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Blockheaded Blubberboy
Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 06:40 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Eraser wrote:
I don't get the whole war-mongering argument about Dems from republicans.
George Bush Sr attacked Iraq.
George W Bush Jr attacked Afghanistan and Iraq
Trump executed more drone strikes in 4 years than Obama did in 8.
Obama didn't just pull out troops because the region isn't stable enough.

It seems like it's a republican thing to blame others of what they themselves are doing.

Just look at the Dore video :olo:

Your mistake here is ignorantly assuming I'm for any of this. I'm only shining a light on what seems to be the overall presumption here that Democrats are somehow better for our country. Your ignorance also seems to prevent you from seeing how we wound up with Trump. Most of Americans feel disenfranchised by their government and are truly looking for change. That's why they voted Trump and Obama. They didn't "for" Trump. They voted against the institution. The institution that continues to perpetuate crimes on it's own citizens and people around the world. The institution that refuses to curb government spending that lines their pockets and represent it's people. But one dummy will still tell another dummy that one turd is better than the other. When in actuality they are BOTH the same and complicit in their actions. I still can't believe ANYONE is stupid enough to vote for (more of this failed institution) Biden. A vote for Biden is the very definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. But keep blindly smashing that D at the voting booth. :tard:


Cool #9
Cool #9
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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 07:40 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I dunno man, with Trump in office, voting for Biden sounds like a pretty fuckn big vote for change.


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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 08:56 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

The democratic party is the lesser of two evils at this point. It's a shit position to be in, to have to vote for them, but they are nowhere near as awful as the GOP. To say they are 'just as bad' is delusional, and your false equivalencies aren't fooling anyone but yourself.


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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 08:58 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:


Yes, really. He's a close-talker with boundary issues. A product of his generation. I've known people like that, it's weird and awkward. But to make the leap from that to child rape is a stretch, Mr. Pizzagate. :rolleyes:


Blockheaded Blubberboy
Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 09:28 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Eraser wrote:
I dunno man, with Trump in office, voting for Biden sounds like a pretty fuckn big vote for change.

Yes, a change right back to everything most of America wants to get away from. Who logically thinks two parties that constantly pander to their most extreme constituents could accurately represent 350 million people. These parties have ultimately become the same choice. We need more choices. But that won't happen because both parties actively work together to stomp out any possibility of a broader representation. A vote for Biden is a vote for status quo.


Blockheaded Blubberboy
Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 09:30 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Transient wrote:
Yes, really. He's a close-talker with boundary issues. A product of his generation. I've known people like that, it's weird and awkward. But to make the leap from that to child rape is a stretch, Mr. Pizzagate. :rolleyes:

The "closer talker" perspective doesn't really explain all the inappropriate touching that comes with it. :rolleyes:


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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 09:47 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Transient wrote:
The democratic party is the lesser of two evils at this point. It's a shit position to be in, to have to vote for them, but they are nowhere near as awful as the GOP. To say they are 'just as bad' is delusional, and your false equivalencies aren't fooling anyone but yourself.



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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 10:05 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Transient wrote:
The democratic party is the lesser of two evils at this point. It's a shit position to be in, to have to vote for them, but they are nowhere near as awful as the GOP. To say they are 'just as bad' is delusional, and your false equivalencies aren't fooling anyone but yourself.

That's a really naive point of view. The top brass of each party go to the same billionaire clubs together, which is why you see scum like Pelosi stand and applaud Trump's speeches while approving his massive Saudi weapons deals. Resistance rofl

If you truly think Clinton/Obama are "lesser evils" than Bushes/Trump, read this: https://www.mondialisation.ca/republica ... es/5558341


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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 12:40 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
The "closer talker" perspective doesn't really explain all the inappropriate touching that comes with it. :rolleyes:

Which is why I added the "with boundary issues" part. :dork:


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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 12:49 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


It's easy to make a selective list of bad shit Dems have done, you don't think I could make an equally lengthy list of shitty Republicans? Which party was it again that enacted the Southern Strategy? No shit both parties are awful. If I thought the Green Party had a chance in hell of winning, I'd vote for them in a heartbeat. I get why a lot of people voted for Drumpf; it was a brick through the window of American politics. But now everybody knows how terrible he is. I'm not saying a vote for Biden is a panacea for the country....


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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 12:57 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain Mazda wrote:
That's a really naive point of view. The top brass of each party go to the same billionaire clubs together, which is why you see scum like Pelosi stand and applaud Drumpf's speeches while approving his massive Saudi weapons deals. Resistance rofl

If you truly think Clinton/Obama are "lesser evils" than Bushes/Drumpf, read this: https://www.mondialisation.ca/republica ... es/5558341

I am fully aware of just how awful the Democratic party is, I watch progressive news every day (including Jimmy Dore) and I know about the underhanded bullshit they pull and how the political elites in the media fawn over and praise them for it. Obama made the Bush tax cuts permanent. Clinton put more black people in prison that Bush did before him. They are 2 sides of the same corrupt coin. Both are hot garbage, it's just that one pile is currently on fire.


