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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 11:41 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Ok...I'll bite: You created a thread wherein you bragged not just about slapping some woman in a bar, within the same thread you also bragged about beating up the guy who put a boot on your car and told everyone here that the last you saw of the man (after admitting to also taking his money) was his feet sticking out of a bush. Several people here sorta cheered you on. But then I remember bashing you and saying that you beat up a guy for doing nothing more than his job and seem like a nutter. Then right after I made that post other's started bashing you and the thread you created to brag about your anti-social behaviour blew up in your face. It must have really pissed you off because soon after that you put me on your ignore list.

lol @ remembering 7 year old internet forum posts in such exquisite detail. is quake3world.com really such a crucial part of your life that you specifically remember stuff like that? that's just as much of a sociopathetic trait as punching some girl in a bar.


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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 11:51 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

lol brisk....wtf man?

You and I have never had issues on anything before and because we disagreed in this thread you're gonna play this game now?

To answer your question: I simply have a good memory. I'm sure everyone remembers gramps yellow computer, it doesn't make them obsessed.


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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 11:58 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

you're both coming off as enormous cunts. one for going back 10 years to dig up the past like a menstruating woman and the other one, being two butter-flaps away from loosing all karma accumulated from supposed life changing attitude, cause I'm pretty sure if you had gonnablowya in front of you , you'd want to punch him in the face.

and don't bother directing what little energy you have left towards me, I'm just going to ignore you...something you should have both done 3 pages ago.


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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 12:02 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

lol brisk....wtf man?

You and I have never had issues on anything before and because we disagreed in this thread you're gonna play this game now?

To answer your question: I simply have a good memory. I'm sure everyone remembers gramps yellow computer, it doesn't make them obsessed.

I don't have issues with you or anyone at this forum sir. Life is too short for that and it never matters in the grand scheme of things anyway. But remembering 7 year old internet events in detail like that just comes across as a little creepy/internet obsessive in my opinion. I think I have a good memory too, but the whole point of memory storage (from what I understand it) is to filter out the unimportant stuff so that long-term memory can be used for the crucial, life-affirmative moments and events. Dunno about the rest of you, but that doesn't leave much room for quake3world.


The Afflicted
The Afflicted
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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 12:10 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Tsakali wrote:
you're both coming off as enormous cunts. one for going back 10 years to dig up the past like a menstruating woman and the other one, being two butter-flaps away from loosing all karma accumulated from supposed life changing attitude, cause I'm pretty sure if you had gonnablowya in front of you , you'd want to punch him in the face.

Are you serious?

I'd buy him a beer if we were in the same room. I don't have hate for anyone.


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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 12:28 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

i seem to remember years ago you saying that GKY was the one person here you really hated. i may be remembering that wrong, of course, since i'm (apparently) old and also don't really care either way and also you might have been taking the piss - all equally valid reasons for that anecdote being apocryphal

also: what was this thread about again? oh yeah, a new id software game, with vehicles in. it'll probably be similar to most id games after Q3A - hotly anticipated and then a little disappointing

the driving looks fun though


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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 12:29 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

also, a pre-emptive 'fuck u...' to anyone who says that fps games with vehicles in are gay. i'm looking at you in particular, geoffrey


The Afflicted
The Afflicted
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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 12:43 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

seremtan wrote:
i seem to remember years ago you saying that GKY was the one person here you really hated. i may be remembering that wrong, of course, since i'm (apparently) old and also don't really care either way and also you might have been taking the piss - all equally valid reasons for that anecdote being apocryphal

also: what was this thread about again? oh yeah, a new id software game, with vehicles in. it'll probably be similar to most id games after Q3A - hotly anticipated and then a little disappointing

the driving looks fun though

Nah, it can't have been GKY I said that about. Unless we had real bad beef or something, I don't remember having any run-ins with him.

Definitely had close-to-hatred feelings for some people here though, there was a guy who had Frank Drebin from Police Squad as his avatar, I fucking despised that guy. Unless that's GKY?


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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 01:07 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

seremtan wrote:
also, a pre-emptive 'fuck u...' to anyone who says that fps games with vehicles in are gay. i'm looking at you in particular, geoffrey

then it should be called FPD....fuck you....



the watching eye
the watching eye
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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 01:19 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I think I will quite enjoy Rage. Just as I'm currently enjoying Portal 2. And just as I have enjoyed Doom 3, Mass Effect, Arkham Asylum and numerous other games.

If anyone won't, that's their loss.


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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 03:01 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Yeahso wrote:
Definitely had close-to-hatred feelings for some people here though, there was a guy who had Frank Drebin from Police Squad as his avatar, I fucking despised that guy. Unless that's GKY?

