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i liek boobies
i liek boobies
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PostPosted: 06-20-2012 04:23 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Many exploits remain after 1.03

First, thank you for addressing so many of the important issues in this patch. After playing a couple of quests tonight, however, I've realized that the fight against exploiters will never truly be won.

• DPS is still way out of control - in some cases I've even seen players kill certain monsters before they were killed themselves
• People are still taking advantage of skills with unintended effects such as increased survival, damage output, and situation control
• There are several chests that continue to drop gold when opened; there are also still other, more nefarious means of gold farming, such as killing enough monsters that you actually MAKE more gold than your repairs cost
• I personally witnessed an incident where a player found a yellow item, and when they identified it, it had stats that could be exploited to increase their combat effectiveness - for the class they were playing at the time.
• Some gear seen on vendors still had stats other than Vitality that could, in the hands of an insidious agent, theoretically be employed toward the end of making combat easier (less dying, and in extreme cases, more killing)
• Bosses are still able to be killed by players - I don't have screenshots to prove this, but it is happening. Hopefully your data analysis can pick it up.
• Some bosses and rares are failing to properly spam stun, wall, poison, set afire, teleport into pools of acid, knockback, slow, and freeze players simultaneously while they teleport-kite the player at supersonic speed, carpeting every square inch of the zone with toxic ooze and letting their invulnerable minions with boss powers one- and two-shot us.
• I personally was able to set up a bizarre configuration in the auction house search panel where I could find items with specific stats and also be able to sort them in a way that was not effectively random.
• A friend of mine told me they were playing with some person earlier who - and I'm just the messenger here - seemed like they might be having fun while playing the game. I don't know how true this is, but if it's even a possibility, god help us all.

I'm just trying to do my part to ensure this kind of disgusting and cowardly behavior gets stamped out as soon as possible. If there's anything I hate in a game, it's feeling like I'm getting more powerful and that my time and efforts are culminating in some kind of... /shudder... progression. I'm in this for the frustration and disappointment, 100%, and I stand behind you with every patch that brings us closer to those ideals.

Keep up the great work.


god xor reason
god xor reason
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PostPosted: 06-21-2012 10:06 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

So my friend and I are cashing out our godly gear until blizzard decides wtf they want this game to play like. Two of the items I loaned him already went for $270 total (1170 xbow and perfect dead man's quiver) and I've gotten $80 out of the attack speed gear I dumped after the patch. Still have another 9 slots to list of my own.


Digital Nausea
Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 06-21-2012 10:36 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I wish I had enough time to play this game to make some serious dough. (I don't wish this)


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PostPosted: 06-21-2012 01:25 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Pay yer money, play the game... in 3 days time.
This is getting bizarre. They must have some complete space cadets working for them.


i liek boobies
i liek boobies
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PostPosted: 06-21-2012 01:49 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

This is only for the digital version purchased directly from Blizzard and the article is misleading at best and malicious at worst. It's restricted only until such time that the payment is verified, which can take up to 72 hours.

It's to combat fraudulent methods of payment and is overall a good thing for the game. Gold sellers were using stolen credit card information to create new accounts with which to spam their gold selling services with these accounts. This will no longer be possible, as the payment for those accounts will not be verified, hence they will be a trial account still and thus unable to spam their gold selling services in game.


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PostPosted: 06-21-2012 03:25 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

You pay $60 and only get a demo for the first three days?
It what world is this sane behaviour?
"Good for the game" my arse.
If I pay for a game on Steam, I expect to be able to play it as soon as it's finished downloading. And you know what? I am able to play it as soon as it downloads.
This is pure crazy, and buying into it, believing that the billion dollar corporation has the best interests of the players at heart?

Tell, me, how is that article malicious or misleading?
Does it have the facts wrong? I don't think so, but please, feel free to enlighten me.
It has a mocking tone, but factually, it's bang on the money.

And even if I choose to live in your cloud-cuckoo land and believe that this is some batshit plan to stop gold-spamming, a 3 day delay really isn't going to do anything to stop it.

