Map on the Edge of Forever

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Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by sock »


Here is the final release of a map that some of you may have seen over the last 8 months via the mountain of screenshots I have drowned this forum in and wondered 'what is going on here!'. It has been a very long journey for me with countless builds and months of building but thanks to all my friends it has been an amazing experience. :)

As always, constructive comments are welcome and if you have the chance to record any demo's please let me know because I would love to see how you played the map. I do understand that this will not be everyone's cup of tea because it has a very strong puzzle element but take your time and try to resist the urge to noclip around the place. All the source files and a detailed explaination of the map will be released next week. The website does contain some help on how to find things if you are really stuck!

Zip File : (49Mb)

Instructions for loading / playing the map

This map is designed for Quake 3 Arena 1.32 and IOQuake 3 and does not require any special MOD in order to play correctly. I would highly recommend that you turn off various elements of the default HUD so that the playing experience is as immersive as possible and follow the loading instructions below:

Place moteof_final.pk3 in your /Quake III Arena/baseq3/ folder
Start quake3 Arena icon on desktop
Hit ` key usually next to the number one key, left hand side and type:

/g_gametype 2 - This mode will get rid of the awaiting player message
/cg_drawgun 0 - Stops drawing any player weapon on the screen
/cg_drawstatus 0 - Removes the ammo, health and armor status
/cg_drawfps 0 - Turns off the fps counter in the top right corner
/timelimit 0 - Stops the map ending if an existing timelimit has been set
/fraglimit 0 - Turns of the fraglimit on the bottom right side of the screen

/map moteof_final loads the map, can be done via ffa/tourney menu as well
Hit ` key will close the console if still open

If the map fails to load with the follow error message ERROR: Hunk_Alloc failed then you need to change the memory amount using the following console command: '/com_hunkmegs 96'. After typing the command, restart the game and load the map again.

If you feel the lighting of the map is too dark, you should change the screen gamma to a brighter value. Please note that the gamma console command only affects the display if the game is full screen. (the game fills up all of the screen, no window border)

The console command to adjust gamma is '/r_gamma 1.0' (default value)
A good starting point for something lighter is 1.3 and a lot brigher would be 1.5.

The design

This is a single player experience ONLY and there are no plans for adding bots or multiplayer support to this map. The environment is designed with countless visual clues of what to do next and will require the player(YOU) to look up to find them! There is no time limit pressure and the level can be played at any pace.

The environmental detail comes with a price and that is extremely high poly counts in most areas of the map. The average poly count for the map is between 20k-30k and will require a modern day PC in order to reduce any FPS problems.

The main puzzles are made up of two state objects (on or off) which are linked together to create more interesting problems. All of the puzzles are setup with custom sounds and visual effects so that it should be easier to see and hear what is going on.

The solution for every puzzle is always linked to something that is blocking your path, this could be a door, a floor opening or a new route forward. Two of the puzzles are randomly setup each time you load or re-start the map, so if you play the map several times it should be a slightly different experience everytime.

The Story

Far across the Dead Sea, beyond the shores of white sand are The Dragon's Teeth--heartless mountains consumed by cold howling winds and separated by valleys of icy fog. Nestled deep within is a small rocky pinnacle upon which rests the palace of The Guardian, the architect of the Vault of Knowledge.

For centuries people have visited the Guardian hoping for blessings and the chance to take the Trial of Knowledge but few have been granted the wish. After many wars and natural disasters the location of The Guardian eventually slipped from people's memories and was lost forever from maps. Only legends remain telling of the trial and the strange machines that seem to crackle with the power of the skies.

For years you have dreamt of finding the Vault and gaining the treasure of the ancients but the mountain paths have just led you round in circles. One day, while searching the northwest mountain peaks, you discovered a hidden trail marked with small piles of stones covered in unusual symbols. Something looks familiar and you suspect you have seen these symbols before in ancient books, but your memory is fading and you are not sure anymore.

After days of walking past countless marker stones, the trail eventually descended from the higher peaks towards a misty valley. Far off in the distance you could see a small hill with what seemed to be a manmade structure on the top but you will need to get closer to find out.

The trail leads down into a dense forest shrouded in a thick miasma that chills you to the bone. The boughs creak and groan but there is no wind, just the fog blocking out the light above. Several days pass and eventually the winding trail leads upwards again, out of the mist. You stand before a small ornate building with glass on all sides.

You enter the main door...

