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Topic Starter Topic: Powerful Blast Injures at Least 29 in Manhattan

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PostPosted: 09-17-2016 08:54 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

YourGrandpa wrote:
I'm satisfied with voicing my opinion and moving on.


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PostPosted: 09-18-2016 06:32 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote



Just another Earthling
Just another Earthling
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PostPosted: 09-18-2016 02:39 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

scared? wrote:


I am happy all 29 people injured have been release from hospital.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/09 ... -injuries/

Physicist of Q3W


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PostPosted: 09-19-2016 06:22 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Perfect timing to distract people from knowing about the US/UK/AU terrorists murdering civilians and Syrian government forces to defend their ISIS buddies.

Russia and Syria accuse Washington of deliberately launching the strikes to help the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group advance in the area.

The Syrian General Command referred to the incident as a “serious and blatant aggression” against the Syrian army, adding that it was also “conclusive evidence" that the US-led coalition is supporting Daesh militants.

http://presstv.ir/Detail/2016/09/19/485 ... irstrikes-


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PostPosted: 09-19-2016 06:24 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain Mazda wrote:
Perfect timing to distract people from knowing about the US/UK/AU terrorists murdering civilians and Syrian government forces to defend their ISIS buddies.

Lol jesus dude.
Can see how you got along with the Cuban locals :smirk:

io chiamo pinguini!


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PostPosted: 09-19-2016 06:35 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I'm pretty sure under so-called international law that a nation arming terrorists, providing supply routes, and protecting them with military attacks against a country that is being illegally invaded is an act of terrorism in itself. Not sure though.

Meanwhile, the other terrorists are busy in Yemen...

Saudi Arabia used US-made bomb to destroy Yemen hospital: Amnesty

According to the London-based rights watchdog, a “US-made precision-guided Paveway-series aerial bomb” was used in the deadly August 15 attack against the Abs hospital, which was supported by the international medical charity Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), or Doctors Without Borders.

The MSF says the assault left 19 people, including one of its staff members, dead and several others injured.

According to MSF, there were 23 patients in surgery, 25 in maternity ward, as well as 13 newborns and 12 patients in pediatrics wards at the time of the bombing.

“It is outrageous that states have continued to supply the Saudi Arabia-led coalition with weapons, including guided and general purpose aerial bombs and combat aircraft,” Philip Luther, Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Amnesty International, said.

He added that there is “stark evidence that those arms are being used to attack hospitals and other civilian objects and in other serious violations of international humanitarian law.”

I do find it curious that these amazingly-timed and strategic coincidences don't trigger any kind of critical thinking on your part or to even listen to what reputable sources are reporting. It seems you're just as naive and gullible as the status quo in these matters and that saddens me because I think you're otherwise a bright fellow :(


Cool #9
Cool #9
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PostPosted: 09-19-2016 07:19 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Yeah, Ryoki, it's pretty sad to see that you don't blindly agree with what our resident conspiracy theorist is saying, which in turn, obviously, means you're just a gullible puppet of our collective governments. How can you not see this?!


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PostPosted: 09-19-2016 07:27 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

since this thread is now officially derailed, let's talk about the US and UK are preparing to fuck the based Kurds over yet again. these are the same Kurds who make ISIS shit their delicate little panties, but because Erdocunt doesn't like them, they get fucked over


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PostPosted: 09-19-2016 07:29 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Eraser wrote:
Yeah, Ryoki, it's pretty sad to see that you don't blindly agree with what our resident conspiracy theorist is saying, which in turn, obviously, means you're just a gullible puppet of our collective governments. How can you not see this?!

Continue living in fear and ignorance, doesn't affect my quality of life at all. Remember, your enlightened western government stands for freedom and peace and loves you unconditionally :olo:


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PostPosted: 09-19-2016 08:48 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain Mazda wrote:
my quality of life



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PostPosted: 09-19-2016 09:06 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Nah, Syrians aren't even real people. It's just commie-socialist-marxist-czarist propaganda to accept more refugees to come rape and murder every god-fearing, free and democratic white person of the glorious west make benefit :tard:


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PostPosted: 09-19-2016 09:07 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Putting an end to Wahhabi Jihadism, the radical ideology which lies at the heart of terrorism in the Middle East, requires Washington stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, former businessman and US politician David Stockman asserted.

Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan maintains that "the real jihadi terrorism in the contemporary world arose almost exclusively from the barbaric fundamentalism of the Sunni-Wahhabi branch of Islam, which is home-based in Saudi Arabia."

"Had [the House of Saud] not provided billions in weapons and aid to the Syrian rebels over the last five years, there would be no civil war in Syria today, nor would [Daesh] have been able to occupy the dusty, impoverished towns and villages of the Upper Euphrates Valley where it has established its blood-thirsty caliphate," he noted.

https://sputniknews.com/military/201601 ... daesh.html


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PostPosted: 09-19-2016 09:24 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

‘Coincidence ISIS launched offensive straight after US strike on Syrian troops?’

If Russia bombed Washington allies in Syria just as the US ‘mistakenly’ did, UN envoy Samantha Power would make as much of a stink as she possibly could, analysts said, adding that in general the US is uncomfortable in a new relationship with Russia in the context of the ceasefire.

The US coalition carried out airstrikes on the Syrian Army near the eastern city of Deir ez-Zor on Saturday. 62 people were killed, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The air attack was followed by a bitter exchange between the US and Russia at the United Nations Security Council on Saturday night.

“It is highly suspicious that the US chose to conduct this particular air strike at this time,” Russia’s Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said, adding that the strike that killed Syrian soldiers did not look like an honest mistake.

‘Info leak to terrorists ahead of strike can’t be ruled out’

It is likely that information about the US air strikes against Syrian Army positions was leaked to terrorists ahead of the raid, so they could start their offensive against government forces, Gregory R. Copley, editor of Defense & Foreign Affairs, told RT.

“Is it a coincidence that the [Islamic State] fighters were immediately ready to launch an offensive once the air strike was made on the Syrian forces?” Copley asked.

“This perhaps indicates that there might well have been a leak of some of the US targeting against the Syrian forces to [Islamic State] forces or other jihadist forces which were to enable them to take advantage of the so-called ‘mistaken’ strike by the US air force.”

Another explanation presented by the editor of Defense & Foreign Affairs is that US President Barack Obama personally wanted to get more involved in Syria before he leaves office.

“The outgoing president, Barack Obama, really wanted to get the US engaged in military operations directly in Syria,” Copley said. “This will no doubt gain him some degree of support back from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.”

“It is certainly likely to allow the US to escalate its position because that is what I think President Obama is seeking to do, to upgrade this conflict against President Assad rather than against Daesh.”

https://www.rt.com/op-edge/359792-syria ... rikes-us/a


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PostPosted: 09-19-2016 11:18 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Look, if you're in command of a bunch of dudes with guns and you're a few hundred metres from a bunch of other dudes with guns and suddenly they start blowing up you're a goddamn incompetent fool if you don't immediately seize the moment and move forward.

You seem to want to find patterns where there aren't any to be found & disregard very human things like common sense and incompetence.

io chiamo pinguini!


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PostPosted: 09-19-2016 11:20 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

seremtan wrote:
since this thread is now officially derailed, let's talk about the US and UK are preparing to fuck the based Kurds over yet again. these are the same Kurds who make ISIS shit their delicate little panties, but because Erdocunt doesn't like them, they get fucked over

Damn shame. Read a thing about YPG units now flying US flags to discourage the Turks from bombing them, poor fuckers.

io chiamo pinguini!


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PostPosted: 09-19-2016 11:40 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

By the way Mazda, i'm not of the opinion that IS is a movement that has gotten by without any third state help - the gulf states, Turkey (up to a point) and SA (especially) play a major dirty role in this, and since the US has interests aligned with those states this whole thing has been a goddamn nightmare for everyone. But to think the US is directly sponsoring IS or that they're a puppet movement or something is crazy talk - you'd have a better case if you'd argue that the US supports Al Nusra or whatever they're called these days. Though even that would be a very difficult point to make.

Also, RT news is laughable from a logic perspective, i urge you to engage your brain instead of accepting their propaganda. Because that's all i think you can reasonably call that last quoted article.

Third consecutive post in this thread, i should really stop slacking and start working.

io chiamo pinguini!


