.
Hmmm... does not work for me neither for v1.2.13 nor for v1.4. May require that some "viewer" be set, but could not find it in the prefs.
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by Bliccer »

You could also try it with the radiant shader editor:
Edit -> Preferences -> Misc -> Use win32...

Or you need to change something in the default_project.proj file. Once it didn't work for me either but then I also couldn't edit 2 brushes at the same time. Then it crashed and I had to reset every gtk setting. Then everything worked again.

Or delete them once and restart radiant.
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by AEon »

Bliccer wrote:You could also try it with the radiant shader editor:
Edit -> Preferences -> Misc -> Use win32...
Ah... that worked... the built in editor/viewer window works. Nifty for quick look-ups.
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by Bliccer »

One hint in 1.4: I just wanted to select some patches and couldn't. After some fiddeling around it turned out to be an activated filter. alt+7 = clips. If you turn that on you can't select patches anymore. Be prepared!
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by AEon »

strange, just tested this with v1.4. I have clips filtered most of the time, and I can select patches (Shift+LMB) and a patch func_group (Shift+Alt+LMB) without any problems.
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by obsidian »

FYI, Radiant has a shortcut file that it reads from, for example GtkRadiant 1.5.0 has shortcuts.ini in Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\RadiantSettings\1.5.0\\

There are a lot of unassigned shortcuts. Edit as necessary, set permissions to read only to prevent Radiant from overwriting your changes.
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by AEon »

then this has been improved, for v1.2.13 and v1.4 the sample shortcuts.ini files did not mention the internal commands one could additionally set up with a key-combo. And I tried to replace the cursor keys ("free look" with w,s,a,d), though that partially worked, the movement would start but not stop, alas.
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by AEon »

About the proper use of Region?
Presently it is becoming very clear that I have to use the GTKradiant Region command (here for v1.4) to let me more quickly change/test/fix the lighting, the full map compiles simply take far too long (light 800+s).

It seems you can select a area via brush in top/down (XY) view, then via Region menu, Set Tall Brush, everything covered by the brush is left *in* the map, turning the current file into a .reg file. You should then be able to compile only this region via Bsp menu entry (e.g. one of the final settings). I also noted you should turn on BSP Monitoring in the Prefs (Enable BSP process monitoring, Stop compilation on leak, Run engine after compile all turned on).

Alas the compile using (Q3Map (ydnar) - v2.5.11 - I have 2.5.16 installed though), complains about

Code: Select all

************ ERROR ************
LoadPortals: couldn't read D:/Games/Quake3/baseq3/maps/aedm7160.prt
What things do I need to properly (manually) set up to make in-editor compiles (GTKradiant v1.4) possible?

Any other Region tips?

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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by AEon »

  • Shift+Alt+MMB: In XY-view lets you place the "Z"-marker icon that is used in the Z-view to show the brush layers in color.
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by AEon »

Is there some way to change the rotation axis of a model in GTKradiant in real time, i.e. via mouse movement? Alas the R-key - rotate - in v1.4 only works for brushes, and there it is completely useless because Texture Lock simply does not work for non-90° rotation.

Presently I am using model the angles key, setting the 3 angle numbers by hand.
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by obsidian »

I don't think you can with GtkRadiant 1.4, but you can just use the rotation tool in GtkRadiant 1.5 to rotate models and it will automatically input the angles key as you move it around.
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by AEon »

Ah... I was hoping for something like that. This should *really* help me better place all those plants.

I just downloaded v1.5 from: (Windows Installer), though I am not quite sure about the gamepacks folders... do I need those? And is there some way to download the gamepack folders via FTP?
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by obsidian »

Yes, you'll need the gamepacks too. I've added them to my signature since I get asked frequently enough (full installer).
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by AEon »

I just updated our "Starting Quake Mapping - Link Resources" sticky with your links... it would be good to also include a link to the latest version of q3map2 in your sig as well.

Is there a page for those gamepacks? For other games? I'd add that to the sticky then as well.
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by obsidian »

See the directory that the .msi is in. :dork: ... ghtly/1.5/
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Re: GTKradiant - Tips

Post by AEon »

Finding uncaulked detail brushe faces more easily:
  • When texturing many detail brushes, e.g. creating rocks or other detail work - even if you start of with caulked brushes, and you think you only textured the visible faces - you may still be missing (i.e. those accidentally textured via Clipper tool or accidentally selecting the whole brush when texturing) uncaulked brush faces... since the compiler does not remove such faces, you will see them in-game. Bad!

    One way to remove those uncaulked detail brushes is to simply select them, caulk the complete brush to then re-texture only the visible faces. Works, unless you did a lot of texture alignment.

    Tip: Turn on the Filter - Caulk by pressing Alt+6. This will hide all the caulk brush faces, leaving only those uncaulked textures. It should then be relatively easy to caulk those as well.
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