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PostPosted: 09-09-2020 07:00 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
lawless looting, rioting and burning in our cities.

Oh actually the general lawlessness and burning is because your country is a flaming shithole and its people are impoverished.

But carry on, you libertarian you.


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 09-09-2020 09:18 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

But Gramps, all those complaints you have about Biden are equally true, or worse, for Trump
That's the point we're trying to make. You keep saying Biden is so bad, but instead you are going to vote for someone who is objectively worse.

I still haven't seen you explain why a vote for Trump is a good idea, only why voting for Biden is a bad one, which makes the quote below a very hypocritical one:

Your grandpa wrote:
Though I do find it funny that EVERY liberal who is voting for Biden can't have a conversation about why he should be president without bagging the current administration.

What's worse, everyone around you seems to be able to admit that Biden is far from ideal, but since that ass backwards political system you have in the US offers no alternatives, he is considered the least or two evils. So far, however, you have been regurgitating shit about Biden but haven't given as much as a point of criticism about Trump.


Kempston Joy
Kempston Joy
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PostPosted: 09-10-2020 03:14 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Been downplaying C-19 and been caught on tape saying so. Nearly 200k dead, should have been circa 100k. Guess he’ll get away with it.


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PostPosted: 09-10-2020 07:43 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
You made the typical Dumbocrat mistake. I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm not here trying to defend his honor, his character or his tact. Though I do find it funny that EVERY liberal who is voting for Biden can't have a conversation about why he should be president without bagging the current administration. That's because there's nothing good about him. His administration wasn't good for the economy, they broaden our global military involvement, they built the "cages" at the boarder and they evicted millions of people from their homes in an economic crisis. Biden's for fracking, nuclear energy and isn't supporting the Green New Deal. He was a part of directing the FBI to spy on an incoming administration. And if you think his hands are clean with the Ukraine and his son's appointment to foreign boards, you're a hapless drone. Now he's refusing to support medicare for all, plans to raise taxes and has been complacent to the lawless looting, rioting and burning in our cities. So please keep eating all this bullshit the media is feeding you. Just remember, Biden is the same turd in a different wrapper.

:olo: idiots.

I've been avoiding doing this because it doesn't really matter since you simply don't understand what's going on.

Let's start with "His administration wasn't good for the economy". This is a trope conservatives use to fuck with people like you Gwamps, the cycle goes like this, Liberals come into power an inherit a fucking mess, they clean it up and as that clean up turns into an economic upturn conservatives get back into power, take credit for the boon and feed their rich corporate oligarchs the profits. It's plainly obvious if you look at how Trump guts social security systems that were put in place by the liberal government. Here's 22 programs Trump has slashed and that's not the whole list...

1. The McGovern-Dole International Food for Education, which donates agricultural commodities and financial assistance to carry out school feeding programs in foreign countries.

2. The Rural Business and Cooperative Service, which provides loans, grants and payments intended to increase opportunities in rural communities.

3. The Economic Development Administration, which provides federal grants to communities in support of locally-developed economic plans.

4. The Manufacturing Extension Partnership, which subsidizes advisory and consulting services for small and medium-size manufacturers.

5. 21st Century Community Learning Centers, which helps communities establish or expand centers to provide before- and after-school programs and summer school programs.

6. Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs, an Education Department program that provides grants to support college preparation for low-income students.

7. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, which researches ways to enhance the effectiveness of health services.

8. The Advanced Research Projects Agency, which provides support for Energy Department projects.

9. The National Wildlife Refuge Fund, which compensates communities for lost tax revenue when the federal government acquires their land.

10. The Global Climate Change Initiative, a proposal that reflects Trump’s decision last year to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.

11. The NASA Office of Education, which provides grants to colleges and universities, museums and science centers. The funding would be redirected within NASA.

12. The Chemical Safety Board, which is tasked with investigating accidents at chemical facilities.

13. The Corporation for National and Community Service, which funds service opportunities, promotes volunteering and helps nonprofit organizations find volunteers.

14. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which funds public television and radio stations including Public Broadcasting Service and NPR.