Besides, let's take the core argument, that credit cards take up to 3 days to verify. NEWSFLASH! This isn't exclusive to online payments. So if this really is to combat fraud, you should damn well put retail purchases into trial mode too.

It's just moronic, and justifying it spreads the ignorance like peanut butter mixed with dogshit.

Fuck me, first you force people to play online in order to "prevent cheating and exploiting", then you modify drop rates to encourage people to use the real money auction house, then finally you restrict new accounts 'cos you were too fucking stupid to realise that once a game becomes about money, there would be a criminal element interested in exploiting it.
*Golf Clap*


i liek boobies
i liek boobies
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PostPosted: 06-21-2012 04:31 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I guess the 72 hour period is just a "cover their ass" length of time, for legal reasons. In reality, I doubt you'd actually get restricted for that long. Not sure though. Are there many games on Steam which are actively being spammed by gold selling services? Not being snarky here, I genuinely don't know. How do they deal with it there?

This is not a particularly great solution, but the gold selling problem is a real one with online RPG type games where gear features big and there's an actual market for people willing to pay real money for it. Gold selling services exist because people buy gold.

Of course I'm not simple enough to believe a gaming corporation always has the best interests of gamers at heart. They're doing it for the money and indirectly any way that gets them more money [sometimes this means keeping players happy]. There's been a lot of backlash on the forums about gold selling spam, so I would guess this is where it originated from.

As for why this is digital only and doesn't apply to retail boxes; gold spammers aren't exactly walking into stores and buying boxes with printed out fake credit cards and then using them for spam. That's just not happening. They are however buying digital accounts en masse and using them for spam, purely because it's so trivial to set them up without much effort. So that's what's being targetted with this move.


Cobalt Adrenaline
Cobalt Adrenaline
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PostPosted: 06-21-2012 04:45 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Old amulet back, listed the resist one for 220, sold within 2 minutes, 187 in the bank... a 13k mistake I wont make again :p thanks for the EHP calculator!


Cobalt Adrenaline
Cobalt Adrenaline
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PostPosted: 06-21-2012 05:02 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


!! Q3W Crew... lets rock :D


i liek boobies
i liek boobies
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PostPosted: 06-21-2012 05:19 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

EHP is a great indicator when you are comparing specific pieces of gear in light of your overall stats, but it isn't everything.

For example, suppose perchance that you happen upon lots of good gear with really high vitality and Life%. You end up with great EHP, but as a result your resists and armour start to suffer. First off, the super high hp will devalue health potions, health globes and static life restores such as life on hit and life regeneration. On the other hand, they will make percentage based restores like Revenge and Dreadnought better.

Similarly, on the other side, you may be susceptible to stuns and freezes even with super high mitigation but low HP if you can't survive to get a Revenge off.

You'd still want a healthy balance of defensive stats without simply picking the item with the best EHP every time.

One more thing, after a couple of days of 1.0.3 I don't think super high defensive builds are as necessary as before. Act 1 hasn't changed, but [for example] with Belial's new enrage timer, a full tank build may struggle with low dps. I think skills like WotB now become more valuable and I am also considering dropping one of my armour passive for an offensive one. It's a good time to be a barbarian.


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PostPosted: 06-22-2012 12:49 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

bitWISE wrote:
So my friend and I are cashing out our godly gear until blizzard decides wtf they want this game to play like. Two of the items I loaned him already went for $270 total (1170 xbow and perfect dead man's quiver) and I've gotten $80 out of the attack speed gear I dumped after the patch. Still have another 9 slots to list of my own.

What should I sell this for?



Unquantifiable Abstract
Unquantifiable Abstract
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PostPosted: 06-22-2012 01:04 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Lotta nerds up in here...


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PostPosted: 06-22-2012 02:07 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Well... the int affix is worthless, but the DPS number is what matters most, and 1390 is pretty nice! Maybe you could get 100 out of it? If not, at least a few million gold.

