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        Calling all artists, mappers and programmers, Warsow needs y

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Topic Starter Topic: Calling all artists, mappers and programmers, Warsow needs y

Joined: 28 Jun 2009
Posts: 3
PostPosted: 06-28-2009 10:18 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Hi there!

Let me start by introducing to you what Warsow is and what its about.

Warsow started off with two concepts, one pertaining to gameplay, the other to visuals.

The gameplay concept is simple. We have the standard WASD movement of any FPS but we have also added the ability to dash left/right along horizontal surfaces, and also the ability to walljump off vertical walls. These tricks are very intuitive to perform, just press the 'special' key! There is also the ability to perform double jumps off ledges, and slides along ramps. All together, these movement capabilities make moving around in warsow very fun and pleasant with the added bonus of being relatively easy to use.

For the Visuals, we went for celshaded flashy and shiny design. This comes across most obviously on our maps and its easier for me to post some pics rather than try and describe it :P

As you can see, the visual style is quite pronounced.

The game uses a modified version of the Qfusion Engine which is based on the Quake2 source code. The current feature list is quite lengthy already.

- Support of Q1, Q2, Q3 and Raven BSP formats.
- Support of (md2,) md3 and skm model formats.
- GLSL shading support.
- Static per-pixel lighting, offsetmapping, reliefmapping and distortions.
- Planar stencil shadows and soft shadow mapping on models.
- Extended Q3 shader support, with added templates and GLSL materials.
- Optional hardware outlines and normal-mapped cellshading.
- Bloom effect

- Pure filesystem configurable per pack, with support for Q1, Q2 and Q3 packs.
- Web and server downloading.
- Configurable input cmd generation ratio independent of cmd transmission and of rendering ticks.
- Zlib compressed network protocol with support for packet fragmentation.
- openAL and software backend sound support, with consistent sound falloff algorithms.
- Powerful demo support, with demo jumping and optional multiview format.
- Registrable bitmap fonts support, with optional UTF8 encoding.
- Configurable server snapshot tick ratio.
- Configurable server game tick ratio.
- AngelScript support for scripts.
- Demo dumping for avi recording of images and sound.
- Server side recording of multiview demos.
- Server autoupdate via web.
- Skeletal animation blending.
- FPS independent animations system.

- Antilag system using backwards reconciliation as integral part of collision tracing.
- Optimized movement and player weapon prediction.
- Extrapolated linear projectiles.
- Powerful gametype scripting.
- integrated AI with A* pathfinding.

- HUD scripting.
- Demo recaming support.
- TV server with demo recording and playback capabilities.
- Stress tested by real use.

Now i'll give you a rundown of what we would like to see in future versions:

Stats and Matchmaking system.
Increased characterisation of the ingame effects; weapon effects, player effects etc.
Introduction of new Gametypes.

What we will need in terms of manpower to achieve this will be 2D/3D artists, mappers and programmers with knowledge of C/C++ and anyone else that would like to help out.

Our development style is pretty loose, we dont have strict deadlines or anything strict really. This is purely a hobbyist project and you will have considerable freedom in terms of what you do and how you do it. All we ask is that you are skilled, mature and dedicated.

If your interested in helping out, drop me a line at thelawenforcer@hotmail.com or register on our forums and send me a pm via the boards. If you have examples of any work you’ve done in the past that would be great.

Thanks in advance

Lawrence 'thelawenforcer' McCurrach


(Mod Edit: Hope you don't mind, but I lvlshot'ed the images for those poor sods who don't have 24" or larger monitors *hugs 24" dualies*)


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PostPosted: 07-02-2009 07:28 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

n1 doomer


I'm the dude!
I'm the dude!
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PostPosted: 07-02-2009 08:41 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


GtkRadiant | Q3Map2 | Shader Manual


Joined: 24 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: 07-07-2009 02:13 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

The screenshots are a little old, tbh.

As a mapper, if you like making deathmatch maps, Warsow is a great chance for seeing your maps being played for real at public servers and in competitions. The only condition you have to fit is liking mapping with a clean visual style.


4days Joined: 15 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: 07-07-2009 09:07 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

this is a suggestion rather than a flame/dig, i really like the game.

they need to recruit modellers as well. the cartoon style works for the maps but the weapons are difficult to recognise and the playermodels are a bit too garish/childish (esp the one with the mohawk).


Joined: 24 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: 07-24-2009 01:00 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

While in the final steps before the new release, some interesting things are happening around in Warsow. The introduction of gametype plugins is already producing results, in the form of 3 comunity created gametypes. One of them, bomb & defuse, which is similar to gametypes at well known shooters -but with a deathmatch weapon set-, smells like success and is in need of maps.

Warsow is still looking for mappers!

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