15. The Institute of Museum and Library Services, which funds museums and libraries nationwide with grants.

16. The Legal Services Corporation, a nonprofit that provides civil legal assistance for low-income individuals.

17. The National Endowment for the Arts, which funds American artists and projects with grants.

18. The National Endowment for the Humanities, which provides grants to American humanities scholars.

19. The Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, which funds community development projects nationwide.

20. The Denali Commission, the Delta Regional Authority and the Northern Border Regional Commission, which fund infrastructure and economic projects in specified areas.

21. The U.S. Trade and Development Agency, which provides U.S. goods and services for foreign projects.

22. The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, a think tank focused on international affairs and foreign policy.

That's just a start, it goes on and on and don't make the idiot mistake of thinking this saves money, he just redirects that money to wall-street. He's not saving you anything.

Let's move on to "They broaden our military involvement." That military is out there attempting to prevent the next 9/11. That's what they do, as well as maintaining the status quo. I'm going to be blunt here, I'm not a fan of it when Obama did and if you think it isn't happening now with Trump you're flat wrong. Trump is as much involved in foreign affairs as Obama was the difference is he isn't good at it. Not only is he bad at it his actions are very much in line with adversarial foreign entities. He's doing the wishes of foreign countries that want to see the US destabilized. When he found out about Russia paying bounties for american soldiers lives he said nothing. When russia wanted the US out of Syria he complied. In fact, there's a huge list of actions Trump has done while in office that just beguiles anyone who operates on more than 1 brain cell. Putin poisons political opponents, Trumps response? We should let them back into the G7. We should remove sanctions on Russian Oligarchs. We should stop investigating reports of russian meddling in our elections, etc... Trump is more than just a weak leader, he's complicit with foreign countries who offer nothing in exchange for making the US weaker internationally. He's tampered with evidence related to several investigations on this subject by the way, this isn't a theory it's a known fact. People have been jailed because of it and those same people have been pardoned by Trump. This is how fascist regimes work, you're currently living in one. The problem you're not witnessing yet is that these regimes suck the wealth from its citizens over time until everyone is struggling. Over time you'll turn into a Russia 2.0 and get to watch the Rich living lavishly while the middle class becomes poorer barely capable of surviving. This has a lot to do with the current state of affairs by the way, the protests, the riots, those are only going to get more pronounced as time goes on and you have Trump to thank for that.

About "the cages" that were built under the Obama administration. I love how conservatives always seem to forget that those cages were for detention of people entering the country for 24 - 48 hours. No longer. They were to be assigned to homes once processed but Trump has found other uses for them as permanent detention centers, separating kids from their families etc...

Biden is for fracking? I didn't know that, not great but honestly it is actually good for the economy but not so much for the environment. Although I haven't looked into this I am 100% certain Trump is also, I'd be surprised to find out otherwise for the guy who's gutted environmental regulation to allow corporations to pollute unchecked. The guy who withdrew the US from the Global Warming Paris accord etc... He's set back environment policies decades and continues to do so but please, tell me how Biden's Nuclear approach is so terrible when it is in fact the one method of producing power that's actually environmentally sustainable at this point in our technological evolution.

He was part of the administration who ordered the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign. Well yeah, there was evidence of collusion with Russia to interfere with the elections, you know, the reason several people including his campaign manager went to jail for. That was before he offered a quid pro quo deal to Ukraine to do it again, which if we're thinking critically, is really just a go-between for him to get aid from Russia, again.

The problem with your claim about Biden's son and Ukraine is that it was investigated and nothing was found. That's why Trump was on them to find some dirt. Have you seen the leaked chats between Lev Parnas and another Rusisan talking about assassinating the US Ambassador to Ukraine? It's honestly pretty shocking.

In March, [Ukrainian prosecutor, Yuriy] Lutsenko messaged Mr. Parnas in Russian on the WhatsApp messaging service to say that he was making progress in getting information about Mr. Trump’s rivals, according to a translation provided by impeachment investigators. Mr. Lutsenko added: “And here you can’t even get rid of one [female] fool,” an apparent reference to Ms. Yovanovitch. He also inserted a frowning emoji. “She’s not a simple fool[,] trust me,” Mr. Parnas responded. “But she’s not getting away.” Mr. Trump ultimately recalled Ms. Yovanovitch from her post in late April.

