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Soccer Practice!
Soccer Practice!
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PostPosted: 11-17-2017 09:42 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


Teleport movement needs fixed badly, and real locomotion needs added but damn, its fun otherwise. Super arcade feeling, fits right into the feel of the game itself. Total hoot.

Also fuckin free? What?! So rad.


Just another Earthling
Just another Earthling
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PostPosted: 11-17-2017 10:40 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Hey SOAPboy, looks very promising.
I'll need a good VR headset so any advice that way as what to look out for or those I need to avoid?

Ah, I found a 2D clip so I hope that's OK

Physicist of Q3W


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PostPosted: 11-17-2017 11:34 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Whiskey 7 wrote:
Hey SOAPboy, looks very promising.
I'll need a good VR headset so any advice that way as what to look out for or those I need to avoid?

Ah, I found a 2D clip so I hope that's OK

Up to you really. You cant "lose" with either. Oculus will require more USB shit, and a third camera but end up being "cheaper" all around and touch controllers are universally better.

Vive on the other hand, uses the whole lighthouse thing, Which seems to be taking off. BUT 2.0 is coming and its forward but not backwards compatible? So 1.0 adoption is kind of a coin flip it seems.

For me, I went rift. Touch controllers won me out. The fancy wii motes the vive uses are fine but touch controls feel more like picking things up and working with hands in a real world sort of (compared anyways).

People argue knuckles are coming, But everything we've seen so far is still a ways off so its hard to say. Really it seems most people are happy with either, and nerds get both.

Plus, Vive exclusives are just openVR or SteamVR shit anyways, so Rift runs all that nativley now. Other way around, Rift Exclusives, you have to run revive and extra shit just to get em to run. BUT vive tends to have better all around performance with steamVR.

Tell us more about your place space, and where you're setting it up. Rift might not work if you' cant run usb cables. Might be forced to go vive since light houses setup a bit easier with less shit.

You really only have 2 choices currently. Pimax and all the weird microsoft ones are currently suffering a lot of release growing pains (ms headsets), or they are over promising (pimax) and wont be able to deliver. Rift of Vive.

TL:DR 2 Choices exist right now. Rift for controllers + Lower price, Vive for Easier sensor setup and a little better steamvr performance.


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PostPosted: 11-18-2017 01:09 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

My buddies and I over at TTLG all went for Rift.

Initially, as noted by SOAPboy, the price was more attractive than that of the Vive.
However, that's almost negated by a few hidden extras you may need to buy.

One thing that isn't brilliantly explained to you when you're buying Rift is that it's very fussy about USB 3 chipsets. If you have an older motherboard, you will in all likelihood have to also buy a PCI USB 3 card such as the Inateck KTU3FR-4P.
Here's a link to the Rift USB Compatibility Page.

And if you want totally reliable roomscale VR, you'll need a third sensor, as well as some USB extender cables like these:
Three metre
Five metre

The sensor heads themselves are detachable from their stands and can be mounted on standard camera mounts.
I've mounted mine on the ceiling in my living room using these.

And I've tidied the cables with some cable track.

The Oculus Roomscale Tips page has some excellent guidelines on how best to set up the sensors.

But with those additions, you're golden.

On top of which, out of the box the Rift has far superior audio to the Vive.
It has excellent built-in headphones that are cleverly designed to fit all heads and latch in an outward position for when you're putting the headset on or taking it off. And if you really want to use a different set of headphones, the default ones can be easily detached.

And the built in microphone is superb. It's completely hidden and provides crystal clarity. As well as excellent excess noise cancellation and some of the best voice activation I've seen in a microphone.
It is noticeably better than the default mic available to Vive users. We regularly play Rec Room, and once had a Vive user sub for one of our Rift using friends. Their mic was awful compared to that of the Rift.
The Rift's one lets you forget you're even talking using a microphone, it's so natural; whereas the Vive one had awful sound quality and virtually no noise cancellation or voice activation, making us very aware of the fact that the Vive user was using a (poor quality) mic to speak to us. And as Rec Room is quite an active game, we eventually had this dude breathing heavily in our ears. Not cool.

Of course, HTC have sought to remedy the headphone situation by releasing the Deluxe Audio Strap, but that's another hundred quid on top of the Vive's base price. And it does fuck-all to fix the dogshit microphone.

The one thing I'm hoping Oculus steal from HTC is the Vive Tracker idea, where the tracker puck can be attached to anything physical in order to bring it in to VR. That's pretty damn cool.


Just another Earthling
Just another Earthling
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PostPosted: 11-18-2017 01:35 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Awesome information from you both :up: I will have to read up.
When buying my soundbar yesterday I did see a Vive VR retail display stand/setup so I just have to drop back in to the store soon.