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PostPosted: 09-20-2016 12:23 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

dude, you're arguing with a millennial fedora here. mazda literally thinks that the antidote to one kind of poison is another kind of poison. the best we can hope for is that he'll grow out of it one day :|


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PostPosted: 09-20-2016 12:58 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I guess so. Reminds me of a phase i had after 9/11 where i thought it had to be an inside job because internet whackjob sites told me so. Only lasted about two weeks though.

io chiamo pinguini!


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PostPosted: 09-20-2016 01:05 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Ryoki wrote:
I guess so. Reminds me of a phase i had after 9/11 where i thought it had to be an inside job because internet whackjob sites told me so. Only lasted about two weeks though.

But bro, you need to see this movie called Zeitgeist which is german for time ghost

I love quake!


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PostPosted: 09-20-2016 01:12 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Never seen it :D

On a sidenote; ghost is an ugly and incomplete translation of Geist, spirit would be better :up: Like, the spirit of the times.

io chiamo pinguini!


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PostPosted: 09-20-2016 05:56 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

911 was an inside job... It's more obvious now than ever... Pay attention dumbo...


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PostPosted: 09-20-2016 07:30 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Ryoki wrote:
I guess so. Reminds me of a phase i had after 9/11 where i thought it had to be an inside job because internet whackjob sites told me so. Only lasted about two weeks though.

Yeah, then you decided to put away all common sense and basic laws of physics because you were afraid of being labeled an "anti-government conspiracy theorist" and decided to swallow whatever the propaganda machine fed you. It's a fair concern to have, but you're still a dumb pussy for thinking that way.

Our free and just western government will save us because we're better than those barbarians

>Wikileaks proves what every non-moron knew all along and shows that we're the barbarians

Umm...I need this to be backed up in the media

>Media sites not owned by Murdoch and his zionist cronies have been backing it up for years

Nah those sites are clearly senseless propaganda.

Morons gonna moron


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PostPosted: 09-20-2016 08:10 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

After the NIST report and popular mechanics article were so laughably crushed and the fact checker journalist for pm got smashed in a live radio interview, its simply amazing there are still ppl out there dumb enough to believe 911 wasn't an inside job...

For fuck sake they even acknowledge the possibility of an inside job in the museum at ground zero... Time to grow up sheep...


Truffle Shuffle
Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 09-20-2016 08:27 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

. : You knows you knows

Last edited by losCHUNK on 09-20-2016 08:40 AM, edited 2 times in total.


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PostPosted: 09-20-2016 08:38 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

that gif just saved this thread from autism


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PostPosted: 09-20-2016 10:52 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain Mazda wrote:
Yeah, then you decided to put away all common sense and basic laws of physics because you were afraid of being labeled an "anti-government conspiracy theorist" and decided to swallow whatever the propaganda machine fed you. It's a fair concern to have, but you're still a dumb pussy for thinking that way.

I don't even know how to respond to that.

Except maybe to say that you appear to see everything in a black / white perspective which is a severe mental handicap in this world of grey.

io chiamo pinguini!


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PostPosted: 09-21-2016 08:25 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote



Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 09-21-2016 08:49 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I'm not taking a shot at Mazda, but I sense a lot of hate in him...

/que the Star Wars reference


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PostPosted: 09-21-2016 08:53 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

This post was made by Captain Mazda who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.[/Quote]

He's the only user I have on my ignore list. I used to think it was stupid to put people here on ignore as the community is so small but honestly, his posts are always, without fail, the exact same and boring. If his insults were at least original and interesting I might not have ignored him.


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PostPosted: 09-21-2016 10:28 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

xer0s wrote:
I'm not taking a shot at Mazda, but I sense a lot of hate in him...

/que the Star Wars reference

he remembers 9/11 and thinks the blast points were too accurate for sand people


Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 09-21-2016 11:20 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

seremtan wrote:
xer0s wrote:
I'm not taking a shot at Mazda, but I sense a lot of hate in him...

/que the Star Wars reference

he remembers 9/11 and thinks the blast points were too accurate for sand people

That's not the reference I was looking for. Move along...


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PostPosted: 09-21-2016 04:41 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
and then a quick hot wank over kissing his sister :|

I don't think we're related :|


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PostPosted: 09-21-2016 07:35 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote



Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
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PostPosted: 09-21-2016 09:25 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

And just when I put my pants back on... :^


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PostPosted: 09-22-2016 03:07 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


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