This line only remake is total rubbish I've ever seen!!! Fuck off!!! --CZghost


Digital Nausea
Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 06-22-2012 02:21 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Shaft, I'd try $250. It likely won't sell, but in a couple days you can lower the price to $200, a couple days later $150, etc...until you get a buyer. The market won't change much in a week, so I'd go for it...


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PostPosted: 06-22-2012 02:22 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Int isn't worthless. A wizard could use it. Or your enchantress . You've played this game, right?


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PostPosted: 06-22-2012 02:25 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I may just try to sell it for ingame currency. I really don't have an endgame weapon for my monk. I'd like to flip it for a nice dagger or fist weapon.


Cobalt Adrenaline
Cobalt Adrenaline
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PostPosted: 06-22-2012 02:38 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Mogul wrote:
Well... the int affix is worthless, but the DPS number is what matters most, and 1390 is pretty nice! Maybe you could get 100 out of it? If not, at least a few million gold.

Wonder what the DPS of an Enchantress would be with that, lol.


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PostPosted: 06-23-2012 01:10 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

shaft wrote:
Int isn't worthless. A wizard could use it. Or your enchantress . You've played this game, right?

I've not played a wizard... They can equip 2h axes?

This line only remake is total rubbish I've ever seen!!! Fuck off!!! --CZghost


i liek boobies
i liek boobies
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PostPosted: 06-23-2012 01:51 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote



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PostPosted: 06-23-2012 04:13 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

In that case, yeah, shoot for 250. There's a realistic chance you'll sell.

This line only remake is total rubbish I've ever seen!!! Fuck off!!! --CZghost


god xor reason
god xor reason
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PostPosted: 06-23-2012 07:16 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Yes, wizards (and witch doctors?) can use that. I'm having a hard time pinning down what it is worth.

As an int/crit weapon (which is the best combo for wizards), it is currently the best up for sale. Having crit-dmg as a property instead of from a socket hurts a little though. Selling it this way, you're looking at $90 tops.

Ignoring the crit, the next best contenders are a few int weapons and in that dps range you're looking at ~$50.

Ignoring all of that and looking at just dps, you might be able to get $10-$15.

So if it were me, I suppose I would list it for a bid of $15 and a buyout of $90.


My cashing out progress is going almost better than I expected. I still have 5 more items to sell and I'm already up to $411.


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PostPosted: 06-23-2012 09:00 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

thank bitwise, what about ingame gold? is 5mil too much?


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PostPosted: 06-23-2012 09:36 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Add me jpotts#1764


god xor reason
god xor reason
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PostPosted: 06-23-2012 12:45 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

shaft wrote:
thank bitwise, what about ingame gold? is 5mil too much?

$90 would be 18 million gold but it all just depends on what else is listed and for how much. Also keep in mind that those items haven't sold so you probably need any even more attractive value than a simple undercut.


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PostPosted: 06-23-2012 01:39 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

damn, I put it up for 14.5mil and it sold really fast. should have went higher...


Cobalt Adrenaline
Cobalt Adrenaline
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PostPosted: 06-23-2012 08:17 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

shaft wrote:
damn, I put it up for 14.5mil and it sold really fast. should have went higher...


It's a saturday dude, markets are HECTIC. And I did say, "are you happy with 15m" and you did say "yea!"


i liek boobies
i liek boobies
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PostPosted: 06-24-2012 02:00 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Here's a super useful table of maximum possible stat rolls per slot:

http://www.d3rmt.com/guides/diablo-3-it ... um-values/

Should help a lot with the eBay simulator that Diablo 3 has turned out to be.


Cobalt Adrenaline
Cobalt Adrenaline
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PostPosted: 06-24-2012 05:58 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

U4EA wrote:
eBay simulator.

:olo: :olo: :olo: :olo: :olo:


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PostPosted: 06-24-2012 06:17 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I got a 916 dps cross bow, item level 63, with -14 level requirement. Burning through Hell mode on my 50 DH lol.

