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PostPosted: 01-14-2013 08:56 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

lol it was a good venting


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PostPosted: 01-14-2013 09:03 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

xer0s wrote:
LawL wrote:
I'm not, I just find it odd that you take issue with steps on the side of the rock mountain and giant eagles considering the type of movie it is.


Are you going to roll your eyes at the wizard being pulled around by rabbits? There are dozens of examples like this. But it's fantasy. If you nit-pick every little thing, you're gonna have a bad time...

lol it's funny u brought that up because, while I had no issues at all with a wizard being pulled around by mutant rabbits, I did have issues with the fact that the wizard with the rabbit sled told the midgets he'd "draw the orcs away from the group" so they could escape...yet he kept bringing the danger to them whenever they would choose an escape route. The midgets were forced - what? - 5 times to change course because the wizard kept bringing the orcs right across their path? lol...the fucking moron did more to slow them down and increase their chances of being discovered. Why couldn't he just go in a straight line and draw them away like he said he would? What a dumb scene.

It's not about rabbits pulling a wizard around, it's about the wizard being an idiot and the writers thinking that every single person watching is as fundamentally dumb as you are. What is your problem with audiences wanting things to make sense, anyways? You watch too much LOST? I'm one of those people that, in addition to sex, likes having orgasms. This movie was like having sex with no orgasm: it's good, but not great and not really satisfying.

Dude...I get it, you don't like to spend more than one second thinking about things because it messes with your chi. I get that you've accepted that life will pass you by without you noticing or understanding why. Good for you. :dork:


Your Daddy
Your Daddy
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PostPosted: 01-14-2013 02:58 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I saw The Hobbit. It was just okay.



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PostPosted: 01-14-2013 04:10 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

lol the ending was retarded.

They catch an awesome ride with the eagles...the best fucking taxi service in the world at the time...and when they could have gotten themselves carried all the way to the mountain they instead get dropped off on the top of some precarious peak (that they'll have to climb down) just to stare in retarded awe at their goal in the far off distance like a pack of idiots.

Yo...midget morons...the birds are still buzzing...call them back. At least ask them to carry you down to the valley instead of climbing down sheer cliffs.

I totally LOL'ed about that as well.


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PostPosted: 01-15-2013 12:39 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

there will be blood 9/10. watch it fools.


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PostPosted: 01-16-2013 01:38 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


It looks good a lot of the time, doesn't sound good (sound was one of the strong points of Predator - both musically and the effects), the characters are uninteresting (no fault of the actors, they did a fine job), and though it has some decent action, there is no suspense throughout the whole film, which left every bit of action practically meaningless. "Oh some fighting - who gives a shit?!".
The original was all about suspense and strong characters. Now this one had some strong concepts of characters, but the script/director didn't fill them out at all. So, in the end, the film falls flat on its face, much like a character does in the film when cut down.

Oh and they didn't even make the Predators massive?! They are all our size suddenly? Even when there's a line in the film saying they are "bigger than us"?! Pff!

The story was well realised and I was interested throughout; just I expect more than this from a film. With the Predator story so much could be done better; but I didn't mark it down for that - it doesn't have to live up to a legacy to be worth watching, which, despite its shortcomings, it is!


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PostPosted: 01-16-2013 04:23 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

"I am heavy weapons guy."


Your Other Daddy
Your Other Daddy
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PostPosted: 01-16-2013 08:30 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

"omg, who touched sasha"



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PostPosted: 01-16-2013 09:45 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Sorry man...but if you didn't see Predators you won't get the connection. The joke isn't about TF2 characters.



Your Other Daddy
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PostPosted: 01-17-2013 07:27 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

zero dark thirty 1/10

pile of sheisse



Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 01-17-2013 08:27 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote



Your Other Daddy
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PostPosted: 01-17-2013 08:55 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

yeah, don't bother, unless you want to take a nap for 2+ hrs



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PostPosted: 01-17-2013 09:30 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

xer0s wrote:

lol we all know you'll love it no matter what...because you have no brain.


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 01-24-2013 04:53 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Dark Metal wrote:
I saw The Hobbit. It was just okay.



Kempston Joy
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PostPosted: 01-25-2013 11:54 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


90% crazy wide eyed fight scene 10% story.
was OK, will watch the other two. one for a large HD 3D plasma screen if you can afford one.


Digital Nausea
Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 01-25-2013 02:01 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Django Unchained 9/10

Tarantino can't miss...


