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PostPosted: 10-15-2013 07:12 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

The best way to deal with any problem is to punch it with a giant robot.


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PostPosted: 10-15-2013 07:17 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

GONNAFISTYA is the new sliver of the movie thread....


Truffle Shuffle
Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 10-15-2013 07:19 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

The best way to deal with any problem is to punch it with a giant robot.

Exactly !, but don't include a love interest because it over complicates the punching shit with a robot bit

. : You knows you knows


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PostPosted: 10-19-2013 10:26 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Gravity: 9/10

The only fault I can think of is that it's rather overscored. Sometimes the environmental noise would have been better than swelling dramatic music

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Cool #9
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PostPosted: 10-19-2013 09:44 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I watched Skyfall yesterday. What can I say? It's shit out of 10? I dunno, maybe I'm getting too old for this type of movie, but they're trying to pass so much bullshit as fact that it's getting laughable.


Just another Earthling
Just another Earthling
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PostPosted: 10-22-2013 01:08 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

About Time

Great parts by Bill Nighy, Domhnall Gleeson & Rachel McAdams

Good story and entertaining enough



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PostPosted: 10-25-2013 07:43 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Skateboard Video
H Street - "Hokus Pokus" (1989) (full-length on YT)

We used that vid to pump us up before we went off shredding.
It changed the way skatevids were made. Fuck story - show tricks. Show amazing combos.
Features pisspoor audio. But that's the way it was back then. Free demo tapes from some punk bands (stil pretty great tracks, though), recorded on VHS, imported from the US. Quite difficult to get in germany.
It also changed the way my friends and me percepted our surroundings. Suddenly it was like "Yeah, we could do that down those steps" or "grind that thing and than ollie onto that" etc. Great memories.

Gave me goosebumps, as I could recall every and all commentator's lines.

And fuck Hawk, hail to Mullen.


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PostPosted: 10-25-2013 09:42 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Whiskey 7 wrote:
About Time

Great parts by Bill Nighy, Domhnall Gleeson & Rachel McAdams

Good story and entertaining enough



I like time traveling movies, admittedly mainly to nerd out, and gleefully see how they get things wrong.
But with Richard Curtis at the helm this might actually be quality.
Gonna check it out :up:


Just another Earthling
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PostPosted: 10-28-2013 03:15 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Source Code

A soldier wakes up in the body of another man discovers his mission is to find the bomber of a Chicago commuter train and prevent a dirty bomb explosion.

The mention of time travel intrigued me. He was able to go back and re live the same events always being better prepared for the next trip, only lasting 8 minutes there he was able to change a future.

Yes, not bad. 6.5/10


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PostPosted: 10-29-2013 08:40 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Would have been better if it ended with the time freeze

I love quake!


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PostPosted: 10-29-2013 09:41 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Whiskey 7 wrote:
Source Code

[spoilers deleted]

The mention of time travel intrigued me.

[spoilers deleted]

Yes, not bad. 6.5/10

Having seen the film, I think you just spoiled the whole plot there, Whiskey 7. Glad I've already seen it.

Iron Man 3

Despite a slightly complicated (and quite good) plot and being 2 hours long, not much happens in this film. The special effects set-pieces seemed to need a bigger screen than I watched it on, and maybe 3D aswell, to be as dramatic as the director seemed to want them to be. Maybe one to watch again when I have a great big screen. Not really suited to small screen viewing, in other words. That's fair enough; I'm not really faulting the director for that; I want films made for the big screen; I intend to get one eventually and have stuff to watch on it that makes it worth having.

As a result of not really appreciating the action set-pieces (small screen), I noticed the lack somewhat of character development more (than I would have). Geared more towards action, without the action being so great, the film doesn't have much to offer. There is some character development, yes; but the interesting personalities that the previous 2 films had don't get much chance to interact, cause any of that has to make way for another action set-piece befire it can really develop.

Bascically, too much time is given over to action sequences and not enough to the characters themselves. At least on a small screen, that much is noticible to the point of making the film at times uninspiring and pretty undramatic; for, without compelling characterisation (fault: director; the acting was fine) why would we particularly care what happens to any of the characters? :olo: Of course we still care, it's not that bad, but it could be so much better.

The director doesn't seem to realise what good actors he's got playing Iron Man and Pepper Potts, or doesn't particularly care. It seems a lot of opportunity for great drama was wasted.

Even the wedding was blink-and-you'll-miss-it: just a 3 second fade in from black shot of them standing married then fade out to black during a montage of such fades. This is in a 2 hour long film, too; as if they didn't have time.

Despite all this, I was left wanting more, and look forward to a sequel. I just hope that the director allows for - basically - more acting in it.


Just another Earthling
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PostPosted: 10-29-2013 11:15 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Mercury Rising

Good solid Bruce Willis movie :up:
Some bad guys in an American Security Agency and their effort to kill a nine-year old autistic savant because he's able to decipher a top secret code.