Cool #9
Cool #9
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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 01:54 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
Eraser wrote:
I dunno man, with Trump in office, voting for Biden sounds like a pretty fuckn big vote for change.

Yes, a change right back to everything most of America wants to get away from. Who logically thinks two parties that constantly pander to their most extreme constituents could accurately represent 350 million people. These parties have ultimately become the same choice. We need more choices. But that won't happen because both parties actively work together to stomp out any possibility of a broader representation. A vote for Biden is a vote for status quo.

The problem is that in your backwards political system, the only alternative is to vote Trump.
That clearly isn't (shouldn't be) an option. So what do you suggest?


Digital Nausea
Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 04:52 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Who is this TLMUFDVR moron?


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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 05:10 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

He's here to rep the QAnon crowd.


Blockheaded Blubberboy
Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 06:41 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Eraser wrote:
The problem is that in your backwards political system, the only alternative is to vote Trump.
That clearly isn't (shouldn't be) an option. So what do you suggest?

Since a vote for Biden is a true step backwards (this guy has been in a political office for 50 years and is directly responsible for the regression of our country) and Trump is still somewhat of a vote against the establishment, as well as the fact https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/26/politics/us-troops-afghanistan/index.html he's trying to get us out of Afghanistan. I'd say Trump.


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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 08:23 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Sure, he just wants the troops roaming the streets here instead. :dork:


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 07-25-2020 11:57 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
Eraser wrote:
The problem is that in your backwards political system, the only alternative is to vote Trump.
That clearly isn't (shouldn't be) an option. So what do you suggest?

Since a vote for Biden is a true step backwards (this guy has been in a political office for 50 years and is directly responsible for the regression of our country) and Trump is still somewhat of a vote against the establishment, as well as the fact https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/26/politics/us-troops-afghanistan/index.html he's trying to get us out of Afghanistan. I'd say Trump.

You can't seriously consider Trump to be a healthy choice for the presidency. Voting for him just to make a statement about the democratic party (which, I'm sure, isn't considered as such by the Dems, but I'll get to that) is akin to burning down your house because you have a rat infestation. Trump is so vile, so toxic, so off-the-charts crazy that at this point, it's hard to take a vote for Trump seriously. It doesn't seem like a bad proposition to have Biden in office the next four years to get some stability and sanity in the white house.

And like I said, I don't really believe the democratic party will see a vote for Trump as a vote against them rather than in favor of Trump. I'm not sure if they're capable of such levels of self-reflection. Also, your political system has become so incredibly toxic that it's impossible to extract some kind of underlying point from a vote.

Having said that, a vote for Bernie Sanders in the preliminaries was a much better way of making the anti-establishment point then a vote for Trump right now. You can be anti-establishment without putting a madman in office.


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 07-26-2020 12:01 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

On a related note, why, since Obama, are people so obsessed with having or not having troops in Afghanistan? And why is that used as an argument against democratic leadership? It was the republicans who put the troops there (and in Iraq) in the first place. And why be so obsessed about soldiers doing, well, their job? If you really want to get upset about senseless deaths, get upset about Trump's lack of action on the COVID-19 front. That shit is killing people every day. But no, you'd rather get upset about what's happening thousands of miles away from your home.

The CNN article also outlines some of the drawbacks of retreating troops from Afghanistan. Perhaps the Obama administration was more sensitive to these negatives and opted to stay to be able to safely perform their tasks and missions, to support the local population and to keep the Taliban in check.
Perhaps things aren't always as easy as they initially appear. It's easy to say the US should leave Afghanistan, but you probably don't know half of what they means (and neither do I). It would certainly not be unfathomable that a full withdrawal means chaos will descent on Afghanistan again. Perhaps Trump doesn't give a shit about Afghanistan and Obama did. Who knows? I'm not saying Trump is wrong, but I'm also saying that staying in Afghanistan might just have more valid reasons than you give Obama credit for.