In a separate series of cryptic text messages, Mr. Parnas communicated with another man who appeared to be monitoring the movements of Ms. Yovanovitch. The texts, exchanged in March on WhatsApp, indicated that the second man, Robert F. Hyde, was in touch with people in Ukraine who were watching Ms. Yovanovitch. “They are willing to help if we/you would like a price,” one message from Mr. Hyde to Mr. Parnas read.

It's really not a good look when your president has thugs watching foreign ambassadors, and make no mistake, I'm talking about US Citizens in foreign countries, not foreign citizens and they're not so subtly discussing assassinations but hey, I'm sure that can't be worse than Biden.

Trump is already against medicaid, he's already gutted programs, he's already raised your cost of living while lowering taxes for the rich, just look at the bailout money for Covid, who do you think got the lions share? It sure as fuck wasn't your average joe or small business.

You're being played Gwamps and many others are too.

Don't reply to this with videos I will not watch them, that shit you're digging up is exactly the kind of crap that's being used to manipulate you into saying the stupid shit you're thinking. Stick with reputable sources, find information you can verify, like the closing of departments and programs. Financial reports that aren't fudging numbers etc...

Beyond all that, he's being sued by someone he's been accused of raping and your taxpayer money is being used to defend him. Think about that. The list of things he's done and continues to do is so long I can't even be bothered to try listing them. It's all ethics violations, profiting from office, abuse of power, sexual assaults, rape the list goes on and on.

It speaks volumes about the character of a man who supports that kind of person. As much as I'd like to say you're just a fucking moron the truth is you've been told many times, you refuse to believe it, or you do believe it and just continue supporting him because you're a horrible person so at the end of the day you're probably both.

And for the record, I also dislike Biden. I don't understand how out of the hundreds of million people living in your country you can't find anyone better to represent you. You truly are a lost nation and it wouldn't surprise me to see it be the reason why the earth in general will suffer greatly for it. All because people like you are so easily manipulated.


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 09-10-2020 08:16 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

"But muh Jimmy Dore vidoes!" :tard:


Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 09-10-2020 03:20 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Krapass still thinks I'm defending Trump. What a dope. How do you hapless morons still keep missing the point?

Don't watch the video stupid, it might hurt your feelings and further crush your extremely naive opinion that Dumbocrats are somehow magically better than Republicunts. :olo:


Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 09-10-2020 03:24 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Eraser wrote:
I still haven't seen you explain why a vote for Trump is a good idea,

I've already said why. Read up.


Welfare Recipient
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PostPosted: 09-10-2020 04:40 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Remind us... :olo: ...


Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 09-10-2020 05:39 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Scrub a pot... :olo: ...


Welfare Recipient
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PostPosted: 09-10-2020 06:03 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Lol Gramps keeps posting this Jimmy dore youtube crap. Turns out Jimmy is big into thoroughly debunked conspiracy theories like the Seth Rich bullshit and many others...

You always know someone is bullshit when they post contrarian youtube videos instead of actual articles etc... Gramps thinks q3w is Facebook. What a moron... :olo: ...


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 09-10-2020 09:19 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
Krapass still thinks I'm defending Trump. What a dope. How do you hapless morons still keep missing the point?

Uh, yeah I think we are, because you just keep posting the same dumb shit over and over again without actually addressing any of the issues we bring up.
In fact, it's you who keeps missing the point in a major way. We keep confirming Biden is shit and the democratic party has lost their touch with reality by putting forward someone like Biden as their presidential candidate. However, we also question your conclusion on how it's better to vote Trump than Biden. You haven't really explained to us what you expect to gain from voting Trump.


Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 04:15 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

scared? wrote:
Lol Gramps keeps posting this Jimmy dore youtube crap. Turns out Jimmy is big into thoroughly debunked conspiracy theories like the Seth Rich bullshit and many others...

You always know someone is bullshit when they post contrarian youtube videos instead of actual articles etc... Gramps thinks q3w is Facebook. What a moron... :olo: ...

He's usually quoting news articles and/or statements from credible sources. But I get it. It's all bullshit conspiracy theories when it doesn't fit your narrative. Same thing the far right says when their narratives fall apart.

Keep sticking you head in the sand Goof.