This line only remake is total rubbish I've ever seen!!! Fuck off!!! --CZghost


i liek boobies
i liek boobies
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PostPosted: 06-26-2012 02:15 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Complaints from the Chinese D3 forums. They're on the money about many of the current problems.

first, this is an emotional post, no technical content here. but for a pay2win game like D3, there's no technique worth discussion at all, IMO.

this is post is mainly abusing and complaining. if you are a blizz fanboy insisting that whatever trash game blizz made, you will still support them, just like supporting your favorite stars, even if they behavior as animals, then you'd better not read this post which will make you upset and angry.

for those who will say "if you don't like this game, just go away.", i'd like to reply, i bought this game, i decide how to enjoy this game. slain by monsters everyday is not fun for me, so i'm currently enjoying this game by abusing and complaining about it.

i have played this game for 2 months. struggled to bring my 2 chars to lv60. as blizzard said, the game begins from here. all skills and difficulty levels are unlocked. after experienced inferno, i found that i am the monster in this game. those monsters are the players who paid for this game. i think they must be having fun. they maybe smiling when they saw me logged in. when i was killed, i always imagine that 3 elites are sitting on the ground and smoking. one said to another "do you think that S** OF B**** will come again? he has died hundreds of time but still keep coming. he's really a B****. i'm bored killing him.". another elite will say"you know, he's a super B****". the last elite will say"you guys just sit here, have a break. i will show you how i one shoot the S** of B****". then a heavy armored barb showed up, still out of breath. but before he can do any attack he become a small cross on the ground again. F***, i say. and feel vacuous.

i'm curious what's your definition of difficulty, blizz! are you seriously thinking that increase monsters' hp and increase monsters' damage is the way to increase difficulty? blizz made a blue post saying that if you died a lot, it means you are undergeared. i'd want to reply:"F**** your M*****", seriously. if godly geared, even my 8-months-old daughter can clear this game by spamming left click. you call this difficulty? or your difficulty is only to those who don't have OR don't want to use money on RMAH? the design of the drop rate is ridiculous. what you can get in ACT1 can't help you clear ACT1 which means even you farm 100 years you can't clear inferno if you don't use AH. I've already paid for my game, why should i pay more on AH to enjoy this game? if you don't want to use money on RMAH, sorry, the gate of inferno is closed to you. but, is inferno that important? you will see the same contents which you have seen hundreds times! nothing new in inferno. the story is the same! the dialogs are the same! the only new stuff is the high ilvl items. but, even if you can faceroll inferno, what will happen? smash and revenge the elites that once laught at you? but i wanna shout to ask, is this fun? this fun? fun?

why powerlevel is not legit?
i want to ask you narcissism devs, are you really so cofident that believe players would be glad to watch the stories, cinimatic hundreds times, like drunk?? you think your story is a B.I.B.L.E? i'd like to power level my character to lv60 by killing monsters, why couldn't i? why you nerf EXP when repeat a quest? because your garbage server can't afford people create games repeatedly? some people like to walk into every corner on the map, but others would like to level efficiently. that's players freedom. you can't tell players how to play. suppose i bought a wash machine, i'd like to put rice in it, and i think it's cool, why can't i? even some people may think i'm an idiot, but i still can do it, am i? you can't lock my wash machine remotely when i do this! it's none of your bussiness! i bought the wash machine, i decide how to use it! that's called liberty, you americans understand liberty better than i do, don't ask me to teach you what the liberty is! if you really understand what players need, you should provide some place for power level. even make an achievment called power level. this will be fun for some people. tortured by monsters until pee-poo out of control is not fun!

why increase repair bill?
It doesn't make any sense. if i can't beat a monster, why can't i simple choose die? now you are punishing people for dying. can't you be more reasonable? be reasonable will not make you P.R.E.G.N.A.N.T! you said, you don't want players zerg. another "you don't want", eh? i'm undergeared, i don't want to use real money, i'd like zerg, why does it matter? i'm proud of myself if i can clear the act by zerging! why can't i? the only way left to me is the RMAH. I would advise you opening a supermarket rather than a game company.

why servers are so crap?
i totally can't understand. i'm IT related. when the development of a system is done, the number of simultaneous links of the system is the most important statics we will check out. you should have done it, aren't you? if your servers are not capable of the number, why you still selling you copies? you still sell the game even when you know that some of the players can't login or having lantency issues. can i think this is cheating? some will say, there are so many chinese farmers here that make the game laggy. F*** u. there's nothing to do with it. if your server are capable of the number of people who bought your game, you should not have any lag issues.