Blockheaded Blubberboy
Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 07-26-2020 06:07 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

First of all, I disagree with your opinion of Trump as it relates to Biden. Trump might be more crude, rude or egotistical, but he's no worse of a human being than Biden. Biden has been sucking the hind tit of the American tax payer for 50 years. He's a bought and paid for, do nothing, career politician that really doesn't give shit about the people. The proof is in the state of America today. Our government is ruining this country. They have also been effectively ruining other countries as well. That's why America needs to leave the middle east. We've been in Afghanistan for TEN FUCKING YEARS. Saying we need to stay there is just as insane as saying vote for Biden. Again, doing the same thing OVER and OVER expecting a different result. I say if some other country thinks the middle east needs to be occupied, give America a break and let them play world police for awhile. I'd be perfectly happy paying OUR soldiers to protect OUR boarders. As far as the Covid virus goes, it's silly to think any other President could have done a better job. Could they have handled it differently, sure. Could the outcome have been better, maybe. There's no way to know. The president only controls so much. A president couldn't control the WHO lying about the virus, the CDC lying about masks, governors closing/not closing their states or people following/not following guide lines. Hell, when Trump closed certain types of travel to China the democrats called him xenophobic and encourage people to go to China town to hug Chinese people. Our government is so fucked up that they'd rather see our country harmed than give the current administration a victory. So when someone tells me another president would have handled it better, I point to the unconscionable actions of our government and call bull shit. America shouldn't cast one more vote, let alone allow one more term for the current regime. They are tearing this country apart. But Americans, like most first world people are complacent and won't stand up to anything until it's in their own back yard.


Digital Nausea
Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 07-26-2020 06:14 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Oof. Trumpster wall of text. We’ve entered Facebook territory...:dts:


I'm the dude!
I'm the dude!
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PostPosted: 07-26-2020 08:59 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I just skip over YGP posts. Life is too short to read his ranting.

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PostPosted: 07-26-2020 12:34 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

life is too short to understand how anything really works

that's why nothing really works :dts:


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 07-26-2020 12:45 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

xer0s wrote:
Oof. Trumpster wall of text. We’ve entered Facebook territory...:dts:

Yup, he's gone full Fox News


Blockheaded Blubberboy
Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 07-26-2020 02:13 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Dismissing what I say as a network talking point is not only assumptive, but also another cop out. If your source of news is network TV you're getting an agenda.

Keep living under your rock. It's safe there and your exposure to what's really happening is limited.


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PostPosted: 07-26-2020 02:36 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote



Blockheaded Blubberboy
Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 07-26-2020 03:13 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

What a coincidence.


Welfare Recipient
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PostPosted: 07-26-2020 05:29 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Going back to the corrupt past or whatever the moron from Florida thinks , is so much better than having Trump for a president again. The country is in shambles after 4 years of this nitwit...

The dipshit from the dong of America needs to be banned being too dumb for q3w(dumbest place on the internet)...


Digital Nausea
Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 07-26-2020 06:05 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Gramps: Don’t get your news from Fox News

Also Gramps: Listen to Jimmy Dore


Last edited by xer0s on 07-27-2020 04:28 AM, edited 1 time in total.


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 07-26-2020 10:35 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
Dismissing what I say as a network talking point is not only assumptive, but also another cop out. If your source of news is network TV you're getting an agenda.

Keep living under your rock. It's safe there and your exposure to what's really happening is limited.

You keep twisting what I say.
I'm not dismissing your points. I'm simply saying the Clinton/Obama/Biden status quo is infinitely preferable over the chaos that is Trump. If you're talking about being bought and corrupt, then Trump is a prime example of that. Trump is actually not a step away from the things you don't like about past leadership. He isn't "draining the swamp" and getting rid of corrupt people, or people with an agenda. He has his own agenda. He is corrupt. He is bought. He's also as stupid as a brick and too stubborn to ever admit he's wrong, even when the proof of this is presented to him in person by a Fox News interviewer. Trump isn't change, he's the past squared.

Thinking a vote for Trump is a vote for change is such a delusional and flatly wrong idea that you're simply putting yourself in the corner of the mouth breathing stupid folk if you claim it is.


Blockheaded Blubberboy
Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 07-27-2020 07:11 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I guess all that can be said at this point is, I disagree.


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 07-27-2020 07:54 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Anyone else start to think YGP is a Russian troll bot account?


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PostPosted: 07-27-2020 07:58 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Nothing can be programmed to be as dumb as Bwian.


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PostPosted: 07-27-2020 08:25 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
I guess all that can be said at this point is, I disagree.

You disagree that Trump is corrupt? Are you blind and deaf?


Welfare Recipient
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PostPosted: 07-27-2020 08:34 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
I guess all that can be said at this point is, I disagree.

What. A. Fucking. Moron...


Blockheaded Blubberboy
Blockheaded Blubberboy
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PostPosted: 07-27-2020 08:37 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Κracus wrote:

You disagree that Trump is corrupt? Are you blind and deaf?

I won't ask if you normally have trouble following adults conversations.

I disagree with the notion that Binden is somehow a better choice than Trump.

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