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Joined: 25 Mar 2001
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PostPosted: 01-31-2012 07:50 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I'm in two minds if this should be posted here because its more music than anything, but meh, what the hell, its creative at least!

Nice night for a walk?

Its been a while since I’ve posted an update on here, mostly because I’ve been so busy with OverDose and this rather annoying thing some of us have called “real life”. But I thought I should get some info out there and let you know how things are progressing.

First of all, I’m happy to report that the game is now pretty much renderer complete, and that work is moving onto way more interesting fields such as game code, tools and such. Exciting times are ahead. Sadly, we STILL only have a small team, and we really, really need help coding wise. Having one single coder is bloody hard at the best of times, and we have zero help in this field. If you feel you are up to the job, then feel free to email us at jobs@team-blur-games.com

In other news, I’m handling the media side of things rather well, but again, I’m just one single guy. Having lost our character modeller to the “real world” it left us with a rather big issue in that we had nobody to model characters and weapons. So, I stepped up to the mark and did our Marauder hand models, but I’m just not sure I can learn animation as well… I’ll have to give it a shot. But if I do, prepare yourself for the most wooden animations of all time, even worse than the era this engine started in. If you feel like you can help us with a weapon model, character model or better yet, with animation, then send me a mail to jobs@team-blur-games.com

Speaking of media and such, I’m currently doing the massive job of making a map… At the same time as the media it needs. Fun times indeed, as it’s a HUGE task, one that I never actually thought I would manage, but some how am doing quite well in. Heres a few new pics for the feed:

Sounds Good?

Lastly I want to talk about sound. OverDose has what I think is a pretty damn fine sound engine. You WILL be happy with it. OpenAL is fully supported, and we have per area reverb settings too so that you can make any area, now matter how small, sound just right:

This is actually a huge deal, because it allows you to change the sounds of an area so easily, but so drastically too. Its been in the engine for a while, but we never really talk about sound as much. Theres a reason I’ve brought sound up, and that’s because we have a new composer, Luciano Giacomozzi. This talented guy has worked on games, films, media, you name it he’s done it, and yet he’s still only a young whippersnapper. Hes done a lot of new media for OverDose, and some of this I’m going to preview you to you all below.

Match Music

After thinking long and hard about what we could do in this area, we concluded that nobody really likes music in their game… You just turn it off. Who needs music pumping out loudly over the main sounds all the time so you can’t hear a thing? 10 minutes of that? Its not good. Plus our own idea what to have two samples, one quiet and one which switched in when you got into combat which was more RAR RAR IN YOUR FACE. But then… How…? What dictates combat? Firing a weapon? Hitting somebody? What if that combat lasts 2 seconds, it would sound pretty strange…? It just wasn’t going to work how we wanted… So we went back to the drawing board to see what we could do. It wasn’t until playing *deep breathes* Call Of Duty, that we noticed something… The way the music was set up in the multiplayer component worked. It worked well in fact. Actually, it worked amazingly well for an ambient tone and feel to levels, and dare I say it came off quite depressing? It conveyed a sense of isolation and desperation… Which was quite an odd feeling when you think of all the 11 year olds playing the game. But it worked. And whats more, it worked even better in OverDose.

So, we ran with the basic formula. Music works in stages, that is when you are “readying up” you will have a short sample of music and then every X minutes (2-3 minutes seems the best options) you will have a progressive sample of ambient tone music that plays that only lasts 20-30 seconds. This not only allows you to get a sense of time passing by much easier and without even noticing it, but it also plays in the background in such a way that it doesn’t become detrimental to the actual experience (See: Quake III Arena). Then, in the last 30 seconds of the time, you have another piece of music that plays, one that’s more amped up, more that conveys a sense of haste is needed. Of course the only thing missing after this, is the round over music, which of course varies depending on which team wins the round, but again each sides music reflects the teams designs…

Thinking about it, it seems basic. But it works so, so well.

