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PostPosted: 02-29-2016 09:10 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

damn I had baby pictures to show Ya HuffaRAcist but ya went on a personal fascist attacks because We support Trump.
I LiedTED .. no baby yet from my African Queen but honestly HuffaFruit is losing his mind eh
Trump has 49% of the Republican POPULAR Vote (CNN) .. dats a whole lotta racists



Truffle Shuffle
Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 02-29-2016 11:01 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

The problem (imo) is people will always vote for what serves them best and to be fair I don't blame them. Even those who don't vote are happy to maintain the status quo, the average person who might have a mortgage or family will see poverty, homelessness and whatnot and worry that if it gets worse then they'll be next. It's why when a Bernie or Corbyn or even a Trump comes along they all of a sudden represent change and people lose their shit.

I know it sounds a bit condescending but TLDR: People will only care when it affects them and their lives.

. : You knows you knows


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PostPosted: 02-29-2016 11:03 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

but that mess has made quite a few people rich, which is why we're stuck with it


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PostPosted: 02-29-2016 01:02 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Media Bias fucks up and plays the wrong clip at the end.

Here is the next Trump fake controversy.
Secret Service Agent Beats Up Reporter at Trump rally.
https://twitter.com/gabriellahope_/stat ... 3619195904

https://twitter.com/JoePerticone/status ... 1420429313


Black Lives Matter hit Hillary, Trump and Bernie rallies today, BLM protesters booted out, Reporters only allowed in media area, this doorknob leaves area, bumps secret service agent, tries to get past the agent to cover protesters, reporter blocked, Libtard yells Fuck You to Secret Service Agent and then gets schooled by Secret Service Agent. Reporter kicks Secret Service Agent and then Grabs Agent by the neck.



Truffle Shuffle
Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 02-29-2016 03:07 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

If secret service is anything like a Newport bouncer then just stay away

. : You knows you knows


Truffle Shuffle
Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 02-29-2016 03:09 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I had nowhere else to put it :)

. : You knows you knows


Internet is serious business
Internet is serious business
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PostPosted: 02-29-2016 06:18 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

plained wrote:
just keep reapeating the "fasctast/racism/hiter/" all those lies enough and the poor and dumb will play along with it

totally trolls out the jelluz /visous/ugly/vulger :olo:

eyy it's sad thats nowsadays we can't talk about issues but instead we only attack people and dismiss their views outright :nang:

I love quake!


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PostPosted: 02-29-2016 06:46 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

i know ey i read most peoples (really just a compilation of links) so-called opinions and thats just it. i accept it.

i dont feel the need to change thier opinion. :shrug:

never mind go all apshit on them !

it is about time!


Cool #9
Cool #9
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 01:21 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
Please don't X-Factor dial-a-side. Read some fucking goddam shit and just see what a goddam mess establishment politics has made, time after peasant fucking time.

You're right, but also incredibly naive.


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 01:23 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

losCHUNK wrote:
The problem (imo) is people will always vote for what serves them best and to be fair I don't blame them.

That's also sort of naive.
The real problem is that people don't know what serves them best. They vote what they think serves them best, so unfortunately, it all boils down to a game of charades and lies to trick people into believing they really, really need Drumpf.


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 04:03 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

What I mean is that you are naive in thinking the majority of people can be arsed to read about the facts behind the faces. Most people will just vote for whoever says what they want to hear in the most digestible byte-sized way, without spending even a nanosecond thinking about what it actually means that those politicians say.

You stated the obvious in saying that it should be about facts rather than faces, but I think it's not easy to change that. In fact, I think it'll become only worse as time progresses. Yeah, maybe that makes me a little apathic, but I fear it's wasted energy trying to change that. As you said, the media is powerful in this and the media isn't going to change their ways any time soon.