That guy's nick was indeed Frank Drebin (wasn't me) and I also remember that hilarious "Streetbrawla Cunt" gif you made of him. I think everyone hated him and I believe he was eaten by a gang of angry puppies....he was that much of a prick.


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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 03:24 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

omg i still have that



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i liek boobies
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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 04:07 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Getting the thread back on topic, I think we should revisit the car analogy. It showed a lot of promise.

Rage is sort of like the Ford Model T of video games [gameplay-wise], but one into which they've transplanted a modern F1 engine [id Tech 5]. So it's going to generate a lot of power, but you're not going to get much of it on the ground [no traction so to speak]. It doesn't have a lot of the modern bells and whistles we now take for granted like bells, whistles, air conditioner and power windows. Sure, id Software have put in a pretty nice stereo, but what good is a stereo without a decent set of speakers to drive, eh? And that basically is the crux of the issue with Rage.

Ironically enough, the crossover action/RPG games like Deus Ex, SS2, ME2 etc. are more like the car from Rage. They're highly customizable and rugged, they stand up well in varying types of terrain and environmental conditions [that is, they appeal to a broader set of gamers]. Good suspension and offroadability, great stearing [story/plot and dialogue] and nitrous boosts are all features that really make them stand out from your conventional forms of 4 wheeled vehicular transportation. Is it any wonder they seem like a whole lot more fun than a Ford Model T?

To bring the analogy to it's mind blowing conclusion, imagine they're pitted against each other in a 1km race, with each meter corresponding to one tenth of a percentage in your typical game rating. That is to say, a car that completes 500m scores a 50% rating. The F1 engine powered Ford Model T will get off to a great start for sure, but the lack of traction, terrible wheels and suspension will make sure it doesn't last. Moreover, the structural integrity of its chassis will no doubt begin to crumble and disintegrate under the awesome g-forces exerted by its modern powerplant. Prediction = violenty flung forward to a decent start, it collapses in a fiery heap of debris and internal organs somewhere near the 600-650m mark.

The Rage car [crossover action/RPG games] however, starts off a bit more modestly but with a quick dash of nitrous boost it's quickly speeding off to consistent 850m+ runs. Add to this the possibility that the race itself might be conducted in uneven and/or rocky terrain. Advantage? The Rage car [crossover action/RPG games] of course. And if there are any monsters on the race track? Sure the Ford Model T might take a few down as it goes down in its blaze of glory, but the Rage car [crossover action/RPG games] has guns to shoot them down with.


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PostPosted: 04-23-2011 04:32 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

^ reader's digest version: monster closets + megatextures + tech demo = id game


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PostPosted: 04-24-2011 09:16 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Whatever comparisons are made, I will be comparing this one to HL2. In that context, the lack of RPG elements is much less confusing. We are looking at something that was created as a reaction from Id to the success of their rival Valve.

So the questions:

Can Id create puzzle elements in their levels that match the ingenuity of HL2's?


Is that a relevant question as Portal1/2 have now taken to physics-puzzle concept to it's current zenith WELL beyond what HL2 offered?


Can Id offer something different but equally compelling to HL2'a puzzles?

at worst...

Can a watered-down HL2 clone with better vehicles and "better" graphics be "good enough" to keep the Id ship rolling 'till Doom 4? (probably)

Oddly, the comments about Rage have a lot of parallels to Doom 3 in that the scenes, art-style, etc all imply a different type of game. It's as if some of the designers have high-minded concepts (Doom 3 as a pure survival horror title, Rage as a Fallout 3 style RPG\Shooter hybrid) but someone up-top is saying "We're Id software. Our fans just wanna shoot stuff. Stop fucking around and make your game into a god-damned shooter!"

If that's the case, at least one of two things needs to happen:

1) Get designers who revel in the shoot-fest mentality (ala Painkiller or gulp... Bulletstorm... nah, just Painkiller).

2) Let the existing designers follow their muse to it's proper fruition and widen the Id audience to include fans of other genres.

If BOTH scenarios were in effect, then new IP's could be more diverse and old-school IP's could continue their decadent traditions. Right now it feels like uncomfortable compromises are being made. (Trying to please everyone yet pleasing nobody).


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PostPosted: 04-24-2011 09:20 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

why would you compare rage to HL2... seems silly

io chiamo pinguini!