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PostPosted: 10-30-2013 03:16 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

DTS wrote:

Any recent hollywood "blockbuster"

Despite being 2 hours long, not much happens in this film. The special effects set-pieces seemed to need a bigger screen than I watched it on, and maybe 3D aswell, to be as dramatic as the director seemed to want them to be.

As a result of not really appreciating the action set-pieces (small screen), I noticed the lack somewhat of character development more (than I would have). Geared more towards action, without the action being so great, the film doesn't have much to offer. There is some character development, yes; but the interesting personalities that the previous films had don't get much chance to interact, cause any of that has to make way for another action set-piece befire it can really develop.

Bascically, too much time is given over to action sequences and not enough to the characters themselves. At least on a small screen, that much is noticible to the point of making the film at times uninspiring and pretty undramatic; for, without compelling characterisation (fault: director; the acting was fine) why would we particularly care what happens to any of the characters? :olo: Of course we still care, it's not that bad, but it could be so much better.

Despite all this, I was left wanting more, and look forward to a sequel. I just hope that the director allows for - basically - more acting in it.



Just another Earthling
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PostPosted: 10-30-2013 12:59 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain Phillips

Tom Hanks at his best :up:

Captain Richard Phillips of the US-flagged MV Maersk Alabama (cargo ship) and the true story of the 2009 hijacking that was the first American cargo ship in two hundred years to be hijacked. The hijacking by Somali pirates of the African coast in international waters.

Really good. See it!


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PostPosted: 10-30-2013 05:46 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Man of Tai Chi 7/10

Tai Chi isn't a form of martial art normally attributed to combative fighting, instead most people tend to have a mental image of a bunch of old Chinese people practicing it in slow motion in the park. This balance between Tai Chi as both a peaceful exercise and a powerful martial art is what this movie is about. A Tai Chi martial arts competitor (Tiger Chen, oddly playing a character by the same name) is manipulated (by Keanu Reeves) into fighting in an illegal arena for blood sport. His innocence is lost as he is driven by his need for money and power, and starts climbing the ranks in the illegal arena. A cop faces opposition and sparse leads to try to shut it down in time before it claims more lives.

Overall, it's a great kung-fu movie with lots of action and choreography, though a little unbelievable in plot. What the movie suffers from the most is, well... two things: (1) The odd mix of east and west directing styles and (2) more tragically, Keanu Reeves.

(1) The movie takes place entirely in China (mainland and Hong Kong) so I wish they would just leave it at that and stick with the style seen in Chinese martial arts movies, but instead they mixed it with odd bits of Hollywood - weird Matrix style camera filters, epilepsy inducing strobe light effects, and unforgivably unnecessary CGI special effects.

(2) Keanu Reeves' acting is nothing short of terrible and cheesy, and since he directed this movie I blame him for confusing a Chinese martial arts movie with a Matrixesque sequel. So really, there is only one thing wrong with this movie, fuck Keanu.

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Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 10-30-2013 05:59 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

lol, who are you trying to impress?


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PostPosted: 10-31-2013 12:02 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Keanu is great, you fuckin nerd.


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 11-06-2013 08:26 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Enders Game - :olo: (I expected that)
The Last Days on Mars - I liked it, don't hate me :/. 28 days later meets mission to mars but on a tiny budget.
Wolverine - Utter bollocks

Captain Phillips -

alright, this is a cool movie. I'd also be one fucked off Captain if I was that dude. But all through the movie I couldn't help but think, how fucking stupid do you have to be to get kidnapped by pirates with one of these on the back ?


. : You knows you knows


Kempston Joy
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PostPosted: 11-08-2013 11:19 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

World war Z. 1/10. What a waste.


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PostPosted: 11-09-2013 08:12 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Yeah, only good thing was that zombie wall thing.
That sour faced ginger from The Killing as Pitt's wife didn't help much either.


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PostPosted: 11-09-2013 08:23 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

losCHUNK wrote:
The Last Days on Mars - I liked it, don't hate me :/

Was the definition of "meh", imo :shrug:


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 11-09-2013 08:34 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I dunno I thought it was alright at the least, worth checking out if your short on sci fi imo. Better than what's on TV innit ?

Zombies on Mars should give you some idea of its direction so wasn't expecting much to begin with :)

. : You knows you knows


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PostPosted: 11-09-2013 09:55 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

losCHUNK wrote:
Better than what's on TV innit ?

Although...scratch that; haven't watched "tv" in over 5 years now, so wouldn't really know.
The tv doodad from my all-in-one provider has been collecting dust on top of some cupboard somewhere.
Get shunned by some colleagues, thinking I'm elitist because I'm not up to speed on some reality wankfest bullshit, but fuck that.