Physicist of Q3W


Soccer Practice!
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PostPosted: 11-18-2017 06:39 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Mat Linnett wrote:
My buddies and I over at TTLG all went for Rift.

Initially, as noted by SOAPboy, the price was more attractive than that of the Vive.
However, that's almost negated by a few hidden extras you may need to buy.

One thing that isn't brilliantly explained to you when you're buying Rift is that it's very fussy about USB 3 chipsets. If you have an older motherboard, you will in all likelihood have to also buy a PCI USB 3 card such as the Inateck KTU3FR-4P.
Here's a link to the Rift USB Compatibility Page.

And if you want totally reliable roomscale VR, you'll need a third sensor, as well as some USB extender cables like these:
Three metre
Five metre

The sensor heads themselves are detachable from their stands and can be mounted on standard camera mounts.
I've mounted mine on the ceiling in my living room using these.

And I've tidied the cables with some cable track.

The Oculus Roomscale Tips page has some excellent guidelines on how best to set up the sensors.

But with those additions, you're golden.

On top of which, out of the box the Rift has far superior audio to the Vive.
It has excellent built-in headphones that are cleverly designed to fit all heads and latch in an outward position for when you're putting the headset on or taking it off. And if you really want to use a different set of headphones, the default ones can be easily detached.

And the built in microphone is superb. It's completely hidden and provides crystal clarity. As well as excellent excess noise cancellation and some of the best voice activation I've seen in a microphone.
It is noticeably better than the default mic available to Vive users. We regularly play Rec Room, and once had a Vive user sub for one of our Rift using friends. Their mic was awful compared to that of the Rift.
The Rift's one lets you forget you're even talking using a microphone, it's so natural; whereas the Vive one had awful sound quality and virtually no noise cancellation or voice activation, making us very aware of the fact that the Vive user was using a (poor quality) mic to speak to us. And as Rec Room is quite an active game, we eventually had this dude breathing heavily in our ears. Not cool.

Of course, HTC have sought to remedy the headphone situation by releasing the Deluxe Audio Strap, but that's another hundred quid on top of the Vive's base price. And it does fuck-all to fix the dogshit microphone.

The one thing I'm hoping Oculus steal from HTC is the Vive Tracker idea, where the tracker puck can be attached to anything physical in order to bring it in to VR. That's pretty damn cool.

Oh god, and don't buy the inateck card. Its been a fucking nightmare.


is "THE BEST" money can buy. Basically cameras and the headset really max out USB and I'm currently using a combo of the inateck card and my mainboard usb. Thankfully its fine. But holy shit figuring out the right combo of drivers + ports etc. Id gladly of just paid the 90 bucks had I of known how bad this card was.

Shit card do not buy.

WITH THAT SAID. If your mainboard isnt a total dogbone, the mainboard USB might be fine. I had zero issues until I added a third camera, and even then my system could handle it, I just ran out of USB ports. So lucky me, I can use the crap card for the 1 sensor and forget about it. But if you really need the ports, that card is shit.


Digital Nausea
Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 11-18-2017 07:04 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

So soapboy, how does movement work in games where you walk around? I saw you mentioned teleporting. Is that the main way developers have incorporated movement? It seems like that would be terrible in games like Skyrim or Fallout. Is the other way just to use a controller with joysticks? Are developers not incorporating the omni tredmills? That seems the way to go...


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PostPosted: 11-19-2017 01:31 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

There's either teleport or free movement with joystick turning when you reach your boundaries.
On both Rift and Vive, part of the set-up is defining the playable area in your room. Once in game, if you get near a boundary wall, it shows up as a transparent blue grid.
At that point, you physically move away from the boundary and combine that with joystick turning to re-orient yourself in the game world.

It's not ideal, any more so than teleport movement is, but those are currently the only things developers have given us.

I do wonder if there's a way for boundary information to feed back in to games and trick you in to curving your physical movement while walking in a straight line in-game. But I suspect such a system would require significantly larger play areas than most people have available.

And I dunno what SOAPboy's going on about in regards to the Inateck card. It's the one recommended by a lot of the Rift community, and I've had no issues with it at all. I'm running all of my Rift's USB off of it.
That card he recommends is four times the price of the Inateck, comes from a third-party seller, and has inflated delivery costs.

Edit: Actually, I think I've figured it out. The Inateck comes with cables to connect the card to your PSU. If you don't do that, you'll be lucky to get even one of the ports working.
I reckon SOAPboy's not connected his card to his PSU.