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PostPosted: 04-24-2011 11:01 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Why would anyone want to compare Rage to any other game, for that matter? It seems silly to me to do so since it's like expecting Rage to be like game X and if it's too much like game Y it's not favorable to one's particular game style. I think Rage is going to be a shooter with some basic RPG and racing elements mixed in to change things up a bit - a fusion of X, Y and Z, but mostly shooter. The fact that no one can quite classify it with any other game suggests to me that Rage will be in it's own little category, and is thus a little original, and trying to compare it with anything else is rather futile. So why don't we all just wait for the game to come out and play it before setting yourselves up for all sorts of expectations of how Rage will be like game X or Y, because in all likelihood it won't be either.

I'm reminded of when ETQW was coming out and it was hailed as a "Battlefield killer" but when it played nothing like Battlefield, all the Battlefield nerds got into a really big huff and criticized the game because the gameplay was completely different than what they were expecting. ETQW was a perfectly amazing game and had quite a following among the Wolf:ET players, but it IS called Enemy Territory for a reason, not Battlefield: Quake Wars. Quite simply, expecting a game to be something it's not will probably cloud your judgement and ruin it for you.

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PostPosted: 04-24-2011 11:18 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Don't kid yourself, ETQW was shit.


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 04-24-2011 12:20 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain Mazda wrote:
Don't kid yourself, ETQW was shit.

Wrong. It was excellent.


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PostPosted: 04-24-2011 12:20 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I think Mazda is confusing ETQW with the bottom of his pants.

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PostPosted: 04-24-2011 12:29 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

That, or he sucked at it.


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PostPosted: 04-24-2011 01:29 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I'm betting on the " he sucked at it" angle, cause once I invited him to play some QL:CA and after 6 rounds of him sucking he started bitching about how he hates CA and why we weren't playing CTF shortly before he disconnected :olo:


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PostPosted: 04-24-2011 01:50 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

If ETQW is so great, how come no one even plays it anymore? Not even obsidian, the guy who plays video games 24/7 touches ETQW. What's the matter, is it too good to play? rofl

Tsakali wrote:
I'm betting on the " he sucked at it" angle, cause once I invited him to play some QL:CA and after 6 rounds of him sucking he started bitching about how he hates CA and why we weren't playing CTF shortly before he disconnected :olo:

I haven't touched QL in years, but I bet I'd make you cry in 1v1.


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PostPosted: 04-24-2011 02:08 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain Mazda wrote:
If ETQW is so great, how come no one even plays it anymore? Not even obsidian, the guy who plays video games 24/7 touches ETQW. What's the matter, is it too good to play? rofl

People get interested in other things, they move on. It was 4 years ago. Are you still playing all the same games that you thought were great from 4 years ago?


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PostPosted: 04-24-2011 02:17 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

you need to go on irc and say that, nerge


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PostPosted: 04-24-2011 02:37 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Scourge wrote:
Captain Mazda wrote:
If ETQW is so great, how come no one even plays it anymore? Not even obsidian, the guy who plays video games 24/7 touches ETQW. What's the matter, is it too good to play? rofl

People get interested in other things, they move on. It was 4 years ago. Are you still playing all the same games that you thought were great from 4 years ago?

Once in a while, I might play GRID. That's from 2008. Doom 3 is from 2004. Crysis? 2007. I was regularly playing NHL 2004 before I bought NHL 11 on Xbox. That's another 2003 game. And I won't even mention StarControl II from 1992.

Face it nerdge, you've never played ETQW and trying to get a word in here makes you look like an angry, out-of-control hillbilly :up:


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PostPosted: 04-24-2011 03:54 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain Mazda wrote:
Once in a while, I might play GRID. That's from 2008. Doom 3 is from 2004. Crysis? 2007. I was regularly playing NHL 2004 before I bought NHL 11 on Xbox. That's another 2003 game. And I won't even mention StarControl II from 1992.

Face it nerdge, you've never played ETQW and trying to get a word in here makes you look like an angry, out-of-control hillbilly :up:

I understand all that. I still play games from the 80's. I guess there are no games that you thought were great that you just don't play anymore? None? Those are the only ones that you thought were good?


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PostPosted: 04-25-2011 12:23 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Captain Mazda wrote:
If ETQW is so great, how come no one even plays it anymore? Not even obsidian, the guy who plays video games 24/7 touches ETQW. What's the matter, is it too good to play? rofl.

I still play ETQW at least 3 times a week. I've also seen Plan B online as well.

Don't kid yourself, there are loads of servers that are full of players (as in full...no slots left...find another server).


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PostPosted: 04-25-2011 12:25 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

obsidian wrote:
I'm reminded of when ETQW was coming out and it was hailed as a "Battlefield killer" but when it played nothing like Battlefield, all the Battlefield nerds got into a really big huff and criticized the game because the gameplay was completely different than what they were expecting.