Regarding LDoM, I was somehow just expecting more in the vein of Moon and Europa Report, The Thing mixed in there even, but got a rather mediocre uneventful drama. They should have borrowed a page from something like Splinter to really hit home the awful menacing threat.
I liked the ending, though, and the general premise was sound; no ridiculous creepy crawling lifeforms (that would have been detected a lot sooner), but a "malevolent" microorganism.
Yet, a malevolent microorganism? Why would a microorganism infect alien lifeforms to become obvious aggressive zombies? To procreate it would be much more effective to infect them unnoticably. The biology just isn't there.

Anyway, I'm probably overthinking things, but it was just a bit of a let down for me.


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 11-09-2013 10:52 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Can't argue with that and it did borrow / steal from other shows which I thought was cute. If you can remember Leviathon and Deep Star 6 it was kinda a throwback to them movies, which were more an extended episode of X files / outer limits. When the guy had to crawl through the shaft to re connect comms like Bishop in Aliens I laughed.

It was a brainless flick but the acting was good, the scenery was also good, the effects weren't bad (way better than syfy) so I welcomed it. The ending was also cool which I think a lot of films struggle with these days.

Europa Report and Moon are twice the movie of this, Moon was quality imo and one of my favs even if it was predictable. Seen Pandorum ?


Like you I don't bother with TV so am left bottom feeding on stuff like this :D

. : You knows you knows


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PostPosted: 11-09-2013 11:05 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

losCHUNK wrote:
the effects weren't bad

Yeah, they were. Those incoming dust clouds? Screamed FAAAKE.
Although I understand "organic" stuff like that is hard to CGI, looks fake in every movie, even if the budget is 200M.

losCHUNK wrote:
Seen Pandorum ?

I did. Don't remember much though, because quite severely inebriated at the time. Just remember Ben Foster doing stuff at consoles and running through corridors for some reason.
Worth a sober rewatch?


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 11-09-2013 11:12 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

lol yea that's fair enough, I did say better than SyFy ;).

And doubt it, it's just something worth checking out if you havn't seen tho. It hasn't got a memorable plot.

Timecrimes ? -


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PostPosted: 11-09-2013 11:25 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Weird you mention that movie. That's one of the best movies I ever watched.
Also spammed this thread urging ppl to see it, I think.
If you want to see time travel done right, watch this. Primer was ok, but this is the shit.


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 11-09-2013 11:38 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

If you seen that then there's no point in recommending you anything else :D

I found it completely by accident, I watched this film which has a similar story then somehow found a comment about Timecrimes on a review site (I liked this movie) -


Which I also found because I was looking for this that ended up being shit as fuck -


Timecrimes is quality though, mentioned it a few pages back but seeing as I like these kind of films anyway I wasn't sure if I was showing a personnel preference like I've obviously done with LDoM :up: .

. : You knows you knows


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PostPosted: 11-09-2013 11:58 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Yeah, seen those, which were also quality.

I'm disappointed there are so few films that deal with the subject matter so honestly and accurately, though.
I mean, this fascination with time travel, I think everyone has it.
But movies dealing with it usually get fucked up, with other trivial shit getting in the way, as if the concept itself isn't interesting enough.


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PostPosted: 11-10-2013 07:06 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Ender's Game - 2/10 - Granted, I've read the book many, many times. But it would have been far worse if I hadn't. The movie just didn't make any sense. They tried to squeeze everything in, which left it like reading every fifth page of the book. It's less a story and more a list of characters (luckily everyone's wearing name tags) and things that happen for no apparent reason. You have no clue what's going on, what the characters' motives are, who the characters even are, etc etc. Card clearly just wanted the paycheck and let Gavin Hood do whatever he wanted... with the product being even worse than XMen First Class (which also didn't make any sense).


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PostPosted: 11-10-2013 07:32 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

x-men first class was a solid 6/7 out of 10, so I guess ender's game is like a 5?

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PostPosted: 11-10-2013 11:52 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I'd heard of Ender's Game but never took an interest. I actually lolled at the trailer when it came out.

It's been apparent the last few years that Harrison Ford either just doesn't care anymore or he's relegated to being typecast as a grumpy old man....which ironically is how I envision an older Han Solo.

I forsee a very disappointing appearance of Han Solo's character in the upcoming Star Wars films (of COURSE Han Solo will appear in every one of them...gotta make the money from the toys and the soda drinks and the Burger King tie-ins and the Millenium Falcon lego set and makin the money and takin in the cheques and gettin the cheddar....duh)


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PostPosted: 11-10-2013 02:04 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

and watching lucas become jabba the hutt



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PostPosted: 11-10-2013 05:20 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

$10 says we see an elderly Jar-Jar Binks in Ep 7


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PostPosted: 11-10-2013 07:39 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

feedback wrote:
x-men first class was a solid 6/7 out of 10, so I guess ender's game is like a 5?

my fault, it's X-Men Origins Wolverine that he did and not First Class. I stand by my 2/10.

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