EDIT: Fixed all file/image links
Last edited by sock on Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by wattro »

nice! will check it out as soon as i get to my quake pc
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by Delirium »

Wow, played on it for and hour and 20 minutes and still havnt finished it! better luck tomorrow.

The level looks great! gj Sock =)

PS: is there a way out of the dungeon?
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by Tabun »

Well, I'm about as hyped and eager to try this map as I would a new game that's just been released. :]
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by cityy »

I think I can say that this is the most awesome stuff that I have ever played in q3. The general concept is very cool and the visuals are perfect so far.

I was not able to find the last trigger in the second puzzle.... :( Is there some kind of guide in case you dont know further?
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by sock »


The zip does have a full run through demo of the map in 4 1/2 minutes, so if you get stuck or just want to see it complete then try it out, BUT be warned it will show you everything and probably spoil all surprises. The bottom of the map website page also offers 2 types of clues to where things are hidden which is much better because you can check one clue at a time and not see everything. Once I get a spare moment today I will finish off the walk through guides on all the puzzles and link to the main page.

Website :

Alternatively you can check out a youtube video which is a recording of the demo included in the zip file. Again this will show EVERYTHING and should be used as a last resort or if you don't have Q3 installed anymore.

youtube :

A couple of people have already asked me about the source files and YES everything will be released next week, so you can see how the map was put together. I am sure most people will decompile the map in the meantime but trust me it is worth waiting for the original source map file! ;)

Here is a link to the texture pack if you want to just play around with the new textures.
Textures : ... /index.htm
Well he was evil, but he did build alot of roads. - Gogglor
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by cityy »

Thanks for the video! I was just totally doing it wrong :owned:

Can't wait to try the textures. :)


My demo: (5.2mb :toothy: )

Forgott to put it in a .zip file - I hope it is ok.
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by ShadoW_86 »

Wow! Sock that's amazing stuff. I enjoyed it very much, feels pretty oldschool, like all those old good 'find the key to open the door' great games :). And I must admit I had a problem to find all skulls :rolleyes: . 8 Months?! :eek:

But now I have one important question. WHY? Why you didn't made Wolfenstein all by yourself!?! :):):)

Once again congratulations on this one. I'm waiting for next part.
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by cityy »

ShadoW_86 wrote:But now I have one important question. WHY? Why you didn't made Wolfenstein all by yourself!?! :):):)
Good one :olo:
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by Hipshot »

Just for the record: This is a great level sock!
The only bad thing here is that the game core isn't made for it, have you ever though about making it a source level?
Keeping everything the same but having the benefits of an advanced single player engine?
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by sock »

@citty, wow your demo is amazing, Ive got no idea how you got the hidden stuff so quickly! What is interesting is how everyone thinks the hidden stuff is mirrored in identical locations and rushes off to check a facing window or alcove. It seems everyone gets stuck with at least one skull and so far no two demo's are the same.

@ShadoW_86, thanks, I am glad you enjoyed it. After spending so much time make just one level, I realised I would need to be part of a team to make something bigger.

@Hipshot, thanks. I have no plans to convert this to another engine or continue the story. It started life as an experiment into 3d scripting and trigger chains and as usual grew into something else. I am planning to move onto UDK as soon as I have finished releasing all the source files for this project.
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by seremtan »

you weren't kidding about puzzles :eek:

you should try mapping for portal. i bet you could make something impossible
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by phantasmagoria »

excellent stuff. Indeed you should try (if you havent already) mapping in source, it lends itself far better to logic and gate based puzzles, though i imagine a lot of the fun you had was in overcoming the shortfalls in radiant.

I had to watch your speedrun to get a couple of the skulls. The one hidden in the top of the doorframe was quite a little bitch. >:E
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by pjw »

Just emphasizing yet again that this is awesome.

Great job on the final, sock!

I've had a great deal of fun playing through the various iterations, and I hope you do something similar in the future!

I wouldn't have included a demo or YouTube link. But I'm a jerk like that... :)
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by phantazm11 »

Fan-freakin'-tastic sock.

I haven't finished it yet, but I was also wishing that this was just the first level of a complete game.

Congratulations on the release! :D
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by AEon »

Great, great map...

Alas I seem to be too stupid to find the 10 skulls... got 9/10... argl... even with noclip I could not locate the missing one. But I am not giving in to looking up a solution just yet... sigh.
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by sock »

@phantasmagoria, part of the challenge of this map was trying to make the puzzles with Q3 and to find inventive ways around the engine limitations. I know if I turned the map into a Q3 MOD or used HL source, it would not of been as much fun or as impressive to create for me.