As to what losCHUNK said, he thinks people's vote are ultimately selfish to get what's best for them. I think even that is a view through rose tinted glasses. If people vote for what's best for them, then I don't think things would turn out so badly. In the end, what's good for the average American is good for most Americans. The problem is that people end up not voting for what's actually measurably good for them, but what politicians lead them to believe what's good for them. I don't think there could be any good in having Donald Trump as president of the USA for anyone, not even the most hardcore Trump follower. Why do those people vote for The Donald? Because Trump himself makes them believe he is what they need.


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 05:52 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Well if it affected their lives enough they would educate themselves, it's not hard for any person with half a brain to cut through the bullshit. People are either too apathetic to vote and are happy to maintain the status quo (which is the real problem) or the majority will vote to serve their interests. Unfortunately I also believe that a lot of people prioritise things like foreign affairs / immigration higher than education and health.

People do not vote Tory to think of the wider picture, they do it to protect their pension. You're kinda right in thinking people will do what's best for America, but in a way to maintain it (Hillary) instead of rework (Bernie) for fear of making shit worse and have them next up for a reposession.

. : You knows you knows

Last edited by losCHUNK on 03-01-2016 06:04 AM, edited 2 times in total.


Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 05:52 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Trump will win Super Tuesday, probably have have over 300 delegates, and will more or less lock in the republican nomination. Basically, he'll be a coin flip away from the White House. That's scary.

He would be an embarrassment. Half the country would be ashamed. And the world would laugh and shun us...


Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 05:55 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

On the flip side, there's Hillary. She's a lying, conniving bitch with Wall Street and the banks in her pockets.

What a fucking mess...


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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 06:16 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Yep. Shame that Warren woman refused to run, think she'd be leading by a wide margin at this point if she had.

io chiamo pinguini!


Insane Quaker
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 06:40 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

losCHUNK wrote:

I had nowhere else to put it :)

Damn HM-PuFFNSTuFF looking good have you been working out?


Truffle Shuffle
Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 06:43 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

It's the back roll / flip at the end, man :olo:

. : You knows you knows


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 06:49 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/01/us/po ... &smtyp=cur

Donald Trump’s Message Resonates With White Supremacists


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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 07:08 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

groomed life under the mental cieling doestnt leave one with alot of fulfilling career options that play into a person with certain mental and emotional deficiencies

propaganda goon works tho lol

it is about time!


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 07:15 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

your flailing attempts at insults only make me laugh plained.

you gobble up Drumpf's jizz then tell me i'm susceptible to propaganda rofl.

you're right about morans who are easily led though... (you just don't realize that you're talking about yourself)


Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 07:57 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Just making sure you realize, you're arguing with plained...


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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 08:12 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

ok so "no u"


it is about time!


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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 08:37 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

xer0s wrote:
Just making sure you realize, you're arguing with plained...

and soon the majority the United States Voters.

Huff please read with an open mind, I think I understand Trump and his Game Plan.

Trump messed up, I think He greedily (and Stupidly) did not want to alienate any voters (even KKK Idiots) on Super Tuesday.
You can bet later in the week an onward he corrects his really bad error in judgment with Jack Tapper of CNN and the world.
He fucked up big time, probably exhausted (it's not easy running fro President) and likely thought stealing Air Time from Rubio's Thunder was advantageous and possibly had bad advice on the subject from his campaign strategists.

Not a Racist, He just made a terrible dumb idiotic blunder.
The guy is all about stealing other peoples momentum and air time even if it knowingly harms him in the short term.

Trump assumes his support is locked in, he can do no wrong yada yada and he may have to re-access that notion although at the end of today he will have gained overwhelming support.
A Huge win for the will of the people, a big blow to controlled media and the Washington cartel.


Last edited by axbaby on 03-01-2016 09:09 AM, edited 1 time in total.


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 08:53 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

axbaby wrote:
xer0s wrote:
Just making sure you realize, you're arguing with plained...

The guy is all about stealing other peoples momentum and air time even if it knowingly harms him in the hopes that people have short memories.

Trump assumes his support is locked in, he can do know wrong yada yada

I agree with this very much.