I have to point out to you (and of course come off as angry while doing so) that even if ETQW was exactly like Battlefield the Battlefield nerds would still bash it.

This has been my overarching point this whole thread: people don't care if they sound retarded or fickle...if they want to complain about something, they'll complain.


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PostPosted: 04-25-2011 12:40 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
Noone plays Quake Wars because quite literally, noone plays Quake Wars. There's the odd server, but it's pretty dead. It's still a great game, but i blame it's somewhat lousy beginnings and unpopularity on it's steep learning curve and the fact it crushed anything but a top-notch rig, or ran like a drunken 3-legged giraffe at the time.

Sorry...that's just not true.

Launch the game right now and see how many people are playing it.
As to the steep learning curve, you're completely correct. And it probably did hurt its popularity, but the way I see it the mindless can go play Battlefield. :)
As to the engine crushing anything but a top-notch rig...uhm...I played the first year of the game with a P4, 2 GB of RAM and a GeForce 5900. It's quite scalable. While I realize that bashing id Software's engines is popular with some people in this thread, John Carmack is a master at creating stable, scalable and robust game engines that can run on most systems made since Adam and Steve killed a talking snake.


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PostPosted: 04-25-2011 04:27 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I still play ETQW at least 3 times a week. I've also seen Plan B online as well.

Yup, I hop in about twice a week.
Always find good servers, with good, balanced 10v10 or 12v12 teams.
It's all pros that know their shit, and the interesting, strategic gameplay keeps me coming back.
Unlike more current MP games like CODMW2 or BFBC2 where it's usually a ffa shitfest without strategy, and where noobs are only concerned with their own stats.


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PostPosted: 04-25-2011 06:31 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Plan B wrote:
I still play ETQW at least 3 times a week. I've also seen Plan B online as well.

Yup, I hop in about twice a week.
Always find good servers, with good, balanced 10v10 or 12v12 teams.
It's all pros that know their shit, and the interesting, strategic gameplay keeps me coming back.
Unlike more current MP games like CODMW2 or BFBC2 where it's usually a ffa shitfest without strategy, and where noobs are only concerned with their own stats.

See this is a common fallacy. The ETQW player base is now reduced to the point where it's only the dedicated types still playing. There's very low influx of new players and virtually no casuals. So yeah, you'll get worthy opponents and teammates in pretty much every game you join.

BFBC2 by contrast still attracts a lot of casual players and new players. Your odds of finding newbs and bad players is much higher for this reason (and only this reason).

The trick to getting deep skilled matches in popular, modern games is to head away from the pubs and join pickup games or clan scrims. This was the case back when Q3 was popular, too.


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PostPosted: 04-25-2011 06:47 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Having not played ETQW at all and being a huge BC2 fanboy, imma possibly surprise you lot by saying that BC2 does indeed have very limited strategic gameplay on most maps.

BC2 at it's core is mostly a 'storm that position soldier' kind of deal. Which is fine by me, the smartest i'll ever get is sneaking around an objective or enemy firepoint and blasting bad guys in the face from the flank - or tossing a bunch of smoke in a righteous area, allowing my whole team to move up. Don't think i personally have a use for much deeper thinking than that in my shooters to be honest... it'd just get in the way of all the running and shooting stuff i love so much :smirk:

Having said that, a squad with voicecoms that knows what it's doing will pretty much consistently own a server. But then i guess that goes for most games like this.

io chiamo pinguini!

Last edited by Ryoki on 04-25-2011 06:50 AM, edited 1 time in total.


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PostPosted: 04-25-2011 06:48 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Foo wrote:
See this is a common fallacy. The ETQW player base is now reduced to the point where it's only the dedicated types still playing. There's very low influx of new players and virtually no casuals. So yeah, you'll get worthy opponents and teammates in pretty much every game you join.

That's pretty much the case for every game after a few years. All these kind of games have a shelf life afterall. The hardcore stay with it and the few noobs who want to play are just too intimidated to learn it. QW is the obvious example, but it's even happened to L4D2 now too. Just try a game of team versus and 90% of the time, it is the exclusive domain of professional teams who only want to play confogl/competitive configs. This further leads to the less-skilled teams going on to pubstomp in open pub lobbies, but I digress.

So yeah, you get your current pro stock, but the player base never rises. It just slowly dwindles. It's both a good and a bad thing really.


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 04-25-2011 07:15 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

ETQW is a game that demands teamwork. I still have it installed. I should fire that shit up.

Team HOMO rides again!

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