LAST, i want to say:
i don't know whether you have a DAYE, blizz. but whether you have or not, i'd say F*** your DAYE. do you know DAYE? let me explain you, DAYE is your father's brother, yes, you american call him uncle. so, F*** your uncle. you maybe confused why F*** uncle as there are mother, sisters there. let me teach you again, and remeber it: it's called LIBERTY! in your blues, "we don't want" this, "we don't want" that. don't want players farm pots/vases, don't want players farm bosses repeatedly, don't want players power level, but do you know, 1000 people will have 1000 ways to have fun. there's a chinese saying: your cuisine may others poison. i like farm pot, even only 1 gold drops from a pot, i will still farm it anyway for nothing just to hear the crisp sound. this is a superb playing style that you can't understand. you made us unable to afford dying, then nerfed gold farming spot. i'd ask what do you want to do? are you guys just want to torture players for fun? just like the Development And Reform Committee in our country who will say "wow, these days are so peaceful, let's markup the gasolin price!". you guys say"wow, lets see how will these S** of B**** be if we nerf both weapons damage and monsters HP to its half!", "add rage timer see whether these S*** of B**** can handle it or not!" the other day.

Blizz, do you know why D3 can sell so good? that's for the sake of D2, that's for the sake of millions people like the Diablo franchise, that's for the sake of we 30's memories. if this game is not released by the name Diablo, it will be nothing than a S***. just like those popup ads on web sites, a semi-n.a.k.e.d loli saying "hi, click me, i will become a monster. register now, you will get 1billion gold!! yes, 1 billion gold, not 1 billion S***M".


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PostPosted: 06-26-2012 07:05 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

The reason people (still) play Diablo II is the grind addiction. No surprise that was the focal point in D3. I've never played a game where the grind was the sole reason to play the game. While grinding has always been a necessary evil in most RPGs, making it the main focal point so obviously is a little much. In most games the balance between character stats:gear leans more toward stats. The scale in D3 is leaning way too far toward the gear end for me. I haven't played in 2 weeks and have no desire, I'm back to Skyrim.

It doesn't make it a bad game, people will still be playing it for years and years to come, but there's little desire for people who want to play a "game." There are just too many other good games to play for people like me that don't care about the auction house and that don't require the grind or having to buy equipment. At the end of the day I can't justify spending real money on Diablo 3 gear and I haven't grinded enough to find anything worth selling nor do I really care anyway. And it's not like Diablo 3 has amazing gameplay or story to keep you otherwise. In fairness though, I guess the same could be said of the other Diablo games....maybe I just should've known this game wasn't for me, but the auction house seems kind of ridiculous.


i liek boobies
i liek boobies
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PostPosted: 06-27-2012 03:21 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote



Cobalt Adrenaline
Cobalt Adrenaline
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PostPosted: 07-04-2012 02:48 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Over 4 days of my life I won't see again, but I enjoyed it :D


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PostPosted: 07-04-2012 05:19 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

grats :)

This line only remake is total rubbish I've ever seen!!! Fuck off!!! --CZghost


True Nightmare
True Nightmare
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PostPosted: 07-04-2012 06:45 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I'm kind of bored of this game at the moment. I have a 60 normal barb that's partway through act 2 inferno, and a 58 hardcore witch doctor in act 2 on nightmare. I probably have 100 hours played time total. Hopefully this game becomes appealing to me again.

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