I do think that Trump has gone out of his way to appeal to racist types though with his dog whistle tactics (for example the Mexican rapists thing). You might be right, he might not actually be a racist but his willingness to court them and appear as one, is something I still find pretty repugnant. I'd never be able to support someone who does that just to win. It suggests moral bankruptcy.

Last edited by HM-PuFFNSTuFF on 03-01-2016 09:06 AM, edited 1 time in total.


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 08:58 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I'll say this about Donald Drumpf. He seems to be the most anti-war out of all of them including Sanders and that is a big deal to me.

Unfortunately I don't trust Mr. Drumpf at all when it comes to the things he says (nor do I trust the others).


Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 09:04 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

He may be the most anti-war, but he's also the most likely to start a war by shooting off his mouth...


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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 10:43 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

If I could add one more thing about this whole David Duke business.

CNN and MSNBC and some FOX team members (not all) is non stop on the anti-Trump crusade which I hope some of you realize is orchestrated by very powerful people and has little to do with the actual subject matter.

Media this cycle really has done themselves real harm, they took Bernie down and now their sites are on Trump.

They need Rubio first and want Hillary later, no doubt about it. They do not want change but the people do, this can only help Trump.
This is why he creates a baited atmosphere for bias, it rallies the troops.
The guy is no dummy.

Watch the news today, see for yourself, Bernie rarely mentioned other then he has no black support.



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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 11:01 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

HM-PuFFNSTuFF wrote:
I'll say this about Donald Drumpf. He seems to be the most anti-war out of all of them including Sanders and that is a big deal to me.

he accused Bush II of lying about WMD, causing vast numbers of Republicans to explode with baffled rage

it has to be said though: Drumpy's rise is a pretty savage indictment of the condition of the GOP machine. the Dem's party machine will get Shillary nominated whether she stinks of scandal and bad judgement or not, but the GOP has been single-handedly laid waste to by the Donald and there's nothing they can do, in spite of all his idiot rhetoric (most of which is hollow in any case)


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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 12:21 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

August 2015
video lower into the page.
http://newsninja2012.com/trump-conversa ... -the-deal/



Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 06:21 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Hell yes. I'm proud of Oklahoma. We refused to give it to Trump (Cruz is no prize, but still...). And we also told Hillary to fuck off, giving Bernie the win.

I think we're the only state that has done that. At least today anyways...


Truffle Shuffle
Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 09:31 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Congrats on doing what you were supposed to :)

What happens now then ?, from what I've read it looks like its gonna be a straight run between drumphf and shit tits ?

. : You knows you knows


Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 09:47 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

More than likely :disgust:


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PostPosted: 03-01-2016 10:47 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

xer0s wrote:
Hell yes. I'm proud of Oklahoma. We refused to give it to Trump (Cruz is no prize, but still...). And we also told Hillary to fuck off, giving Bernie the win.

I think we're the only state that has done that. At least today anyways...

You forgot Minnesota.


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PostPosted: 03-02-2016 01:30 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

io chiamo pinguini!


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PostPosted: 03-02-2016 04:27 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Right now it may look like GOP Power Structure in Washington and in Newsrooms won.
They think a brokered convention is coming, this means it is entirely possible that none of the Republican candidates get chosen to run and instead the candidate of their choosing runs in the election against Hillary.

So it may look possible that Trump may win more delegates but not enough to shut down a brokered convention.
If you hate Trump have NO fear, the next 2 weeks will be an all out war against him and maybe Cruz paid for by Rich Super Pac's and the Media. I think they will be all out support for Rubio despite his poor showings, they can control him.

Watch and see the nastiness coming, it won't be Trump doing it.

Thursday Debate will be an ugly circus (a Gang Bang in front and beside him) but Trump will play this one smart or it's over.
Media will need those Trump sound bites if he does not pause and think before speaking, Megan Kelly will wish she never showed up (watch display of media bias in all it's glory). Pay attention to what Trump says every day, watch others completely spin the opposite.

Next Florida gets won by Trump Huge, everything changes.


Last edited by axbaby on 03-02-2016 06:54 AM, edited 1 time in total.

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