Kempston Joy
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PostPosted: 01-25-2013 02:04 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

yes he can, nearly every time.


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PostPosted: 01-26-2013 07:01 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Not really.
Haven't seen django unchained yet, but I enjoyed all previous Tarantino movies.


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PostPosted: 01-28-2013 02:58 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Django Unchained 7/10

A frustrating watch.

It’s a typical Tarantino movie, like almost every other movie he’s done over the last years it manages to both captivate me and annoy the shit out of me at the same time. The scenes with dialogue between the doc, Django and Leo for instance are all very good, very solid stuff. Loved all that.

But i think Tarantino has a major problem with killing his darlings. He seems incapable of making tough creative choices at times, to the detriment of the film. Some scenes really suffer from this… The decision for instance to show Django popping mad caps in cowboys accompanied by wildly out of place rap music makes the whole goddamn scene into a painful parody of itself. Whenever he does something like that i keep thinking jesus, what a waste man, why??. This scene could have been so much better if only A or B. And don’t tell me it’s his style, weaving between 3+ styles is not a style of itself – it’s a director who can’t make a clear choice.

But yeah, i always have that feeling with his movies. Some people say he’s an overrated hack, i don’t agree with that per se… but i do think he would benefit from being a lot stricter with his material.

Skyfall 3/10

Incomprehensible thing about something or another and explosions. I don’t even know what the fuck was going on half the time… I’m either getting too dumb for the new Bond films or they really decided to just say fuckit, let’s just dispense with things like plot.

io chiamo pinguini!


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PostPosted: 01-28-2013 01:12 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

^ sounds a bit like Quantum of Solace: 2 hours of shit happening fast, followed by a lifetime of memory loss over just wtf the movie was even about


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 01-28-2013 01:48 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

The fuck you watch that shit for ?

. : You knows you knows


Your Other Daddy
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PostPosted: 01-28-2013 02:06 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

he likes frodo ;)



Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 01-28-2013 02:15 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Explains the baggins...

Anyone got something I havn't seen but is still good ?, I know it's a challenge. Recently watched The Machinist / The Prestige and they were pretty cool, The Game was dogshite (Aye I havn't long finished raiding IMDB's top 20)

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PostPosted: 01-28-2013 03:01 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

losCHUNK wrote:
The Game was dogshite

You shut yer whore mouth.


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 01-28-2013 03:16 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I was just wondering why the fuck he didn't go 'falling down', I'd of been so fucking pissed which kinda puts a flaw in the whole movie for me. I'm not sure what it wanted to be tho, wether it wanted a twist or a classic mystery then got lost somewhere in the middle, mumbling it's answers in the meantime. Better end than LOST tho :smirk:

A shit movie I loved was 'Triangle' tho, started watching thinking it was something completely different, then 'Time Crimes' and was well impressed with both :up:

. : You knows you knows


Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
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PostPosted: 01-29-2013 12:51 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

did u watch the director's or the cinema cut?
theres different endings ysee


I'm the dude!
I'm the dude!
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PostPosted: 01-29-2013 08:04 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Skyfall - 5/10

I'm pretty sure that's not how cyanide works. Aside from creepy dentures, the villian wasn't particularly menacing. I mean, what exactly was his specialty? Was he supposed to be some kind of super hacker? That would make him more of a match against Q than 007. And wtf was up with his master plan, he just happened to know exactly what people would do at exactly the right time? Seemed like it depended on too many perfect coincidences to be reliable.

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PostPosted: 01-29-2013 12:18 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

silent hill revelation - 1/10
really enjoyed the first one, genuinely spooky atmosphere and did a good job of putting silent hill up on the big screen. for a video game adaption, it was a great movie.
this isn't great; this is bad, like accidentally swigging rotten milk bad. easily the worst movie i've seen since resident evil explodation or whatever the fuck it was called.

django unchained - 8/10
too long, too much n-word - pretty much everything ryoki said, but with one whole extra point just for the nodding horse.

skyfall - 3/10
can't say why without massive spoilers, but didn't like where they went with this at all. i get that they were worried about losing the franchise altogether, but this was an overload of randomly plundered source material.

headhunters - 7/10
excellent black comedy/thriller.

man with the iron fists - 7/10
would've given it more if the cast didn't look they were enjoying themselves so much.

dredd - 7/10
made for pennies, but the costume is perfect, the story's good enough and it sets the world up well for the 2 sequels that probably won't get made.

prince of the city - 8/10
solid 80's crime drama.