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 04:19 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

It's interesting to see how YGP has been conditioned to view anyone that doesn't unquestioningly agree 100% with him as the enemy. I'm pretty sure divisive propaganda does that to a person.

We keep, up to a point, agreeing with him on his views about Biden, all while he keeps ignoring our arguments against Trump. And yet it's us that's sticking our heads in the sand :dork:


The fuct one!
The fuct one!
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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 04:23 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain Mazda wrote:

Seems American soldiers get a free pass on the whole war crime thing.

Yes, its awful to watch this happen to America. However, we haven't been held accountable yet (and we should be). What's your point here?


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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 04:25 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
blah blah blah I suck Q-Anon cock and spread Russian propagada
:olo: I'm the idiots.

There, fixed it for you.


Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 04:29 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Eraser wrote:
Uh, yeah I think we are, because you just keep posting the same dumb shit over and over again without actually addressing any of the issues we bring up.
In fact, it's you who keeps missing the point in a major way. We keep confirming Biden is shit and the democratic party has lost their touch with reality by putting forward someone like Biden as their presidential candidate. However, we also question your conclusion on how it's better to vote Trump than Biden. You haven't really explained to us what you expect to gain from voting Trump.

Dumb shit? Again the, "Not my narrative, so it's dumb". Grow up.

Yeah, you do keep saying Biden is shit. But you have presented ZERO reason why anyone should vote for him, other than Orange Man Bad. Well Creepy Senile Man Bad or worse. My point is the same as Jimmy Dore's. Even though you know Sleepy Joe is a shitty candidate, you'll still pledge your vote to him and get on social media to shout down people who aren't voting for the trud, without demanding ONE FUCKING THING from him. He does't represent the majority of the Democratic party. He's a corporate tool. I've also told YOU specifically why I think Trump is a better choice. If you can't be bothered to read back a few pages, I surely can't be bothered to spoon feed you.

Last edited by YourGrandpa on 09-11-2020 04:32 AM, edited 1 time in total.


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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 04:31 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

raw wrote:
I'm a libtard that believes all the Russian propaganda.

Really fixed. :olo:


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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 04:37 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

It's called projecting. He's consuming massive amounts of propaganda and projecting his own actions on others. He doesn't understand how evidence is different than opinions. The evidence is out there, there's been multiple investigations on Trump that revealed evidence of his wrongdoings. At least those that he didn't obstruct justice or tamper with the evidence which is in itself also a crime. There's a multitude of women accusing him of sexual assault. Many of his associates are currently in jail or were jailed until he pardoned them like his campaign manager and Roger Stone. He's under investigation for fraud in New York, being sued for by a rape victim which he's using taxpayer money and his appointed attorney general to fight his case. He's used taxpayer campaign funds to pay off prostitutes. He's associated with Jeffrey Epstein a known pedophile and his actions in regards to Russia and other foreign countries is obviously coerced. These aren't videos of opinions or news stories that are hypothetical, these are factual events, things that happened and are as clear as day. He was impeached for abuse of power which the senate covered for him by not allowing any evidence! These are all facts, not opinions or theories, these things are all happening but somehow Biden is worse and all he has are rumors and opinions on why or the odd distorted fact like the cages where illegal immigrants were kept. He doesn't care that Trump is dismantling his democracy one piece at a time or the abuse of power Trump is engaged in, he just wants to see Republicans in power whoever that might be, he doesn't care about the damage they're doing and honestly he probably doesn't even understand it. At least not now, he will someday when it bites him in the ass but until then the slowly erosion of the middle class which he's a part of is ok with him. I'm not exactly sure how he's ok with the hundreds of thousands of dead but the brainwashing is strong and that was totally unavoidable and not Trump's fault. Maybe when he gets it and gets put on a ventilator he might have second thoughts after he goes out on his little bike trip. Facts don't matter to people like him, but not being able to breathe might.


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 05:12 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
But you have presented ZERO reason why anyone should vote for him, other than Orange Man Bad.

Considering the choice is between Biden and Trump, unfortunately, "orange man bad" is enough reason to vote for Biden.