Soccer Practice!
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PostPosted: 11-19-2017 02:59 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Mat Linnett wrote:
There's either teleport or free movement with joystick turning when you reach your boundaries.
On both Rift and Vive, part of the set-up is defining the playable area in your room. Once in game, if you get near a boundary wall, it shows up as a transparent blue grid.
At that point, you physically move away from the boundary and combine that with joystick turning to re-orient yourself in the game world.

It's not ideal, any more so than teleport movement is, but those are currently the only things developers have given us.

I do wonder if there's a way for boundary information to feed back in to games and trick you in to curving your physical movement while walking in a straight line in-game. But I suspect such a system would require significantly larger play areas than most people have available.

And I dunno what SOAPboy's going on about in regards to the Inateck card. It's the one recommended by a lot of the Rift community, and I've had no issues with it at all. I'm running all of my Rift's USB off of it.
That card he recommends is four times the price of the Inateck, comes from a third-party seller, and has inflated delivery costs.

Edit: Actually, I think I've figured it out. The Inateck comes with cables to connect the card to your PSU. If you don't do that, you'll be lucky to get even one of the ports working.
I reckon SOAPboy's not connected his card to his PSU.

Google it. Tons of people have issues. I also pulled the trigger on this stupid card thanks to EARLY praise of it being cheap and decent. I did not get lucky. Mine sucks.

I recommend the "higher end card" because its recommended highly as far as zero worries goes (also recommended by a few devs over the inateck). Also that just happens to be the place that has that specific card I knew of off hand. They do make a "cheaper version" with less dedicated controllers which would be fine (but Its like the same price almost so idk why you would?). I just wouldnt recommend the inateck card, Id find another fresco logic if you're stuck on that specific chipset. Also WTF are you talking about delivery costs, its 2 day prime shipping? Its also available from newegg and a few other vendors. Its price is also not crazy. I get its a USB card, But 4 dedicated bus means you'll never overstep your usbs limits. The inateck does not have that same ability. It gets hammered far too easily which is what causes those USB drops and tracking problems. Im stoked you didnt have issues, But some of us did.

FWIW My card has power, its always had power. (I'm not an idiot man, come on now, Im not geoff here) It CAN NOT power my headset and 2 sensors. It drops tracking constantly and gray screens, hell even sound boxing my right controller would trip the fuck out sometimes even. Take my headset off of it? Guess what suddenly works ok? This is a QA issue, which is why I stopped recommending it. It works if you get a good one. I cannot run anything but 2 sensors off it personally. I can fill it up with garbage shit though and it never has problems, Only when real stress hits it.

Fun fact. If I uninstall the fresco drivers, swap to MS defaults, I can "run" everything off the inateck card. Mind you, I still get usb drops (full sensor disconnect/reconnects USBLogView is my bff these days), but it at least didnt not shut off my headset randomly.

Either way, The specific one I linked, Has issues and IMO isnt worth the stress.

TO be clear, This all happens on fresh installs, old install. And it does work just fine now so whatever I'm not replacing my shit inateck card. But I caution anyone buying it to expect to potentially have to cut corners on how many thing you can plug into it, or to chase USB drop outs once you ad the third camera and need the extra USB ports. Id just personally look for something with at least 2 BUS on it and stay away from the specific one I linked. Hell maybe other inateck cards are fine. I just know I personally have a dozen + Hours chasing problems, as does a handful of the regular people I play with and those problems go away getting rid of that card for something better :)

BTW I have 2 sensors on it at this very moment and its fine. Throw my headset back on though? Nope! I may try and wiggle my third sensor on it Just to see if its headsets USB murdering it by itself or not.

Real Locomotion mod for Payday! Wooooo!
https://www.vrandfun.com/how-to-install ... yday-2-vr/

Should we make a VR Megathread or something? I keep wanting to post news/fun shit but really didn't wanna slam a bunch of new threads down.


Digital Nausea
Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 11-19-2017 12:14 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

SOAPboy wrote:
Should we make a VR Megathread or something? I keep wanting to post news/fun shit but really didn't wanna slam a bunch of new threads down.

Do it.

I don’t have and VR yet, but I’m super interested and will likely have something in the near future...


Soccer Practice!
Soccer Practice!
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PostPosted: 11-19-2017 02:06 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

xer0s wrote:
SOAPboy wrote:
Should we make a VR Megathread or something? I keep wanting to post news/fun shit but really didn't wanna slam a bunch of new threads down.

Do it.

I don’t have and VR yet, but I’m super interested and will likely have something in the near future...

I'll throw together some sort of plagiarized stolen op together. ;)

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