Here are some samples of the music and types we are going for so you can experience them for yourself:

OverDose Soundtrack - "Prepare Yourselves" - Luciano Giacomozzi

OverDose Soundtrack - "Time Is Running Out - Luciano Giacomozzi

OverDose Soundtrack - "Holding Onto Humanity – Marines Win" - Luciano Giacomozzi

OverDose Soundtrack - "Holding Onto Humanity – Mutants Win" - Luciano Giacomozzi

OverDose Soundtrack - "Radiation Killed My Soul " - Luciano Giacomozzi

OverDose Soundtrack - "The Horrors Of Apocalypse" - Luciano Giacomozzi

OverDose Soundtrack - "World In Darkness" - Luciano Giacomozzi

Let us know how you feel in the comments with this new direction we are taking.

Also, as another treat for you all, we have a new main theme for you (Which doesn’t replace our older theme, it complements it). Reflecting the world we are creating, the tones we are trying to convey and the desperation the universe represents, Luciano has tried to bring it to life in new ways. But you’ll have to wait just a little longer for that, as its in the oven as we speak ;)

To Sum It All Up…

Well, to sum everything up, I have to say that even though we look quieter than ever, we are actually making more progress than ever, and yes, well on our way to hitting that beta mile stone we spoke about before. But we can only get there faster if we have the help to do it… That means you. If you feel you can contribute in any way to OverDose development, then drop us an email at jobs@team-blur-games.com and we can do lunch* and all that stuff.

Oh and don’t forget to like us on FaceBook! The links at the top of the page!

Thanks, and see you next time.

*Lunch not included.


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PostPosted: 02-01-2012 02:02 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

A quick test of some new sky portal animations and textures. Note that the sun doesn't glare or function like it will do in the main game, because that will come after.



Insane Quaker
Insane Quaker
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PostPosted: 02-01-2012 04:37 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

great work, as usual.

but, honestly tired of hearing about this game, since i know nothing about it or nothing about a potential release date. just release it already.

whatever. i'll just wait until it comes out.


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PostPosted: 02-01-2012 04:46 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

deqer wrote:
just release it already.

Well he did just say they needed a ton of code support, so it's quite clear why it's not released. :smirk:

Looks great, o'dium :up:


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PostPosted: 02-02-2012 02:22 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

OverDose is "When its done" because it isn't done. As much flack as we get for that, its hard to have something huge out with such a small team.

We pimp things, because we like to get people interested and it helps when people offer help with things. Making a game with two people is NOT a fast process.

As for knowing nothing about it, I always post a link to the main OverDose site, which amazingly has an About section... *cough*


Cool #9
Cool #9
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PostPosted: 02-02-2012 02:38 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

You're doing a good job pimping it. And I think the pimping so far is of greater interest to artistic/technical people than potential players.
In the end, if you start pimping your game by the time it's done, you're too late.


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PostPosted: 02-03-2012 01:02 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

@soundtrack: does not have much "soul" ie it sounds a bit generic. good, but not much character.


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PostPosted: 02-03-2012 03:06 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Its supposed to be background music, not in your face Quake 3 Arena style music. If it was like that (like the previous soundtrack) then it would overpower the main games sound and people would just turn it off anyway.


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PostPosted: 02-03-2012 01:17 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

im not saying "in your face" music, im saying it lacks any originality or soul.
for instance, the difference between the mutants and the humans needs to be looked at with depth. your sound man needs to really think about soundscapes. what would they listen to, what would they play? for some reason i think hill billy music for mutants, banjos and percussion. tech that out a bit... a theme. boom! get me?.. the three w's. when, where, why. not just default orchestral stuff.

if the sound does not tie in well with the content it really brings the overall tone down. be careful. on the flip side, if you make a great soundtrack that can also get peoples attention.

just my pov, im being hyper critical. but only because a half assed approach just wont cut it on a project of this scale/quality. just something to think about...

keep on truckin man. :up:


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PostPosted: 02-03-2012 02:26 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Trolling is a art.


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PostPosted: 02-03-2012 07:04 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

sorry, did not realize feedback was trolling...


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PostPosted: 02-04-2012 05:22 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Telling me the mutants should have hill billy music is... Feedback? That's personal preference, and a poor one at that!