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PostPosted: 01-29-2013 03:57 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

losCHUNK wrote:
I was just wondering why the fuck he didn't go 'falling down', I'd of been so fucking pissed which kinda puts a flaw in the whole movie for me. I'm not sure what it wanted to be tho, wether it wanted a twist or a classic mystery then got lost somewhere in the middle, mumbling it's answers in the meantime. Better end than LOST tho :smirk:

Yer a fag and you're mixing up two characters the same actor happened to play.

Nicholas Van Orton was a privledged loner who kept everyone at arms length and was slowly becoming like the father he loathed: only caring about himself to the detriment of his relationships with friends and family. It was never in his character to go "falling down" because he was never as desperate as Falling Down's 'D-Fens' character until the very end of the movie. The character 'D-Fens' was desperate and well into his "fall" before that story even began. In The Game, it's Nicholas Van Orton's arc, as he was counting his money at the beginning and it's only at the end where he - now actually giving a shit about other people - had any chance of "falling down". But then the movie ended.

I seriously believe you missed the point of a brillant film and you should perhaps watch it again.

P.S. I'm pretty sure if there was a sequel to The Game that if Nicholas Van Orton were somehow thrown back into it, he'd recognize the signs, grab an Uzi and bring the pain to whoever is fucking him over. He'd never call his lawyers, he'd fix the problem himself. Not sure, though.

Last edited by GONNAFISTYA on 01-29-2013 04:32 PM, edited 1 time in total.


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PostPosted: 01-29-2013 04:33 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Hmmmmmmmmmm.....zomboob nurses.


no homo
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PostPosted: 01-29-2013 04:35 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
That's a shame to hear. I liked SH. Captured the creepyness of the first couple games to a tee I thought, bar the completely out of context zomboob nurses.


Thick, solid and tight in all the right places.


no homo
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PostPosted: 01-29-2013 06:19 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Yeah I can spell.

Thick, solid and tight in all the right places.


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 01-29-2013 07:21 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


MKJ wrote:
did u watch the director's or the cinema cut?
theres different endings ysee

I see :D, I'll double check but it was the one where he shoots his bro then believes he can fly

losCHUNK wrote:
I was just wondering why the fuck he didn't go 'falling down', I'd of been so fucking pissed which kinda puts a flaw in the whole movie for me. I'm not sure what it wanted to be tho, wether it wanted a twist or a classic mystery then got lost somewhere in the middle, mumbling it's answers in the meantime. Better end than LOST tho :smirk:

Yer a fag and you're mixing up two characters the same actor happened to play.

Nicholas Van Orton was a privledged loner who kept everyone at arms length and was slowly becoming like the father he loathed: only caring about himself to the detriment of his relationships with friends and family. It was never in his character to go "falling down" because he was never as desperate as Falling Down's 'D-Fens' character until the very end of the movie. The character 'D-Fens' was desperate and well into his "fall" before that story even began. In The Game, it's Nicholas Van Orton's arc, as he was counting his money at the beginning and it's only at the end where he - now actually giving a shit about other people - had any chance of "falling down". But then the movie ended.

I seriously believe you missed the point of a brillant film and you should perhaps watch it again.

P.S. I'm pretty sure if there was a sequel to The Game that if Nicholas Van Orton were somehow thrown back into it, he'd recognize the signs, grab an Uzi and bring the pain to whoever is fucking him over. He'd never call his lawyers, he'd fix the problem himself. Not sure, though.

Lol sorry mate, I kinda meant that's prolly what my reaction would have been and only drew a connection because of the actor. I know where your coming from and I know I missed the point even though I'm pretty sure I understood it, I just can't see it :smirk:, anyone who got put through all that would've walked off that pillow and gave everyone the big 'fuck you'.

I'm not convinced by the story arcs either, they couldn't of guaranteed the actions went the way they did (shooting his bro for example, or jumping off where he did maybe ?), even the actor saying that 'my job was to throw you off if you didn't jump' kinda makes the cunt clensing a bit pointless. I felt it was an anti climax, with the killer twist being that it's what they said it was in the 1st place and I thought the end would have been better if he ended up as a pizza on the pavement, maybe the alternative version will please my criticism

looking forward to the sequel n all, sounding epic :up:


. : You knows you knows


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 01-29-2013 07:34 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
you'd know

He's like the paperclip, I'm pretty sure that's what he did for a living before he ended up here

. : You knows you knows


Unquantifiable Abstract
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PostPosted: 01-30-2013 02:51 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote


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