@pjw, I am still waiting for your speed run! :P

@phantazm11, there is no hurry to complete it :) There is only one map and it is very unlikely there will be anymore after this one from me either.

@AEon, finding the skulls are suppose to be hard, it is certainly no reflection on intelligence. Plus I wanted people to play the map for roughly 30-60mins, so it was designed to be tricky and so far everyone has had problems getting the last skull :D
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by MrLego »

Love the map Sock

It took me two sessions before I found all 10 skulls - almost 2 hours of running around looking for the triggers.

Great job.

I read your previous post, but hopefully this won't be the end of the story.

To be continued...
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by Johnny Law »

When an interesting Q3 map is released I tend to just want to wander around inside and examine it, without bots in the way, and this map really hits the spot. :) Good times...

Man, it's a shame that Q3 never had a standard singleplayer entities set for folks to work with. Obviously that's old news, but it's just something that occurred to me yet again after seeing this map, and seeing the lists of 10,000 user-made Q3 maps that Foo has been digging up.

The switch-puzzles were straightforward, just right for making me feel slightly clever when solving them. Getting the skulls took me forever though... which is par for the course, as I'm crap at finding secrets in Q1 and Q2 maps too. While running back and forth looking for the last couple of skulls, I thought it would be cool to get some sort of general pointer or hint for them in-game (one example would be the Riddler maps you can find in Batman AA). Did you spend any time pondering how to do that sort of thing with unmodded Q3?

Actually, just a more general question: what other kinds of things did you want to do in this map, where Q3 limitations foiled you in the end?

But anyway: outstanding job! You made a great place to explore. And remember, since you said "to be continued", you're contractually obligated for another one. :)

Edit: I have a couple more specific comments, but I'm wondering, is there any way to hide or spoiler-protect text on this board? I don't think there is, but maybe I've forgotten.
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by obsidian »

sock wrote:I have no plans to convert this to another engine or continue the story.
But but but.... it says, "To be continued..."!
pjw wrote:I wouldn't have included a demo or YouTube link. But I'm a jerk like that... :)
Yeah, tell me about it. We didn't get to take the easy way out on the 6 or 7 versions of this thing and countless hours spent running around scratching our heads. If we have to do it the hard way, so does everyone else! (I think it's actually easier with the final version with the suggested clues to puzzles and hidden triggers). You should also remove the skull puzzle solutions from the webpage, that's too easy. >:D

This map is amazing and I hope everyone else has as much fun playing it as I did. NO CHEATING!
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by Foo »

obsidian wrote:But but but.... it says, "To be continued..."!
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by Silicone_Milk »

Hot fuck this is amazing. It's finally out! I need to reinstall Q3 now that I found the lost disc hiding in my car.
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by g0th- »

awesome work man!
I haven't got time to run through all the puzzles yet, I got stuck pretty quickly on the second pair of doors and noclipped from there and just looked around.

The visuals are very good and I love all the small details you put in everywhere. This is absolutely in the top level of quality works for q3
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by AEon »

On a possible continuation... a quick additional SP continuation could be to use so some of the designs from this map (architectural designs mostly), plus re-use POM for a labyrinth / additional puzzles... since the design is already defined there. The pyramid would probably be a bit off topic, but everything else in that map should save you a lot of time. Not as a verbatim copy, but as a set of rock/cave "templates" / modules.

About the puzzles, the second one with the two gates (two battery rooms)... I will be playing that one again... but either I am not the really "thinking" type, i.e. I use trial and error a lot, or there are actually not any real hints on what to do, other than "power up". Maybe - once enough folks have played the map - we could start a discussion on puzzle logic vs. random trial and error. I may simply not have properly understood the "hints" though.
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Re: Map on the Edge of Forever

Post by monaster »

Ok, heading for some constructive comments beside the obvious "Oh my sock, you make it hard for people to continue mapping with the knowledge that it could take centuries in some cases to make their own maps look as good as yours; who needs tempest utopia anyway": You could add the following to your first post or maybe in your readme: "anything below Quake 3 Arena v1.32 will NOT work", because it simply doesn't. Seems that id applied some changes to a few limits with the latest patch, because I tried to load moteof - nice rememberable abbreviation even if it is kinda coincidential - and constantly got a "shader overload", which prevented loading a single brush of your map. That occured under v1.30. If anyone would be able to test v1.31, that test would be completed, otherwise it should be marked that "anything up to Quake 3 Arena v1.30 will definitely NOT work".
Greets and Congrats!
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