Now I'm one of the most prone people here to scrap EVERYTHING if it gets a bad rap, I've done it far more times than I care to admit! Butsts be fair here... You are arguing personal preference. You say that what we do isnt good enough because it's the same as everything else... Everything people paid do, in huge teams, working for a huge profit. I see that as a compliment.

The one point you raised was that the human/mutant victory tunes don't sound distinct enough. Which is a totally valid point to make btw, I just don't agree. But then that's the point of feedback, isn't it? It's to see what everybody likes and dislikes and then make a judgement based on that what needs to be changed, if anything. Let's be fair, a 10 second clip isn't going to take forever or much work to change, and it's not lazyness, because I'm scrapped seeks of work before... It's just that sometimes, you have to weigh up your options. Your the first person, out of hundreds, to say that. So do I change it and risk pissing other people off AND making more work for myself... Or leave it, and hope that one guy gets used to it anyway.

Feedback is always welcome with me. ALWAYS. But saying it should be more hill billy like is just... What? Go watch Deliverance. :p


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PostPosted: 02-04-2012 05:25 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Typed on my iPhone btw so sod the typos :p


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PostPosted: 02-04-2012 06:59 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

music's ok, not pushing any envelopes (the standard orchestra + drumming in a minor key deal that in 10 years time will be remarked upon in every TV Gameswipe-style backward look at the history of video gaming)

takes a fucking long time to make a whole game with only a few people. i once started a HL2SP campaign (there's prolly still some pics in the screenshot thread) and realised about 2 maps in that there was no way i could finish it in an acceptable timeframe by myself and no reason why anyone else would want to help since i was a mapping nobody, so i gave up :tard:


I'm the dude!
I'm the dude!
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PostPosted: 02-04-2012 08:48 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

IMO, this discussion is akin to hosting an international symposium for the selection of elevator music. Who cares? It's typical background filler stuff for loading menus. I don't think there will be much music in-game since it's multiplayer. Yeah, maybe it's a little cliche, but I'm typically zoned out during loading menus anyway.

Music selection is a bigger deal for single player campaigns.

GtkRadiant | Q3Map2 | Shader Manual


I'm the dude!
I'm the dude!
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PostPosted: 02-04-2012 09:10 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and fair play to all of them.

However, I don't see the point of being all defensive when someone posts one (ahem, o'dium), and I don't see the point of debating them once the author of the content turned the opinion down (cough, fKd). I assume most people post stuff here for feedback, not to pump their own egos, and I assume most people respond with genuine and honest feedback, and I always believe that the author of the content has the right to do what he chooses best.

This discussion should have played out as follows:

"Hey, here's some cool stuff I made. What do you all think?"
"Pretty good, but I think it could do with some more shizzle on the whatsit and more dizzle on the thingmajig."
"Oh, I see your point about the shizzle, but I like the thingmajig as it is. Thanks for your opinion, though."
"No problem. Let's touch dicks."

GtkRadiant | Q3Map2 | Shader Manual


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PostPosted: 02-04-2012 09:19 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

here's an idea then: ask that lazy fuck DM to implement a post rating system, then when it's in place you write all the posts in LEM yourself, and we'll just give them thumbs up or down according to how much dick-touching pleasure they give us :idea:


Insane Quaker
Insane Quaker
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PostPosted: 02-04-2012 12:37 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I recommend you spend a month on developing a really good introductory video that showcases all the features of this game, and showcases all that stuff you talk about with lighting, shadows, reflections, etc. whatever.

Same as what Max Payne 3 is doing with their marketing/videos, talking about the system and stuff.

Throw it out there, and get everyone hyped. The word of mouth will pay off in the end, and as a result I bet more programmers will sign up to join the team.

Make your video really good, with good music too.


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PostPosted: 02-04-2012 12:45 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

^^^ He's right. A "promo" video showing engine features would be good advertisement.
I'm sure some people here could help. Hell i got few videos on my YT channel that get around 1800 views per day, maybe we can set up some annotations or put it in video responses or something like that.


Cool #9
Cool #9
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PostPosted: 02-06-2012 01:05 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Uh, have you guys seen o'diums YouTube channel? There's tons of videos in there showcasing the features of the engine.

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