Here in The Netherlands, we have a multi-party model. That means that despite me not wanting to vote for the party of our current prime minister (Mark Rutte), it doesn't force me to vote for someone else I don't like. Because there's many options, I can pick a party that at aligns with enough of my views that they earn my vote.
Americans don't have that luxury, so when one of the two options has been in power the past four years and has proven that he is a completely untrustworthy, bigoted, racist and lying traitor, then yeah, the vote automatically defaults to the other side. I'm not saying that's a good situation to be in, but it is the situation you've all been creating for yourselves over there.


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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 06:15 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 09:40 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
It's all bullshit conspiracy theories when it doesn't fit your narrative.

Seth Rich has nothing to do with my narrative u dumb fuck...

Let's see these credible sources that back up the Seth Rich theories... :olo: ...


Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 10:13 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

scared? wrote:
YourGrandpa wrote:
I guess the truth hurts more when its funny.

I used to fuck guys like u in prison...

Most of you probably don’t know where Geoff gets this. It’s from Road House. A cheesy 80s movie staring a sexy Patrick Swayze. He plays a bouncer at a redneck bar who has to take on the local scum. Geoff’s favorite movie I’m sure...


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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 10:34 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Best movie ever!...


The fuct one!
The fuct one!
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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 11:06 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Never thought I'd see the day where so many Americans like Gramps were pro-facism.


Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 11:17 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

raw wrote:
Never thought I'd see the day where so many Americans like Gramps were pro-facism.

The guy who can't even spell fascism thinks American fascism started and ends with Trump.

Brain washed. :olo:


Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 11:38 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Eraser wrote:
Considering the choice is between Biden and Trump, unfortunately, "orange man bad" is enough reason to vote for Biden.

Here in The Netherlands, we have a multi-party model. That means that despite me not wanting to vote for the party of our current prime minister (Mark Rutte), it doesn't force me to vote for someone else I don't like. Because there's many options, I can pick a party that at aligns with enough of my views that they earn my vote.
Americans don't have that luxury, so when one of the two options has been in power the past four years and has proven that he is a completely untrustworthy, bigoted, racist and lying traitor, then yeah, the vote automatically defaults to the other side. I'm not saying that's a good situation to be in, but it is the situation you've all been creating for yourselves over there.

I'd love to have multiple parties here in the US, because there is no way a two party system can represent 35 million people. But the real problem is, the two party system we have (which Biden has been a part of for 47 years) conspires to make sure we only get two (i.e. Burnie Sanders 2016 and 2020).

Biden is EVERY one of those things and he's been in office propagating it for 47 years.

Untrustworthy = Has recently flipped on his pacts with the progressives.
Bigoted = Cages at the boarder and deportation of 2.5 million people.
Racist = 1994 Crime bill.
Lying traitor = His initial response to the Covid-19 crisis.

Biden is no better. And his poor economic record, position on looting/rioting and his insane tax plan make him slightly worse.


Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 11:56 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Oh for fuck sake. This is why I deleted Facebook. I don’t know how you guys can continue with this bullshit...


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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 01:36 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Gramps is literally an idiot... His co-workers laugh their address off when he walks away... Also, he's poor... :olo: ...


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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 02:09 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

"literally an idiot"

"laugh their address off"



Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 02:33 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote



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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 04:36 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

What's even funnier is seeing Gwamps call someone out for a spelling mistake.


Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 06:54 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Transient wrote:
What's even funnier is seeing Gwamps call someone out for a spelling mistake.

Funnier yet, Tranycunt only saw the spelling call out. What a rube. :olo:


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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 07:25 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:

Untrustworthy = Has recently flipped on his pacts with the progressives.
Bigoted = Cages at the boarder and deportation of 2.5 million people.
Racist = 1994 Crime bill.
Lying traitor = His initial response to the Covid-19 crisis.

Biden is no better. And his poor economic record, position on looting/rioting and his insane tax plan make him slightly worse.



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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 07:36 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
Funnier yet, Tranycunt only saw the spelling call out. What a rube. :olo:

There are 2 n's in "tranny", bro. If you're going to make a portmanteau out of my username, put in the extra effort to spell it correctly. :up:


Blockheaded Blubberboy
Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 09-11-2020 08:00 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

It's a play on your forum name. How many n's do you see? :tard:

Congrats on solidifying your role as forum rube.

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